Houston Methodist Nurse December 2013

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METHODIST NURSE Leaders in Nursing

DECEMBER 2013 | A Magazine for Nurses


Nurse Award


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A Record Number Attends the

Shared Governance RETREAT

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PCA on Dunn 8


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A Message from

Ann Scanlon McGinity

Senior Vice President and Chief Nurse Executive

A note to my special colleagues... I’m quietly sitting in a darkened plane as Owen and I return from a busy weekend in North Carolina where we celebrated another Christmas moment with our children and grandchildren. It’s probably the first hour since Friday evening that I have to reflect on the magic my granddaughters brought into our time with them. I witnessed their amazement each morning as they hurried to find where the Christmas elf was perching...and the hushed voices that secretly told me all about him. And, how each morning they would open our door and whisper in my ear, “Granny Ann, you have to get up now. I want to show you the white deer in the back yard...he is special. Can we feed him some sparkle dust?” So as I pause to think about the pure joy that these children brought into my life this weekend, I think of each of you in that same way...of the many moments of peace, companionship and magic that our patients and families experience when they encounter you in their days spent with us. It is really the same small voice of faith and hope that your voice brings into their lives. There are many stories this past year that I have witnessed and tucked away in my memory. They are the ones that encourage me and tell me we are on the right path, doing the right things. You will find in this issue one story that captured my spirit, and I am grateful to our patient for sharing it with me...so I can share it with you. It is about the difference that one very bold and wise soul made in this patient’s life...something I know that each of you does daily. Every day during this holiday season, know that I will be hoping for you to experience the magic of your own families...each unique and memorable. I look forward to bringing in a new year that is filled with promise for each of us and the great work that lies ahead....

2013 Editorial Board Members Elizabeth Himes Beverley Lamoth Kathy Materre Denise McNulty

Carlette Patterson Joy Shiller Maria Steele Robyn Washington

Magazine Editor Elizabeth Himes

Graphic Designer Phyllis Gillentine

Photographer Phyllis Gillentine

Do you have a


that you would like to post in the

Methodist Nurse Magazine? Please submit your articles or ideas to Phyllis Gillentine at pmgillentine@houstonmethodist.org

Happy happy holidays!!

Santa visited Houston Methodist Hospital this holiday through Volunteer Services to help bring Christmas cheer to patients, kids, families, volunteers, and staff!


Houston Methodist Hospital presents its...



he Houston Methodist Hospital Department of Nursing’s newly created Day in the Life Program offers staff members an opportunity to observe, learn, and gain exposure to other professional hospital careers, roles, departments or specialty areas they may be

interested in. The program creates unique job shadowing and hands-on learning experiences by matching participants with experienced mentors— who allow interested colleagues to get a glimpse into their work environment and the day-to-day job responsibilities required in their chosen fields.

If you would like to register to participate in the Day in the Life Program and schedule some time with an individual working in a specific role at Houston Methodist Hospital, or if you would like to serve as a Day in the Life Program mentor and share details about your job, please visit the program’s webpage which can be found under the Workplace Environment tab on the nursing intranet.

Houston Methodist San Jacinto News

Jane DeStefano

Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer

United Way Campaign December Activities

Houston Methodist San Jacinto Hospital has been busy with the annual United Way campaign throughout the month of December. Fundraisers included auctioning Texans tickets, a basket auction, a jail-a-thon event, a bake sale, and 3 separate jeans days. Employees are also able to donate money through MARS or paycheck deduction. So far, through the month of December, HMSJH has raised nearly $6,000! Different units within the hospital donated baskets for the annual Holiday Basket Auction. All proceeds from the auction went to United Way. The basket auction raised $1900 and got the HMSJH employees into the holiday spirit! The holiday jail-a-thon event was a hit throughout the hospital. Employees were able to put out warrants for one another. Baytown police volunteered to come and arrest all warranted employees during the event. It ended up raising $738 for the United Way campaign! We wish everyone a healthy, safe, and happy holiday season!

Jane DeStefano

4 Methodist Nurse

Houston Methodist Sugar Land News

Janet Leatherwood RN, MSN, VP / Chief Nursing Officer

“Twas the Night Before Discharge” The last two months of the year can be an exciting time to enjoy family, friends, and to reflect on the blessings bestowed in our lives. Today, I am extremely thankful for each one of you who give of yourself in kindness and compassion to the patients and families who come to our hospital seeking help and comfort. Recently, I have noted several of you whose creative abilities extend to the penning of prose. This skill was exhibited by Betty Gonzales, RN, at our Service Award ceremony, and more recently with this holiday poem sent to me by Chris Crabb, RN, a case manager at Houston Methodist Sugar Land. In the spirit of joy and fun, I share with you this verse that sounds so familiar, but has a new twist entitled, “Twas the Night Before Discharge.”

