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CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Welcome to the Spring 2019 edition of the Institute of Water Magazine. I am honoured to be appointed VicePresident, Engineering at a time when there has never been more focus on infrastructure and the importance it plays in the prosperity of our country. The recent publication of the Government’s National Policy Statement for Water Resources Infrastructure which was out for consultation earlier this year, sets out the need for the development of nationally significant projects such as reservoirs, transfer and desalination projects. At the same time there is more and more focus on the total cost of providing services to our customers, such that construction is not necessarily the solution to all of our problems. The water industry must find ways of using its assets, some of which are well over a hundred years old and this requires new skills and new technology in order to monitor performance and manage treatment plants and networks more proactively so that they continue to deliver the best possible service to our customers.
The challenges we face today are just as important to both this country and the world as those facing the Victorian Engineers who built the first treatment plants and pumping stations. Those engineers from the past were pioneers and today’s engineers in the water industry need to be just as creative to keep our existing infrastructure delivering services and dealing with the challenges of micro plastics, climate change and sustainability.
We also need to work in different ways and the Institute has spearheaded this with, for instance, its focus on collaboration and customer service. Whilst remaining very aware that each water company is judged against the performance of the others, leading to a healthy sense of competition, it is important that we continue to work together to deliver the best possible service to our customers and worldwide leaders in water engineering. We need to attract the best and ensure that youngsters see a career in engineering, particularly within the water industry, as something to aspire to, with worthwhile and exciting jobs available which really benefit our society.
We need to instil that sense of excitement that must have existed 150 years ago when new techniques and processes were transforming the country and, for instance, eradicating the scourge of cholera and improving lives beyond recognition.
I hope that the Institute of Water’s One Day Engineering Conference on 2nd April, at the Discovery Museum in Newcastle, will allow members a chance to reflect on our heritage as well as looking to the challenges and ways to overcome them in the future. Remember, the specialist conferences are free for Institute of Water members to attend and are excellent CPD opportunities. I do hope to see many of you there.
26 Risk and Resilience 54 Wastewater Treatment 60 Environmental Challenges 70 Drainage Solutions 72 Regulation and Training 74 Customer Experience
Regulars 6 Engineering News 8 Environment News 10 New Registrants 14 Science News 18 Drilling and Tapping 20 Rising Stars 22 CPD 76 Area News
In the meantime, please enjoy the magazine. Best wishes,
Jo Parker M.B.E. Vice President Engineering, Institute of Water and Director at Watersheds Associates
Institute of Water HQ: 4 Carlton Court, Team Valley, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear NE11 0AZ Website: www.instituteofwater.org.uk President: Douglas Millican Chairperson: Simon Cyhanko Chief Executive: Lynn Cooper PR & Communications Manager: Lee Hansom Tel: 0191 422 0088 Email: lee@instituteofwater.org.uk Advertising: Martin Jameson Tel: 07342 850 289 Email: martin@jimjammedia.com Designed and produced by: JimJam Media Ltd Email: sales@jimjammedia.com
The Institute of Water is the only professional body solely concerned with the UK water industry. We can support and develop your career whoever you are and whatever you do. We do this by providing a unique learning, developing and networking framework. For details on how to join visit www.instituteofwater.org.uk today.
NEW COMPANY AFFILIATES Kamstrup Kamstrup is a world-leading supplier of smart metering solutions for water, heat and energy. We deliver reliable, cost-effective ways to measure and manage energy and water consumption worldwide. Our relentless dedication to quality and innovation has propelled Kamstrup to the forefront of intelligent metering solutions. As the most robotically automated meter producer, our products are built with repeatable precision and no human error. Today, Kamstrup is helping customers in more than 60 countries around the world. Based on our +25 years’ of experience in the water industry, we provide utilities with state-of-
Morrison Construction Morrison Construction are delighted to formally join IWater and we look forward to supporting their activities across the Country. As part of the Galliford Try group we deliver water projects for Scottish Water, Yorkshire Water, Thames Water and Southern Water as well as Environment Agency. From the early days of sewer repairs and replacement, the Company has developed the capability to undertake varied and complex projects which have included large diameter water main & sewer replacement, water treatment works, tunnelling & deep pumping stations and wastewater treatment works. We are delighted to be able to support the Institution. +44 (0) 1324 495 410 www.morrisonconstruction.co.uk
the-art ultrasonic water meters, high-performing remote reading solutions, advanced monitoring of pressure and leakages as well as intelligent data analytics. Our solutions come in all shapes and sizes, from individual meters and remote reading systems to fully automated service solutions. There is a lot on the line for water utilities today - reducing Non-Revenue Water and managing aging infrastructure to optimizing operations and customer service, and ensuring water supply for their communities.
At Kamstrup, we know that water is one of the most precious British resources, and we support utilities in taking real action to protect this infrastructure today and in the future. kamstrup.com
Warden Biomedia At Warden Biomedia, we design, manufacture and supply Random Biological Filter Media to improve aerobic wastewater treatment across the full range of applications – from the largest municipal sewage treatment plant down to a garden fishpond. The media is produced in a modern ‘state of the art’ manufacturing facility in Luton, UK, ensuring high quality products at competitive prices.
Our products offer performance, cost and sustainability advantages not available from other filter media.
With the philosophy of increased surface area, the eco-friendly filter media are manufactured with specific design features to increase the efficiency of the treatment process. In a choice of spherical and tube formats, to suit the application, the filter media provide excellent ventilation to speed-up the aerobic reaction, and have high voidage to prevent any blocking of the wastewater treatment process that might occur.
We have built a strong reputation with clients, suppliers and all stakeholders in the wastewater industry as well as a strong research partnership with Cranfield Water Sciences Institute (CWSI) an internationally recognised centre of excellence in wastewater treatment technologies.
Through research & development, experience and innovation we have developed the optimum media for use in MBBR, IFAS, SAF and Trickling Filter wastewater treatment applications.
Women & Leadership International is running a national initiative to support the development of female leaders across the UK’s professional and technical sector and is offering grants of up to £1,000 towards the cost of its Executive Ready course.
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The course is a seven month leadership and career accelerator, designed to stretch mid-level managers and propel them towards executive level performance, behaviours and mindsets. It uses a blend of online workshops, self-directed learning and two face-to face workshops and there are two UK programs scheduled to commence in late May: one in London and the other in Birmingham. The course enrolment fee is £3,490 which covers all tuition and coaching, course related materials and access to the WLI online learning portal but does not cover travel and accommodation costs associated with attendance at the two face-to-face workshops. Find out more and register your interest by completing the Expression of Interest form at www.womeninleadership.org/funding. Closing date for applications is Friday, 5th April 2019.
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JOIN THE INDEPENDENT TECHNICAL EXPERTS NETWORK The Energy & Utilities Independent Assessment Service is welcoming sector specialists to learn more about joining their Independent Technical Experts Network. Since its establishment in 2014, the Energy & Utilities Independent Assessment Service has celebrated several milestones as a provider of rigorous and robust Apprenticeship end-point assessment services. As the very first end-point assessment organisation to have apprentices achieve on new English apprenticeship standards, they have secured numerous blue-chip customers across a range of sectors including utilities, energy, manufacturing and food and drink. Pivotal to the Energy & Utilities Independent Assessment Service’s success is their network of quality assured technical experts who partner with them to support the delivery of a strong, credible and influential service. As they continue to expand, the Energy & Utilities Independent Assessment Service is now
actively seeking to grow these partnerships through expansion of the Independent Technical Experts Network. Technical experts are required to make assessment judgements about the competence of apprentices in the workplace, with their work contributing to the final grade awarded by the Energy & Utilities Independent Assessment Service to the apprentice for their end-point assessment. The Energy & Utilities Independent Assessment Service is an employer led organisation approved by government on the Register of End-point Assessment Organisations to deliver end-point assessment for 10 standards. It is particularly keen to partner with individuals across England holding technical expertise in waste and clean water networks and waste and clean water treatment.
“This is a really exciting time to join the Independent Technical Experts Network,” says Helen Hawkins, Quality & Compliance Manager. “Over 800 apprentices have now achieved through the Energy & Utilities Independent Assessment Service across a range of standards, and technical experts are central to ensuring we continue to deliver a credible service.” To learn more about how to become an approved technical expert, please contact Helen Hawkins on 0121 713 8244 or helen.hawkins@euias.co.uk. Information about requirements and training will be shared for prospective partners, who must hold or be working towards an assessor qualification. More information about the Energy & Utilities Independent Assessment Service is available at www.euias.co.uk.
NATIONAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY The Royal Academy of Engineers recently launched its Engineering Policy Centre. One major activity for the centre is to develop a National Engineering and Technology Strategy. The Strategy will determine what is needed to enable UK society to fully realise and enjoy the benefits engineering and technology can bring. Working through the Engineering Policy Centre, the Strategy will enable the profession to clarify what it most wants to change, and to work together to bring that change about, for the public good. Those changes may be in the broader business environment or within our own profession; achieving those changes may involve making a case to government, or providing leadership within our own industries. Principles of the Strategy will be: ■■ To keep things interesting – If you have been in a role for a long Innovation in delivery. The form and outputs of the strategy should be dictated by the things we wish to change. This might include,
events, practical projects, influencing local policies, online and digital engagement or reports. Engagement front and centre. Engaging both policy makers and engineers and others across the country is a fundamental principle of the Strategy. The process of developing the strategy should bring the profession’s representatives, the broader engineering community, and policy makers closer together. Co-production. We will take time to work with the profession, with government and with others as we scope and design the project. Broadening our horizons and making new connections. The Strategy should spur new thinking, not just go over old ground. Two ways of disrupting our thinking will be to
ENGINEERING COUNCIL REVIEW The Registration Standards Committee of the Engineering Council has been carrying out a thorough review of standards with the objectives: ■■
Ensure the standards remain fit-for-purpose: individuals, employers and the public see engineering as a qualified profession Ensure the standards are accessible to the ‘missing millions’. Provide an inclusive definition of an engineer. Ensure the structure, content and taxonomy of the standards documents is coherent and meets the needs of the intended audiences, Strengthen the focus on commitment as the differentiator between a practitioner and a professional. Have regard to maintaining and enhancing compatibility with international benchmarks.
The Institute of Water’s Vice President Engineering is part of the steering committee for this project and chairs the committee overseeing the review of UK SPEC. An initial consultation has been carried out and a revised further draft will be issued for comment shortly. There will be an opportunity for delegates to the Engineering Conference on April 2nd to give their views on what qualities and competencies a professional water engineer should have and these will feed into the IWater response to the Engineering Council.
reframe current concerns in the context of future social challenges, and to engage with engineering businesses. The national good. The strategy should aim at maximising the contribution of engineering to a good society. But at its best it will also draw clear connections between the health and well-functioning of the profession and the health of the society it serves. Focus on impact. We should be prepared to focus on a limited number of things we wish to change to maximise our impact, and to measure that impact. Communication. We will take opportunities to communicate to the public as well as policy makers and others what engineering is, and the role it can play in society.
WOMEN’S ENGINEERING SOCIETY CENTENARY 2019 marks 100 years of the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) and to commemorate the centenary, WES have set a programme of events that remember their heritage and celebrate women engineers and changing the future. WES is a charity and a professional network of women engineers, scientists and technologists offering inspiration, support and professional development. Working in partnership, they support and inspire women to achieve as engineers, scientists and as leaders; they encourage the education of engineering; and they support companies with gender diversity and inclusion. WES was formed in 1919 against a backdrop of political and social change, with several of their founders being at the forefront of campaigns for women’s rights. To find out more about the centenary or to get involved, go to: www.wes.org.uk/ wes-centenary
Building on our engineering heritage to shape the future of the water industry.
LOOKING AFTER THE WATER ENVIRONMENT - PLENTY MORE TO DO! If you’re reading this you’re interested in water, and the environment. And it’s a good time to have that interest, because UK and global focus on water security and the importance of a healthy water environment has never been higher. You don’t have to search very hard through news items from around the world to see that water is making headlines for all the wrong reasons. Floods, droughts, algal blooms and massive fish kills in Australia. Arguments over water allocation in the western USA, and concerns about unsafe drinking water quality. Groundwater pollution and over-exploitation in India and China. The list goes on and on… However, here in the UK water seldom makes the headlines, except when – for whatever reason – performance falls short of what customers and regulators expect. But how does our performance rate against that of other nations? Drawing comparisons between the performances of water utilities in different countries is very difficult. Not least, because in most countries they are state-run and performance information is much less transparent than it is in the UK, where our independent regulators ensure that companies are held to account through publicly available data. For example, information about pollution incidents is not readily available outside the UK, except for the most damaging and extreme events which
attract media attention. However, in Europe there is information about the proportion of the population in each country which is connected to secondary and tertiary wastewater treatment, which can at least indicate how day-to-day pollution risk is being managed. A recent study by Global Water Intelligence of the better performing European nations showed that England and Wales have the highest connection rate, followed closely by Germany and Spain. When it comes to leakage and other losses, England and Wales lag behind Germany, Spain and France. Water companies have a responsibility both to their customers, and to protecting and improving the environment that they rely upon for the services they provide. And despite significant investment since privatisation in measures to protect and improve the environment, the health of water bodies in England is among the worst in Europe: a reflection of centuries of unsustainable land management, industrialisation, and the water demands of a rapidly growing and urbanised population. Water company abstractions and discharges account for one third of the reasons for water bodies failing to meet their targets. So, there is plenty more to do if we are to achieve the environmental standards that we want to see.
