Watch “Tearing Down the Retail Trading Industry.” Filmed at the ITPM Thailand Vacation Mentoring Program in April 2019.
Password = ThaiMent_TearingDown
Since 2015 the Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management have been holding Vacation Mentoring Programs for delegates that want to learn how to trade at the same level as Professional Traders in their Retail TradingAccounts.
The Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management continue to be the leading TradingEducation business on the planet to Retail Traders. No other educational offering evencomes close. If you wantto becomethe best you need to be Mentored by the best.
Looknofurther than ITPM!
ALL APPLICATIONS for the ITPM April 2026 Thailand Vacation Mentoring Program must be submitted via the following link; CLICK HERE
Teaching on this program will be ITPM Managing Partner Anton Kreil (Classroom) and Senior Trading Mentor Edward Shek (Classroom & 12 Weeks implementation).
Delegate Trading Account Range of $50,000 - $1,000,000 deposited on Margin
10 Seats available
ClassroomtraininginPhuketThailandwith Anton Kreil
Classroom / Pre- Mentoring Training led by Anton Kreil and supported by Edward Shek.
All students participating in the program will be taught directly by Anton Kreil in preparation for their 12 weeks Mentoring Program with Edward Shek. Anton Kreil
Anton Kreil
ThreeMonthTraderMentoringProgramwith Edward Shek
$50,000-$1,000,000 Deposited on Margin 10XPlaces
Includes10Days classroom training with;AntonKreil&EdwardShek
12 Week Mentoring Program completed post Thailand Program with; - Edward Shek
The Opportunity
InstituteVacationMentoringProgramsprovideparticipantswithauniqueopportunitytolearn from their Trading Mentor face to face and to spend personal time with some of the world’s leading Professional Traders of WallStreet, The City of London and Asia Pacific hubs, from the last 30 years, before starting theirITPM Three Month Trader MentoringProgram.
ProgramparticipantsnotonlygettendaysofOnetoOneandTeamcoachingfollowedbyThree Months of ZOOM / Skype Mentoring. Participants also get plugged into a global network of intelligentandprofitable Retail Traderswhothey can callon in addition totheirchosenMentor for support andhelpwell after their Program hasbeen completed.
This is the beauty of the Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management. Participants of Vacation Mentoring Programs don’t just get an education for now. They are acquiring an education and skillset that will last them alifetime and a permanent supportnetwork that will be there for them wellbeyond the Program itself.
ITPM Vacation Programs also provide accelerated learning in that a typical participant when starting their 12-weekProgram after the Thailand Vacation Program will have already had 32+ Hours of Classroom Tuition. Vacation Program participants are far more advanced in their knowledge and capabilities than 99% of Retail Traders globally and in many cases being even more advanced than a lot of Professional Traders out there. Participants get far more experience and return on their twelve-week Mentoring Program than aregular participant on an ITPM Three Month Remote Mentoring Program. This is because participants spend ten days withtheirMentorandotherITPMMentors,beingtaughtfacetofaceina5StarresortinThailand.
Face to Face interaction takes place every other day in 8-hour group Classroom Sessions. These sessionsare designed so that when Mentees go back to their respective geographies, they are fully prepared to start their Trader Mentoring Program and begin taking positions immediately. The group even begins taking positionswhen they are in Thailand.
The group Classroom sessions and Pre-Mentoring Program Vacation period are designedsothatMentees optimize their Mentoring Program by; -
Getting ahead start on the program so theyhit the ground runningwhen the programbegins. Meeting and spending time with their Mentor allowing the Mentor to assess their strengths and weaknesses before the program beginsand enabling a morepersonalized/ tailored program.
Getting to meet other Mentees Face to Face as part of the Institute Community in order to leverage Community intelligence more efficiently.
Doing all this in a conducive learning environment so Mentees are not required to take time offwork and sacrifice vacation days at the same time.