Twas the night before discharge And all through the house Not a bed was available Not even a couch

With a comforting hug and a talk in the night, He knew in the end it will be alright. Kind words go far as every nurse must know It’s OK to allow your feelings to show.

The patients were nestled all snug in their beds, The nurses were charting and passing their meds. While wearing blue scrubs, no longer a cap Working hard so the patients can take a long nap.

Now housekeeping, now cafe, now maintenance too On lab, on X-ray, to name just a few, That do their job of lending a hand To make patients experience none other than grand.

When out in the hall there arose such a clatter Nurses sprang from their rounds to see what was the matter. Away to the noise, they flew like a flash Tore into the hall with a cart for a crash. It’s the son all alone, with a tear in his eye Don’t know what I’d do if my mamma should die.

Well it’s time to go home; it’s a quarter till two Call up a case manager; she’ll know what to do. She will speak not a word but go straight to her work Nursing home, rehab, equipment, with Merck. ICARE values is Houston Methodist Way, To guarantee patients’ a most comfortable stay Wishing them well as they’re driving away Happy Health to all, Have a wonderful day!

My hope for you during the last few months of 2013 will be that God’s favor, blessings, and deep love come to you and your family. I look forward to sharing that future with each and every one of you as we extend compassion to the patients and families of Fort Bend County.

Janet Leatherwood

Leaders in Nursing 5


Houston Methodist Willowbrook News

Sheila Fata

Vice President & Chief Nursing Officer

It hardly seems possible that the end of the year is already upon us! While the many activities of the holiday season – family traditions, parties, decorating, shopping, travel and more sometimes create a whirlwind, nothing can overshadow the great benefits of the season, manifested by the spirit of compassion, caring and goodwill. Nurses are uniquely positioned to offer compassion and caring during this season. Many families will find themselves gathered around hospital beds over the holidays. Whether congregating with joy to welcome new life into the world or with heartbreak to say a final a goodbye to a loved one, nurses will be close by in these vulnerable moments. Your warm smile, compassionate ear, or extended hand will be the small, enduring gifts you will offer our patients while they are with us this holiday season. So over the next few days, take a moment to reflect upon the great gift that you are to our patients! With the end of the year comes the time for us to reflect on events of the past twelve months. The nursing organization at Houston Methodist has much to celebrate as we conclude 2013. Our organization and our nurses have been recognized in wonderful ways, our services have expanded and our stellar quality outcomes continue - 2013 was a banner year for nursing! The prestigious Magnet designation places MWBH among an elite group of hospitals worldwide, establishes us as leaders in nursing practice and innovation, and challenges us to further raise the standard of nursing care in our community in the new year. Several nurses were recognized as outstanding caregivers and leaders in nursing. The Good Samaritan Foundation awarded Wendi Froedge, MSN, RN, CCRN and Robin Howe, MSN, RNC-OB the Gold award. Cristina Dimafiles, RN, Jaime Pupsos, RN, and Leung Shiu, RN received the Bronze award. Wendi Froedge was a regional finalist for the 2013 Nurse.com “Giving Excellence Meaning Awards”, Finally, Brenda Robles, RN was our first Daisy Award recipient. 2013 was also a year of growth and achievements in our departments. In Women’s Services, our OB-ED opened and we were recognized by Health Grades for being among the Top 5% in Maternity Services. Emergency & Observation Services expanded their capacity. ED gained two beds after minor changes to their space, and the Observation unit moved into new space after a major build-out, adding 8 beds. Peri-operative Services experienced over 21% growth in surgical case volume and nursing has improved first case readiness, room turnaround times (new average is 23 minutes!) and reduced patient cancellations on the day of surgery. Medical-Surgical Services expanded bed capacity on the 3rd floor of the Women’s & Children’s capacity and completed architectural plans for 7 East, and nursing staff began training for delirium screening which will be implemented as part of a grant project. In Critical Care Services, the SERRI sepsis screening tool was deployed, allowing for early identification and life-saving treatments for sepsis and the “My Daily Care Plan” was developed and initiated within CVCU. In addition, our beautiful new Breast Center opened and our Infusion Center grew exponentially. Thanks to all of you, esteemed colleagues, for a phenomenal year at Houston Methodist Willowbrook and remember, our best years are still ahead! My best wishes to each of you for a joyous, holiday season and a happy new year.

