1 minute read
The BRAMM Scheme was set up in 2004, followed by the release of the new British Standard 8415, to help Burial Authorities and Masons understand the requirements of the legislation and improve standards. The British Standard has been updated three times since then, and it is extremely important that Cemetery Managers and Masons are aware of the changes.
BRAMM has equal representation on its Management Board by Burial Authorities and Independent Memorial Masons, it also works with the Bereaved and does not represent one part of the industry.
It is by far the largest register with nearly 500 companies and 750 registered fixers working to current BS 8415:2018 standards. This is an important part of the scheme which ensures both Masons and Cemeteries receive vital information on ongoing changes to legislation.
To ensure compliance all BRAMM Masons are inspected at regular intervals and are also subject to Continuous Personal Development (CPD) that every fixer is required to complete every 3 years (it was previously every 5 years). This is a requirement that ICCM, FBCA and SLCC have very strongly insisted upon.
The BRAMM website is open and transparent to the public and all Burial Authorities, it has no need to have a login.
BRAMM also has a FREE technical advice service for Masons and Burial Authorities as well as access to the BRAMM Blue Book. The BRAMM Newsletter is published four times a year to our registered companies and supporting burial authorities. For a free copy just complete a very simple form on the BRAMM website, under Burial Authorities – join now – it’s ALL FREE.
All Cemetery Managers have a responsibility to ensure compliance to BS 8415 and are legally accountable for any memorial work undertaken in their Cemeteries – Can you afford not to be a BRAMM Cemetery?
The BRAMM Register is the only memorial fixing register recommended and endorsed by ICCM and ALL Burial Authority Associations. It is also provided FREE to all Burial Authorities.
If you have any questions concerning memorials in cemeteries please don’t hesitate to send us an e mail – bramm@bramm-uk.org or call us on 01452 346741.