1 minute read
The more NLI pre-training the better
NLI training datasets helps (also in TACRED)
Is this because of a brilliant domain-expert?
● We gave the task to a computational linguist PhD
● Very similar results across all training regimes
● Replicable, robust to variations in prompts
● She also found writing prompts very friendly: “Writing templates is more natural and rewarding than annotating examples, which is more repetitive, stressful and tiresome.”
“When writing templates, I was thinking in an abstract manner, trying to find generalizations. When doing annotation I was paying attention to concrete cases.”
Is this because of a brilliant domain-expert?
● We gave the task to a computational linguist PhD
● Very similar results across all training regimes
● Replicable, robust to variations in prompts
● She also found writing prompts very friendly: “Writing templates is more natural and rewarding than annotating examples, which is more repetitive, stressful and tiresome.”
“When writing templates, I was thinking in an abstract manner, trying to find generalizations. When doing annotation I was paying attention to concrete cases.”