Parade of Stars 2013 Celebrating academic success
Speakers | @KingsIoP #paradeofstars
Parade of Stars Celebrating academic success at the IoP
Welcome to Parade of Stars 2013, King’s College London Institute of Psychiatry’s (IoP) research showcase celebrating academic success across the IoP. The Institute is Europe’s largest centre for research in psychiatry, psychology, basic and clinical neuroscience and substance use disorders. The IoP has multidisciplinary expertise across disorders, across departments and across research methodologies. Being part of King’s Health Partners Academic Health Sciences Centre enables stronger and unique partnerships, where both mental health and physical care come under the same umbrella, allowing us to further expand our research perspectives.
Professor Shitij Kapur Dean and Head of School Professor Til Wykes Vice Dean (Research)
Our National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre for Mental Health and Biomedical Research Unit for Dementia, in partnership with South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, provides us with an advantageous position in translational research. Parade of Stars brings our academic stars together to celebrate and share the important areas they are investigating and to provide an overview of the Institute’s research activities. This year we have poster presentations from some of the Institute’s ‘rising stars’ – please take a moment to discuss their work with the next generation of academic stars.
Professor Rona Moss-Morris Professor of Psychology as applied to Medicine, Department of Psychology
Why health professionals should spend more time addressing patients’ common sense beliefs about their illness.
Synopsis: Howard Leventhal’s common sense
model of illness representations proposes that patients form their own beliefs about their illness which are often disparate to those of their health practitioner. These common sense beliefs direct the way in which patients choose to manage their illness, and in so doing, can have profound effects on health outcome. We have conducted a number of studies to show that these beliefs direct behaviours such as patients’ use of asthma medication as well predicting ongoing chronic symptoms from acute infections and injury. We have also shown that interventions which alter patients’ negative beliefs about their symptoms are highly effective in reducing symptoms and illness related disability. Biography: Rona Moss-Morris grew up in South
Africa. After completing her undergraduate
studies at the University of Cape Town, she immigrated to New Zealand where she continued her studies and took up her first academic appointment at the University of Auckland. She joined the Psychology Department at the IoP in 2011 to lead the Section Health Psychology. Her primary interests are psychological factors that affect symptom experience and coping with chronic conditions. This basic research informs the development and trials of cognitive behavioural interventions for a range of patient groups. Professor Moss-Morris’s work has been published in leading medical and psychology journals and texts. She was Editor-in-Chief of Psychology and Health, the principal European health psychology journal from 2006-2010 and is currently National Advisor to the Department of Health for IAPT for People with Long Term and Medically Unexplained conditions.
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Professor John Strang Professor and Head of Department, Addictions
Our failure to prevent heroin overdose deaths
Synopsis: Heroin overdose looms large in the data
on drug-related deaths – and yet the prevalence of heroin abuse is extremely low. Why? And when does this occur? Is there anything we might be able to do to stem this haemorrhage? The causes and time/context clustering will be summarised, and we explore the overlooked opportunity to take technology to where it is needed, and to empower peers and family to become a novel intervention workforce, through education and training and pre-provision of emergency resuscitation medication. Biography: Professor John Strang is Director of
the National Addiction Centre (NAC) and Head of the Addictions Department at King’s College London and is Leader of the Addictions Clinical Academic Group of the Kings Health Partners AHSC (Academic Health Science Centre).
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He has also been an addictions psychiatrist for over 30 years, and has led the group at the Maudsley/Institute for many years. Professor Strang has published over 400 scientific papers in the addiction field and is one of only five addictions researchers outside North America to be identified by ISI (the Institute for Scientific Analysis) as a “Highly Cited Author” – publicly available at – and he is the only one in Europe who is also a clinician. His published co-edited books include ‘Addiction Research Methods’ and ‘Drug Policy and the Public Good’. With colleagues, he has been at the forefront of charting the strange clusterings of heroin overdose deaths, and has identified untapped potential for overdose resuscitation interventions by family and friends, to prevent deaths while awaiting ambulance.