Introduction to Professional Level Trading (IPLT) VideoSeries (12Months)
3 Months ITPMTraderMentoring Program with either Anton Kreil orEdward Shek
10X days training in Phuket Thailand prior to 3 Months MentoringProgram with either Anton Kreil or Edward Shek
9 nights (10 days) Accommodation at the ITPM 5Star Resort
Institute Top 1% Global Community Access – The top 1%of Institute Students Globally are attendeeson ourThailand Vacation Mentoring Program followed by three Months of Remote (Zoom /Skype) Mentoring with yourMentor. By attending the ITPM Vacation Program you will shortcutyour development by immediately joining the top1%ofITPMStudents Globally.
TotalTuition= 64-76Hours of learning andtrading over 14weeks
Applicantsmustbe18yearsofageorolderbythefirstdayofthe program onApril16th2026
Note:TheITPMThailandMentoringProgramsofferedareavailabletopurchasebythegeneralpublicgloballyandbyformerstudents (Alumni) of the IPLT, PTM and POTM Video Series. All enquiries must be sent via the Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management MentoringApplicationformviatheInstitutewebsitebelow.Onreceivingyour application,wewillassessyourdetailsanddependent on your information one of our team will contact you to schedule an initial introductory telephone call. Your contact information must be 100% accurate and your message must include a full breakdown of your employment background and trading experience so far. This enables us to qualify you as a serious individual who is committed to learning how to trade and manage portfolios correctly. Prices will not bedistributedunless youhavebeenpre-qualifiedvia anintroductory telephonecall.
InordertoapplyselectMentoringProgram andCLICKHERE
Introduction to Professional Level Trading(IPLT)Video Series (12 Months) availableatthe following URL
As part of your Mentoring Program, you will receive 12 Months access to all ITPM Educational Programs, Society@ITPM Discord Server access and 12 Months Data Subscription whereby all your Spreadsheets and necessary Financial Markets Information will be updated for you by our team on a daily basis. Theseresourcesareworth$14,795alone.
Click on the video to catch a glimpse of the Institute’s Mentoring Program which was held in Florida in January 2017
Click on the video to watch the Documentary of the Institute’s Mentoring Program in Florida in January 2017
Click on the video to catch a glimpse of the Institute’s Mentoring Program which was held in Phuket Thailand in January 2015
Click on the video to catch a glimpse of the Institute’s Mentoring Program which was held in the Turks &
Islands in July 2015
glimpse of the Institute’s Mentoring Program which was held in Capetown South Africa in November 2015
the Institute’s Mentoring Program which was held in Recife Brazil in April 2016
Group Mentoring sessions take place every otherday with your chosen Trading Mentors who willbe inPhuket Thailand for theentire length of your stay, teaching you on yourMentoring Program.
Groupexcursions,lunches and dinnerswill also takeplace fortheduration ofyourstay.
Downtime and networking withthe group isan important part of your Vacation Mentoring Program. Thailand is the perfect place to get into a relaxed mindset and headspace toabsorb the processes that you will be taught and to become objective and agnostic when operating as a trader in financial markets.Thisis a key requirement for longterm consistent profitability.
Be prepared however to put in the work to get the most out of your program. You will be learning in an intensive environment with a group of smart Retail Traders who have been educated to the same high standard as everyone inthe group. Plus, youwillbe taught by some ofthe World’s best ProfessionalTraders of thelast30years.
Studentshave plenty of breaks to unwind between Classroom& Homework Sessionswith the group.
Anton Kreil AnnihilatesRetail Brokers and “Trading Educators”
Senior Trading Mentor
From 1994 until retirement in 2019 Edward Shek had a prolonged and very successful twenty-five-year career as a Professional Trader in Financial Markets.
Ed graduated from King's College London with a B.Sc in Physics. Upon graduation he started his career at Goldman Sachs in the London office in 1994. Over the next nine years he traded Convertible Bonds, Warrants and Cash Equities in Tokyo, New York and then London. Ed found his niche when back at the London desk at Goldman Sachs, specializing in European Equities, trading most major sectors at the firm. He oversaw several of the top three ranking businesses at Goldman Sachs Europe covering sectors that included Oil and Gas, Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals and Telecoms, Media and Technology (TMT) Stocks. Ed ran a $100mln Long / Short Equities portfolio at Goldman Sachs.