In January, in its initial assessment of the water companies’ latest business plans, Ofwat reported that the companies in England and Wales are planning to spend over £5.3 billion on improving the environment between 2020 and 2025. They plan to work with their customers to help them manage their demand so that no more water is taken from the environment than is needed, and this will help them to reduce abstraction where it is posing a risk to the ecology of rivers and wetlands. They are also safeguarding the environment by reducing pollution incidents by an average of 37%, and by up to 80% for the worst performing companies. Increasingly, companies are working with nature in designing solutions rather than relying on conventional approaches, and are exploring innovative marketbased approaches to deliver environmental outcomes, which can deliver more benefits at less cost. These ambitious plans will help to deliver improvements to the water environment, improve 8,000km of rivers, and support the Government’s pledge to leave the environment in a better state than we found it. Professor Ian Barker Vice President Environment, Institute of Water and Managing Director, Water Policy International
UPDATE FROM SOCENV Society for the Environment has just launched a new series of cross-disciplinary expert-led webinars on Innovations, beginning with one on 7th March on the life cycle of electric vehicles, and air quality. That’s followed on 28th March by what will be an entertaining and provocative session on ‘Can Innovative Technology Solve Climate Change Chaos?’ And over the next year or so SocEnv is planning further webinars on the sustainable built environment, climate change, and natural capital. If you’d like to contribute, they are looking for speakers. All of the webinars will be available on the SocEnv website. And if you’re thinking about becoming a Chartered
Environmentalist or Registered Environmental Technician, last year’s very helpful webinars provide information and inspiration, and are definitely worth watching. SocEnv is contributing to the thinking around the government’s proposed Environment Bill, which will affect all of us after Brexit. It has also submitted a report on ‘Greening the Industrial Strategy’, in which Wessex Water’s EnTrade
scheme was featured. If you haven’t already registered on the website to receive newsletters and other communications directly from SocEnv it’s worth doing so. That way you can be sure of keeping up to date; the Society is about to go through big changes in how it’s governed and managed which should help to provide more profile and focus for the environment and environmental professionals.
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SCIENCE Linda Sutton
Water Quality Risk Scientist, Anglian Water (Hartlepool Water) Chartered Scientist
I have 23 years experience in the water industry in a variety of scientific roles. More recently I have taken on the challenging role of Risk Scientist that has incorporated me into the wider Anglian Water, Water Quality Team. I had not considered professional registration prior to this and was encouraged to apply for Chartered Scientist Registration. Initially I was reluctant and found the idea a bit daunting, but with support and encouragement in my ability from mentors within the business I applied. I now feel proud having achieved Chartered Scientist status and think it formally reflects and recognises my experience and knowledge gained throughout my career. I found the overall process useful and it has helped me identify areas that I feel I would benefit from gaining more experience in, which I can progress and monitor through my CPD goals.
Ben Marshall
Process Engineer, Dŵr Cymru Chartered Scientist
Tom Candey
Water Quality Risk Scientist Anglian Water Chartered Scientist
Amy Ryan
Policy and Strategy Scientist, Anglian Water Chartered Scientist
I have worked in the water industry for 17 years and have been based in Yorkshire, North West England, Kuwait, and since 2006, for Dŵr Cymru. Over this time my roles have ranged from GIS Technician, Commissioning Engineer, Process Science in Potable and Waste to my current role as a Process Engineer in the Engineering Delivery Team at Dŵr Cymru. Professional Registration appealed to me because it recognised the value of the experiences I had across the whole water sector. I decided to apply for Chartership through the Institute of Water as it’s a widely recognised and respected qualification. I was motivated by colleagues who provided encouragement, support and arranged helpful workshops on how to become chartered and keeping a CPD record. The application process required commitment to write the reports but I received feedback from IWater quickly after every stage which was encouraging. I was pleased to receive confirmation of my Chartership from the IWO and look forward to continuing working with them. I certainly wouldn’t hesitate to recommend others considering applying to do so. I currently work as a Water Quality Risk Scientist in the Water Quality department at Anglian Water. I’ve worked for Anglian Water for the past three and a half years but, prior to this, have worked in various industries as a scientist for about fifteen years or so. During my career I’ve always been struck by the lack of professional recognition available to scientists compared to the equivalent available to other disciplines such as accountants or engineers. When I joined Anglian Water and was made aware of the opportunity to become a Chartered Scientist, I jumped at the chance. I think it was important to become chartered because I felt it gave recognition to my skills and abilities as a scientist and reinforced my commitment to continued professional development. It has also allowed me to become part of a network of like minded individuals with whom I can easily and freely exchange information and knowledge related to the latest scientific developments in my particular field. For these reasons I would thoroughly recommend becoming a Chartered Scientist. I have been working in water quality for around eight years now, firstly as part of the Regulation Team including a secondment to the Drinking Water Inspectorate. More recently I have been working as Policy and Strategy Scientist in Water Services and have just finished a 10 month secondment as Water Supply Regulations Manager - ensuring compliance with the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations. I think the most challenging part of the application was that blank piece of paper and knowing where to start with it. I would encourage anyone who also feels like this to start writing something, such as bullet points, post-it notes, notes against competencies, so you have something to build on. This way your mentor or sponsors can help guide you and give you pointers on refining it. I found attending professional registration workshops really helpful practically and also for talking through the process with others who had achieved a registration already. I could not be prouder to be able to say I am now a Chartered Scientist. It’s a great feeling and I would encourage anyone thinking about any professional registration to go for it - don’t delay. There are so many benefits to registration and I really wish I had done it long before now!
Kelly Quinn
Laboratory Technician Anglian Water Registered Science Technician
Jack Radford
Chemistry Lab Technician Anglian Water Registered Science Technician
Michelle Ford
Water Quality Scientist Anglian Water Registered Scientist
I have been a Laboratory Technician at Anglian Water for the past four years. I applied to become a Registered Science Technician, so that my knowledge and experience over the last four years could help me to become recognised as a professional within my field. Being awarded RSciTech status in January 2019 will help showcase the standard of my work and scientific competence and help highlight my professional commitment within the water industry.
I am delighted to obtain my registered status and I feel it really helped me to put into perspective what I have achieved during my time at Anglian Water. The whole process offered me a fantastic opportunity to continue my professional development and was a very useful tool in terms of highlighting the areas of my knowledge and experience that I needed to build on. Moving forward I intend to start working towards the competencies required for registered scientist and this again has provided me with a fresh set of challenges and objectives that can help me drive my career in a positive and exciting direction. It has been a very worthwhile experience and is something that I would recommend to any young scientist starting a career in the water industry.
I joined Anglian Water in 2005 after leaving university and my first role within the business was a laboratory position. Having a degree in Marine and Freshwater Biology, I wanted to work in an industry where I could you use my knowledge and work with the environment. I attended a workshop around professional registration it really inspired me to make this happen. I encountered people who already had status as chartered or registered and those going through the process. After achieving a role as Water Quality Scientist I was encouraged to apply for Registered Scientist status with IWater based on my current level of experience and background, there are different levels of professional registration through IWater that suit a range of experience, all of which encourage personal and professional development. Achieving RSci status for me has been a personal achievement I feel proud, it recognises the experience I have gained throughout my career in the business. This also encourages me to further develop in the future. I had a wonderful support network especially from my mentors Nicola Johnson, Jo Froste and my colleagues in the Water Quality Team. I would recommend others to consider professional registration through IWater.
The Institute of Water is licensed to register Chartered Engineers, Incorporated Engineers, Engineering Technicians, Chartered Environmentalists, Registered Environmental Technicians, Chartered Scientists, Registered Scientists and Science Technicians.
Professional registration recognises competence and expertise in a subject
area and demonstrates an understanding and knowledge of this expertise. Having a professional accreditation brings high self-esteem, higher earnings potential and improved career prospects. Becoming professionally registered is a great example of Continuing Professional Development and is often recommended or preferred by certain industry bodies and regulators.
ENGINEERING Conor Crawford Technical Director, Jacobs Chartered Engineer
Hunter Fairley Project Engineer, RPS Group Engineering Technician
James Stringfellow
Project Manager, NMCN Engineering Technician
I have been working in the water industry for quite a few years but until now had not got round to achieving Chartership. I had started the process with another Institution on a few occasions but with a young family at home I was finding it difficult to free up time to complete this (probably an excuse rather than a real reason). A colleague suggested that I should consider IWater as a route to Chartership. I applied to join and was encouraged to apply for professional registration straight away. I would have to say that the process of preparing for and attaining Chartership was very straight forward. The professional review, which took place in Belfast, was much more enjoyable than I was anticipating and I was delighted when I received confirmation that I had been successful. I received great support from colleagues and the IWater membership team when compiling my report on competences and preparing for the interview, and I have subsequently encouraged a number of colleagues to become IWater members and work towards chartered or incorporated status. I find that IWater is very relevant to my career and would recommend it to anyone working in the water industry. For me achieving Technician status is the first step towards becoming a Chartered Engineer. This step takes what seems like quite an overwhelming objective and breaks it down into manageable chunks. It eases you into the routine of setting goals, recording your progression as you work towards those goals, reflecting and dissecting your performance as well as identifying areas that could use some improvement. After graduating and starting with RPS I knew that I wanted to achieve Chartered status but I did not know what was required to achieve this qualification. I believe that the journey to Engineering Technician has created a strong foundation and understanding of what I need to do and how I need to do it. It has made me a more reflective person, has enhanced my career and I have a nice new shiny certificate to go with it. I now feel confident to start working towards achieving Incorporated status and look forward to further career development. The support I have received from my mentor and my colleagues has been a great help and the events I have attended as part of my CPD have been really engaging and interesting. I would encourage other individuals to apply and I guarantee that it is not as daunting as you might think.
Having joined the Institute of Water as a Corporate Member, I was encouraged by my employer to gain a recognised accreditation for my achievements within the water industry. I left school at the age of 16 with little to no qualifications, I was lucky enough to be given an opportunity to start a career in the water industry with my father. This kick started my passion for Civil Engineering and I have stayed in the industry ever since, working in various roles and projects throughout England and Wales for some fantastic companies. All that was missing was something to show for my 17 years of experience and commitment to the industry, this is when I looked at gaining the EngTech accreditation. I was so proud when I received my certificate, and it’s a great achievement to be able to use the designatory letters on my email signature. It shows others that I am a recognised Engineering Technician within the water industry. I would highly recommend this to people with a similar back ground to myself.
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TRAINING THE NEXT GENERATION OF WATER SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS The next generation of leading water scientists and engineers are set to be trained at Cranfield University. The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), which is part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), today announced the University’s participation in two Centres for Doctoral Training (CDT). Cranfield is the lead institution in the Water Infrastructure and Resilience CDT led by Professor Peter Jarvis, with partner universities Sheffield and Newcastle, and will also feature in the Water and Waste Infrastructure Systems Engineered for Resilience (Water-WISER) CDT led by the University of Leeds. Announced by Universities and Science minister Chris Skidmore, as part of a package of 75 centres across the country, the centres represent a £446m investment by Government in research. Professor Paul Jeffrey, Director of Water at Cranfield University, said: “This investment in doctoral training centres at Cranfield demonstrates the strength of our water science research and educational offering.