Professor Sir Simon Wessely Professor and Head of the Department, Psychological Medicine and Vice Dean (Academic Psychiatry)
Biography: Simon Wessely is Professor and Head
of the Department of Psychological Medicine and Vice Dean for Academic Psychiatry at IoP. Best known for his work on unexplained symptoms, syndromes and military health, he founded the King’s Centre for Military Health Research, a unique collaboration between the IoP and the King’s College London’s Department of War Studies, in 2003 and has been a consultant liaison psychiatrist at King’s College Hospital
and the Maudsley Hospital since 1991. Professor Wessely has over 650 original publications, with a particular emphasis on the boundaries of medicine and psychiatry, unexplained symptoms and syndromes, military health, population reactions to adversity, epidemiology, history and other fields. In 2012 he was awarded the first Nature “John Maddox Prize” for Standing Up for Science, and was knighted in the 2013 New Year’s Honours List.
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Dr Diana Rose Reader in User-Led Research, Department of Health Services and Population Research
What can patients tell us that we don’t already know?
Synopsis: The presentation will consider two
new methodologies devised in the Service User Research Enterprise (SURE) to elicit users’ views in ways that conventional research perhaps cannot. It will ask whether these constitute a radical challenge to conventional research or a critical piece of the jigsaw. Biography: Diana Rose is a social scientist and
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has used mental health services all her adult life. In her research she brings these two knowledge sources together to put the patient’s voice into all stages of the research journey. She has developed new methodologies to do this, both before and since coming to the Institute of Psychiatry to work in the SURE which she now co-directs. She is widely regarded as a pioneer in her field at both national and international levels.
Dr Sukhi Shergill Reader in Psychiatry, Department of Psychosis Studies
Synopsis: The talk will cover the brain
mechanisms underlying the symptoms of psychosis, and how we can use these to guide novel treatments. Biography: Dr Sukhi Shergill BSc MBBS PhD
FRCPsych is a Reader in Psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, and a Consultant Psychiatrist in the National Psychosis Service at the Maudsley Hospital. People who have treatment-refractory psychosis are referred here from all over the UK. Much of his research utilises neuroimaging and aims to
understand more about the brain mechanisms involved in the symptoms of psychosis in order to develop new, effective treatments for the large number of people with schizophrenia who do not respond to antipsychotic medication. At the Institute of Psychiatry, he heads the Cognition, Schizophrenia and Imaging Laboratory (CSI Lab), comprising two-dozen academics, clinical researchers, PhD and other students. Dr Shergill is also chair of the Masters Programme in Mental Health Studies, which every year attracts more than 100 students from around the world.
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Professor Khalida Ismail Professor of Psychiatry and Medicine, Department of Psychological Medicine
Diabetes and Depression
Synopsis: The overall aim of my research is to
Biography: Professor Ismail is a liaison psychiatrist
identify biological processes that are common to both depression and type 2 diabetes. We have found that depression is common in type 2 diabetes and that it is associated with both pre-diabetes states (insulin resistance) and worse biomedical outcomes, worryingly a threefold increase in mortality. In the South London Diabetes Cohort (SOUL-D) of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes, people who are depressed are younger, more overweight and have higher levels of innate inflammation. This suggests that processes that activate the inflammatory response may be associated with the onset of both conditions. Future projects will study genetic origins common to both, the impact of depression on cognitive impairment and dementia, and search for novel agents that can treat both depression and type 2 diabetes.
and epidemiologist with a specialist interest in diabetes and related disorders. Her research interests are in: a) understanding the epidemiology and underlying mechanisms of the depressiondiabetes link and related disorders and b) developing and evaluating innovative interventions to improve diabetes control and depression. As an honorary Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist in King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Professor Ismail leads the Diabetes and Mental Health clinical service. Her research has been translated into innovative clinical services such as the 3 Dimensions of Care for Diabetes service (3DFD) which won three Quality in Care Awards 2011. She has developed training modules to improve skills in psychological care for health professionals working with people with diabetes.
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Professor Gareth Barker Professor of Magnetic Resonance Physics, Department of Neuroimaging
Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Techniques
Synopsis: Conventional MRI uses the MR scanner
as a camera, allowing qualitative visualisation of normal anatomy and pathology. Quantitative approaches use the scanner as a scientific instrument, measuring a range of MR parameters to reveal subtle changes invisible on conventional images. Biography: Professor Barker’s research is
centred on the application of Magnetic
Resonance Imaging to neurological and psychological disorders. Much of his work has been on technique development, both for image acquisition and processing, and on the optimisation of protocols that make these techniques applicable to patient populations. He has a particular interest in quantitative MRI techniques such as relaxation time measurements, magnetization transfer and diffusion tensor imaging.