In 2006 Ed moved to Cazenove where he successfully traded the European Banks and Insurance Equities books through the 2008-2009 Great Financial Crisis (GFC). An experience very few traders in the World managed to trade through profitably. Cazenove was fully bought by JP Morgan in 2009. Ed was promoted and moved internally at JP Morgan to the Global Emerging Markets Equities business. Ed then spent six years in Johannesburg South Africa where he ran the SA Trading Desk before returning to London to run the Emerging Markets (CEEMEA) trading business. During his time at JP Morgan Cazenove Ed ran multiple Long / Short Equities Portfolios of $100mln gross exposure. After a brief spell as Head of Equities Trading at BCS Global, Ed retired from the Investment Bank / Professional Trading business after twenty-five years.
Throughout his Professional Trading career Ed has always been heavily involved with recruiting and has mentored many young professionals over his career. Countless numbers of individuals that Ed has mentored over the years have gone on to achieve very successful careers in the Financial Markets.
Ed’s role at the Institute involves Mentoring Institute Traders on the official Institute Mentoring Program after students have graduated from completing ITPM Online Programs helping ITPM students to realize their objectives in becoming consistently profitable and to help build their track records. Ed also helps manage the Institute’s global portfolio, trading predominantly high-Risk Reward / ROI strategies and in allocating capital to profitable ITPM students/traders.
WOYMEpisode63 – TurnaroundBrightEyes – April 2021
WOYMEpisode 59 – It’saGameofChicken – February 2021
AntonKreil ManagingPartner
AntonistheManagingPartneroftheInstituteofTrading and Portfolio Management, an independent global community of 1400+ Retail Traders across 30+ countries. Anton manages and oversees the Institute Community ($100mln Margin & $450mln-$550mln+ Exposure), the Institute parent company (Jakubstadt) global portfolio (as Managing Partner) via corporate trading accounts from Singapore & Cayman Islands and his own long-term investments outside the Institute (Non-Disclosed Total Exposure).
Anton has had a distinguished career as a Professional Trader in the Financial Markets. He opened his first trading account whenhe was sixteen and traded profitably through the tech boom in the late nineteen nineties. He turned $5,000 USD saved from summer jobs into $120,000 whilst he was a student in High School and at University. He was thefirstpersonoutoffourhundredstudentsinhisEconomicsundergraduatedegreeattheUniversityofManchester to receive a formal job offer from an Investment Bank trading desk. Goldman Sachs saw his track record and hired him on an “unconditional offer,” during his secondyear at University, meaning Goldman contractually stated that he could get any mark in his degree and they would still hire him as a Professional Trader. He completed the infamous Goldman Sachs Analyst Program (2000) and Associate Program (2002) in New York, which has been responsible for training a disproportionately large amount of the world’s best Investment Bank and Hedge Fund Traders of the last thirty Years.
During his career as a Professional Trader Anton performed a dual function as a Proprietary Trader and a Market Maker running two separate trading books on Pan European Trading Desks out of London. His Proprietary Trading book grew from $25mln in the year 2000 to over $400mln by 2004 whilst at Goldman Sachs. Lehman Brothers then Headhunted Anton in 2004 and he washeadhunted by JP Morgan in 2006. At both these firms Anton ran the global Pharmaceuticals,BiotechandChemicalsfranchisesandachievednumberonemarketshareandprofitabilitystatus globally at both firms. Anton retired from the Investment Banking industry in May 2007, just before the peak of the market and the impendingcollapse caused bythe Global FinancialCrisis.
