The Laboratory Report Spring 2012

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Spring 2012

Laboratory Report A Publication of the Department of Pathology and Genomic Medicine

Department Launches Digital Pathology in 2012


he Department of Pathology and Genomic Medicine will implement new digital pathology technology into specific Department clinical services in 2012. “Digital pathology is one component of the next generation of pathology, and Methodist is one of the first hospital systems in the region to implement it,” said Dr. Michael Thrall using the iScan Coreo Au brightfield scanner. Dr. Michael Thrall, medical direcimages in pathology include making tor of digital pathology for the Departprimary diagnoses, consulting for second ment. “This technology presents a valuopinions, facilitating telepathology able tool and will assist the Department (teleconferencing with images), archivnot only in patient care, but also with ing, education, and image analysis. teaching our residents and fellows.” The Department has acquired iScan The many current uses for digital

Coreo Au brightfield scanners and related Virtuoso application software. Under the direction of Dr. Thrall, whole slide imaging (WSI) technology will be implemented between January and March of this year. WSI involves the digitization of glass slides into high-resolution images. The WSI capabilities will initially be used to facilitate consultations between pathologists at our Texas Medical Center hospital and the outlying hospitals. For more information on digital pathology at Methodist, please contact Dr. Michael Thrall at 

Houston Lung Symposium

Have you registered yet? Spaces for the symposium and the Harlan J. Spjut Award Dinner are limited! Click here to register now.

The Methodist Hospital Research Institute April 28-29, 2012

Save the Date: Dr. Donna Hansel of The Cleveland Clinic will present at the Department of Pathology and Genomic Medicine Grand Rounds on April 3, 2012. She will speak about the molecular correlates of bladder cancer variants. For more information on Department Grand Rounds, visit

Table of Contents


Drs. Mary Schwartz and Philip Cagle Named Texas Super Doctors Methodist Pathology Leads Medicine with New Gene Sequencing Instrumentation

3 Donna E. Hansel, M.D., Ph.D.

Department and College of American Pathologists Help Women in Need New Diagnostic Test Offerings

CAP ‘12 THE Pathologists’ Meeting: The annual meeting of the College of American Pathologists will be held from September 9-12, 2012 at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, California. Register now at

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In Focus: The Hematopathology Team Lab Stats: Methodist Willowbrook Hospital Department Trainees Win Awards at Texas Society of Pathologists Annual Meeting Trainee Spotlight




Drs. Mary Schwartz and Philip Cagle Named Texas Super Doctors


rs. Mary Schwartz and Philip Cagle were both selected as Super Doctors for the Texas list published in the December 2011 issue of Texas Monthly Magazine. The Super Doctors list identifies top doctors as selected by their peers and the independent research of Key Professional Media, Inc.

Mary R. Schwartz, M.D.

“It is an honor to be on the list with my good friend and long-time colleague, Phil Cagle,” said Dr. Schwartz, medical director of anatomic pathology for the Department and the 2010 Lifetime Achievement Award recipient of the College of American Pathologists. “I am proud to be on the list with Mary and so many others from Methodist,” said Dr. Cagle, medical director of pulmonary pathology for the Department and editor-in-chief of Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. “I hope to see more of our pathologists on the list in 2012.” Key Professional Media employs a rigorous multi-step process designed to identify physicians, usually in consumer-

oriented medical specialties, who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement. For more information on Dr. Mary Schwartz, visit Schwartz. For more information on Dr. Philip Cagle, visit Cagle. 

Philip T. Cagle, M.D.

Methodist Pathology Leads Medicine with New Gene Sequencing Instrumentation


he Molecular DiagThe MassARRAY Ananostics Laboratory lyzer uses mass spectromeof The Methodist try for genetic analysis. It Hospital System has acis capable of highquired three new nextthroughput genotyping of generation sequencing inpatient samples and will struments: the Ion Torrent be used to develop a comPersonal Genome Machine prehensive tumor muta(PGM) from Life Technolotion panel. gies, the MiSeq Personal For more information on Sequencer from Illumina, genetic testing at Methodand the MassARRAY ist, please contact Analyzer 4 from Sequenom. Dr. Randall Olsen at Dr. Olsen (far right) trains residents, fellows, and technologists on the new Sequenom. “These are game-changing  diagnostic instruments,” said Dr. Randall Olsen, medical director of the underwent intensive training for these Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory. “This instruments. technology enables us to rapidly generate The Ion Torrent PGM brings semiconaccurate diagnoses and provide crucial ductor technology to DNA sequencing. It prognostic and therapeutic information. is the fastest benchtop sequencer availThese instruments will significantly imable and ideally suited for rapid, wholepact patient care in The Methodist Hospigenome sequencing of individual strains tal System and other institutions served of bacteria. In comparison, the MiSeq by our reference laboratory.” instrument uses sequencing by synthesis The molecular diagnostics team, includtechnology and is capable of sequencing The Ion Torrent PGM. ing our molecular genetic pathology felthe genomes of multiple strains of bactelow Dr. Amanda Peterson and clinical ria in a single run. Both can be used for chemistry fellow Dr. Irene Shu, highly multiplexed amplicon sequencing.