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Professor Susan Lea Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology and Vice Dean (Education)
Psychology and Social Justice
Synopsis: This brief talk concerns social justice
from a social and community psychology perspective, highlighting research in racism, sexual and domestic violence and the criminal justice/health service interface. Biography: Professor Lea’s research interests are
informed by a social justice perspective. Taking a discursive psychology approach, her focus has been predominantly on the language of sexual and domestic violence and its implications for
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practice in a range of settings including criminal justice and health and social care. With an interest in academic-practice collaborations and the interface between the criminal justice system and health service, Professor Lea is currently PI for a project charting the journeys of clients with severe, enduring mental health needs as they come into contact with both the CJS and NHS. She balances her research activity with her role as IoP Vice Dean for Education.
Professor Mike Slade Professor of Health Services Research, Department of Health Services and Population Research
Recovery: what’s new?
Synopsis: In recent decades the ‘recovery’
approach has emerged as an ideology and national policy in mental health systems internationally. Is there anything actually new? This talk will be based on systematic review evidence about what recovery means and how mental health services can support recovery. Biography: Prof Mike Slade is a Professor of
Health Services Research at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, and a Consultant Clinical Psychologist in South London. His main research interests are recoveryfocused and outcome-focused mental health services, user involvement in and influence on
mental health services, staff-patient agreement on need, and contributing to the development of clinically useable outcome measures, including the Camberwell Assessment of Need and the Threshold Assessment Grid. He has written over 200 academic articles and 7 books, including Personal Recovery and Mental Illness (Cambridge University Press - see and free-to-download guides including: Making Recovery a Reality; 100 Ways to Support Recovery; and REFOCUS: Promoting recovery in community mental health services. Further information on his research programme is at
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Professor Sabine Landau Professor of Biostatistics, Department of Biostatistics
Trials methodology research: from correlations to causes
Synopsis: This talk describes recent developments
in statistical methodology for causal inference from trials. It makes the case that such new analysis techniques have a lot to offer mental health research. For example techniques can be used to investigate treatment effect modification by characteristics of therapies and so help find predictive psychological markers, or aid the evaluation of efficacy and mechanism in complex interventions. Biography: Professor Landau is involved in
collaborative research to address substantive research questions as well as methods research.
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She has applied state-of-the-art statistical methods in a variety of mental health projects ranging from the assessment of suicide clusters in the mentally ill, to the characterisation of the spatial arrangement of brain cells in HIVassociated dementia, to the evaluation of psychological therapies in clinical trials. Her current methodological research is focused on developing causal inference techniques, for example to evaluate the efficacy of interventions in the presence of non-adherence with randomised treatments or to understand mechanism in trials of complex interventions.
Professor Declan Murphy Professor and Head of Department, Forensic and Neurodevelopmental Sciences
Biography: Professor Declan Murphy trained
at the Institute of Psychiatry (King’s College, London), and at the Laboratory of Neurosciences (NIH, USA). His main research interest is in the biological determinants of brain development and ageing; and how abnormalities in this process lead to neuropsychiatric disorders and abnormal social behaviour. Professor Murphy is currently Head of the Department of Forensic and Neurodevelopmental Sciences at the
Institute of Psychiatry. He is lead investigator on a number of multicentre imaging and translational neuroscience studies – including an MRC funded UK neuroimaging network for research in autism (MRC UK AIMS program), an EU IMI funded programme on autism (EU-AIMS) and an EU postdoctoral imaging training network (EU TRIP). He is also part of TACTICS – a multicentre study on inhibitory mechanisms.
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Professor Philippa Garety Professor of Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology
Developing targeted psychological treatments for persecutory delusions
Synopsis: Our research identifies psychological
Biography: Professor Garety is Clinical Director
mechanisms which cause the development and persistence of persecutory delusions, develops treatment approaches targeted on these mechanisms and tests them in RCTs. So, for example, this means understanding what it is about a person’s thinking, when going out in the street, that causes paranoid ideas – such as limited data gathering and anxious attention to threat and then testing novel treatment approaches for these specific ways of thinking.
and Joint Leader of the Psychosis Clinical Academic Group within King’s Health Partners. Her research focuses on why people with psychosis develop and persist in holding delusional beliefs and has found that both reasoning and emotional processes contribute to delusions. The aim of her experiments and trials is to improve and evaluate psychological treatments for psychosis. Professor Garety is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society and a Senior Investigator on the faculty of the National Institute for Health Research.