Sheila 6 Methodist Nurse

Houston Methodist West News

Vicki Brownewell

Vice President & Chief Nursing Officer

Celebrating THREE YEARS AT



s I look at the calendar for the month of December, I realize that in just a couple short weeks, Houston Methodist West Hospital will celebrate its threeyear anniversary—and that we’ll be putting yet another year behind us. What an adventure it has been! I am nearly speechless at the accomplishments we have achieved together in such a short time, and especially in 2013. Every bit of it is directly attributed to each staff member, and I enter this holiday season with a sense of immense gratitude for all of your efforts and compassion. When we opened in December 2010, HMW had 32 beds, two ORs, 336 employees and a handful of ER beds. By the end of this month we’ll be up to 161 beds, 11 ORs, nearly 1,000 employees and an 18 -bed ER with a planned expansion. Since opening, we’ve seen more than 60,000 ER patients, performed more than 11,000 surgeries and 3,000 cath procedures, delivered more than 3,500 babies, admitted nearly 16,000 inpatients and seen more than 100,000 outpatient visits! All of our programs are thriving, and I thank each one of our staff and managers for their dedication to our patients and to our hospital’s growth. I believe we’ll all look back at 2013 as the “Year of Change.” Our system has seen a saturation of change, and HMW has handled it in great stride. Along with system changes, we continue to grow at HMW, both in patient volumes and in prestige. Check out just some of our accomplishments:

 Pathway to Excellence designation  Chest Pain accreditation  DAISY Award launch  Multiple construction projects to expand our services (parking garage, OR, ICU, fifth floor, MOB 2)  Challenge Bonus Program (in its first month, HMW reached full payout)  While DNV has not appeared as of today, I’m confident we’ll add ISO 9001 Certification to this list very shortly

The next year is sure to introduce a new series of changes, challenges and opportunities. During this season of giving, I encourage each of us to look inward, and to renew and recharge our I CARE values, remembering that patient satisfaction and high quality are the real keys to our success.

I wish everyone and their families a blessed and fulfilling holiday season. I am humbled and honored to work alongside such a fine team of nurses.

Vicki Brownewell Leaders in Nursing 7

Lorelie Lazaro Named 2013 Outstanding Nurse Award Recipient By: Trevor Mitchell, Nurse Marketing Analyst

Houston Methodist Hospital nurse Lorelie (lori) Lazaro was recently honored as the recipient of the 2013 Outstanding Nurse Award, sponsored by

The Brown Foundation, Inc., during an award ceremony on November 18, 2013. Lazaro, an RN III on M7SW, serves in many roles on her unit including charge nurse, preceptor, Shared Governance chair, resource person, Magnet champion and Super User. As a mentor, Lazaro also says that she enjoys empowering her colleagues to make clinical decisions that improve the care our patients receive. Lazaro is also committed to life-long learning and recently completed her Master’s degree in Nursing Informatics. She chose this field because she feels that informed nurses lead to

8 Methodist Nurse

informed patients—and that makes a big difference in creating an environment for health promotion and disease prevention. Known for showcasing her leadership skills, Lazaro provides updates during unit meetings and has also developed several presentations focusing on nursing care, patient education, medication side effects, pain management and other nursing related areas. Her colleagues say that Lazaro is very humble, hard-working and always finds the time to assist any team member in need of help. And, while she is often viewed as a quiet nurse, she is a great listener and patient advocate. Lazaro once comforted an unsettled patient who could not pick up her coat on lay-a-way due to being hospitalized. On her off day, she went to pick up the coat and

The Brown Foundation, Inc. has provided Houston Methodist Hospital with a grant to fund an award for excellence to recognize a truly outstanding nurse who consistently demonstrates excellence in nursing practice, professional development and dedication to patients.


