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Evidence review of classroom teaching methods used to develop clinical reasoning skills in nursing students C. Van Vliet-Brown, BSc, BSN, RN; ND. Oelke, PhD, RN; J. Bottorff, PhD, RN, FCAHS, FAAN; and S. Epp, MN, RN School of Nursing, University of British Columbia, Okanagan Background • Decreasing clinical placement opportunities creating a need for classroom teaching methods to contextualize content and foster clinical reasoning skills

Aim • To summarize evidence of classroom teaching methods being utilized to develop clinical reasoning skills in health professional education

Framework • Utilized the Knowledge to Action rapid review framework developed by Khangura, Kannyu, Cushman, Grimshaw, and Moher (2012)


Search terms • Teaching methods • Clinical reasoning Limits • English language • Peer reviewed

121 Articles Search terms • Systematic review • Random control trial • Quasi-experimental • Correlational • Qualitative 55 Articles

13 Articles for review

Abstracts screened for • Availability • Primary objective to examine classroom teaching methods for clinical reasoning

• Data were extracted into tables grouped by study type • Included authors, definition of clinical reasoning, study objective, study design, sample, methodology, evaluation methods, and outcome measures



• Lack of consistency in teaching methods studied

• Insufficient evidence exists on the effectiveness of classroom teaching methods to enhance clinical reasoning skills

• Absence of a standardized tool to measure clinical reasoning skills limits the quantification of the impact of teaching methods studied • Student satisfaction increased with teaching methods designed to improve clinical reasoning skills • Instructional methods, such as paper based cases, DVD presentations, or standardized acted patients did not differ in enhancing clinical reasoning

• Quantitative studies using a reliable and valid clinical reasoning measurement tool to evaluate outcomes are required Knowledge Translation • Report generated for UBC Okanagan’s Nursing Curriculum Revision Committee • Evidence brief under development to be published in a nursing education journal

References Khangura, S., Konnyu, K., Cushman, R., Grimshaw, J., & Moher, D. (2012). Evidence summaries: The evolution of a rapid review approach. Systematic Reviews, 1(10). For more information contact Cheryl Van Vliet-Brown at cvvbrown@gmail.com

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