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Clairvoyant Williams

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I spend that time in the shower, even after an evening show That’s the first thing I do No one talks to me I blog, and then I jump in the shower and get rid of all the energy and become me again

People say to me, “I’m on this spiritual path and I do readings”. You know what? You can do readings but you don’t have to be on a spiritual path to do it though and that’s the thing. It’s like religion You can be religious but it’s not necessarily spiritual. You can do psychic readings, you can do Mediumship readings but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are spiritual It doesn’t mean that you are in touch with that spiritual side


Mediums often work with spirit guides, and I understand that your guide is called Ben. What does this relationship do for you on a daily basis?

Oh my god, he’s an idiot. He’s an absolute nutter I was back stage the other night and he starts disco dancing. I’m like, “What are you doing?” and he’s dancing away Then there are times when he’ll look at someone and say, “Gosh she’s really nice” and I’ll say, “Your dead”, and he’ll go, “No

I’m not, I’m still alive”. We have this banter, it’s not like a holier-than-thou relationship He’s a nutter. The thing is though, he matches my personality and I need that If I had someone who was very quiet, I wouldn’t cope. I actually have five guides, and sometimes Ben will say, “I’m tired, your working with someone else tonight”

I’m writing a book at the moment on what happens when we die, so I have had someone else come in and share that whole process with me It’s interesting that you find the guide that works for you when you need them

What advice would you give to someone seeking to enhance their own spirit guide connection?

My feeling is that spirit guides will come to you when they need to come to you. They won’t show themselves if you don’t need to know who they are They will come to you when you are ready and when you are prepared I think it can be a bit of a shock and I think you do need to be on a spiritual pathway. You may not be conscious of your spiritual pathway, but as you go through certain things they may show themselves

I do believe meditation is a huge key. If you don’t meditate, get in touch with who you are or ask them to come forward, I think you’ll struggle It’s all about listening to your own inner feelings, your own inner-self, it’s your own intuition, listening to that little voice inside. I don’t think people realise that that little voice has been put there by someone else

Losing a loved one is one of the most painful experiences you can have in life and while nothing can ever change the fact that your loved one is no longer with you in body, creating a connection with them on a spiritual level is something that can bring a great deal of comfort and some measure of peace.

Having had grief touch my own life quite significantly, a number of times and having helped many people with their grief through my work as a medium over the last 20+ years, I know there is a lot to be said for the difference that a spiritual connection can make

Tips to connect with your Loved One in Spirit

By Kerrie Wearing

iThe most common question people have after their loved one dies is “Are they o’k?”

Gaining your own sense that your loved one is ok, that perhaps they are now free from pain or O’k after a sudden and unexpected passing is without a doubt a comfort that makes your grief that little more bearable

Here I’ve compiled a list of things I want you to know that will help you to make that spiritual connection with your loved one easier to achieve

1. You are Spirit too.

If there is one thing I want you to know about being your own medium and connecting with your loved ones in Spirit.

It is the fact that you are Spirit too!

While we now perceive that your loved one is in the Spirit world, I want you to know that in spiritual truth you are Spirit too. The part of them that continues to exist is also a part of you And it is this part of our being, our Divine Spirit that is connected to all things throughout all time and space, giving us the ability to communicate naturally Spirit to Spirit

2. Check your expectations

Often we expect the process of connecting and communicating with Spirit to occur a certain way. Queue the show ‘Medium’ or ‘the Ghost Whisperer’ LOL In reality though, the connections occur far more subtly and are often spontaneous. So try to let go of expecting to see them or hear them like you and I see one another. This is more often than not a feeling experience, so please open yourself and become a little more attuned to how you feel.

3. What gets in the way

As I said above, this is generally a very subtle feeling experience with any visions and thoughts an added bonus. So what can get in the way is the heaviness of your grief especially if you are avoiding the emotion of it all in any way Try not to push it under the carpet. It’s ok to feel how you do.

Getting help with a counselor would be a step in the right direction or at the very least watch my life after loss series of videos here on my blog or YouTube channel.

4. Spirit visitations

I can assure you that your loved ones are often trying to connect with you as much as you are with them. It is common for them to appear in a family members dream or for someone to see their apparition Often in the doorway of a bedroom as your switching off for the night and quieting the mind.

The message here is one of letting the family know that they are O’k especially if this visit is in the days and weeks after their passing. Often it is the most receptive family member that receives this visit, which then leaves them tasked with passing the message on Sometimes though people don’t talk about this stuff for fear of ridicule though again, I can assure you everyone has a story.

i recall one young lady seeing her Dad appear at the end of her bed. It scared the living daylights out of her and she didn’t know why, so she carried that all with her for a while until she met me. Her Dad showed me that he had appeared to her in this way, which opened the door for us to discuss it and for me to explain it more and settle her nerves about it all. He really wanted to whole family to know he was o’k

5. There is no time frame

Spontaneous connections instigated by the spirit world often occur early on, in the hours, days and weeks following their passing as explained above

Establishing a more purposeful long-term connection may take longer as it rightly should. This gives all parties the time to adjust to the loss and the new dynamic it creates allowing you time to begin processing your grief

Too early and you could be at risk of getting stuck with your grief journey Be aware of this, although I’m sure Spirit would have it in hand So if you have had a connection and find that its disappeared, then please know this is Spirit’s way of directing you back to healing your grief in a different way.

For 5 more tips please continue reading here

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