Department and College of American Pathologists Help Women In Need


he Methodist Departresults could be transmitted ments of Pathology back to the community center and Genomic Medithe same day. Bilingual faculty cine and Obstetrics and Gyneand residents presented health cology partnered with the information sessions to the College of American Patholopatients in both English and gists and Dia de la Mujer Spanish as they waited for Latina on January 21st for the their test results. In total, the College’s See, Test, and Treat Department performed 187 program event in Houston. Papanicolaou tests and 5 The program, which provides breast fine-needle aspiration free cervical and breast cancer biopsies. screening to uninsured and The College of American Department volunteers at See, Test, and Treat. From left, Laboratory underinsured women, is in its 11th Pathologists’ See, Test, and Treat Technician Cassandra Miles, Dr. Dina Mody, Senior Cytotechnologist year. program is unique in that it offers Liza DiFilippo, Chief Cytotechnologist Deborah Smith, and Cytotech“See, Test, and Treat is an impornologist Specialist Bakula Dhurandhar. same-day screening, diagnoses, tant program,” said Dr. Dina and follow-up care. To date, the Mody, medical director of cytopaprogram has screened more than Medicine, including faculty, trainees, labothology for the Department. “There are 1,000 women at sponsored events across ratory technologists, and family members, thousands of women in the greater Housthe country. participated in the day-long event at the ton area that don’t have medical insurFor more information on the See, Test, Southwest Multi-Service Center in southance or access to these testing and conand Treat program, visit foundawest Houston and the Cytopathology sult services. Through this event, they get  Laboratory at The Methodist Hospital. it all in one day.” Patient specimens were immediately delivSixteen volunteers from the Departered to the Cytopathology Laboratory at ment of Pathology and Genomic Methodist for evaluation so that the

New Diagnostic Test Offerings: Serum Beta-Hydroxybutyrate Assay s of February 1, The Methodist Hospital Core Laboratory replaced the semi-quantitative serum acetone test with a quantitative enzymatic serum beta-hydroxybutyrate assay. Due to a national shortage of reagents, the acetone test will no longer be performed. Please order the betahydroxybutyrate (synonyms Ketone and Serum Ketone) for diagnosing or monitoring diabetic ketoacidosis. Beta-hydroxybutyrate is the most abundant ketone body in the blood; acetoacetic acid and acetone are produced in


smaller amounts. Please note that the old nitroprusside dipstick method does not react with beta-hydroxybutyrate, therefore, the results of the acetone test do not always correlate with the results of the beta-hydroxybutyrate assay. Normal beta -hydroxybutyrate levels are ≤0.3 mmol/L and are typically >2.0 mmol/L in patients with ketoacidosis. The betahydroxybutyrate test is available 24/7. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Dr. Ping Wang at 713-4413294 or Toni Emmott at 713-441-1861. 

Molecular structure of beta-hydroxybutyrate.




In Focus: The Hematopathology Team


ematopathology is the subspecialty of pathology that studies the diseases of hematopoietic cells. These diseases can be hereditary (bone marrow failure syndromes, primary immune deficiency syndromes) or acquired (nutritional deficiencies, infections, cancers). The Department of Pathology and Genomic Medicine has a team of four board-certified hematopathologists with a combined 94 years of professional training and experience

Fluorescent microscope image of the aptamer probes identifying cancer cells.

Arthur W. Zieske, M.D. Co-Medical Director, Hematopathology Dr. Zieske received his medical degree from the Louisiana State University Health Science Center (LSU-HSC) in New Orleans, where he also completed his pathology residency. He received his hematopathology fellowship training at the Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, CT. Training the next generation of pathologists is one of Dr. Zieske’s key interests; he received several teaching awards while on the faculty at LSU-HSC. For more information on Dr. Zieske, visit

in hematopathology. The team brings this extensive expertise to all facets of the hematopathology patient service that encompasses superior clinical care, education, and ground-breaking translational research.