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Dr Jean-Marc Gallo Reader in Molecular Neuroscience, Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Shooting the messenger: a SMaRT way to fight neurodegeneration
Synopsis: An increasing number of
neurodegenerative diseases are linked to abnormal processing of RNA, the intermediate between genes and proteins. We have developed a novel gene therapy method to correct RNA defects and have demonstrated its effectiveness in a model of inherited dementia. Biography: Jean-Marc Gallo is a Reader in
Molecular Neuroscience in the Department of Clinical Neuroscience. His main interest is on
the molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration in several groups of diseases including dementias of the Alzheimer’s type, motor neurone diseases and CAG repeat expansions diseases. JeanMarc Gallo has a long standing interest on the cytoskeleton; more recently his work has been focused on the role of RNA and RNA processing in neurodegeneration with a particular emphasis on the development of RNA-based therapeutic strategies.
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Professor Barbara Maughan Professor of Developmental Epidemiology, MRC Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre
A Life of Crime: Antisocial behaviour across the life course
Biography: Many adult mental health problems
have roots in childhood difficulties. Professor Maughan’s research uses epidemiological methods to explore early risk factors for psychiatric disorders; to examine developmental
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continuities in mental health across the life course; and to identify mechanisms that make for continuity and change. Her current studies focus in particular on conduct problems and antisocial behaviour.
Professor Rob Stewart Professor of Psychiatric Epidemiology & Clinical Informatics, Department of Health Services and Population Research
Mental Health Informatics – ‘real world’ research
Synopsis: Psychiatric research began in the late
19th century with the careful delineation of presentation, response to treatment, and longer term outcomes in people receiving routine clinical care. The wealth of information in the electronic health record presents unprecedented opportunities to transform our understanding of how mental disorders are experienced and how they should be treated. Biography: Rob Stewart is Professor of Psychiatric
Epidemiology and Clinical Informatics, having carried out research at the Institute of Psychiatry
since 1996, and having practiced as a Consultant in Liaison Old Age Psychiatry at the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) since 2003. He has been Academic Lead for the SLaM Biomedical Research Centre Case Register since 2007, overseeing the development and application of the Clinical Record Interactive Search (CRIS) application, which provides researcher access to full but anonymised clinical data on over 200,000 people using SLaM services, and which may well be the world’s largest in-depth mental health care database.
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Professor Til Wykes Professor of Clinical Psychology and Rehabilitation, Department of Psychology and Vice Dean (Research)
Food for thought – cognitive remediation for people with schizophrenia
Synopsis: People with a diagnosis of schizophrenia
Biography: Til Wykes is professor of Clinical
have cognitive difficulties that are often apparent even before the onset of the disorder. They not only persist when the symptoms disappear but they predict the recovery trajectory and for a long time these cognitive problems were treated as static characteristics which made people vulnerable to the disorder. However, the development of new cognitive remediation treatments allows us not only to understand and reduce these cognitive problems but also to prevent this limitation on recovery.
Psychology and Rehabilitation in the Department of Psychology and Vice Dean (Research) at the IOP. She is Director of the NIHR Mental Health Research Network for England which supports mental health research in the NHS and edits the Journal of Mental Health. She founded and is now co-director of the Service User Research Enterprise (SURE). The British Psychological Society awarded her both the May Davidson Award and the Shapiro Award for her contributions to clinical psychology and she is also an NIHR Senior Investigator.
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Professor Michael Kopelman Professor of Neuropsychiatry, Department of Psychological Medicine
HIV and ageing: neuropsychological and neuroimaging studies
Synopsis: The effect of HIV on cognitive ageing is
a matter of much current interest. My colleagues and I have conducted cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of HIV positive and HIV negative men, finding neuroimaging findings which may be predictive of subsequent cognitive decline, especially in executive function. Biography: Professor Michael Kopelman is
Professor of Neuropsychiatry at King’s College London Institute of Psychiatry and is based
at St Thomas’s Hospital, where he runs a Neuropsychiatry and Memory Disorders Clinic. He was co-editor of The Handbook of Memory Disorders, 2002; co-author of Lishman’s Organic Psychiatry, 4th edition, 2009; and co-editor of Forensic Neuropsychology in Practice, 2009. He is a past-President of the British Neuropsychological Society, current President of the International Neuropsychiatric Association, and current President of the British Academy of Forensic Sciences.