“Our lives and livelihoods are dependent on the natural and engineered water cycles. Research and skills development in water treatment and management has never been more vital. These CDTs will enable the brightest junior research minds to expand their thinking and seek to out the innovative solutions to global challenges.” Announcing the investment in over 70 CDT’s, including Water Infrastructure and Resilience, Science and Innovation Minister Chris Skidmore said: “As we explore new research to boost our economy with an increase of over £7 billion invested in R&D over five years to 2021/22 – the highest increase for over 40 years – we will need skilled people to turn ideas into inventions that can have a positive impact on our daily lives. “The Centres for Doctoral Training at universities across the country will offer the next generation of PHD students the ability to get ahead of the curve. In addition, this has resulted in nearly
NEW CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE SCIENCE COUNCIL The Board of Trustees for the Science Council has appointed Helen Gordon as their new Chief Executive. Helen started her new role on 4th February, bringing with her 13 years of leading professional membership organisations following a career in the health service. Originally training as a nurse at St Bartholomew’s Hospital in London, she progressed through a number of clinical and managerial positions in hospitals in the National Health Service, before leading The Hillingdon Hospital and then Queen Mary’s Sidcup NHS Trust in South East London. She then moved to national roles to support the development of health professionals. Between 2005 and 2018, Helen has led the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the Royal Pharmaceutical
£400 million being leveraged from industry partners. This is our modern Industrial Strategy in action, ensuring all corners of the UK thrive with the skills they need for the jobs of tomorrow. As Science Minister, I’m delighted we’re making this massive investment in postgraduate students as part of our increased investment in R&D.” UKRI’s Chief Executive, Professor Sir Mark Walport said: “Highly talented people are required to tackle key global challenges such as sustainable energy and cyber security, and provide leadership across industries and our public services. “Centres for Doctoral Training provide them with the support, tools and training they need to succeed, and the involvement of 1,400 project partners underlines how much industry and the charity sector value this approach.”
ONE-DAY SCIENCE CONFERENCE As we look forward to the second Engineering Conference on 2nd April in Newcastle, plans are afoot for our next One-Day Science Conference.
Society and the Royal Society of Medicine. Helen is also a council member of the University of Reading and chair of the Alumni and Development Board at Henley Business School. Our Chief Executive, Lynn Cooper and our Vice President Science, Robin Price will be meeting with Helen on the 26th March to discuss her vision for the Science Council and to exchange views on priority issues for both organisations.
The conference will be held in the autumn, and will showcase the work of young scientists from across our industry as we seek to promote our Young Water Professionals network. The conference will also feature a ‘Meet the Science Leaders’ session, and will be full of advice on gaining professional scientific registrations and developing your scientific career through effective CPD. Watch out for news of the date and location which will be coming soon.
INSPIRING THE NEXT GENERATION OF WATER PROFESSIONALS The Institute of Water recently asked members to come forward as STEM Ambassadors and 22 volunteered to help create a new network of water professionals to promote the water industry so young people can consider this as a career path. Robin Price, Institute of Water’s Vice President Science and Interim Managing Director, Water Resources East, said: “The water sector needs to ensure that we attract a new generation of water professionals. I believe the Institute of Water can play a key role in supporting science, technology, engineering and maths teachers to inspire young people to look at the water industry as a potential career path.” The Institute of Water will now be looking to establish a network of STEM Ambassadors to explore ways to showcase the water sector and inspire the next generation of water professionals.
What are STEM Ambassadors? STEM Ambassadors are volunteers from a wide range of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) related jobs and disciplines across the UK. They help bring a new and inspiring perspective to STEM lessons and career opportunities. They offer their time and enthusiasm to inspire and engage with young people to help bring STEM subjects to life and demonstrate the value of them in life and careers. These Ambassadors are an important and exciting free of charge resource for teachers and others engaging with young people inside and out of the classroom. Through a range of activities, including
presentations, mentoring and careers talks, STEM Ambassadors play an essential role in inspiring the next generation with the world of STEM subjects and careers. Their support isn’t just limited to the classroom - STEM Ambassadors also engage in youth and community groups.
MEET A COUPLE OF IWATER MEMBERS WHO ARE STEM AMBASSADORS: Charlotte Rhodes, Network Asset Technician, Water Assets, Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water and Rising Star 2019 “I have been a STEM ambassador for around 8-10 months now and really enjoy the variety it brings from my day-to-day role, as well as the opportunity to talk about my passion with new audiences. Having been an active member of Girlguiding UK during my education years, I have always enjoyed creative learning and sharing my understanding with the younger generation. STEM events give me an opportunity to get students really excited about science subjects and show them just how important these skills are in the world, especially for young women as the demand for equality in the sector continues to grow. What I find most rewarding is seeing the light bulb moment when a student understands the importance of what you’re
talking about, as well as being asked questions at the end of a presentation or event. It’s an incredible feeling knowing you’ve tweaked someone’s interest and I really hope we see an increase in the number of students studying STEM subjects in future years.”
Bevita Mattu BSc (Hons) PGDipEd MSc AMIMechE, Assistant Mechanical Engineer, Welsh Water Capital Delivery Alliance “I am in a privileged position, as I was a teacher before becoming an engineer. This has allowed me to recognise the importance of STEM ambassadors and also see how useful it is for students to engage with them. STEM ambassadors are the bridge between industry and education, and I do think it is our duty to attract the future STEM generation.
Becoming and being a STEM ambassador is a simple step that can make a big difference. It unlocks careers and opportunities students aren’t aware of and opens up a whole new world to them. The commitment required by the ambassador is extremely flexible, so it can easily be tailored to your availability. You’ll also be presenting to an audience that are excited and curious. I think it’s really important to give youngsters an insight into the roles that are available to them, especially when these roles aren’t a clear cut subject in their curriculum. The people best placed to do this are people like you and me with a passion and insight into the field. A tip to consider: be a facilitator rather than a lecturer. Activities which allow more work to be done by the students are more engaging to them and less draining for you.”
ARE YOU A STEM AMBASSADOR? IF SO, WE WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU! The Institute of Water is looking to create a network to help create and promote links with existing STEM Ambassador Hubs across the UK. At this point, we’re simply looking to link up with our members who are currently STEM Ambassadors so we can look at the possibilities
of what we can do together. The Institute of Water will be further developing our support for STEM, through sharing relevant news, updates and events in this Magazine and creating a new webpage on the Institute’s website to highlight the work of our members
and their work to promote STEM to the next generation. If you are a STEM Ambassador and interested in getting involved, please get in touch via info@instituteofwater.org.uk
PARTNERING TO PROTECT DRINKING WATER QUALITY AND DELIVER WORKFORCE SUSTAINABILITY AND RESILIENCE The UK water industry is delivering essential services for around 66 million citizens every day across our four nations, and society’s expectations are rising. by Nick Ellins
Chief Executive, Energy & Utility Skills
[Sample National Water Hygiene ‘Blue Card’ from Energy & Utility Skills (new branding introduced in October 2018)]
The latest announcements in England and Wales are a case in point. When Ofwat published its PR19 Initial Assessment in January, it called on many water companies to go even further to improve efficiency, customer service and ‘resilience in the round’. Companies are now facing the challenges head-on and tailoring their plans to demonstrate even more clearly their commitment to delivering for customers and the environment. Companies are urged to think well beyond the five-year model and plan for a resilient future. Ofwat also now has a duty of ‘resilience’ to sit alongside its responsibilities to sustainable development. Energy & Utility Skills has been working to assist that resilient future, as a trusted partner to the entire sector. Last year, Energy & Utility Skills was awarded the first ever ‘Utility Partner of the Year’ award at the Utility Week Awards for that very achievement. By understanding the sector challenges, it is ideally placed to partner with employers to attract and develop a skilled and resilient workforce. One example is with drinking water quality. Energy & Utility Skills has invested in the ongoing safety of the public water supply for more than a decade, and continually supports the sector with the provision and management of key industry schemes. This month, it will launch its improved and enhanced National Water Hygiene Scheme (NWHS). Known as the ‘Blue Card’ scheme, the NWHS is mandated by UK companies and plays a vital part in promoting water hygiene across UK sites and ultimately protecting public health. Sharing sector best practice, the water industry has worked alongside Energy & Utility Skills to completely redevelop the scheme’s design, structure and assessment criteria, in line with changing regulatory and policy requirements. The Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) and Water UK guidance on public water supply hygiene requires all individuals working on restricted
operations to be in possession of a valid hygiene card. The water companies are increasingly auditing their direct and indirect workforce, to be sure that all individuals that enter their sites are fully accredited and understand their responsibilities in protecting public health and the public confidence in tap water. The Blue Card has become a symbol of that assurance. The new NWHS course content has a greater focus on interactive learning which caters for different learning styles, and it is backed up by significant new investments in digital systems that will allow companies to have 24/7 visibility of those who are accredited. Together, the refreshed scheme and enhanced systems will ensure that this recognised standard of assurance is fit for purpose for years to come. As a trusted partner for the water industry, Energy & Utility Skills works across UK policy makers, regulators, the regulated companies and their supply chain, to ensure levels of operational excellence and compliance are maintained. The recently upgraded and re-launched ‘Competent Operator Scheme’ is a case in point. Developed and supported by all regulated water companies via Water UK, it is now underway in bringing
consistent drinking water competence standards right across Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England. Anglian Water and Northumbrian Water were the first water companies in the UK to secure the new ‘Competent Operator Scheme’ certificate, swiftly followed by Wessex Water and South East Water. The nationwide benchmark is now a recognised element of water quality assurance, with operator competence rightly embedded within the Principles of Water Supply Hygiene and water quality policy. Commenting on the relaunch of the Competent Operator Scheme, and the first certificate awarded, Marcus Rink, Chief Inspector of the Drinking Water Inspectorate said: “By securing their Competent Operator certificate under this excellent industry-led scheme, Anglian Water are to be congratulated on their commitment to best practice. We support and encourage all companies to have competent operators at the core of their water quality operations.” As we have seen from Ofwat’s recent ‘Resilience in the Round’ proposals, investment in the future workforce is critical to business success.
A robust workforce with the skills and succession plans to take the industry forward will ensure a sustainable and innovative sector. One such way to address the skills challenge is attracting talented apprentices of all ages into the sector. Through the Energy & Utilities Independent Assessment Service, high-quality apprentices have been delivered into the water industry. The Governmentapproved apprenticeship end-point assessment organisation, delivered by Energy & Utility Skills, is committed to delivering a rigorous and robust apprenticeship end-point assessment service, ensuring apprentices are work ready when they graduate. More than 800 apprentices have now completed end-point assessment with the EUIAS, including apprentices from Severn Trent who were the first to qualify under the Level 3 Water Process Technician Standard in England. With workforce resilience embedded as a formal requirement in England and Wales, the sector also knows it has more to do with diversity and inclusion. Only 20% of the current workforce is female, compared to the 47% in all sectors and only 4% identify themselves as being from a BAME background. The ‘Workforce Renewal and Skills Strategy’ from the Energy & Utilities Skills Partnership identified that the whole utility industry could do more. Thirty two utility
[Anglian Water receiving their ‘Competent Operator Scheme’ certificate
[Northumbrian Water receiving their ‘Competent Operator Scheme’ certificate
L2R: Nick Ellins, Chief Executive, Energy & Utility Skills; Peter Simpson, Chief Executive, Anglian Water; Marcus Rink, Chief Inspector of the Drinking Water Inspectorate]
L2R: Nick Ellins, Chief Executive, Energy & Utility Skills; Heidi Mottram, Chief Executive, Northumbrian Water]
organisations, including ten water companies so far, have now signed the first ever sector inclusion commitment, to ensure their talent reflects the communities they serve. As a collective, they have committed to make change happen.
to ensure the safe management of our drinking water, environment and people. Energy & Utility Skills remains an invested partner, committed to building excellence in what is a safety critical industry. Partnership and collaboration remains the best way to deliver the highest possible standards.
Ensuring workforce resilience is essential for the future success of the water sector, and pushing ever harder for increased competence will help
The Institute of Water is gearing up for the 2019 Drilling and Tapping competition, which will be held at Utility Week Live on the 21st and 22nd May. Organised by the Institute of Water, Drilling and Tapping is a time-trial competition made up of teams of two. The aim of the competition is to drill and tap a 150mm-diameter ductile iron main under available pressure, together with the installation of a simulated service connection in the quickest time possible. Skill, dexterity and speed are a prime requirement, but quality is paramount and time penalty points are added if there is any leaks or infringements of the Rules & Regulations governing the Championships.
