heart of am ster dam
future perspectives 1012
Colophon This brochure was developed for the municipal council of Amsterdam Chief Editor Edwin Oppedijk Text Joep van der Heijden / VDH txt.com Layout and Design Marjolein Rams and Annelies Frรถlke Future images Inbo Amsterdam Photography Dieuwertje Komen, Johan Slager and Wim Salis Printing Primaveraquint Lithography Djeeks Translation Sally Hill Contact email 1012@pmb.nl, telepone 020 552 9696
Changes are in the pipeline for the centre of Amsterdam. This brochure is intended to inform you about the how and why of future developments in the city centre. If the brochure does not answer all your questions do not hesitate to contact us!
Background It is the city’s centre, together with the red-light district, that gives Amsterdam its image of a tolerant, contrary and liberal city. Liberty above all things! Let a thousand flowers bloom!
Concentration of businesses subject to criminal influences
There is more to it than meets the eye, however. The area has a criminal infrastructure that feeds off a whole range of local industries including brothels, smart shops, souvenir shops, foreign exchange bureaux, gambling halls, coffee shops, minimarts, peep shows as well as hotels, restaurants and cafés. Some of these sectors are subject to criminal influences and are used for money laundering or tax evasion. We know that many activities, particularly relating to prostitutes’ windows and coffee shops, go too far. Crime is more common in these businesses than in others.
Visitors to Amsterdam should be impressed by it being one of the most exciting, most varied and most interesting centres in Europe. The Central Borough and the municipal council have joined forces and produced the Coalition Project 1012 ‘Heart of Amsterdam’ Strategy Paper which describes our vision of the city centre and our plans for improvements in quality. In the appendices to the Strategy Paper we set out future impressions for an economic vision for the area.
The Van Traa Commission’s 2007 parliamentary report entitled ‘Limits to Law Enforcement’ demonstrates that we are in a situation that can no longer be overlooked; a situation that cannot be solved by current methods of law enforcement alone. The criminal organisations are the root cause and they present persistent problems. Intervention in the existing infrastructure is therefore required. This brochure is to inform you how we intend to carry this out.
In summary, we have five concrete aims: 1. We want to dismantle the criminal infrastructure. 2. We want to reduce the number of businesses that are subject to criminal influences. 3. We want to put a stop to the neglect and decay of the centre and turn it around. 4. We want to restore balance to the businesses in the area. 5. We want to realise a varied and high quality image for the city approach area.
Our aim is to set in motion improvements in quality and to simultaneously upgrade the visitor approach area to Amsterdam. The city centre is important for Amsterdam’s image and general appeal and it should be attractive to residents, visitors and entrepreneurs.
Up until a number of years ago the centre was receiving less care and attention than it deserved. Meanwhile the situation has changed and much has been renovated and improved. The coming months and years will see a lively continuation of these activities.
Existing qualities and new opportunities The heart of Amsterdam is alive: it is unique and dynamic. It is one of the most beautiful, largest and best kept city centres in the world.
It boasts streets and alleyways full of character, as well as fascinating canals and historic buildings. There are interesting churches and museums and a huge diversity of cafĂŠs, restaurants and small shops. The city centre has always been a special place. At the same time, new opportunities are on offer thanks to the new developments being realised in this area, along both banks of the river IJ, the North / South Metro Line and the so-called ‘Red Carpet’. Variety The Amsterdam city council wants to give the centre a quality boost. To this aim we are putting forward proposals that will increase the diversity and variety of the city centre and make it more attractive to a broader public. We intend to improve upon the existing strengths of the area and endeavour to restore proper balance between the different businesses.
City neighbourhood Unique identity (below left) Metropolis (below right)
A perspective for the city centre In an appendix to the Strategy Paper we describe our vision for the future of the city centre. This vision portrays plans for the desired spatial infrastructure and inviting impressions of future functions are depicted.