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Professor Carmine Pariante Professor in Biological Psychiatry, Department of Psychological Medicine
Why stress makes us ill
Synopsis: Stressful events can significantly
compromise our physical and mental health. Professor Pariante studies the biological mechanisms underlying this effect, focusing on the pathways by which hormones and the immune system regulate brain function. Biography: Carmine Pariante is Professor
of Biological Psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry, and Consultant Perinatal Psychiatrist at the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. He investigates the role of stress in the pathogenesis of mental disorders and in the response to psychotropic drugs, both in clinical samples and experimental settings using animal and cellular models. His work focuses on
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depression and fatigue, with a particular interest in the perinatal period and in subjects with medical disorders. Professor Pariante has received numerous awards for his research: for example, from the National Alliance for Research in Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD), the American Psychiatric Institute for Research and Education (APIRE), and the British Association for Psychopharmacology. He has recently been awarded the 2012 “Academic Psychiatrist of the Year� Award from the Royal College of Psychiatrists. His dream is that new therapeutic tools targeting the stress system will soon be available to alleviate the suffering of patients with mental health problems.
Dr Diane Hanger Reader in Neuroscience, Department of Neuroscience
Understanding the biological basis of dementia
Synopsis: Increased understanding of
the molecular mechanisms involved in neurodegenerative disease is vital for uncovering new therapeutic targets. This research has identified key proteins that are intrinsically involved in neurodegeneration and has elucidated novel protein functions that may be aberrant in disease. Biography: Dr Hanger’s research uses
biochemical and cell biological approaches to understand the molecular processes underlying neurodegenerative disease pathogenesis, especially dementia. Dr Hanger has a major research focus on tau protein, which forms characteristic neural cell inclusions in Alzheimer’s disease. After several years in the pharmaceutical industry, Dr Hanger’s academic career began at St George’s Hospital Medical School,
University of London. Shortly after moving to the Institute of Psychiatry, Dr Hanger identified key enzymes, including glycogen synthase kinase-3, as important modifiers of tau. Some of these enzymes are now prime targets for therapeutic development in neurodegenerative disease. Recent work in Dr Hanger’s laboratory has identified novel functions for tau, including its regulated release from neurons, which is currently under investigation in disease-relevant models. This significant finding may begin to elucidate mechanisms underlying the spread of pathological tau through diseased brain. Groups/Hanger
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Professor Andrew Pickles Professor and Head of Department, Biostatistics
Synopsis: After an overview of the role of the Dept
of Biostatistics, I illustrate some findings from developmental epidemiological studies of clinical and general population cohorts that use statistical modelling. Biography: Andrew has an eclectic background
spanning natural and social sciences through which a theme of applied statistics runs. From a postdoc position in geography at Cambridge he joined Mike Rutter’s MRC Child Psychiatry Unit in 1986, becoming Professor of Medical Statistics in 1998. With a break for 10 years in Manchester,
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Andrew returned as Head of the Institute’s Dept of Biostatistics and Director of King’s Clinical Trials Unit. Though he has published widely on almost all aspects of mental health, from genetics to longterm population trends, his own research focuses on methods for developmental and lifecourse epidemiology. While studies of autism have formed a major component of his work through this period his most recent enthusiasm is for the processes of early development for which the MRC funded Wirral Child Health and Development Study is providing much of surprise.
Professor Janet Treasure Professor of Psychiatry, Department of Psychological Medicine
Biography: A specialist in the treatment of
eating disorders for over 30 years, Professor Treasure’s research has focused on the brain based backdrop to these problems with the overall aim of developing new treatments. This work has been carried out collaboratively with, and often inspired by patients and their families and also through working with teams based around
the world. An author of many self-help books for those affected by eating disorders, Professor Treasure also works with several eating disorder charities. In 2004, she received the Academy for Eating Disorders’ Leadership Award for Research and in 2013, she was awarded Officer of the Order of the British Empire for Services to People with Eating Disorders.
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Professor Laura Goldstein Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology, Department of Psychology
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Cognition
Synopsis: Over the years our research group has
Biography: Professor Laura H. Goldstein is
established that Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (the most common form of motor neuron disease) is accompanied by cognitive dysfunction that reflects the extramotor aspects of the disease. Most work has focused on executive dysfunction (with its implications for disease subtypes, psychosocial functioning and care choices). However our recent work is highlighting the potential existence of language dysfunction and the need to take this into account in order to derive realistic prevalence estimates of cognitive involvement in ALS.
a Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology in the Department of Psychology and Fellow of the British Psychological Society. She has undertaken internationally recognised research into the neuropsychological and broader psychological consequences of neurological disorders and their comorbidities, with particular reference to motor neuron disease. Other areas of her clinical academic work include developing psychoeducational and psychological interventions for people with epilepsy and nonepileptic (dissociative) seizures.