BE A DRILLING AND TAPPING SPONSOR We also have a number of sponsorship opportunities available. If you are interested in putting your company name in front of some of the water industry’s key people, contact Megan Williams on 0191 422 0088 or megan@instituteofwater.org.uk
The quality of the work is then judged and seconds are added to the running time for leaks, safety and other technical violations. The team with the fastest time wins and a prize is awarded for a ‘quality tap’ i.e. no penalty points incurred. Trophies are awarded to the winning teams on the Wednesday afternoon and the team with the fastest time win an all-expenses paid trip to showcase their skills on the world stage and compete in the overseas competition! The competition is a great way for water companies to showcase the talent and training
IWATER AT UWL19 The Institute of Water will be at Utility Week Live at Stand H30 in the Water Zone. Come along to talk about the benefits of being a member of the Institute of Water.
of their employees. Drilling and Tapping is a key event at UWL and always delivers a fantastic and lively atmosphere for delegates to enjoy. If you are interested in entering the Drilling and Tapping competition, visit www.drillingandtapping.co.uk or contact Megan Williams on 0191 422 0088 or megan@instituteofwater.org.uk
WHAT FOLLOWS DISRUPTION? Join over 5,000 industry professionals at UWL19, as we explore the rapidly evolving UK utilities industry. Register for free now at
PREPARING UTILITIES FOR instituteofwater.org.uk
OUT AND ABOUT WITH THE RISING STARS 2019 In January, the Rising Stars 2019 headed to Glasgow, Scotland to visit Scottish Water for what was the first development event in their year-long programme. by Hayley Wakeford
Assistant Network Engineer, Portsmouth Water Ltd and Rising Star 2019 The first event for the Rising Stars was a leadership masterclass held by Douglas Millican (CEO, Scottish Water). The visit included presentations and debates with Terry A ’Hearn (CEO, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency), Rosalind Kelly (Communications Manager, Scottish Water), and Alan Sutherland (CEO, Water Industry Commission for Scotland). The visit also included a tour of the Intelligent Communication Centre, and Balmore Water Treatment Works (Scottish Water’s largest treatment works). Accompanying the Rising Stars was Institute of Water Chief Executive, Lynn Cooper. The first presentation and Q&A session was with Terry A ’Hearn. SEPA, have recently released their strategy to tackling the challenges facing Scotland’s environment in the 21st century, ‘One Planet Prosperity’. The core message of this strategy is that the UK currently consumes three planets worth of energy, and in order for this to change, something radical will have to happen. The key message Terry gave to us which resounded throughout the day from all presenters, was that we need to go back to basics, and to keep things simple. If it is simple, then everybody can understand it. He also explained that there is a need for the economic regulator to be working alongside water companies and that regulators also need to be innovative and flexible but that this is a two-way partnership and also requires for water companies to be equally as accommodating. We also need to be focusing on climate change, and that the vision and direction of both the regulator and Water Company is key to changing this. Terry spoke about 2040/50 and that we will walk around the UK with our children/ grandchildren and they will point out waste water treatment plants, and ask what they are. Our response to those children will be that we used to waste water to the point where we used to treat water and then flush it away and on that story they will gasp and say how on earth you had enough water to do that with, which if we
are honest we don’t have enough water to do it with even now, not if we don’t want to become a seriously water scarce nation in the future. Following this, we were given a tour of the Intelligent Communication Centre (ICC), some of the Rising Stars had never been to an ICC before, and so to see such a large centre running and how well it functions was a real privilege. The efficiency of the ICC was the real beauty of it, within minutes if not seconds a hydraulic model can be run and a method statement produced, to allow for customers to have their supply installed again, this is definitely something the entire industry should be aiming to deliver. After the tour of the ICC, Rosalind Kelly, spoke with us about the external and internal communication within Scottish Water. The community within Scottish Water considering the geographical scale of the company is really lovely to see. “Scotty” the intranet page seems to be the real masterpiece behind this, and allows for everyone to be updated on any company news in real-time via either articles or short videos, which are accessible on mobile devices, allowing for operational staff to be involved with the company if they choose to be. Next was a Q&A session with Alan Sutherland, Chief Executive of WICS, who kindly gave us the opportunity for us to question him on everything and anything! Of course we spoke about
metering! We are all trying to reduce our PCC so we discussed about how we can tackle this, and whether metering is the most appropriate way to go? Potentially the use of how much energy it has cost for the entire cycle from source to tap, could be something we raise awareness of with our customers instead? Another awareness that we took from this session was how old the water industries assets are, and that we need to be investing in them more in order to ensure that we don’t run them to the ground. The day ended with a Q&A session with Douglas Millican, where we were able to discuss how Scottish Water works so well with the regulators and the benefits this has. From the visit it comes across that SPEA, WICS and Scottish Water are aiming for the same service, and they are developing a real partnership in order to deliver that service. As Douglas said, “Collaboration is the key to success”, and I think all of us after spending the day with them can agree on that.
Credit_WaterAid Behailu Shiferaw
Credit_WaterAid Dennis Lupenga
Credit_WaterAid James Kiyimba
Colleagues from across the water sector will have the special opportunity to view a stunning gallery that shines a spotlight on the transformative power of water, as part of a global tour of the unique multimedia images by Mexican artist Victoria Villasana. The colourful ‘Water Effect’ multimedia gallery was commissioned by WaterAid and provides a beautiful insight into the different ways clean water and good sanitation can help transform lives. Touring the water industry The artwork was revealed at the UN Secretariat in New York last year, and has now also been exhibited at Severn Trent Water, SES Water, Southern Water and the Environment Agency. Next, it will embark on the Scottish leg of the tour and will be displayed at the Scottish Water Head Offices in Glasgow and Edinburgh in March. The exhibition will inspire guests at many of the water sector’s annual fundraising balls, before finally being shown at World Water Week which takes place in Stockholm at the end of August. Storytelling with yarn Originally from Guadalajara in Mexico, Victoria Villasana uses her unconventional textile art to reimagine stills photography. Through her intriguing use of colourful embroidery directly on to the photographs and uncut yarn falling out of the frame, she has created a dynamic representation of the characters’ portraits for this collection, bringing the images to life. Transforming lives with access to clean water Victoria’s portfolio includes iconic images of the Queen, Frida Kahlo and Marilyn Monroe. In this very special collaboration, she has worked with
uplifting images, taken by WaterAid’s locallybased photographers, of people whose lives have been transformed now they have access to the essentials for life – clean water and decent sanitation. Life is now full of optimism and it shows in these portraits.
you can go and fetch water from the borehole. If you have some other work to do like digging, choir practice, caring for your baby, you will all have the time. For me, it is so important my child will grow healthy and strong because we have clean water.”
Victoria represents people in a sensory way, bringing out their personalities with the colours and textures of the yarn, enhancing the photographs and creating a 3D experience for the observer as they look more deeply at the character of the individual.
Tim Wainwright, WaterAid’s Chief Executive gave his overview of the collection: “At WaterAid, we believe that making clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene normal for everyone, everywhere is key to building a world free from poverty. Together, these three essentials create a powerful ripple, transforming people’s health, keeping children in school and helping improve livelihoods and gender equality – that’s the water effect.
Reflecting on what inspires her artwork, Victoria explained: “We often don’t see a face when we hear statistics and numbers. By using colour and patterns I want to bring a humanity to these faces and stories and make people connect on a more emotional level. It’s like storytelling with the yarn. It’s kind of like the colours are bringing the soul of the person to life. “I don’t just want my art to be pretty – I like art that says something about our humanity. This collection of images is about celebrating how these small changes can really empower people to improve their lives.”
“Victoria Villasana’s stunning and uplifting gallery really brings the transformative power of water to life. Her vibrant embroidery lets the personalities within the photographs shine and provide a unique insight into some of the many impacts of our work.” To support WaterAid’s work through its winter appeal, ‘The Water Effect’, please visit
Mary Mosing from Uganda, one of the eight personalities in the gallery, said: “I’m very happy that the borehole is now near. At any time
HOW TO APPROACH MID-CAREER CPD Hopefully you have become used to the concept of continuing professional development and are actively engaged in learning. After the initial exhilaration of starting out in a brand new career, the novelty may have worn off a little and things may have started to become a bit routine. ■■
by Matt Bower
Operations Team Leader DWQR for Scotland and Institute of Water CPD Champion Why is CPD important at this stage in your career? ■■
Meeting changing needs within your role – few things are static and your employer may need you develop new skills to meet changing demands.
To meet future career objectives – you may be considering applying for a promotion or even a career change. CPD can help you to prepare for this and give you the best possible chance of getting the outcome you want. To keep things interesting – If you have been in a role for a long time, things can become a bit stale. CPD is a great way of making sure that things stay fresh. Applying for professional registration. Once you have gained some experience, you may want to consider professional registration such as becoming chartered. An active CPD profile will be vital to this.
How should I approach CPD in Mid-career? As ever, CPD is personal to the individual so there is no single “right” way to go about things. As an Institute we don’t specify how much CPD you should do or what form it should take – quality definitely beats quantity. Here are a few things you may wish to think about:
Consider all options for CPD As we progress in our careers and gain expertise, the “classic” taught training course may become less significant in our approach to CPD. That doesn’t mean that CPD stops, however. There are plenty of other ways to develop such as taking on additional responsibility at work or opportunities in our personal life such as voluntary roles. If it helps us to develop, it all counts so record it!
Pressed for time? Mid-life is often busy – work pressures can combine with family commitments to leave very little time for anything else. We may need to consciously make time to properly plan and review our CPD – but it’s time well spent as it will ensure we capitalise on any development opportunities we get. This is also where thinking about the full range of development approaches and options can help – we can select those that easily fit in with our existing lifestyle without having to set aside large amounts of our precious time.
Giving something back As our experience grows we could consider helping others who are just starting out on a career in our industry by taking on a role as mentor. This could be as formal or informal as we like, as long as both parties have the same expectations. Of course, as we are developing or refining our mentoring skills, we are also participating in another form of CPD. Don’t discount being a mentee either – as we move up the career ladder, some of the challenges we face can be daunting and being mentored by a more senior colleague can be extremely valuable.
Widen our horizons As experience and confidence grows, this might be the time to look beyond our own company to the wider industry and build links with people doing similar roles in other organisations. This can often be highly beneficial as it gives us another perspective on our own role and perhaps sparks ideas for more effective ways of tackling the same challenges (or alternative career directions). The Institute provides some great opportunities for networking, so make use of them!
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ASSURANCE PROCESSES: WEIGHING UP THE RISKS TO WATER COMPANY ASSET MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” T. S. Eliot. by Matthew McConville
Senior Consultant, Asset Management Consulting Limited
Alignment in Risk and Asset Management The international standard; ISO31000 tells us that ‘Risk is the effect of uncertainty on our objectives’. AMCL believe that good Assurance processes allow water companies to drive value and be more certain that they can secure their objectives. Asset management and risk management are intrinsically aligned with ‘value’ at their heart. ISO31000 endorses ‘Value Protection and Creation’ and the equivalent; ISO55000, the international standard for asset management promotes the ‘Coordinated activities of an organisation to realise value from assets’. The close linkages continue as the Risk Management Principles, Framework and Processes emphasise the importance of a collaborative ‘silo busting’ risk management approach where organisations use collective decision-making to generate objective linked strategies and plans. The Institute of Asset Management (IAM) (www.theiam.org) advocates the same approach as they believe proper appreciation of risk and criticality is central to securing great asset management in line with the IAM Conceptual Model shown in Figure 1.
Measurement of Asset Management Maturity; Stakeholder Assurance on Risk AMCL are using our Asset Management Excellence Model (AMEM)TM to provide independent Assessment and Assurance that supports the
Commercial Environment
Organisational Strategic Plan Scope of Asset Management
Several UK and International Water Companies have chosen an independent assessment as they believe it will assure Customers, Regulators and other stakeholders that they are configured in a way that ensures they achieve their long-term objectives and provide comfort that they are properly controlling any asset management risks.
Strategy & Planning
Lifecycle Delivery Organisation & People
Asset Management Decision-Making
Risk & Review
Asset Information © Copyright 2016 Institute of Asset Management (www.theIAM.org/copyright)
[Figure 1: The IAM Conceptual Model with the 6 Subject Groups]
achievement of all the organisational objectives and provides early warning of any risk to success. All water companies can benefit from credible Assurance activities borne of an independent, sector agnostic assessor and enable them to gauge the relative maturity of their Asset Management System. UK regulators and their international counterparts are focussed on developing resilient water companies who can secure customer satisfaction and provide the best value for money by using innovative approaches. If we look at each water companies’ risk to achieve their Asset Management objectives the water companies with the most mature Asset Management System are consistently the ones best placed to assure
all their stakeholders that they will achieve their objectives and can satisfy all elements of the Asset Management System Checklist shown in Figure 2.
