Materials Discovery Precursor to Progress in Society
Materials Changed Societies and Enabled new Technology:
How are Materials Discovered?
By Luck / Accident:Stainless steel, vulcanized rubber (car tires), Teflon, Play-doh, Saccharin, Super Glue,…
Edisonian (Trial and Error) Approach:
He tested over 6,000 plant materials to discover the final light bulb filament,
Materials-Discovery over Time
Of all (solid state) materials that we know of today, how many were discovered in the last 10 years?
Materials-Discovery over Time
Materials in ICSD
Top 500 HPC
Doubles every ~22 yrs
1st : Empirical Science
2nd: Modelbased Science
Doubles every ~1.3 yrs
3rd: Computational Science
4th: Data-driven Science
The 3rd Paradigm: Computational Discovery
Bulk modulus
Stress tensor
Work function
Surface/cleavage energy
Adsorption energy
Magnetic ordering
Magnetic moment
Dielectric constant
Absorption spectra
Density of states
Band structure
Vibrational entropy
Phase stability (Hull diagram)
Time Required for Experiment vs. Computation
Experiments (Synthesis) ~ weeks to months (to a Ph.D.)
First principles calculations ~ hours to days (to weeks)
Still too long to screen >100,000 candidates
Discovery Cluster
Over 20,000 CPU Cores and Over 200 GPUs
Hosted at MGHPCC (90,000-square-foot facility)
The 4th Paradigm: Data-Driven Discovery
Derived or measured properties
Physical & Chemical insight/intuition
* = fingerprint = feature (vector)
High-Quality Data?
Types of Materials Data
Types of Materials Data
XRD, TEM, etc.
NLP and LLMs
Types of Materials Data
Atomistic simulations
Materials properties
High-throughput computations of properties
XRD, TEM, etc.
Scientific Literature
NLP and LLMs
ML Paradigms in Materials Science
Model-centric AI
How change the model/architecture to improve performance?
Shallow ML + feature engineering
Experimental Computational Small Data
Big Data Spectra, Images
Active Learning
Data-centric AI
How systematically change data (x/y) to improve performance?
Big Data “Good Data”
Deep Learning
Experimental Computational Small Data
Big Data Spectra, Images
Experimental Computational Small Data
Big Data Spectra, Images
Transfer Learning
Experimental Computational Small Data
Big Data Spectra, Images
Materials Descriptors
Examples of Data-Driven Discovery
Industrial Perspective
Crystal Structures vs. Molecules
Atom types
Lattice vectors
Atom types
Space group symmetry
Point group symmetry
E(3) invariant
Requirements for an Ideal Materials Descriptor
i. Meaningful and Universal (and fixed in number)
ii. Compact and Cheap(er) to Compute
iii. Invariant Under Crystal Symmetries (and atom permutations)
iv. Continuous (small change in atomic structure = small change in descriptor)
v. Reversible
vi. Unique
vii. Additive
viii. Uncorrelated
Hierarchy of Materials Descriptors
Crystal Graph Convolutional NN
Atomistic Line Graph NN
Others: M3GNet, SchNet, PointNet, PAINN, DimeNet++, …
Invariant to E(3)
E(3) Equivariant GNNs
Requires data augmentation
(inefficient & not physical)
No additional data required
Improved transferability and data efficiency
E(3) Equivariant GNNs
Interested in the math/CS details?
→ Prof. Robin Walters at Northeastern (Khoury College)
“Affordable Accuracy”
HIV Capsid with 44 Million Atoms
Majority of Energy Goes to Waste(-Heat)
Thermionic Energy Converter (TEC)
Vacuum gap
Heat Input
• No moving parts
• Power output scales with area
TEC Efficiency
High-Throughput DFT Workflow
Work Function Database
Model Performance with Physics-motivated Descriptors
Elemental features
200 features
15 features
~105 faster than DFT
Structural features
Promising New Low Work Function Surfaces
After ionic relaxation: Discovery of metallic surfaces with WF < 1.5 eV:
CsScCl3, Hexagonal, (100) Surface
BaX [X=Si, Sn, Ge], Orthorhombic, (110) Surface
Discovery of New High-Brightness Photocathodes for XFEL
Electron emission from Photocathodes Depends on Work Function
Work Function
Photocathode Brightness ∝ 1 / spread in transverse momentum of electrons
Intrinsic Emittance
Physical Review B, 101 (2020).
E.R.Antoniuk, Y. Yue, Y. Zhou, P. Schindler, W.A. Schroeder, B. Dunham, P. Pianetta, T. Vecchione, & E.J. Reed. Generalizable DFT-based photoemission model for the accelerated development of photocathodes and other photoemissive devices
Ab-initio Photoemission Model
Novel Ultra-bright and Air-Stable Photocathodes
Discovered through ML/DFT Driven Screening
11 materials with intrinsic emittance < 0.3 µm/mm
+ 3 air stable low intrinsic emittance materials M2O (M = Na, K, Rb)
Advanced Materials, 33, 44 (2021)
E. R. Antoniuk, P. Schindler, W. A. Schroeder, B. Dunham, P. Pianetta, T. Vecchione, and E. J. Reed
Materials Descriptors
Examples of Data-Driven Discovery
Industrial Perspective
“Materials Informatics” in Industry?
Industry Perspective: Aionics Inc.
Structure generator leveraging AI potentials to construct crystals, surfaces, molecules, etc.
Database of 10B+ candidates, searchable by physical properties, safety, supply chain, price, etc.
Synthesize New Formulations
AI platform to incorporate latest data, train new model, and guide next selection
Cloud-based DFT to compute properties of candidate
Source at Production Scale
Co-innovation partnerships with electrochemical materials manufacturers:
Aionics tools used internally to lead client’s in-house R&D