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Professor Edgar Jones Professor of the History of Medicine and Psychiatry, Department of Psychological Medicine
War Syndromes: Conflict and Culture
Synopsis: War syndromes and psychological
casualties can only be understood when placed within their cultural and military context. Shaped by conflict, they also express popular health beliefs and the individual’s pre-combat experiences. Biography: Edgar Jones, Professor of the History
of Medicine and Psychiatry, in 2005 founded the MSc in War and Psychiatry. He works in the field of military psychiatry exploring how individuals prepare for, and cope with, the intense stress of war, together with its long-term
psychological effects. In particular, he has studied Gulf War syndrome, shell shock and other disorders characterised by medically unexplained symptoms. In addition, Professor Jones has researched the psychological impact of air-raids on civilians in the context of recent terrorist attacks. The impact of culture on the expression of distress is a consistent theme in his work. He is the co-author of Shell Shock to PTSD, Military Psychiatry from 1900 to the Gulf, Hove: Psychology Press, Maudsley Monograph (2005).
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Dr Andy Simmons Reader of Neuroimaging, Department of Neuroimaging
Biography: Andy Simmons is a Reader
in Neuroimaging at the Department of Neuroimaging and a Consultant Clinical Scientist (Medical Physics) at the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. He joined the Institute of Psychiatry and Maudsley Hospital in 1994 as a Lecturer in Neuroimaging alongside Steve Williams to set up the then Neuroimaging Research Group (now the Department of Neuroimaging). His research interests lie in the development and application of neuroimaging acquisition and analysis techniques to patient groups and healthy subjects. He is the imaging lead for the IoP/SLaM Biomedical Research Centre with a focus on translational imaging and led the image analysis for AddNeuroMed,
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a large multi-centre European funded study of biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease. His group has a strong focus on the development and application of automated pipelines for the analysis of high resolution structural imaging data, the development of sophisticated imaging databases and the harmonisation of clinical and research protocols to allow clinical imaging to be used as a resource for translational research. His work with Eric Westman and Simon Lovestone on automated detection of patterns of Alzheimer’s disease was given a Highly Commended award, winning second place of more than 100 projects in the Health Service journal awards “Improving Care with Technology” category in 2011.
Professor Sarah Byford Professor of Health Economics, Department of Health Service and Population Research
Biography: Professor Sarah Byford is a health
economist who specialises in the economic evaluation of mental health and social services, with a particular interest in the evaluation of services for children and adolescents. She is CoDeputy Director of the Institute’s Centre for the Economics of Mental and Physical Health.
Professor Byford has recently worked as Senior Economics Advisor to the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), where she contributed to the development of SCIE’s approach to economic evaluation in social care, and she is currently a member of the NICE Public Health Interventions Advisory Committee.
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Professor Robin Morris Professor of Neuropsychology, Department of Psychology
The “I” and the “O” story in people with Alzheimer’s disease
Synopsis: Cognitive neuroscientists have to
reconcile differences between the “I” and the “O” story when understanding the neural basis of the mind. The talk provides a snapshot of how this issue has been addressed in Alzheimer’s disease, where there is discrepancy between patient symptom reports versus the perceptions of other people. Biography: Robin Morris has been Professor
of Neuropsychology at the Institute of Psychiatry from 2001, having previous appointments in Cambridge, Toronto and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. His main interests are in the neuropsychology of memory, executive functioning and awareness, conducting research on a range of neuropsychological disorders, including focal brain damage, Alzheimer’s disease, cerebrovascular disease, epilepsy and
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schizophrenia. He is also head of the Clinical Neuropsychology Department in King’s College Hospital and head of Neuropsychology in the King’s Health Partners Neurosciences Clinical Academic Group. His publications include over 200 full peer reviewed papers, 40 book chapters and five books concerning neuropsychology. He has been on the Governing Board of the International Neuropsychological Society and was Program Chair for their Meeting in Dublin in 2005. He is Associate editor for Cortex and the Journal of Neuropsychology. He is a fellow of the British Psychological Society, the Society for Biology and the Academy of Social Sciences. In 2012 Professor Robin Morris was awarded the British Psychological Society Barbara Wilson Award in recognition of his outstanding contribution to neuropsychology.