The hematopathology team: from left, Drs. Arthur Zieske, April Ewton, Abdus Saleem, and Youli Zu.

Youli Zu, M.D., Ph.D. Co-Medical Director, Hematopathology Dr. Zu received his medical degree from the Jilin Medical College of Beihua University in Jilin City, China, and his Ph.D. in Immunology and Pathology from the Kyoto University School of Medicine in Kyoto, Japan. He completed his pathology residency at New York University Medical Center and a hematopathology fellowship at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda. In addition to providing clinical

services, Dr. Zu is the director of the Cancer Pathology Laboratory at The Methodist Hospital Research Institute. His research focuses on the development of novel diagnostics and treatments for hematopoietic and lymphoid disorders. His current studies, funded by the National Cancer Institute, involve development of an aptamer probe nanocomplex to diagnose and administer targeted treatment for anaplastic large cell lymphoma. For more information on Dr. Zu, visit

Abdus Saleem, M.D. Associate Medical Director, Hematopathology Dr. Saleem received his medical degree from the King Edward Medical School in Karachi, Pakistan. Having obtained his original subspecialty certification in 1977, he is the most experienced member of the Hematopathology Team. He has trained numerous local hematopathologists, including Dr. Jacquelin O’Hare, Dr. Munir Shahjahan, Dr. Choladda Curry, Dr. Randall Olsen, Dr. Thu Ngo, and Dr. Christine Finch. Dr. Saleem enjoys his role as the primary educator of residents and fellows in bone marrow and peripheral blood pathology. For more information on Dr. Saleem, visit

April A. Ewton, M.D. Associate Medical Director, Hematopathology Dr. Ewton obtained her medical degree and completed her residency training at the Baylor College of Medicine. She received her hematopathology fellowship training at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. As associate director of clinical pathology resident training, Dr. Ewton is especially involved with hematopathology education. For more information on Dr. Ewton, visit

For more information on the hematopathology service at Methodist, please contact Dr. April Ewton at 

Dr. Zieske teaching flow cytometry.

Dr. Ewton mentoring a trainee.




Lab Stats: Methodist Willowbrook Hospital Medical Director: Hazel L. Awalt, M.D. Dr. Awalt received her medical degree from the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, and held a faculty appointment there until she joined the laboratory at Willowbrook as the medical director in 2005. She is also the president-elect of the medical staff at Methodist Willowbrook Hospital. Faculty: Tracie J. Koen, M.D. Dr. Koen obtained her M.D. degree from The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston and is a graduate of the pathology training programs at Methodist. She has subspecialty certification in cytopathology. Yingchao Piao, M.D., Ph.D. Dr. Piao received a M.D. degree from the Yanbian Medical School in Yanji, China and a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from the University of Paris VI in Paris, France. She has subspecialty certification in both hematopathology and cytopathology. Director: Anita G. Farr, M.H.A. Ms. Farr received her Master of Healthcare Administration from Texas Woman’s University. She has been laboratory director at Willowbrook since 2009. Manager: Lisa Skodack-Jones, M.S. Ms. Skodak-Jones received her Master of Science in Medical Technology Management from California State University. She recently joined the management team at Willowbrook after spending 6 years as a group manager at ARUP Laboratories in Salt Lake City, Utah. Staff: The laboratory currently employs 39 staff members that include supervisors, technologists, histologists, processors, and technicians. These employees work as a cohesive team to allow the laboratory to operate efficiently and provide the best possible care to the patients at Methodist Willowbrook Hospital. 

“This is an outstanding laboratory in a superb hospital. As the north Houston communities continue to grow, our hospital and laboratory grow with them. Our relationships with our patients and their communities are very important.” Hazel L. Awalt, M.D.

“I just love working with Drs. Awalt and Piao and the rest of the laboratory. We all work well together and really keep things moving along.” Tracie J. Koen, M.D.

“The Willowbrook laboratory is ideal because we get to see interesting cases, in a smaller, community setting. It’s the best of both worlds.” Yingchao Piao, M.D., Ph.D.

“It is very exciting to watch the response of the laboratory team to the challenges that new service lines bring. The team never disappoints.” Anita G. Farr, M.H.A.

“I am delighted to be a member of the Methodist family, and look forward to the opportunity to get to know everyone.” Lisa Skodack-Jones, M.S.