Road-mapping to success The AMCL team has worked with many organisations to develop improvement roadmaps that coordinate with and incorporate existing maturity improvement initiatives to provide a comprehensive capability enhancement programme. In this way water companies can ensure their overall risk appetite is properly reflected in their maturing Asset Management System. It will also enable capabilities to be developed and deployed that ‘silo bust’ traditional organisational boundaries to ultimately reduce the likelihood
Senior level commitment and leadership – demonstrated through regular attendance at AM System governance meetings and ability to articulate an understanding of the AM System
Relevant staff, contractors and service providers are aware of the AM System and its role, and how each contribute to achieving the defined AM Objectives
Asset Strategy & Planning, Maintenance, Operations, Engineering, etc. collaborate together with common objectives
All AM related improvement initiatives are coordinated, prioritised, scheduled, monitored and appropriately resourced
Clear Framework
Consistent understanding of how the business works that is supported through a top-down strategic framework – with adequate detail and clarity
Decision making is aligned to a common set of AM Objectives that are embedded through strategies, plans and operational activities
Closed Loop
A Plan, Do, Check, Act process across all aspects of the Asset Management System. Includes auditing of processes, data, and implementation of activities
Clear Scope
A clearly defined scope of the AM System that sets out the boundaries in relation to assets, processes and procedures, business functions and other management systems
The AM System is integrated with other Management systems and it is not managed in isolation
Defined and implemented Governance Framework, Assurance Framework, Performance Framework, Information Strategy, Resourcing Strategy, Processes & Procedures
[Figure 2: Ten-point Asset Management System Checklist]
of a costly foreseeable risk and therefore maximise the opportunity for value creation whenever the Asset Management objectives are achieved. In addition to broad ‘whole water company’ engagements, there is opportunity to undertake more direct assurance activities. They can be
focussed towards specific capabilities that impact asset lifecycle value realisation and help transform the structure and competencies of individual teams to quickly address Asset Management System delivery risks.
“Life is a trap for Logicians because it is almost reasonable but not quite;
it is usually sensible but occasionally otherwise; It looks just a little more mathematical and regular than it is, its exactitude is obvious, but its inexactitude is hidden; its wildness lies in wait.”
G K Chesterton
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With health and safety sitting high at the top of every company’s considerations everyone is facing the same challenge. How do we get our workforce engaged? The answer so often seems mired in mystery, “The harder we push it, the less they engage” is all too common a cry from the health and safety professionals and managers trying to explain to the board why engagement scores are not as high as we’d all like.
by Kevin Quin
Leakage Detection Technician, Networks, South East Water
Here at South East Water as part of our new and evolving Thrive 365 Health, Safety and Wellbeing policy a new initiative spearheaded by one of our leakage managers was born.
Turn the status quo world on its head, if you want your staff to engage with your health and safety policy. Empower the workforce to work together to develop the policies they need. It was realised the biggest barrier to engagement was trust. To build trust, the technicians needed to have input into policies and procedures and the chance to give feedback. The status quo needed to change to drive up engagement and to help them embrace change.
FEATURE: RISK AND RESILIENCE Out of this Gary Ford, the Leakage Manager (Eastern Region) devised and put together the Health and Safety Review Panel, a team selected from field technicians with varied areas of expertise to look at the current standard operating procedures, risk assessments, and COSHH documentation and make it work for us. The paperwork needed to be simplified and made easier to work with on a practical level. Our panel, which must be highlighted has no managers or health and safety professionals sitting on it, but instead has in excess of 100 years of experience working as a hive mind, is now well on the way to revolutionising the way we do things here. We have some great technicians wanting to make our policies and procedures better for them in the field and they have fully engaged in the process. We have rewritten all existing risk assessments, chucked a few out, and written replacements and more. We are now writing standard operating procedures to ensure they meet the needs of the modern job of leak detection. Together we are breaking through barriers that have stood for years, maybe decades, even since the Health and Safety Act came into force, showing we do know what is best for us to be
able to get the job done and go home safe at the end of every day. We invite managers, Heads of department, and the South East Water Health and Safety team in as and when we feel their input will be needed but for the vast majority of our work the first they will see of it is when it is produced and sent to them for final approval (yes they still have the final say, none of us are perfect after all). We receive great support from Gary and other managers and heads of department, continually enabling and encouraging us to make the very best of this opportunity that we have, and because we have the opportunity to make our work lives better and safer we all do our very best work here, knowing that the key to this continuing and expanding is proving that we can do it, earning the trust of those who have to sign these things off, and breeding trust in the policies because we wrote them. For all of you who struggle with engagement, there is so much that can be done with so little effort. Make the decision to believe in your staff, and if you are one of the staff, take the decision to believe that you and your colleagues do have the skills and the power to make things better, follow a few simple keywords and your mire becomes a stream of ideas and growth.
Trust – Managers; trust your staff, they want to go home safe every day. Listen to them and realise that they know the job they do better than anyone else, guide them in the right direction if they need guiding but let them walk in front and they will develop in front of your eyes. Staff trust your mangers to guide you, and trust in what you can achieve, when you believe it, everyone else will fall in line with you and you will all grow and develop as a whole. Open Up – Have the discussion openly and honestly about health and safety, we all know there are some things that we can’t change, but that doesn’t mean we can’t talk about what does need changing. Have the conversations wherever and whenever they need to be had. Be open to new and radical ideas coming up from the ground and down from the managers. If ideas have no legs then don’t be afraid to say so, equally if they might then work hard to nurture these ideas and evolve them into something brilliant. Shine – Don’t be afraid to be the one who stands out, embrace the opportunity to be someone whose name gets known. If you want to move on, or just make things better then be a champion of a brighter and better future.
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IDEXX Water is a global provider of water testing solutions that deliver easy, rapid, accurate and cost-effective information on water quality to laboratories and public utilities around the world. Its laboratories and facility in Newmarket, UK is the European centre of excellence for IDEXX in the manufacture, distribution, research and development and product support for Cryptosporidium and Giardia testing products.
Donnachie, Operations Manager at IDEXX Water’s Newmarket facility, says risk-based thinking should bring advantages to any business, in that it is more dynamic and allows the focus to shift to the risks and opportunities that are current:
In 2018, the Newmarket facility completed its transition to comply with the requirements of the new ISO 9001:2015 standard. This internationally recognised Quality Management System (QMS) is designed to be a powerful business improvement tool focusing on meeting customer expectations and delivering customer satisfaction; it emphasises leadership, context and a processbased system. This is a significant change to previous standards, as it has a strong emphasis on the adoption of a risk-based approach.
“Given that our customers have to take a risk based approach to water testing due to public health implications, it is critical to properly consider and mitigate any risks promptly. Shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted is not a good approach in public health!”
The advantages of risk-based thinking The 2008 standard did refer to risk but this is now at the core of the updated 2015 standard. Fenella
In a paper published in January 2015, A ‘Risk Based Thinking’ Model for ISO 9001:2015, Senior Consultant Bob Deysher described how ISO 9001:2015 prescribes how risks and opportunities need to be identified in order to implement an effective quality management system and quality management processes. He highlights some key points from the standard:
The organisation shall establish, implement, maintain and continually improve a quality management system, including the processes needed and their interactions, in accordance with the requirements of this International Standard
The organisation shall determine the processes needed for the quality management system and their application throughout the organisation and shall determine the risks and opportunities in accordance with the requirements of [section] 6.1 [of the standard], and plan and implement the appropriate actions to address them.
Section 6 of ISO 9001:2015 is key, as it discusses the risks and opportunities that need to be addressed so that outcomes are predictable and undesired effects are prevented or reduced. It calls for the need to plan and implement the QMS with a view to continual improvement, and that actions
FEATURE: RISK AND RESILIENCE should be “proportionate to the potential impact on the conformity of products and services.”
ISO Quality Standards: a fundamental part of IDEXX Water’s business IDEXX Newmarket has made the ISO quality standard a fundamental part of the company’s business practices since it first gained the ISO 9002:1994 standard at the end of 1999. The business transitioned to ISO 9001 in 2003 and has been through two incarnations of ISO 9001 with BSI accreditation before transferring to the current, 2015 generation in 2018. The scope of the accreditation at the Newmarket facility is the design, development, production and supply of microbiological testing systems to detect waterborne parasites Cryptosporidium and Giardia which can cause stomach cramps and diarrhoea, and can be serious when contracted by immuno-compromised individuals. “Cryptosporidium is particularly resistant to chlorination and existing water treatment methods so it is important to discover the source of the outbreak,” comments Andrew Headland, Associate Director, IDEXX Water EMEA, adding that: “Failure to find and eradicate the contamination can result in water companies needing to issue boil notices and advising consumers not to drink the water. The reputational damage and fines for non-compliance with the regulations can be considerable.” Donnachie says that whilst the wording of the new standard is not always very easy to understand, it does create a new emphasis on risk-based thinking and on looking at risks and opportunities regarding customer satisfaction: “It also encourages a whole supply chain approach, with its consideration of ‘Interested Parties’, as anyone who can have any influence on the ability of IDEXX to satisfy our customers, and stresses the importance of leadership and support for the quality system,” she says. “It forces you to show this in a very structured way, which can be quite onerous but is very thorough.
It did take a lot of work to transition but we were lucky that IDEXX Newmarket has taken a processbased approach for a long time and we have a very experienced quality team,” adding that the business created a project team to ensure that it gave the standard the focus it deserved and that it made the most of the transition to further improve the company’s business. “We deliberately did not rush the project as we wanted to gain the full benefits rather than paying lip service to the standard,” she says. “It has never been a ‘tick-box’ exercise for us and we wanted to make sure that we brought the whole of the Newmarket team with us and that they understood and supported the changes to the system. “At our facility in Newmarket there was a steering committee and core team, but this meant that much of the work was done by two to three people. Having said that, about 15 people were involved with reviewing and rewriting our quality documents, but this had to be controlled and assessed in order to meet the requirements of the new standard. Most of the work was done over a 12-month period but not as a full-time job. One of the biggest challenges was to maintain the existing standard alongside making changes to comply with the new standard: hence, running both standards side by side was required until the transition audit was complete.”
[IDEXX Water’s ISO9001:2015 Project Team left to right Clare Parsons, Fenella Donnachie, Sarah Peyton, Andrew Headland] team. It was great to share ideas and experience between the different sites at a global summit and to feel that international and company-wide camaraderie, but our transition at Newmarket was very independent and this allowed us to work at our own pace and to create a system that is absolutely custom-built for us and our customer base.”
Complete documentation for a successful audit
“The other IDEXX communities involved in the manufacturing and distribution of water testing products have also all transitioned to the new standard,” she adds. “This will provide reassurance to our customers that we will have processes in place to ensure the supply of consistently highquality water testing products.”
Donnachie notes that the ISO standard has various requirements for inputs, outputs and documentation. “When you write the quality management system for the business, it has to meet all of the individual requirements for the standard. We made the decision to change all of our document numbering systems to follow the process approach and then had to keep checking back to ensure that we met the requirements of each clause. Implementation of a risk register has been a successful way of documenting that risks have been identified and assessed.”
Donnachie says that the new standard did cause a lot of work for each community involved: “IDEXX Westbrook [Maine, US] transitioned from the 2008 standard: this is an enormous site, but with a larger quality team. Our distribution centre in the Netherlands gained ISO accreditation for the first time but was heavily supported by the Westbrook
Now having successfully transitioned to the new ISO 9001:2015 quality standard, the IDEXX Water EMEA team at Newmarket (pictured below) completed its first full surveillance audit in October 2018, passing the audit without any non-conformities and with no recommendations for improvement.
In every industry there’s always an elephant in the room. The one thing that no one wants to really acknowledge or address, because if we did, it would cause us to recognise a reality that is still a bit too challenging to address head on and too difficult to fix easily. Some might say that innovation was something that the woolly mammoth struggled with and we all know how that story ends. However, the African elephant shares 98.5% to 99.4% of it’s DNA with the woolly mammoth. Evolutionary history shows how by changing things like the structure of its teeth and the shape of its skull the numbers overall increased as new species evolved that were able to live differently, for example, by feeding on more abrasive food items as their natural habitats changed around them. For many people innovation is often associated with companies like Apple, Just Eat, Uber and Amazon. However, they didn’t invent innovation and it’s not just the digital and tech companies that are striving to be at the vanguard of thinking differently. As the UK water industry approaches its next five-year investment cycle it’s clear that innovation will be key to how the whole industry delivers against ever more challenging targets and expectations. OFWAT have made it clear that the future focus should be on evolving into the new species, the elephant, rather than staying the same and
going the way of the mammoth. That means all of us in the water industry have a duty to put resilience, sustainability and innovation at the heart of everything that we do.
at traditional processes and thinking about how changing these can positively impact on business performance, as it is about looking at the new and cutting edge gadgets.
We asked Simon Jefferson, Commercial Director at Water Quality focused Panton McLeod about his views on innovation in the sector.