InJune 2008Antonwaschosenbythe BBC toappearinthe BritishTV seriesMillionDollarTraderswhichwasaired in 2009. The show went global shooting Anton from relative obscurity into the limelight. In response to the thousands of messages Anton received from around the world asking him to teach trading, he decided to go on the road and setuptheInstituteofTradingand PortfolioManagementin2011. The Institute hasnow grownintothe world’sleading trading education company boasting a community of highly trained and educated Retail Traders that can trade from anywhere in the world. Anton has always been known in the industry for his obsession with Financial Markets, hisinsanework ethic,asa“big situation” traderandfor hisability toteach up andcomingnewtalentin the industry.
Anton only completes Thailand Vacation Mentoring Programs (Capacity 8X every 12 months). Anton no longer engages in Remote Programs due to his busy trading schedule and running theInstitutefrom Phuket Thailand.
“Our Thailand Trader Mentoring Program is by far the best educational endeavor we partake in at the Institute. There is a very simple reason for this. To get on this program it’s very obvious that you can’t be a Retail Trading bum that has a few grand to their name and treats the market like a casino trading hourly charts and the next headline. You must have succeeded financially doing something else in your life prior to coming on the Thailand Program, otherwise you simply wouldn’t be able to participate in it. This means thelevel of intelligence and street smarts in the classrooms is extraordinarily high for a class of Retail Trading students. It means we can teach more in-depth trading strategies and be much more active trading with real money. The students get a lot more out of it because they simply get more knowledge, more experience and learn much faster. All of the Mentors look forward to our Thailand Mentoring Programs as the highlight of our year, because we get to teach the smartest students at the Institute and we get the best results out of them.”
March1st 2025–March 31st 2026
March31st 2026
March31st 2026
March1st 2025–April16th 2026
Public Subscription, Due Diligence & Documentation Submission Period
Study & Exam period - Mentees complete IPLT,PTM, POTM by April 15th. PFTM can be taken after 6 months ofyourfirstyear live trading.
Account opening – Mentees open & fund trading accounts by April 16th
April16th –April25th 2026
May4th 2026
Phuket Thailand Mentoring Program Anton Kreil & Edward Shek
3 MonthMentoring Programs beginweek of May 1st LiveMoney Trading with Weekly MentorSupport. 12X Sessions.
Applicantsmustbe18yearsofageorolderbythefirstdayofthe program onApril16th2026
Note: The ITPM Thailand Mentoring Programs offered are available to purchase by the general public globally and by former students (Alumni) of the IPLT, PTM, and POTM Video Series. All enquiries must be sent via the Institute of Trading and Portfolio ManagementMentoringApplicationformviatheInstitutewebsitebelow.Onreceivingyourapplication,wewillassessyourdetails and dependent on your information one of our team will contact you to schedule an initial introductory telephone call. Your contact information must be 100% accurate and your message must include a full breakdown of your employment background and trading experience so far. This enables us to qualify you as a serious individual who is committed to learning how to trade and manage portfolios correctly. Prices will not be distributed unless you have been pre-qualified via an introductory telephone call.
via HongKong on Cathay Pacific (Overnight) then onto Phuket after a1Hour45 Minutelayover; -
Total Time=20hoursand 30 minutes.