“This is a busy laboratory, and we help each other out. That’s how it works.” Madelaine Vinueza, MT

Pictures from top: Dr. Awalt retrieving blood for a transfusion patient; Dr. Koen examining slides; Dr. Piao in the Histology Laboratory; Ms. Farr in her office at the Willowbrook Laboratory; and Ms. Skodack-Jones (right) with Medical Technology Coordinator, Madelaine Vinueza.




Department Trainees Win Awards at Texas Society of Pathologists Meeting


rs. Haijun “Steve” require a more aggressive course Zhou and Nicole of therapy. Nelles won 2nd and 3rd Dr. Nelles, a PGY2 resident, place, respectively, for their presented on IgA mesangial abstract presentations at the deposition among kidney doTexas Society of Pathologists nors. Her study found that 12% Annual Meeting held January of donor kidneys were positive 13-14 in Dallas. for IgA. Since one-third of these “We are very proud of Steve kidneys are procured from livand Nicole and our other training donors, more aggressive ees who presented in Dallas,” screening for hypertension and said Dr. Suzanne Powell, vice proteinuria may be warranted. chair of education for the DeTwelve department trainees partment. “Scholarly activity is are presenting their research Drs. Nelles and Zhou in the Frozen Section Room of The Methodist Hospital Outpatient Center. an important part of our training proresults this month at the United States grams and something we strongly and Canadian Academy of Pathology support.” Annual Meeting in Vancouver, British His data, based on analysis of 808 SureDr. Zhou, a PGY1 resident, presented Colombia, Canada. Path specimens, found that recognizing on whether LSIL-H (low-grade squamous For more information on Department LSIL-H as an independent diagnostic intraepithelial lesion-cannot exclude high training programs, visit methodcategory may help in early identification -grade squamous intraepithelial lesion)  of a higher risk subgroup in patients should be a distinct cytology category. diagnosed with LSIL who may

Trainee Spotlight: Haijun Zhou, M.D., Ph.D. PGY1 Resident


r. Haijun “Steve” Zhou, a PGY1 resident, is the recipient of the Department’s Trainee Leadership and Innovation Award for the first quarter of 2012. Dr. Zhou received the award specifically for his academic accomplishments; he recently received a second place award for his abstract presentation, “Should LSIL-H be a Distinct Cytology Category? A Study on Frequency and Distribution of 40 HPV Genotypes in a Cohort of Underserved Women,” at the Texas Society of Pathologists Annual Meeting on January 13 and 14 in Dallas. He also received an Excellence in Urologic Pathology Award from the International Society of Urologic Pathology for his abstract entitled “1,078 Intraoperative Frozen Section Evaluations of Ureteral and Urethral Margins: Studies of 212 Consecutive Radical Cystoprostatectomies for Men with Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma.” Dr. Zhou received his medical degree and Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the Peking Union Medical College in Beijing, China.

Haijun “Steve” Zhou, M.D., Ph.D.

RECENT PUBLICATIONS Arun B, Valero V, Liu D, Brewster A, Green M, Gutierrez-Barrera A, Akar U, Rivera E, Esteva FJ, Buzdar AU, Hortobagyi GN, Sneige N. Short-term biomarker modulation prevention study of anastrozole in women at increased risk for second primary breast cancer. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2012 Feb;5(2):276-82. Bearman GM, Rosato A, Elam K, Sanogo K, Stevens MP, Sessler CN, Wenzel RP. A Crossover Trial of Antimicrobial Scrubs to Reduce Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Burden on Healthcare Worker Apparel. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2012 Mar;33(3):268-75. Continued page 7