Any Methodist Registered Nurse who meets all of the following criteria may be nominated for this prestigious award: • Currently employed full time for a minimum of two years in a 100% direct patient care role at Methodist • Performance rating of 4 or higher • Role model of living the I-CARE values • Meets one of more of the following criteria: – Certification in the area of specialty; and/or – Serves as an expert resource nurse or fellow, e.g., in research, pain, palliative care, wound care, diabetes, or other specialty area; and/or – Has an earned BSN. • Serves as member of at least one professional organization

What Lazaro enjoys most about working on the nightshift is that it provides the best opportunity to sit at the bedside and listen to her patients as they unfold their stories. There are those who cannot sleep because of the pain and many worries, and there are those who are just afraid to sleep that they might not see another day. It is in those moments that Lori feels she is making a difference and is ensured that she made the right decision in becoming a nurse. “Lori brings excellence in nursing in all things she does at the bedside and has a proven track record of being an excellent clinician,” said one colleague. “She has received many accolades because of her integrity and compassion, which is evident in her care and professionalism. She is a role model to us all and very deserving of being considered for this special honor.” The Outstanding Nurse Award continues to recognize nurses at Houston Methodist who exemplifies excellence in professionalism, wisdom, strength and compassion at the bedside. As our 2013 winner, Lazaro received a $15,000 check from The Brown Foundation, Inc.

outstanding nurse award recipient

2013 Outstanding Nursing Award

brought it directly to the patient. It is that type of care and service that makes this year’s winner an outstanding caregiver.

Nominations should give specific examples of how the nurse in daily practice demonstrated a: 1. Sense of Responsibility 2. Service Commitment 3. Clinical Expertise 4. Communication Skills 5. Shared Governance Leader 6. Team Player 7. Professionalism 8. Teaching/Mentoring 9. Professional Organizations 10. Lives the ICARE Values

Lorelie (Lori) Lazaro

“I am very humbled to receive this year’s Outstanding Nurse Award,” said Lazaro. “In addition to my colleagues who I have to privilege to work with every day, I really have to dedicate this to my parents who always taught me the value of hard work and to believe in God because He makes all things possible.”

Leaders in Nursing 9

Annual System-Wide

Shared Governance Conference By Mary L. Shepherd, MS, RN, NEA-BC


his year, the Magnet Program leads from each system hospital collaborated to plan our annual shared governance conference. The result was fabulous. The conference featured a combination of best practices presentations, interprofessional panels and “Magnet Moments” entry displays. There were a record number of attendees (232) at the conference. Attendees included a cross section of governance chairs, staff nurses, managers, educators and representatives from social work, case management, performance improvement, pharmacy, physical therapy, dietary and radiology. The conference served as a great forum to reinforce several strategic priorities being promoted by the system hospitals, while also creating an opportunity to share best practices and network. This conference gave us an opportunity to recognize and celebrate our colleagues from Houston Willowbrook Hospital (HWH), who were recently awarded Magnet designation. HWH is the second hospital within the Houston Methodist Hospital System to achieve this prestigious designation. Congratulations on a job well done! Linda Rousel, PHD, Professor at the University of Alabama and Director of the Nursing Practice Program was the keynote speaker. Dr. Rousel’s presentation focused on “Engagement, Collaboration, Cooperation: Innovation on the Front Line.” The majority of the remaining presentations were made by staff and included:

 No Pass Zone: Implementation of Evidenced-Based Practice  Project Nutrition

 Professional Practice Model/Standards of RN Practice  My Daily Care Plan

 Bedside Shift Report  IOWA Model

 Evidenced-Based Journal Club Change in Practice  Evidenced-Based Scholars Presentation

Interprofessional Panels featured:  Shared Governance: Using Transformational Leadership in Shared Governance to Engage Staff  Nurse Resident Transition to Practice: Clinical Leaders at the Bedside  Care Coordination Feedback from the attendees indicated that the conference was highly successful. I personally enjoyed it immensely and learned a great deal from our colleagues. Thanks to all the Magnet in Motion Magnet Champions, who worked behind the scenes to make this event successful.

10 Methodist Nurse

A Positive Outlook

Patient Care Assistant (PCA) Comforts Patient Through a Difficult Ordeal Elwin Webster has had 20 surgical operations over the past year, which has led to him

spending plenty of time at Houston Methodist Hospital. While such an experience would dampen the spirits of most patients, Webster’s fun-loving personality helps him to maintain a positive outlook on life. However, recently, he was faced with an ordeal that he says took an angel to help him through. Last month, Webster’s left leg had to be amputated. The time leading up to the procedure tested his will and his faith. As a regular patient at Houston Methodist, Webster has developed a special bond with Lorena Turcios, a PCA on Dunn 8. Webster says that Turcios always provides great care to him, but what she did for him before his last surgery is a memory that will remain with him forever. On the way into the operating room to have his leg amputated, Turcios offered great comfort to Webster. It was one of those personal moments where a caregiver can provide hope at a vulnerable time in a patient’s life.

