Nursing Professional Practice

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Nursing Professional Practice - A Evolutionary Concept Analysis Julie Fraser, RN, BScN, MN(c) A summary of project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a degree of Masters in Nursing: Nurse Educator option in the Faculty of Human and Social Development _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Background Step 4: Analyze Data research related to the context of practice, the nurses’ ability to practice autonomously according to professional standards and The experience of having multi-roles (graduate student, Clinical The following six analytic elements are used the evolutionary ethics, access to nurses in leadership positions, opportunities Practice Consultant in a regional Professional Practice concept analysis method. for continuing competence development, and access to department and a board member of a newly forming nursing 1) Surrogate Terms opportunities to demonstrate leadership and innovation. association) gave me the opportunity to consider the concept of Professional nursing practice, Professional registered nursing Step 5: Identify an Exemplar of the Concept of Nursing nursing professional practice through different perspectives – practice, Professional practices, Nursing practice, Practice, organizational, disciplinary, professional, and as a bystander to Professional Practice Professional, Professionally, and Professionalism. nursing care provided to a loved one. Three exemplars of nursing professional practice were 2) Related Concepts Significance of Project presented to illustrate the significance of the concept from a Organizational design, nursing human resources, culture, disciplinary, practice, and ethical perspective. Nursing The significance of this project is twofold. First, evolving the population care needs, care delivery, and practice education . professional practice: 1) a disciplinary model promoting conceptual clarity of nursing professional practice contributes to organizational transformation, 2) a nurse’s comportment in the discourse on the meaning of nursing professional practice. 3) References practice, 3) a regulatory quality assurance program supporting Second, this project provided a unique opportunity to contribute Nurse comportment, environment, models, and nursing support nursing ethics. to the nursing discipline. structures. Step 6: Identify the Implications for Further Development of the Method : Evolutionary Concept Analysis 4) Antecedents Concept A concept has been defined as “a cluster of attributes” Being professional, organizational commitment, and selfExamples of implications include: (Rodgers, 2000, p. 83). From an evolutionary approach, regulating profession. individuals utilize a constructivist perspective to determine the 5) Consequences Policy – opportunities for government, health authorities, and nursing attributes of the concept through common understood uses of it groups to use the definition, which identified key professional Client outcomes (e.g. mortality rates, satisfaction, and in practice (Rodgers, 2000). The rational for using Rodgers; practice attributes. occurrences of actions taken to rescue), nurse outcomes (e.g. analysis (2000) is 1) the congruence with the concepts’ Administration – opportunities to implement professional practice physical and mental health, empowerment, and perceptions of evolution, 2) represents an accepted, rigorous, and scholarly attributes in processes and environments. quality care) and organizational outcomes (e.g. delivery of method, and 3) the fit with the interpretive perspective largely observable high quality patient care, low nurse absenteeism, Clinical Practice – opportunities for nurses to use the attributes to accepted in nursing. The six iterative phases provided the integrated corporate and strategic view, and innovative models advocate for quality professional practice environments. framework for the analysis. of care). Education – opportunities to integrate attributes into 1) nursing Step 1: Identify the Concept of Interest and Associated 6) Attributes curriculums, 2) student placements, and 3) mentorship Expressions programs. Accountability autonomy, client centered, collaboration, The concept of interest I have chosen is nursing professional contextual, continuing competence, disciplinary Research – opportunities to explore how nurses perceptions of how practice. The surrogate terms include: “professional nursing knowledge, ethics, innovation, leadership , self –regulation, the attributes impact their practice. practice”, “professional practice”, “nursing practice”, and service. References “professional” or “professionalism” and “practice”. Definition: Nursing Professional Practice is: Rodgers, B., (2000). Concept analysis: An evolutionary view. In Step 2: Identify and Select the Appropriate Setting 1) a collection of traits associated with the profession including selfB. Rodgers and K. Knafl (Eds.) Concept Development in Nursing literature between 2005- 2011 was selected as the regulation, ethics, autonomy, disciplinary knowledge, Nursing. Foundations, Techniques and Applications (2nd ed) setting. CINAHL and ERIC online databases: key words used continuing competence and accountability; and pp.77-102). Philadelphia, PA: Saunders. were “professional practice” as title and “nursing” as a subject. 2) a way of being as a nurse that encompasses service, collaboration, Acknowledgments Grey literature sources selected for this project were from leadership, and innovation in the context of client and Dr. Noreen Frisch, Supervisor; Dr. Anastasia Mallidou, established government, health authority, professional environment; and association, union, and regulatory college websites. Departmental member, and Dr. Barbara Mildon, Additional 3) a label applied to a practice environment, which supports the practice member. Step 3: Collect Data of these traits and ways of being. Contact Information : or 82 articles were included in this analysis based on inclusion 604-897-2538. InspireNet :November 7th 2011. and exclusion criteria: 22 peer reviewed articles, 42 documents These environments are characterized by: interprofessional collaboration, a nursing care delivery model based on nursing from grey literature, and 18 well recognized and cited articles.

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