The impressions are not a fixed blueprint however. We will be developing this vision further with the help of residents and entrepreneurs. The images in the appendix do however clearly demonstrate the direction in which we are heading and also what we do not want in this area. Unique appeal The Damrak / Rokin area is the most metropolitan part of the city centre. It is here we see Amsterdam as a true metropolis. As far as the future is concerned, the redevelopment of the city’s visitor approach area, around Damrak and Rokin Streets, plays an important role. Our ambition for the image in this area is to have it develop into an international retail centre. There will be first-rate hotels and shops that offer high quality products. The Damrak will offer the public a wide range of high street shops appealing to many tastes. The shops on Rokin Street will offer exclusive products that satisfy the higher end of the market. Those looking for quality will have their needs satisfied with exclusive fashion, media and lifestyle products. On the western side our aim is to realise improvements in the quality of existing retail outlets. Talks are in progress with C&A to refurbish their department store for example. We also have concrete plans to involve the eastern side of Damrak and Rokin Streets in these redevelopments. It is on this side of the streets that there is the most potential for new shops as well as hotels, restaurants and cafés. Furthermore, the impressive, historic setting should not be forgotten. We want to make sure that the historic buildings are visible once more and that the public can taste their allure. Public space on the Rokin can become the ‘Ramblas of the North’.
Cosy and adventurous The red-light district’s network of canals and narrow streets make it a district with a cosy atmosphere. In our minds, the red-light district should retain the combination of residential and office buildings with night-life; a mix of chic and shady. The prostitution that is so characteristic of this area will remain in part, but without the crime that is all too present at the moment. The shops, galleries and museums, cafés and restaurants intended for this area will appeal to visitors who are looking for an adventurous day out. This cosy district blends into the metropolitan Damrak and Rokin Streets in the transition area around the Beursplein. We believe it is important that a growing number of visitors, as well as Amsterdam residents, come and experience the beauty and vitality of the red-light district. This is why connections between east and west must be improved. We want to tackle the problems of neglect and decay in important streets such as the Damstraat, Oude Brugsteeg, Korte Niezel and Lange Niezel. The selection of shops, businesses, hotels, restaurants and cafés should be of better quality and more varied that it is now. Our strategy of choice consists of reinforcement, conversion and addition. The pioneering businesses that are already present in the area will be reinforced, as will existing strengths. Pioneers attract new visitors to the area, giving other entrepreneurs new opportunities.
> Which impressions and strengths do we want to add to and reinforce? Some examples are: Daily shopping in the Warmoesstraat. Nightlife on the Spuistraat. Strolling over the Oudekerksplein. Encounters along the Geldersekade. Transport at the Central Station, arrival and departure. Amsterdam Knowledge City on Damstraat and Oude Hoogstraat. We will start by making connections between a series of city squares such as the Beursplein, the Dam, the Oudekerksplein and the Nieuwmarkt. Attractions that will encourage people to take a detour will be developed on Nes Street and Warmoesstraat, but also in side streets such as Damstraat and Korte Niezel, leading to an atmosphere of congenial liveliness. Both visitors and Amsterdam residents will be able to find their way around the red-light district more easily. The ‘second ladder’ With respect to the spatial infrastructure we want to improve the quality of the north / south route. Damrak / Rokin Streets and Nieuwendijk / Kalverstraat are connected by an excellent network of busy streets and lanes. In a similar fashion, we want the eastern side of Damrak / Rokin Streets, combined with Warmoesstraat / Nes Street, to become just as lively and accessible. A look at a map of the centre explains the introduction of the term ‘second ladder’. The eastern side of Rokin Street lies adjacent to the metro station of the North / South Line. This offers very good possibilities for shop, restaurants and cafés. Public space can be developed as a Dutch ‘Ramblas’. Pressing changes to the Beursplein with the Beurs van Berlage are also required to develop functions that make the square more attractive.
Law and order Keeping the city centre safe, healthy, inspiring and liveable-in will need the required effort. An improved and more well-defined method of law enforcement is therefore an important prerequisite in accomplishing the intended metamorphosis in this area. Economic perspectives The Amsterdam municipal council has studied the economic situation of the city centre. This study found that without expansion and redevelopment the city centre will encounter difficulties in the years ahead. The research report, entitled ‘Economic Vision Amsterdam 1012’, also shows that there are opportunities for utilising the economic potential. The municipal council will be taking action in the years ahead to make use of these opportunities.
