THIGHS By Juliane Kristine Morris
Nice, toned thighs are beach goals! The sun is out, and the swimsuits are on to bask in the glory of summer! Reaching your goal for those beach worthy thighs can be as simple as following these 4 exercises below. Remember to increase the intensity, add weights or bands and increase reps and the number of sets.
Barbell Back Squat Squats are one of the most popular leg building and booty building exercises. Set barbell to your customized height on the squat rack (with or without weight) Step underneath the barbell and let it rest on your upper back muscles. Place your hands on both sides of the bar. W hile keeping your core engaged and your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, lift the bar off the rack and step forward to begin squat. Begin to move downwards into a 90-degree angle, keeping your core engaged. Push back to standing position through your heels and squeeze your glutes. Repeat 10-12 reps 3 sets.
Glute Bridge Glute Bridges are known for relieving lower-back pain and strengthening your quads, hamstrings, and glutes! L ie face up on a mat with your knees up, feet flat and chin tucked. D rive your pelvis and hips upwards, while keeping your core engaged and back neutral. Squeeze your glutes, holding for 3 seconds. Return to beginning position. Repeat 15 reps for 3 sets.
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