viaSingaporeonSingaporeAirlines (Overnight)then onto Phuket after 1 Hour35 Minutelayover; -
TotalTime =20 Hours and 30 minutes
via Doha on Qatar Airways (Morning flight) then onto Phuket after a 3-hour 15 mins layover; -
Total Time = 21 hours and 10 minutes
via HongKong on Cathay Pacific (Overnight flight) then onto Phuket after a2-hour layover; -
Total Time=22 hoursand 22 minutes
Toronto via Hong Kong on Air Canada (Morning flight) then onto Phuket with Cathay Pacific (Code Share) after a1hour layover; -
Total Time=20 hours and 35 minutes
via Bangkok onThai Airways or EvaAirways (Overnight flight) thenonto Phuket after a2-hour layover; -
Total Time= 14 hours and 45 minutes
via Singapore on Singapore Airlines (Morning or Overnight flight) then onto Phuket after a 1-hour layover; -
Total Time= 16hoursand 20 minutes
via AbuDhabi onEtihad Airways(Overnight flight) then ontoPhuket after a 2-hour 25 minslayover; -
Total Time= 15 hoursand 45 minutes
Paris via Istanbul on Turkish Airlines (Afternoon then Overnight flight) then onto Phuket after a 1-hour 25mins layover; -
Total Time= 14 hours and 35 minutes
Amsterdam via Istanbul on Turkish Airlines (Afternoon then Overnight flight) then onto Phuket after a 1-hour 5 mins layover; -
Madrid via Moscow onAeroflot(Afternoon then Overnight flight) then onto Phuket after a 1-hour layover; -
Total Time= 14 hours and 10 minutes
Total Time= 15 hoursand 30 minutes
via Bangkok onKLM (Overnight then Afternoon flight)then onto Phuketafter a 2-hour 35 minslayover; -
TotalTime = 15 hours
Barcelona via Moscow on Aeroflot (Afternoon then Overnight flight) then onto Phuket after a 1-hour 10 minslayover; -
Total Time= 15 hoursand 40 minutes
Geneva via Moscow on Aeroflot (Afternoon then Overnight flight) then onto Phuket after a 1 hour 40 mins layover; -
via Bangkok on Thai Airways (Afternoon then Overnight flight) then onto Phuket after a 1-hour 35 mins layover; -
Total Time= 13hoursand 40 minutes via Istanbul on Turkish Airlines (Afternoon then Overnight flight) then onto Phuket after a 1-hour 45mins layover; -
Total Time= 14 hours and 10 minutes
Frankfurt via Bangkok on Thai Airways (Afternoon then Overnight flight) then onto Phuket after a 1-hour 15 mins layover; -
Total Time= 13hoursand 20 minutes via Bangkok on Lufthansa (Morning then Overnight flight) then onto Phuket after a 2-hour 35 mins layover; -
Total Time= 15 hours and 5 minutes
Rome via Istanbul on Turkish Airlines (Afternoon then Overnight flight) then onto Phuket after a 1-hour 5 mins layover; -
Milan via Bangkok on Thai Airways (Afternoon then Overnight flight) then onto Phuket after a 1-hour 45 mins layover; -
Total Time= 13hoursand 25 minutes via Singapore on Singapore Airlines (Overnight flight then Morning flight) then onto Phuket after a 1-hour layover; -
Total Time= 14 hours and 35 minutes
TotalTime = 14 hours via Istanbul on Turkish Airlines (Afternoon then Overnight flight) then onto Phuket after a 1-hour 30mins layover; -
Total Time= 14 hours and 5 minutes
Direct to Phuket on Emirates (Morning thenAfternoon flight); -
Total Time= 6 hoursand30 minutes
MultipleairlineswithDirectflights toPhuketthroughouttheday including SingaporeAirlines,Silk Air, Scoot, Air Asia, Bangkok Airways; -
Total Time= 1 hoursand 35 minutesto 2 Hours depending on Airline
3X AirlineswithDirectflightsto Phuket.Morningflightsoperated by CathayPacificand ThaiAirways. Afternoon flight by Cathay Pacific and evening flight by Air Asia; -
Total Time= 3 hoursand30 minutes
Multiple airlines with Direct flights to Phuket throughout the day operating on average every 30 minutesmainly by Thai Airways, Bangkok Airways and Air Asia; -
TotalTime = 1 hour and 30 minutes
2X Airlines withDirect evening flightstoPhuket including ChinaEastern Airlinesand ShanghaiAirlines; -
Total Time= 5 hoursand20 minutes
via Bangkok on Japan Airlines, Thai Airways or Bangkok Airways (Morning flight) then onto Phuket after a 1-hour 15 mins layover; -
Total Time= 9 hours
via Singapore on Singapore Airlines (Afternoon flight then evening flight) then onto Phuket after a 1-