Possible areas of development: ■ 1. Living on the canals ■ 2. Small red-light district ■ 3. Nightlife on the Spuistraat ■ 4. Fashion & gadgets ■ 5. Travel
Clean, intact and safe The ‘Heart of Amsterdam’ should be an area where everyone feels welcome. A pleasant environment is an important part of this. The streets themselves, parking places on the streets, but also street furniture and street lighting determine the complete picture. It is the starting point and it should be kept clean, intact and safe.
■ 6. Wide range of high street shops ■ 7. Nightlife, residential, good quality daily shopping ■ 8. Chinatown, 21st century style ■ 9. Up-market shopping, attractive street cafés ■ 10. Window dressing, culture, Dutch Design Center, cuisine ■ 11. Fashion and cuisine, living in the lee of the city centre ■ 12. Red-light district: adventurous but humanised ■ 13. Speciality shops, front office for Amsterdam Knowledge City ■ 14. University Library, World Book Capital City 2008
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Our procedure We intend to tackle improvements to the quality of the city centre in three ways: 1. We will set up so-called key projects. 2. We will continue to redesign and improve the utilisation of public space. 3. We will take a street-level approach.
First strategy: Key to improvement Nine city centre locations will be the focus of the socalled key projects. These are projects that have been instigated by different parties in each area. They are supported by the municipal council. These projects provide the driving force for economic development in the area.
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The nine key projects are listed below, followed by further details of two of the projects. 1. Beursplein 2. Chinatown 3. Parking garage Geldersekade / Oosterdokseiland 4. Oudekerksplein 5. Ons’ Lieve Heer op Solder museum 6. Victoria Hotel and the Kadasterpand 7. Fortis building Rokin 8. Krasnapolsky 9. Binnengasthuis grounds (University of Amsterdam)
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Nine key projects
Oudekerksplein The Oudekerksplein with the Old Church is one of the pearls of the redlight district. The church square itself has lost some of its shine however and this we intend to improve. Prostitutes’ windows will no longer be welcome. They will be replaced by traditional activities such as arts and crafts, as well as shops, hotels and restaurants, with the Old Church present in the middle as a treasure of cultural heritage. The redesign and improvement of public space will mean that the square and surrounding streets will become a pleasant place in which to pass the time.
Beursplein The Beursplein has many possibilities to become a beautiful and lively square of great significance for the city centre. The Beurs van Berlage forms the central attraction on the square and provides a number of amenities. Vitality will also be a characteristic of the Euronext building, at Beursplein number 5. We hope to see shops and restaurants on the ground floor. Beneath the Beursplein there will be a bicycle garage and if possible a parking garage with tunnels connecting the Beurs van Berlage and the Bijenkorf and C&A department stores. By moving the car park underground more space will be created towards the Warmoesstraat for a large number of extra shops and possibly even apartments. More logical and attractive pedestrian routes will be created to and from the red-light district. People will be more likely than they are now to wander through the red-light district. The public attractions along these routes become more inviting.
Second strategy: Redesigning public space The redesigning of public space is an important part of the changes to the city centre. Durable and high quality design should be a stimulus to property owners and developers to refurbish their properties. Many streets and canals in the red-light district have already been redeveloped in the recent past. It is important that the rest of the city centre does not fall behind. Refurbishments are planned for the Zeedijk, the Geldersekade, the Oudekerksplein and the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal. Red Carpet Of the redevelopments planned for public space, the redevelopment of the so-called Red Carpet is the most impressive. It is an important element in the refurbishment of Amsterdam’s visitor approach area. Here we aim to place top-notch internationally known retailers as well as high quality hotels, restaurants and cafés. Household names from Amsterdam and the rest of the country in the fashion, cuisine and retailing sectors will display their wares. Both noise reduction and traffic safety are important factors in the redevelopment of this area. Many visitors will make use of the Rokin station once the North / South Metro Line has been completed.