RECENT PUBLICATIONS continued Bensi G, Mora M, Tuscano G, Biagini M, Chiarot E, Bombaci M, Capo S, Falugi F, Manetti AG, Donato P, Swennen E, Gallotta M, Garibaldi M, Pinto V, Chiappini N, Musser JM, Janulczyk R, Mariani M, Scarselli M, Telford JL, Grifantini R, Norais N, Margarit I, Grandi G. Multi High-Throughput Approach for Highly Selective Identification of Vaccine Candidates: the Group A Streptococcus Case. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2012 Jan 27. [Epub ahead of print] Bohling SD, Pagano MB, Stitzel MR, Ferrell C, Yeung W, Chandler WL. Comparison of clot-based vs chromogenic factor Xa procoagulant phospholipid activity assays. Am J Clin Pathol. 2012 Feb;137(2):185-92. Cantley RL, Kapur U, Truong L, Cimbaluk D, Barkan GA, Wojcik E, Gattuso P. Fine-needle aspiration diagnosis of metastatic urothelial carcinoma: a review. Diagn Cytopathol. 2012 Feb;40(2):173-8. Churg A, Cagle P, Colby TV, Corson JM, Gibbs AR, Hammar S, Ordonez N, Roggli VL, Tazelaar HD, Travis WD, Wick M; USCanadian Mesothelioma Reference Panel. The fake fat phenomenon in organizing pleuritis: a source of confusion with desmoplastic malignant mesotheliomas. Am J Surg Pathol. 2011 Dec;35(12):1823-9. Ciustea M, Mootien S, Rosato AE, Perez O, Cirillo P, Yeung KR, Ledizet M, Cynamon MH, Aristoff PA, Koski RA, Kaplan PA, Anthony KG. Thiadiazolidinones: a new class of alanine racemase inhibitors with antimicrobial activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Biochem Pharmacol. 2012 Feb 1;83(3):368-77. Curry CV, Ewton AA, Olsen RJ, Logan BR, Preti HA, Liu YC, Perkins SL, Chang CC. Prognostic impact of C-REL expression in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. J Hematop. 2009 Mar;2(1):20-6. Divatia M, Kim SA, Ro JY. IgG4-related sclerosing disease, an emerging entity: a review of a multi-system disease. Yonsei Med J. 2012 Jan;53(1):15-34. Feng WX, Flores-Villanueva PO, Mokrousov I, Wu XR, Xiao J, Jiao WW, Sun L, Miao Q, Shen C, Shen D, Liu F, Jia ZW, Shen A. CCL2−2518 (A/G) polymorphisms and tuberculosis susceptibility: a meta-analysis. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2012 Feb;16(2):150-6. Fittipaldi N, Beres SB, Olsen RJ, Kapur V, Shea PR, Watkins ME, Cantu CC, Laucirica DR, Jenkins L, Flores AR, Lovgren M, Ardanuy C, LiĂąares J, Low DE, Tyrrell GJ, Musser JM. Full-Genome Dissection of an Epidemic of Severe Invasive Disease Caused by a Hypervirulent, Recently Emerged Clone of Group A Streptococcus. Am J Pathol. 2012 Feb 11. [Epub ahead of print] Fraser TN, Avellaneda AA, Graviss EA, Musher DM. Acute kidney injury associated with trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2012 Feb 20. [Epub ahead of print] Ghazi A, Ashoori A, Hanley PJ, Brawley VS, Shaffer DR, Kew Y, Powell SZ, Grossman R, Grada Z, Scheurer ME, Hegde M, Leen AM, Bollard CM, Rooney CM, Heslop HE, Gottschalk S, Ahmed N. Generation of Polyclonal CMV-specific T Cells for the Adoptive Immunotherapy of Glioblastoma. J Immunother. 2012 Feb;35(2):159-68. Hwang CK, Aaberg TM Jr, Chevez-Barrios P, Verner-Cole E, Gombos DS, Paysse E, Chintagumpala M, Gao W, Grossniklaus HE. Residual intraretinal retinoblastoma after chemoreduction failure. Arch Ophthalmol. 2012 Feb;130(2):246-8. Jing H, Wang H, Wang Y, Deng Y, Li X, Liu Z, Graviss EA, Ma X. Prevalence of nontuberculous mycobacteria infection, China, 20042009. Emerg Infect Dis. 2012 Mar;18(3):527-8. Jung G, Hwang HS, Jang SJ, Ro JY. Are elastic stain and specialty sign out necessary to evaluate pleural invasion in lung cancers? Ann Diagn Pathol. 2012 Jan 4. [Epub ahead of print] Kim J, Coffey DM, Creighton CJ, Yu Z, Hawkins SM, Matzuk MM. High-grade serous ovarian cancer arises from fallopian tube in a mouse model. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Feb 13. [Epub ahead of print] Mishra DK, Thrall MJ, Baird BN, Ott HC, Blackmon SH, Kurie JM, Kim MP. Human Lung Cancer Cells Grown on Acellular Rat Lung Matrix Create Perfusable Tumor Nodules. Ann Thorac Surg. 2012 Feb 29. [Epub ahead of print] Olar A, Raghunathan A, Albarracin CT, Aldape KD, Cahill DP 3rd, Powell SZ, Goodman JC, Fuller GN. Absence of IDH1-R132H mutation predicts rapid progression of nonenhancing diffuse glioma in older adults. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2011 Dec 23. [Epub ahead of print] Olsen RJ, Laucirica DR, Watkins ME, Feske ML, Garcia-Bustillos JR, Vu C, Cantu C, Shelburne SA 3rd, Fittipaldi N, Kumaraswami M, Shea PR, Flores AR, Beres SB, Lovgren M, Tyrrell GJ, Efstratiou A, Low DE, Van Beneden CA, Musser JM. Polymorphisms in Regulator of Protease B (RopB) Alter Disease Phenotype and Strain Virulence of Serotype M3 Group A Streptococcus. J Infect Dis. 2012 Jan 18. [Epub ahead of print] Continued page 8