What are you doing to be innovative? For example, Panton McLeod has been using its own proprietary cleaning solution to clean and disinfect services reservoirs for over 20 years now. This is a proven and well-established cleaning technique for drained down water storage assets that is used across the industry in the UK. The team at Panton McLeod have, for a while now, been exploring new ways of using this same product to address different and common problems faced by the water industry.
How do you view innovation in the water industry? “Innovation is not always all about going digital. We hear lots at the moment about machine learning, AI, the internet of things, big data and, while these certainly have a vital part to play in the evolution of the water industry and we are joining in with playing in that space, it is easy to become fixated on technical innovation and lose sight of how much impact can be made by simply thinking differently across businesses. Einstein famously said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results, and for me innovation is about how we ensure that we are not caught in this very easy trap. So, it’s as much about looking
This resulted in a recent successful trial using the product to clean a rapid gravity filter bed with the filter media in place. The filter nozzles and aeration lines were blocked with bio-fouling and the build up of pressure during the backwash was causing the pumps to trip before completing the backwash cycle.
FEATURE: RISK AND RESILIENCE Yorkshire water faced a significant cost associated with replacing the media, nozzles and aeration lines. They are also considering a reasonably sized capital project to bring in a different flow of water for the backwash in the hope that this will slow the build up of biofouling in future. They now have another, much more cost effective, option to consider after the cleaning trial enabled normal operation on the backwash once again without the significant cost of replacing all the media and filter bed fittings. This has now led to a much broader discussion with stakeholders across the water industry and academia to explore further uses, including membrane filter cleaning, utilising the cleaning solution to address common industry problems in a different and more cost effective way.
Tank mixing improves performance and quality
Panton McLeod has also focused on how we can introduce new technology into the UK that will change the way the water industry views and ultimately manages assets. Working with a US company, UGSI Solutions, we are providing a range of technologies that optimise the performance of service reservoirs improving relative water quality as treated water travels further into distribution.
performance. Using innovative new versions of very traditional techniques such as tank mixing can significantly improve tank performance which will positively impact on water quality outputs as well as increasing network capacity and resilience. This can then be used as a foundation on which to introduce other technologies to further optimise tank performance which allows companies to really take control of issues which are common across distribution networks. This in turn can fundamentally change the thinking around the asset base in terms of ongoing operation and maintenance and potential capital investment decisions.
Service reservoirs are a vital component in delivering both network resilience and great water quality but have traditionally had little scrutiny around trying to improve their
These are good examples of achieving really positive results from making small changes to how traditional challenges are faced, proving that innovation can flourish in any setting.
What do you think the industry can do as we move to 2020? In Simon’s view, there are three really simple rules to follow when thinking about our approach to 2020. ■■ Think differently ■■ Don’t be constrained by tradition ■■ Don’t be afraid to try something new “There’s much more risk in doing the same thing we have always done than if we start to experiment with and introduce new ways of operating. It’s easy to go back to the comfort of what we have always done when we are under pressure to deliver outputs but ultimately this won’t help businesses develop into the future. Innovation needs to be embraced in the round in whatever form, whether its smart networks, digital solutions, data analytics or just thinking differently about an everyday process. Remember new doesn’t need to be seen as shiny or, more importantly, risky!” Tel: 01896 663 330 Email: info@pantonmcleod.co.uk
SIGN UP TO EDDYVISION! Keep up to date with water industry innovation on our online media channel EddyVision! pantonmcleod.co.uk/innovation
THE ASSURANCE OF GOING PAPERLESS Ctrl Hub Managing Director Mark Lisgo discusses some of the common concerns that businesses have around digital transformation, and asks the question - how much longer can you risk not going digital? This operational nirvana is available to you – if you are prepared to overcome your fear of change and embrace digitisation. I hear plenty of reasons why managers or directors are not prepared to make what they see as radical and unnecessary changes to how their businesses operate. Cost is always high on the list. We understand that budgets are constantly under scrutiny, and change seems like an expensive activity. However, the right software, properly deployed, will result in efficiencies and savings that far outweigh the cost.
by Mark Lisgo
Managing Director of Ctrl Hub For those businesses operating at the coal face of the water industry, health and safety assurance is probably the number one headache at senior management level – particularly so with the HSE required to generate a substantial amount of its funding from fines. Contractor management is also high on the agenda. These issues must be balanced against ever tightening margins, and the resulting need to drive productivity and efficiency. Can you imagine just how good it would feel to have real time assurance that your entire operation and supply chain is competent and compliant? Picture a screen in your office, showing green lights across the board. Operatives all trained and competent. Fleet and equipment properly certified and maintained. The appearance of an amber light on your screen would be proactively and easily addressed. You don’t want any unwelcome, non-compliant red lights creeping in. Critical data would be fed directly in from the field, having gone through the appropriate approval channels. Easy to digest management information would show key performance indicators and highlight developing trends.
We carried out a workshop with a major client to map out existing manual processes against the proposed digital solution. The result was a system costing 6% of the savings it generated, largely through a huge reduction in nonproductive back office admin time. Other savings were made against significant paper costs, document storage and document transportation. That figure represents only the quantifiable savings to be made. Additional savings will undoubtedly be made in terms of risk reduction – the risk of an HSE fine, or the risk of being unable to defend a claim due to having inadequate documentation. There is also the time spent searching through paper records to send to site when inspectors show up, or when an incident requires investigation. Retrieval of data has to become instantaneous, capable of being searched against and downloaded by reference to a range of filter categories. The costs of data storage are decreasing year on year, as technology advances. Redirect your human resources to tasks and projects that will generate revenue. Remove, or at least significantly reduce, the scope for human error in your assurance processes. Another common argument against technology is that field based operatives simply won’t accept it. They don’t like change. They won’t accept new ways of working.
Our experience has been incredibly positive. Operatives are very open to new methodology and technology, provided it assists rather than hinders their day to day work. Engagement is the key – instead of unilaterally imposing a solution from the top. It is vital to work with them to understand their pressure points and frustrations. Listen to what they say. They need an interface that is straightforward and intuitive. It must be capable of adapting very quickly to address operative feedback or changing regulations. We hear businesses complain that they already have a number of different software platforms in place, half of which they don’t use, none of which talk to each other. Why continue to tolerate that situation? Why procrastinate? In relative terms, take a tiny step back and evaluate what the business actually needs. Implement a cost effective solution that fits your business. Discard what you don’t need.
FEATURE: RISK AND RESILIENCE Your software systems should compliment each other, not compete for attention. Your field management software must be capable of seamlessly interacting with other business critical systems such as finance and HR. The data captured in one platform must be capable of being used in the others. For larger organisations running enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, integration is absolutely essential. ERP systems are incredibly powerful, but they are also very complex. They are not built for rapid change. An agile field management solution can provide the required adaptability and responsiveness at a far more cost effective rate. The right digital software solution can provide assurance across operatives, fleet, plant and equipment. It can provide assurance through an entire supply chain. Why wouldn’t you want to ensure that your entire operation is compliant? Why take the risk that contractual liability will sit further down the chain if an incident occurs? Reputational risk certainly won’t sit down there. Technology provides an audit trail that can evidence that things have been done properly, and are being done properly. It provides factual evidence. It removes guesswork, doubt, hiding places and wriggle room.
Real time data capture and real time reporting allow you a far greater understanding of how your workforce, and supply chain, is performing. You can promote best practice and efficiency that enables them to perform better and more cost effectively. You can respond instantly to issues as they arise, instead of dealing with the aftermath of an incident or an improvement notice. You can significantly reduce risk.
Reduce Risk, Increase Productivity, Enhance your Bottom Line
Health and safety compliance is not going to reduce. The need to capture critical information out in the field is not going to go away. The ability to instantly access and utilise that information is going to become increasingly valuable. Technology must be utilised properly, and businesses must be prepared to adapt. Those who do will undoubtedly flourish against their competitors who do not.
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The current round of water company business plans is a time when service risk comes under a sharp focus. by Andy Walkley
The regulatory imperative will prioritise these enhancements so choices are simpler.
Companies are urged to offer lower tariffs while improving service levels. This requires an astute assessment of the service-risk balance of their renewal and enhancement choices, bridging the gap between what could be spent and what can be funded by taking on some risk. The management of these planned risks will be a crucial facet of their success through AMP7.
The drive to increase resilience of water systems to counter climate volatility derives from the evolution in the perception of risk of drought and flood events while primary infrastructure proportionally deteriorates in functionality. The new stuff is fine: the old assets are the challenge, where choices of what, when and whether to renew will invariably require a fine judgement of the risks.
Director, Asset Risk Logic Ltd
In driving its resilience agenda, OFWAT has recently refined its guidance to water company boards on governance (21 Jan 19), which reiterates the need for the transparency of key risks to their businesses. ISO31000 offers the corporate standard for such ‘enterprise’ risks. For service risks in day to day operation and investment decisions that deliver resilience, wider tools are needed to identify, evaluate and mitigate service risks at the operational level. So what’s new? Providing water services has always been a risk business: maintaining water sites and networks to assure supply, protect from flooding and reduce risk of water-borne disease all the time. Much of the enhancement demanded from the DWI is to reduce risks to assure wholesomeness of supply; the EA seek to assure natural waters’ quality and quantity to underpin all uses. Enhancements present no problem for investment teams, who like building new stuff and have got pretty good at sampling the new innovations that track evolving regulation.
The recurring challenge is the low incidence – high impact events, often associated with large, high value infrastructure, like large bore pipes. The world-wide-web offers some graphic evidence of the more spectacular events. Comparatively rare, these events pose a critical risk to customers’ service and the business plan outcome commitments. A single event could perhaps be career defining, so the potential for these to become ‘less rare’ will be on most operators’ minds. Identifying key indicators at ground level with supervisors briefing for and escalating when indictors arise is an essential response tactic. The renewal costs of large assets would dominate any business plan, so a good business case demands sound data. When available, corrosion models and leak surveys will tell their own stories on the inventory of big pipes: when and where to focus intervention. The ability to identify, monitor, and respond, using valves,
vents and perhaps sensors will remain the best get-out-of-jail card for water service operators, for their potable trunk or sewerage rising main risks. The good news is that there are now more tools and techniques that can extend beyond the Red-Amber-Green assessments in risk registers into providing objective numbers for business cases. Large volumes of work order data are now available, when used creatively, offer scale assessment of asset failure risk, tailored to the actual inventory. The impact of failures is similarly supported by connective spatial models that can evaluate a wide range of data sets to provide quantitative assessment of impact from service loss, flooding and discharges. Such objectivity will provide the foundation for business cases that should drive smart TotEx interventions. New sensor technologies offer assurance of water quality into supply or discharged. With the ‘internet of things’ monitoring individual equipment, smart judgements to notify of impending failure appear in reach. Each provide the ability to operate at higher risk levels and match speed of response with the velocity of escalating risk. The speed at which such risks can escalate will be informing the tactics to respond and command failure events to offer a more affordable approach for timing big infrastructure renewals. So if you’re not seeing spend of big ticket renewals, look for the risk response plan and be part of it.
LEADERSHIP IN HAZARD & RISK The Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience: building resilience through research, leadership and practice in hazard and risk share of the global market in water technology innovation by 2030.
Introducing The Water Hub
by Professor Louise Bracken Director of the Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience (IHRR) at Durham University, the Wilson Chair in Hazard and Risk Research and Scientific Director of The Water Hub The importance of hazard, risk and resilience Hazards and risks threaten lives and livelihoods around the world. Hazards, such as floods and socio-economic shocks, as well as forced migration, can emerge without notice (Figure 1). Other challenges may appear more gradually, such as climate change.
Figure 2: Earthquake awareness rally in Kathmandu, Nepal. Unsafe building practices in seismically active areas put people’s lives at risk due to earthquakes, but can also damage clean water supply and wastewater removal. Photo: Hanna Ruszczyk Helping societies to build resilience, and to deal with hazard and risk, depends crucially on collaboration and co-operation across borders. Policy and decision-makers require timely and effective support from people with expert understanding of the issues and challenges around hazard, risk and resilience. Skill is required in order to frame the most appropriate questions, and to convene the most appropriate expert knowledge. Such expert knowledge exists in many research disciplines, in addition to practitioners such as the emergency response community. Such expert knowledge also needs to take account of the values and context of the societies within which decisions are taken.
The Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience (IHRR) at Durham University is a team of internationally recognised leaders in developing resilient, research-informed approaches to hazard and risk. Our aim is to make a difference to people living with hazard and risk. Our values are research-driven excellence, openness and collaboration. We support governments, NGOs and businesses across the world to plan for future hazard and risk events and to grow capability. IHRR hosts The Water Hub. The purpose of The Water Hub is to create new opportunities for businesses, communities and end users to join with government organisations and research institutes to co-develop the solutions to key water and environmental challenges. The Water Hub is focused around; water futures, data insight, catchment management, and water, energy and waste enabling communities. The Water Hub will be hosting RIPPLE 2019: ‘Creating opportunities and impact’ on 21st
Water related hazard and risk
Figure 1: Disruption from flooding in Indonesia. Consequences are far reaching; recovery and growing resilience involves many different people from many perspectives. Photo: Sim Reaney. All hazards and risks are multi-dimensional events that entangle different social, political, cultural and economic domains with subsequent consequences for people, business and infrastructure (Figure 2). Impacts can be felt across a range of locations at different times, and may not map neatly onto geographical and/or political boundaries.
A wide range of hazards and risks are associated with water, including flooding, drought, poor water quality and lack of clean and accessible water. These hazards are increasing in frequency and intensity almost everywhere around the world due to population growth and effects of climate change. The reliable supply of safe drinking water is vital for daily life. The impact of unsafe drinking water depends of the severity of illnesses caused by pathogens in the water, the extent of the exposure, and the vulnerability of the exposed population. There are many opportunities for development of new solutions to water related hazard and risk, in the UK and globally. It is crucial that we work across business, policy and research to help societies build resilience to meet the Sustainable Development Goals. The potential growth in opportunities is underlined by the UK Government, who have estimated that there is the potential for UK businesses to triple their
March at the Life Science Centre in Newcastle, UK. The day will showcase business and funding opportunities, provide industry and government insight, cutting-edge innovation, real life examples, and inspiring talks from those influencing the sector. See www.thewaterhub.org.uk for more details. Professor Bracken leads a team of transdisciplinary researchers with global reach from the IHRR base at Durham University. Her leadership role draws on her research, which involves transdisciplinary research around flood risk and water resource management. Professor Bracken has over 1200 ISI citations and more than 60 publications in a range of top journals which cover Human Geography, Anthropology, Environmental Sciences, Hydrology and Geomorphology.
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While striving for zero leakage across water networks remains high on the agenda for the UK water industry, it is widely acknowledged that there are major inconsistencies with the standard of water pipeline installations being carried out. GPS PE Pipe Systems organised a round table debate, which brought together representatives from across the UK water industry to discuss the issues and see if there is a way to begin to make improvements in this area.
Jo Parker, Debate Chair, IOW Vice President of Engineering Paul Byrne, CEO of CABWI David Carey, Technical Director at Control Point James Devers, Senior Project Manager at Kier (on Affinity Trunk Main Contract) Caroline Ayres, Director of BPF Pipes Group Ashley Mee, Head of Procurement for Wessex Water, also Water UK standards board, Chair of the Pressure pipe group, BSI Plastics Committee John Predergast, Contracts Manager at Barhale James Roper, Segment Manager for GPS Nick Parr, Bristol Water, Operations manager for Developer Services Shaun Rawlings, Senior Project Manager for Mains Renovations
JP: Can I start by asking what issues do you think there are? JP: My biggest issue is a lack of enough design, you’re expected to get a model and that’s the end of it, design is a recent issue that was never a problem before, we always had excellent drawings, and excellent pipe schedules but now we just don’t get the detail. SR: Workmanship and managing that. Also the quality of electrofusion for me, it’s time with the fusion process and we haven’t got time with the other constraints from our point of view, we need to look at zero interruptions and customer minutes lost. That’s why I’m looking at going back to mechanical straps for quickness of installation to get the customer back on as soon as possible. JR: The worry that I have if you go down a mechanical route, is to me that is even more dangerous that you’re very easily passing a mechanical joint on an initial pressure test
and there’s so many factors with ground movement, loosening of bolts and components that could lead to a failure on a joint which was done entirely right to start with. SR: But when these constraints come into it you have to look at the bigger picture. DC: But you’re not potentially looking at the bigger picture. I know exactly what you mean by that but, if you’ve got an all welded polyethylene system, that is jointed correctly, your pipeline is going to last 200 years, with mechanical fittings you are probably talking 15 years maximum so what you’re doing is you’re creating Legacy issues.
JP: So what quality audits take place on-site to monitor installations? How do you know that every joint that’s made is a well-made joint? SR: At Bristol Water we test every service connection right to the tapping. Once that has
FEATURE: RISK AND RESILIENCE been tested and passed, we then tap the main. DC: Can I just ask, how accurate is pressure testing? Simply because, you pressure test at that point, it’s then not subject to the environmental stress and most defective joints, unless absolutely acute defective, will pass your pressure test. It’s only when they are then subjected to environmental stresses, ground movement, internal pressures, temperatures you then get failures occurring.
JP: Water companies have very tight immediate targets, so is training just not on the agenda? SR: You get pressures from all corners, you have got making sure customers don’t lose service on one side and then you’ve got health and safety on the other side and then we’ve got quality of workmanship. I’ve seen stuff go in and thought we’ve got to get a lot better and we are getting better. JD: There’s also no continuity of workforce, these companies are all in competition with each other to get the right people to do the job, so with that you lose the skill set. There’s not enough people coming through and there isn’t enough education because a lot of the newer people coming into the industry that do the actual installation works aren’t doing a course. So the utility industry as a whole is to blame for that because we’re letting the standards slip and we’ve now let them slip to a stage where there’s now an issue.
JP: Is there a situation then where people aren’t prepared to invest in training because that person may then be handed over to whoever wins the contract? PB: I think there is definitely a case of that, contractors are reluctant to put people through a regulated qualification because they then
become a more marketable commodity and they risk losing people, once they’ve got that certificate the highest bidder wins.
the water industry work to the standards they’re requiring for other people?
vHave water companies thought of specifying that anyone who works on pipes needs to have a specific qualification?
JP: For Anglian Water, Thames Water and Affinity Water, they have a requirement that all of our guys are EUSR trained.
AM: In terms of the work we contract out and specifically into pipe laying, we specify hygiene but not anything else. SR: Mandatory is Hygiene and Shear, then the NCO. but just because you’ve got the qualification doesn’t mean you’re going to do it correctly NP: We ask that self-lay organisations have got to have all the qualifications.
JP: Self-lay organisations have to have minimum NC1, so the water industry requires other people to work to those standards. Why doesn’t
PB: EUSR trained is not a qualification, it is a competency, EUSR is not an awarding body. JD: There are too many different work streams as well because if you take large diameter trunk mains and then distribution pipe, they both have different requirements, both qualifications can’t be the same. JR: It comes from the utility in the gas industry. They expect different certificates and tickets for different sizes. So if you’re trained in one size, but you’re going to be installing a larger size, you need new training. JD: But they will have the same problems in terms of maintaining and keeping the same people because people will move for a pound within the sub contracting industry. JR: Surely the answer then has to be that everyone’s trained to a certain level and then you won’t get poached for a pound because they can move wherever they want as everyone has the same skills.
JP: Polyethylene pipes have been installed for some time now do water companies actually know the sort of average level of leakage on polyethylene pipe networks? NP: I have never had that information. You think your leakage should be getting better, but what we’re not good at is recording our information. Is it the fitting or is it the quality of installation, because every time I have something come back
out, we obviously send it off and get it analysed and when it comes back it’s quite clear that it’s workmanship. JR: With the quality process we have in place as a manufacturer, it is a very very rare situation that there is a fitting that is at fault.
JP: My understanding is if an Electrofusion joint is made properly and clean and properly aligned and properly soaked and left to cool and all those other factors then it will be a good joint because the quality process of manufacture ensures that the actual products are fit for purpose. JR: Yes and I think there has been a lot of work done to educate the industry on the quality and longevity of an electrofusion joint, if made properly, and that failures come from poor installation.
JP: So how do you manage the quality and competence, particularly of subcontractors? JD: It’s a procurement process, there needs to be quite a stringent procurement process in place to make sure that when the contractor does come on board that are compliant, competent and have experience. JP: It would take a while to get there though, if I wanted to get some training, as I thought we were lacking on training, I wouldn’t know where to go. Would I go EUSR, would I go NVQ, or City & Guilds? PB: It is a major commitment to undertake a qualification and to put it into perspective, in a year we probably only award around 1200 certificates across the entire water industry.
JP: So do you think that anyone working on pipe installations should have some sort of accreditation? CA: There’s already a water industry standard for fusion jointing - WIS 43208 in terms of how joints should be made. DC: Yes it covers all practicalities, how you should conduct the EF welding and the pitfalls, as well as how to avoid contamination to the pipe, end preparation, everything is contained in there.
JP: So do people feel that the current standards are fit for purpose? The WIS covers how the joint is made on site, but do we need something to say how people should be trained?
CA: I would have thought a national standard for training, that was consistent so everyone uses the same would be a huge step forwards. JR: If that training used the WIS as a basis then that is what’s needed, it would provide consistency across the industry and then they don’t need to read it for every job because they’re being trained to do it to that specification. CA: It would be a good start, but who delivers that training, and how do we make it mandatory?
JP: I know that some of this work has been done so what led to that being derailed? CA: Getting the water companies to mandate it. What we did within the plastic pipes liaison Group was come up with a draft of a consistent approach to training after the WIS 43208 was updated. That’s a document that exists but it’s how to take it forward
JP: Is it a lack of information to make a business case and maybe if you could get some of that information, then you could go to the water companies direct, get some support in the companies and get them to Lobby Water UK, as members? JP: The trouble is actually unearthing that information because being realistic how many contractors are going to say they had a problem. DC: The data on cost to repair joints is useful data, just the cost to repair an Electrofusion failure is estimated at £3,000 and that’s without everything else added to it, £8,000 is closer to the actual associated cost. Then depending on diameter you go up to, some water companies are saying anything above 250mm you are potentially looking at £50,000.
JP: There are some good points that have come out today, maybe some actions that can be taken forward, but I’d be interested hear what you would like to see happen to move this issue forward towards achieving zero leakage on new water networks. DC: Revisit the national training standard again. JD: The fact that we need a standard qualification set in place, in a register and someone to take ownership of that. CA: I think the first step is the training standard, then the qualification, and then making it mandatory, but we need someone to own this. AM: First up is a business case for me. JP: Is there any way we can get OFWAT involved because they’ve got the strength, they drive a lot of this as they set the agenda. JR: I’d agree with a lot of this, a national standard, needing a business case, but I think it all comes back to the data to be able to put that business case together. SR: Mine is training, but I think it’s the standard of it, there is training out there, but we’ve got to get the standard right.
JP: So I will try to add a little ray of sunshine as the final word. I’m on the utilities panel of the Pipeline Industries Guild and we have been looking at the same issue. So maybe PIG can help and pursue this in partnership with the Plastic Pipes Group and we’ll try and move things forward.
INLINE VALVE RESTORES WATER LINE OPERABILITY WITHOUT DISRUPTING SERVICE Ensuring a reliable water supply is a top priority for utility companies and often is the primary consideration when repairs are being made. For a private utility company responsible for the public water supply and waste water treatment in the southeastern UK, being conscientious about maintaining and restoring lines that serve millions of customers is critically important. With so many relying on dependable service, the company is diligent about inspecting its vast network and maintaining and repairing the lines. During a routine inspection, utility company workers discovered a buried inoperable valve on a 4-inch (101.6-mm) cast iron line. The company made plans to replace the valve as quickly as possible and began looking for a solution that could be installed at a reasonable cost and with minimal disruption to service. Having worked previously with R2M Ltd., one of the largest suppliers of pipeline, valves and fittings in the UK, utility company managers reached out for expert assistance. With a reputation built on the completion of more than 2,600 successful valve installations, R2M has differentiated itself as a safetyconscious company that prioritises the use of environmentally friendly materials in its repairs. After assessing the situation and evaluating the options, R2M suggested replacing the damaged valve with a 4-inch (101.6-mm) AVT EZ Valve™ which could be installed quickly and fitted with a left hand close to conform to utility company requirements. Choosing this unique inline valve for the repair meant that the water main could continue working while the installation was being carried out; so there were no customers without service while work was being done to restore the line. The water company excavated a small area around the nonfunctioning valve to provide access for the repair team. To perform the installation, two trained installers entered the excavated the area and placed a valve body on the pipe. Attaching a milling machine and control equipment to the valve body, they milled a 120-degree slot across the top of the pipe to create the entrance for the patented resilient
wedge gate, then attached the valve bonnet to complete the installation. After only two hours, the two-man crew delivered a durable and cost-effective solution that not only restored the line but will allow improved access and control. To achieve the same results, a traditional repair would have required a bigger crew, more equipment and a larger excavation area to accommodate the installation of two line stops and a bypass. As a matter of course, this approach would have required the water main to be shut off, leaving many customers without service, and would have cost approximately £3,000 more to execute. The AVT EZ Valve™ delivered positive gains on multiple levels. Using less equipment and a smaller crew than would have been required for a different repair approach allowed the company to reduce the safety risks for this project. The special inline valve enabled uninterrupted service to approximately 500 customers during the repair, and using the newly installed valve to control the line will make future maintenance less intrusive, less complicated, and less expensive.