■ Planned improvements to public space ■ Completed improvements to public space
Third strategy: An approach at street level A street-level approach is aimed at reducing crime and bringing more balance to the economic structure. We will focus on those streets where signs of neglect and decay are already visible. The focus will also be on the streets that we consider important in improving the east-west and north-south connections. The priorities within the street-level approach are decided based on the degree to which crime is present in a certain sector. The more we feel crime is present, the more likely we are to implement legal proceedings, such as the zoning plan, to achieve the desired changes. With this in mind, we shall reduce the number of window brothels and coffee shops. By utilising zoning and reducing the number of businesses in these sectors we should be able to increase the manageability and therefore tackle the criminal infrastructure. We also want to reduce the number of smart shops, phone shops, minimarts, massage parlours, sex shops, sex cinemas, sex gaming halls, peep shows, souvenir shops and head shops. There are too many in this area at the moment. We want to break through the current uniformity in order to provide opportunities for a more diverse choice. For hotels, restaurants and cafĂŠs we are primarily interested in improving quality. The street-level strategy offers clarity for all parties concerned and offers achievable prospects of upgrading the area. The windows The fact that window prostitution is so widespread throughout the area makes the situation somewhat unclear and unverifiable. The proposal is to preserve but reduce window prostitution to two clear areas: 1. The Oude Nieuwstraat and 2. The Oudezijds Achterburgwal and side streets. This would allow about half of the windows to remain, leading to more effective and efficient enforcement by police and other regulators.
The streets involved
Coffee shops There are many coffee shops in this area; far too many when considered in relation to the rest of the city and in combination with other businesses that attract crime. The number of coffee shops currently operating in the 1012 postcode area will be reduced, possibly halved. More precise details of the street-level approach can be found in the Strategy Paper ‘Coalition project 1012’ or on the website www.amsterdam.nl.
We want to reach agreement with the owners and proprietors of businesses in the streets named in the Strategy Paper about the running of their enterprises. We shall be conducting meetings with individual entrepreneurs and their representatives. The principle of legal security will of course be maintained and in certain cases financial compensation will be made available. The effects of the above mentioned zoning and other changes in the area will be continuously monitored. This monitoring will form the basis for any necessary adjustments to our objectives. Supporting policies are present or will be developed to take care of any possible side effects. This is necessary, for example, to prevent the problems spreading to other areas.
How things will proceed
Viewing the Paper
Mutual collaboration from all parties is crucially important if we are to succeed in achieving the aims set out for these improvements to the city centre. In the coming months we will be holding talks with the various partners and representatives of residents and entrepreneurs. This will be in the form of a round of consultations.
The Coalition Project 1012 ‘Heart of Amsterdam’ Strategy Paper is available for public viewing in the Zuiderkerk, in the Information Centre of the City Hall and in the Neighbourhood Information Centre (Buurt Informatie Centrum, Zeedijk 80). The appendix ‘Economic Vision’ and the appendix ‘Future Impressions’ are also available here for public viewing.
Following this round of talks we will revise our plans as necessary. Early in 2009 we shall then present a revised version of the Coalition Project 1012 ‘Heart of Amsterdam’ Strategy Paper to the Council of Mayor and Aldermen and the Governing Board of the Central Borough requesting permission to release the Paper for the public participation round. Official public participation will follow in the first half of 2009, when all interest groups and other interested parties will have the opportunity to contribute their views. The Strategy Paper will then once more be presented to the Council of Mayor and Aldermen and the Governing Board of the Central Borough for final endorsement. Once both the City and Borough have approved the Paper, then it will be considered by the various committees of the City Council and the Borough Council. Our plans are to have a definitive Strategy Paper finished by the second half of 2009. At this point a start can be made with active implementation of our plans.
The Strategy Paper can also be downloaded from the sites www.centrum. amsterdam.nl and www.amsterdam.nl.
Finally The city centre needs upgrading We want to preserve the attractive parts of the city centre and to improve it in quality wherever possible. We are aware that we cannot do everything at once and this is not our intention. The beautiful, new ‘Heart of Amsterdam’ will be developed in stages. We will therefore keep the good parts but will get to work on areas that need improvement. Three strategies The proposed approach is based on the combination of three strategies. The street-level approach in this area will reduce the surplus of businesses subject to criminal influences or of little economic value. This will bring to a halt the breeding ground for further neglect and decay of the area. We expect the nine key projects in the city centre to have a positive influence on the rest of the area. After all, a good example is the best sermon! We will also give the city centre a metropolitan allure by redesigning public spaces. This will involve attractive amenities and an extensive and diverse selection of shops for all tastes and pockets. Welcoming restaurants and modern galleries will turn the centre back into the city’s main attraction. Pride Tackling the city centre is not an easy task and it is not a job your council can take on alone! This is why we need you, as well as others, to make it a success. Think with us and talk with us.
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