“Lorena is a wonderful person. She gave me courage as I was on my way into surgery by grasping my hands to pray and cry with me,” said Webster. “This put me more at ease with what was about to happen. That prayer was very touching, and for her to cry with me meant so much. The entire experience has touched me so deeply.” After his surgery, Webster spent weeks on the Dunn 8 unit and the entire staff has been great. In fact, anytime he has to be at Houston Methodist Hospital, he always requests to be on this unit because they are like family to him. In addition, he says that the PCAs on this unit, like Lorena, care for him better than anyone. “If you have to be in the hospital, the PCAs here really ease your stay. It’s easy to see that they are focused on their patients, and they always make you feel special,” said Webster. “Lorena has come in on her day off and checked on me to see how I was doing. When my leg had to be amputated, she helped me to see the big picture and told me not to worry about my situation


Holiday Party &

Door Decorating Contest The Patient and Staff Satisfaction Shared Governance Council hosted a holiday celebration for the patients on Dunn 4 and Dunn 10 E in December. Many on the unit helped to make the event successful. The staff along with patients & families were busy decorating the patient doors. They had fun games including a special edition of Christmas Bingo and Christmas Caroling.

Lorena Turcios, PCA

“If you have to be in the hospital, the PCAs here really ease your stay. It’s easy to see that they are focused on their patients, and they always make you feel special,” said Webster. “Lorena has come in on her day off and checked on me to see how I was doing.” today because there was still a tomorrow. Lorena is an angel! She is that neat of a person! I will soon be leaving to go to rehab, but I will never forget the comfort and care she has given me!”

Nursing News

The Methodist Hospital is proud to have nurses who are dedicated to the nursing profession, driven to achieve growth in their professional development, and creative and always compassionate in their care for patients.


The accolades page is an opportunity for the nursing staff to showcase a few of the many exciting tributes our nurses receive. Please submit kudos to: Beth Himes at EMLupinski@houstonmethodist.org.

Congratulations to Janet Ramundo, R.N, from CPE, who was honored as the 2013 WOCN of the Year for the South Central Region of WOCN. Way to go Janet! The Eddy Scurlock Stroke Center has received the Target Stroke Honor Roll: Gold Plus Award. The American Heart Association and American Stroke Association recently recognized our Stroke Center for achieving 85 percent or higher adherence to all Get With The Guidelines® Stroke Achievement indicators for two or more consecutive 12-month intervals and at least 12 consecutive months of 75 percent or higher compliance with five or more Get With The Guidelines® Stroke Quality measures to improve quality of patient care and outcomes. Congratulations to Rhonda Robinson, R.N., from NICU, who has earned the new stroke certification – SCRN! Rhonda is the first at Houston Methodist to obtain this certification. Great job! Kudos to Robyn Washington, R.N., who recently earned her CNOR certification. Way to go Robyn! Congratulations to Brenda Charles R.N., M.S.N., PCCN, from Fondren 11, who has successfully completed the Progressive Care Nursing certification exam. Way to go Brenda! Congratulations to Lorelie Lazaro, R.N., who is the 2013 winner of the Brown Foundation Inc. Outstanding Nurse

Award. Lorelie, Jennifer Nguyen, R.N., and Christie Aguirre, R.N., were the three top finalists for the award, which is given to nurses who exemplify professionalism, wisdom, strength & compassion. Lorelie, a nurse for 22 years, works the third shift on Main 7 Southwest and is a charge nurse, preceptor, Shared Governance chair, Magnet champion and Super User. She is the 23rd winner of the Outstanding Nurse Award; the Brown Foundation Inc. has sponsored the award at Houston Methodist Hospital since 1990. Kudos to Meta Marin, R.N., from Dunn OR, who recently earned her B.S.N. degree with distinction from the University of Victoria, B.C. Congratulations to Sheridy Turner, R.N., C.E.N., and Dan DiDonato, R.N., C.E.N., from the Kirby ED, who have earned their certification in Emergency Nursing. Way to go! Kudos to Seobun Kim, R.N, C.E.N., from the ED, who also recently passed the Emergency Nursing certification exam. Congratulations to these nurses from Jones 11: Reesamole Joseph completed a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Grand Canyon University in Phoenix on Aug. 2. Sobhana Jacob completed her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Texas at Arlington on Aug. 14. Anna Muricken completed her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona on Oct. 2.

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