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CTTS assessments during lockdown
Virtually Nothing’s Changed!
I write this month’s article a shade over 12 months since penning a similar piece which announced to our members that the ICCM would be continuing to offer the assessment of candidates enrolled on the Crematorium Technicians Training Scheme (CTTS), throughout the unfolding pandemic in order to support frontline workers in providing cremation services for their residents.
In order to achieve this, within 7 days of the fi rst lockdown beginning in March 2020, all CTTS assessments were moved from a physical, face to face assessment, to a virtual alternative utilising video conference technology.
Understandably, many were sceptical or nervous about this transition at fi rst as we moved into a new, digital way of working but thankfully, such concerns proved to be short lived. The basic elements of the assessment remained unchanged with the practical assessment being witnessed via video call, and the questions and walk through of the entire process (and more) by the candidate were then picked up in a telephone call immediately thereafter, prior to witnessing the cremation’s conclusion back on a video call.
Despite occasional challenges of reduced crematory WIFI capacity and some mentors/videographers getting to grips with how to switch the camera around to face the candidate (you know who you are!), we now fi nd ourselves amidst a much more streamlined process which will produce an instant result for the candidate, and is confi rmed in an email prior to the receipt of the certifi cate of qualifi cation, all whilst being entirely compliant with the syllabus as required by our awarding body.
Whilst the long-term return to face-to-face assessments appears to be a way away, we are pleased to share that such assessments in the meantime have produced entirely positive feedback as managers, mentors and candidates have been kind enough to share their experiences throughout, in order that we may adapt and improve if an opportunity arises.
As a member service, we are therefore extremely proud that we are able to share that we have now assessed over 120 candidates using this virtual process at over 50 different locations which we sincerely hope has gone some way to alleviate the pressures faced by our members throughout such testing times.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved in making this happen, from our partners at Pearson and Stratford Business School, through to the candidates, mentors and sites that have embraced these changes and worked with us to adapt and achieve the best results for members over the last 12 months and beyond.
At the time of writing, assessments remain ongoing as we continue to receive applications for new candidates wishing to undertake the CTTS qualifi cation. For those wishing to receive more information on the training scheme, please contact Julie Callender at the National Offi ce at the following email address where we will be happy to answer any questions that you may have:
'The quality of remote assessments has really helped keep the CTTS scheme viable and has given reassurance to the ICCM membership.'
Philip Ewing, Crematorium Manager, Clyde Coast and Garnock Valley Crematorium