RECENT PUBLICATIONS continued Peng H, Wen J, Zhang L, Li H, Chang CC, Zu Y, Zhou X. A systematic modeling study on the pathogenic role of p38 MAPK activation in myelodysplastic syndromes. Mol Biosyst. 2012 Apr 1;8(4):1366-74. Quiroga-Garza G, Pina-Oviedo S, Cuevas-Ocampo K, Goldfarb R, Schwartz MR, Ayala AG, Monzon FA. Synchronous clear cell renal cell carcinoma and tubulocystic carcinoma: genetic evidence of independent ontogenesis and implications of chromosomal imbalances in tumor progression. Diagn Pathol. 2012 Feb 27;7(1):21. Shin SJ, Kim KR, Song DE, Ro JY, Kong KY, Lee SW, Nam JH. Recognition of parametrial invasion, an important landmark when treating cervical cancer.. Gynecol Oncol. 2012 Mar;124(3):502-7. Sun H, Xu Y, Sitkiewicz I, Ma Y, Wang X, Yestrepsky BD, Huang Y, Lapadatescu MC, Larsen MJ, Larsen SD, Musser JM, Ginsburg D. Inhibitor of streptokinase gene expression improves survival after group A Streptococcus infection in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Feb 28;109(9):3469-3474. Tarr PI, Sadler JE, Chandler WL, George JN, Tsai HM. Should all adult patients with diarrhoea-associated HUS receive plasma exchange? Lancet. 2012 Feb 11;379(9815):516. Thayalakulasingam T, Mohammed R, Varughese S, Zieske A, Smith DL, Engel LS, Boulmay B, Lopez FA. Clinical case of the month. A rare case of Budd Chiari syndrome. J La State Med Soc. 2011 Sep-Oct;163(5):291-4. Thayalakulasingham T, Guillory S, Narula T, deBoisblanc B, Zieske AW, Smith D, Engel LS, Sanders CV, Lopez FA. Christmas treat to chronic cough. J La State Med Soc. 2011 Nov-Dec;163(6):349-51. Turner BM, Cagle PT, Sainz IM, Fukuoka J, Shen SS, Jagirdar J. Napsin A, a new marker for lung adenocarcinoma, is complementary and more sensitive and specific than thyroid transcription factor 1 in the differential diagnosis of primary pulmonary carcinoma: evaluation of 1674 cases by tissue microarray. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2012 Feb;136(2):163-71. Wright AM, Barrios R, Musser JM. In reply. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2012 Mar;136(3):235-6. Zhao L, Guo M, Sneige N, Gong Y. Value of PAX8 and WT1 Immunostaining in Confirming the Ovarian Origin of Metastatic Carcinoma in Serous Effusion Specimens. Am J Clin Pathol. 2012 Feb;137(2):304-9. Zhao N, Qi J, Zeng Z, Parekh P, Chang CC, Tung CH, Zu Y. Transfecting the hard-to-transfect lymphoma/leukemia cells using a simple cationic polymer nanocomplex. J Control Release. 2012 Jan 15. [Epub ahead of print] ď Žď€

The Laboratory Report The Laboratory Report is a publication of The Methodist Hospital System Department of Pathology and Genomic Medicine.

Editor-in-Chief April A. Ewton, M.D.

Claudia P. Molina, M.D. Seema Mullick, M.D. Editorial Committee Thu Ngo, M.D. Hazel L. Awalt, M.D. Steven Shen, M.D., Ph.D. Christopher Leveque, M.D. Paul Sumby, Ph.D.

Ping Wang, Ph.D. Editorial Coordinator Philip Randall

The Methodist Hospital Clare Rose, M.B.A. Manuel Hinojosa, M.H.A.

Department Chair James M. Musser, M.D., Ph.D.

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