Professor Thalia Eley Professor of Developmental Psychology, MRC Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre
Gene-environment interplay and anxiety
Synopsis: In this talk I will illustrate two ways in
which genes and the environment are entwined together in the development of anxiety. First I will show how some genetic factors influence anxiety via the environment itself, and second I will describe how the effects of the environment can differ depending on genetic influences. Biography: Thalia Eley is Professor of
Developmental Behavioural Genetics at the SGDP Centre. She studied Psychology at Cambridge, undertook doctoral training at the Institute of Child Health, UCL, then moved to the Institute of Psychiatry where she was funded by two consecutive MRC fellowships. She has received several international awards including the British Psychological Society Spearman
Medal and the Lilli-Molecular Psychiatry Prize. Prof Eley is best known for her work exploring the role of genetic and environmental influences on anxiety and depression. Her current work focuses on identifying the extent to which genetic information can help predict who will benefit from Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, and on the relative influence of genetic versus environmental factors on the transmission of anxiety within families. She particularly enjoys working with, and supporting the careers of younger scientists and runs a very active research lab. aspx?go=11422
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Professor Richard Brown Professor and Head of Department, Psychology
Parkinson’s disease, depression and anxiety
Synopsis: Depression and anxiety are common
Biography: Professor Richard Brown is Professor
problems in Parkinson’s disease, a chronic neurodegenerative disorder. The PROMSPD study has identified heterogeneity of these common mental health problems with distinct clinical phenotypes.
of Neuropsychology and Clinical Neuroscience. He undertook his clinical training and PhD at the IoP and then worked as a MRC scientist at UCL for 10 years before returning to the IoP where he is now Head of Department of Psychology. His research has focussed on the neuropsychology and neuropsychiatry of neurodegenerative disease and particularly Parkinson’s disease.
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Professor Tony David Professor of Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, Department of Psychosis Studies
Insight and metacognition (or thinking about thinking)
Synopsis: The earliest descriptions of psychosis
emphasised poor insight – lack of awareness that one was ill. Self-awareness in healthy people depends on a cortical midline system. This system seems to under-function in patients with schizophrenia. Another kind of insight involves memory. Alzheimer patients overestimate their memory while people with schizophrenia have good insight into memory. How good is your insight? Biography: Tony David trained in neurology
consultant at the Maudsley since 1990 and a professor at the IoP since 1996. His main interests are neuropsychology in relation to psychiatric disorders, schizophrenia, depersonalisation, clinical neuropsychiatry and neuroimaging. He has published over 450 scientific articles and is co-editor of several books including: The Self in Neuroscience and Psychiatry (2003). Cambridge University Press; Insight and Psychosis (2nd Ed, 2004). Oxford University Press; and Lishman’s Organic Psychiatry (4th Ed, 2009). WileyBlackwell.
before entering psychiatry. He has been a
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Event Programme Wednesday 17 April - Wolfson Lecture Theatre | Institute of Psychiatry
14:00 14:10 14:16 14:22 14:28 14:34 14:40 14:46 14:52 14:58 15:04 15:10 15:16 15:22 15:28 15:34 15:40-16:05 16:06 16:12 16:18 16:24 16:30 16:36 16:42 16:48 16:54 17:00 17:06 17:12 17:18 17:24 17:30 17:35-19:00
Welcome from the Dean | Professor Shitij Kapur Professor Rona Moss-Morris Professor John Strang Professor Sir Simon Wessely Dr Diana Rose Dr Sukhi Shergill Professor Khalida Ismail Professor Gareth Barker Professor Susan Lea Professor Mike Slade Professor Sabine Landau Professor Declan Murphy Professor Philippa Garety Dr Jean-Marc Gallo Professor Barbara Maughan Professor Rob Stewart Refreshment break Professor Til Wykes Professor Michael Kopelman Professor Carmine Pariante Dr Diane Hanger Professor Andrew Pickles Professor Janet Treasure Professor Laura Goldstein Professor Edgar Jones Dr Andy Simmons Professor Sarah Byford Professor Robin Morris Professor Thalia Eley Professor Richard Brown Professor Tony David Concluding remarks | Vice Dean (Research) Til Wykes Drinks reception