How to Eliminate Worry and Live a Joyful, Carefree Life?

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How to Eliminate Worry and Live a Joyful, Carefree Life? Are you a worrywart? Do you find yourself worrying about things that don’t even matter, to the point where it negatively impacts your life and keeps you from enjoying your everyday experiences? You can change the way you think, take back control over your mind, and regain peace and joy. If you are reading this article and find yourself not even being sure what it feels like to live on the other side of the wall between worry and joy, you are not alone. It can actually be scary to think about living a life outside of worry. Worry creates a comfort zone, a known area in which you are familiar with everything that is going on. Worry keeps you from taking chances and embracing risks, and in so doing it keeps you believing that you are safe. Even while you are plagued with fears and have a hard time sleeping, your subconscious mind feels that you are safer this way than you would be without the worry.

Worry has been programmed into you, and you are stuck with this negative and unhelpful computer program running in the hard disk of your mind. And your mind, like a computer, does not even know how to bypass this program and accomplish the tasks it needs to without the worry. This wears you down, taking up energy stores that you could be using for enjoying life. It saps joy from your life, causes high levels of stress, and makes you feel panicked and overwhelmed. So what can you do to eradicate worry and take back control of your life? You have to start with the unconscious myths that define how you think about yourself and the world. At a certain level, you worry because you believe it is better to worry than not to. Let’s look at some of the things we unconsciously believe about worry: 

We believe that worry helps us stay on top of things.

We believe that worry helps our lives run more smoothly.

We believe that worry helps us remember things we need to do.

We believe that worry helps us stay in control of our lives.

We believe that worry makes us more efficient.

We believe that worry protects us from unforeseen circumstances.

We believe that worry keeps us safe.

We believe that worry protects us from disappointment.

We believe that worry is what it means to be human.

We believe that worry makes us a better person.

We believe that worry improves our relationships.

If we look at these beliefs objectively and critically, we realize that each of them are false: worry actually immobilizes us, makes us forget important things, makes us less efficient, harms our relationships, etc. however, our subconscious still believes them. That’s why we have to unwire our minds from these myths to experience the calm, peace, and resilience that can come from letting go of worry. With the MRP method, you can make total, permanent changes to your psychology that will free you from worry and let you experience confidence and high self-esteem. I can help you. Go to my website, claim your free 1-hour introductory consultation, and start improving the rest of your life today! Article Signature Felicity Muscat is the Founder of The Institute of Self Mastery, founded to help conscious individuals fulfill the truest, highest most authentic expression of themselves, and providing guidance for relationships, self-confidence, and the effortless pursuit of success. If you have tried other modalities that have failed and are ready for change, if you would like a free introductory telephone/Skype coaching consultation that will help you get started on your journey back to your peak performing empowered and alive self today, or if you simply want to learn more and read other success stories, download Felicity’s free ebook Effortless Success: the Right in Relationships, Confidence and Or Success way. Felicity Muscat, a former psychologist, is an international Self Esteem, Self-Empowerment, Self-Mastery and Relationship Expert, Self-Empowerment Life Coach, Relationship & Success Coach, Author Of three Bestselling Books, and Level 3 Mind Resonance Coach. Get your free 1-hour introductory MRP Telephone/Skype Coaching Consultation today at

InstituteofSelfmastery ,315 thirteenth avene austral, NSW , Australia 2179. Contact No: 0405412015

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