[Two R2M Ltd. technicians installed the 4-inch (101.6-mm) AVT EZ Valve™ on a cast iron potable water pipeline in two hours, delivering a durable solution without interrupting service. (Photos courtesy of R2M Ltd.)]
AVT EZ Valve Live Valve Insertion
Valve, where there was no valve, no shut off, no problem!
Encapsulation collars for almost any size from 3� to 54� - and beyond.
Always on!
Thelen Connector Clamp The leak is longer than your repair clamp just use the Connector clamp and extend your repair!
Unit 6, Metcalf Drive, Altham Industrial Estate, Accrington BB5 5TU T: 01282 778030 instituteofwater.org.uk
In 2018 leading valve and fitting manufacturer, AVK UK, further strengthened its valve portfolio by introducing the broadest range of needle valves available in the UK. Ranging in size from DN80 to DN2000 and with pressure ratings up to PN100, engineers will be able to select an AVK Series 872 needle valve for their specific application. Needle valves, sometimes referred to as plunger valves, enable engineers to finely control flows. This precision is achieved through the fine movement on the needle/plunger which enables the gearbox to open or close the internal sleeve in small and accurate increments to the desired position. Alternative control valves used to control flows include plug valves and globe valves, however, none of these options match the performance of the AVK needle valve range, when very precise control is needed. AVK needle valves require very low operating torques as they are always in hydraulic balance i.e. there are equal and opposite forces at play internally at all valve positions. This feature significantly reduces actuator and gearbox costs.
AVK needle valves could effectively be referred to as ‘maintenance free’. Depending on operating conditions, after extensive use over many years, the guide strips through which the needle passes may possibly show signs of wear. The AVK design allows these guide strips to be removed and replaced thereby extending the longevity of the valve. In alternative designs where the guide strips are welded in position the likelihood is that the whole valve will need to be removed and replaced at a considerably higher cost.
‘We actively encourage customers and prospects to take advantage of our technical know-how and practical experience when specifying needle valves. We can advise on the size of valve needed as well as whether any of the optional extras, such as anti-cavitation devices, are required.
Note: To date no AVK needle valve has yet had its guide strips replaced which is a testament to the quality of the design and manufacturing. The needle valve is manufactured by AVK’s Italian subsidiary (ACMO).
For more information visit www.avkuk.co.uk
According to Greg Morris, Technical Manager, it is the combination of product quality and customer support that makes the needle valve range attractive to engineers:
As an example, the engineer can also add an electrical actuator to the valve to enable it to function automatically as a self-regulating device.’
S E V L A V E L D E E N 2 7
AVK Series 872 Needle Valves, the widest range of needle valves available in the UK. Ranging in size from DN802000 and with pressure ratings up to PN100 AVK Series 872 needle valves are designed for regulation or throttling of water at high flow rates and pressure in piping systems for water supply. The focus is on durability and reliability with the sturdy valve housing made of either stainless steel or ductile iron coated with fusion bonded epoxy. It regulates with high precision and the high quality materials guarantee long service life with easy maintenance access. 1 1. 22. 33. 44. 55. 66. 77. 88.
Features • Product range from DN80-2000 • Pressure classes PN10/16/25/40/64/100 • Design and manufactured according to EN 1074-1 / EN 1074-5 / EN 1349 • Face-to-face according to EN 558 S15 (F5) • Flanges according to EN 1092-1/2 or ANSI B16.5 CL 150/300/600 • Easy installation • Corrosion protection by FBE coating, colour RAL 5005. • Potable water approved WRAS / DVGW • Class A tightness according to EN 12266 • Standardised face-to-face for the whole range • WIMES 8.01 compliant
Benefits • State of the art design. • Innovative design for flow optimisation with a reduced pressure loss in open position. • Reduced torque. • Long life sealing systems. All gaskets are located safely in the no-flow zone. • Longevity of the valve in all conditions with all internal and moving parts in stainless steel. The body is completely protected by Heavy Duty Corrosion Protection FBE coating. (Small diameter valves supplied with stainless steel body) • Linear flow control up to 96% of the total stroke of the valve. • Cavitation prevention using bespoke solutions for all conditions. • Compact, lightweight and economic efficient design. • Manual and electrical operation available
Bi-directional sealing Body in ductile cast iron GGG50 or GGG40 (Stainless steel 1.4408 - 1.4308 on request) Main seal in Technopolymer (TPU) Stainless steel fork (Seamless construction) Shaft, piston and seat in stainless steel (DUPLEX or SUPERDUPLEX on request) Replaceable bronze bushes (Special AISI anti-seize) Self-locking worm gear unit Replaceable bronze guides (AISI 316 on request) (AISI316 + TFE)
2 1
• • • • •
Water Irrigation Pressure Management Industrial Hydropower
Greg Morris Technical Manager - Water T: +44 (0) 7810 377246 E: grmo@avkuk.co.uk
Sales Office: T: +44 (0) 1604 601188 E: customerservice@avkuk.co.uk www.avkuk.co.uk
At Z-Tech, ‘we fix things’ and normally things that other people can’t fix - we have the combined knowledge to work on any control system ever made! We wouldn’t be able to do this without great people: they set us aside from competition and build our reputation. We’re conscious that the UK still has a looming skills gap: the ‘Electrical, Control and Instrumentation’(EC&I) national shortage still isn’t well provided for with regards to Apprenticeship Programmes and on-the-job development, there are some leading providers within the Power Sector, but only in a few small pockets around the country. Delivering a great EC&I course is mainly down to the lecturer/tutor and the equipment available, combined with intensive onsite development to produce the ideal EC&I Technician. The ideal lecturer/tutor would typically be under-priced in an educational environment and as technology is moving so quickly, just being out of the industry for a couple of years makes knowledge obsolete.
Z-Tech have addressed this issue on a number of levels: we’ve development Apprenticeship Exchange programmes with our Water Industry customers, exposing the apprentice to other industrial settings and fast-tracking their instrumentation knowledge. We’ve teamed up with Educational providers to support the curriculum – more recently becoming a Technical Partner of Peterborough University Technical College, where we offer curriculum support, work experience and progression for their students. We also offer a Graduate Training Programme.
Retention Our technicians are multi-skilled and work across our industrial sectors (Water, Power and Rail), this keeps them enthusiastic and learning new things, rotation is key to keeping these people interested. In 2018 we changed our pay and benefits structure to make it possible for technical people to progress without going into Management roles.
If we have a shortage of technical people, why take them away from what they are good at? Michael Swinhoe, Z-Tech’s CEO said: “It’s always about the people, Z-Tech has been built by recruiting like-minded individuals, we actively seek the right people and promote our values to help show what we need from a Z-Techer. Out of the 250+ employees we now have, over 100 of these are EC&I Technicians, based all over the country and ready to either plug our customers’ skills gaps, or deliver specific Maintenance and Project work. We’ve been lucky that our strong links with Australia, New Zealand and South Africa have given us a plentiful supply of highly trained people, but we want to make sure the UK catches up and we’re supporting this where we can, but it needs a big push from the industry.“ Contact: Luke.Stanbridge@z-tech.co.uk
The water industry serves a vital purpose in the lives of millions of people, from the large scale of managing aging infrastructure and maintaining its resilience to providing clean, safe drinking water to individual households. by the Engineering Council The reduction of risk is an imperative for every business, and this is particularly true in a critical, highly-regulated sector such as water. Assuring the competence and ethical behaviour of staff across the organisation is important for all types of business. Professional registration – whether for engineering, scientific or environmental roles - provides external, independent assurance for employers and the public that staff have achieved a recognised standard of competence and are committed to maintaining and developing that competence throughout their working lives. Anglian Water are one organisation who support engineering registration as a positive move for individuals, but also understand it is good for the industry to take this seriously. Anglian Water CEO Peter Simpson is behind the move to promote professional registration, saying: “I am a firm believer in the role professional registration plays in ensuring continuing development, raising standards and ultimately in building the trust and confidence. As a result, I’m committed to broadening and deepening professional registration within Anglian and our industry”. Becoming an Engineering Technician (EngTech), Incorporated Engineer (IEng) or Chartered
Engineer (CEng) through the Engineering Council can not only reassure employers but increase employability for employees, showing you are committed to enhancing your knowledge and skills. This commitment to personal development is supported by an extensive network of experienced engineers from all areas of the profession, who can be called on for advice or assistance. When looking for ways to reduce risk, these can be invaluable resources. Professional registration acts as an extra level of reassurance and support for individual engineers and the companies who employ them when it comes to managing risk. Being able to demonstrate employees’ competence against an internationally recognised standard can provide assurance to customers and a boost to an organisation’s reputation. There are already requirements in the water industry for specific certification or registration to undertake tasks where risk reduction is particularly critical. One example is in the field of large reservoir installation and maintenance. Bodies of water over a certain size must be inspected annually by an engineer who has been appointed to the Supervising Engineer’s Register, run by the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) on behalf of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). Engineers carrying out this work must re-apply for registration every five years, which may include an interview, demonstrating they have maintained their competence by evidencing inspections carried out, responsibilities for reservoirs and Continuing
Professional Development (CPD) activities. Providing new connections to the existing water supply or sewerage system also requires specific training and registration. The Water Industry Registration Scheme (WIRS) acts on behalf of water utility companies, enabling contractors who provide these new connections (known as “self-lay” organisations or SLOs) to become WIRS accredited by undergoing technical assessments from Lloyd’s Register, avoiding the need for approval by separate water companies. WIRS sets out several Role Specific Competency Requirements, a number of which require professional registration as an IEng or CEng. In order to act as a Competent Person (CP) or Senior Competent Person (SCP), individuals are required to complete the Safe Control of Mains Connections (SCMC) (Water) training programme and assessment, which is valid for three years. While specific registrations and certificates are an effective way to show competence, it would be impractical to require separate certification for every task associated with the water industry. Professional registration through the Engineering Council, Science Council or Society for the Environment shows an individual has demonstrated a recognised standard of competence and is committed to staying up to date with learning and new techniques through ongoing CPD. Hiring professionally registered staff can be of significant value to organisations looking for demonstrable ways to avoid or reduce risk.
DON’T TAKE RISKS WITH APPROVALS With an increase in the development of brownfield sites to combat the housing shortage, the demand for water supply pipe has also risen, but GPS PE Pipes is warning that it is crucial to check products have the relevant industry approvals and are safe for use in brownfield sites. When it comes to Polyethylene (PE) pipes, the relevant British Standard is BS 8588: 2017 ‘Polyethylene pressure pipes with an aluminium barrier layer and associated fittings for potable water supply in contaminated ground’. Only by specifying pipe and fittings that meet this standard can contractors, developers and utilities be confident they are specifying a reliable and safe barrier pipe solution. It is important to look at the fittings, in addition to the pipe, as some pipe materials may be approved to BS 8588, but the fittings are not covered under the approval. Commenting on this issue, our segment manager, James Roper, said: “We are seeing an increasing number of products emerge that are labelled as ‘pipe for contaminated land’ but they don’t have BS 8588 approval for the fittings as well. This is worrying as fittings that have not been approved to transfer drinking water in contaminated land are at risk of potentially contaminating water supplies. This would not only be dangerous for consumers, but would cause a major costly repair and replacement project for contractors and utilities, with fines also possible.
“We cannot stress enough the importance of contractors, developers and utilities confirming that both the pipe and fittings to be used in contaminated land have the necessary approvals in place before making selection choices.” Ensuring that any contaminants remaining in brownfield sites and former industrial land cannot permeate into the water supply, Protecta-Line pipe and fittings are fully approved to BS 8588. An integrated system, ProtectaLine offers a wide range of specially-designed fittings including electrofusion fittings, mechanical fittings, mechanical compression fittings, pupped fittings and ferrule off-takes.
WHEN IT COMES TO THE SAFE TRANSPORTATION OF DRINKING WATER CHOOSE PROTECTA-LINE Over the last 20 years Protecta-Line has helped supply clean water through contaminated land for every leading water utility
Protecta-Line is a major award winning, fully integrated barrier pipe & fittings system
Protecta-Line is the most widely used barrier pipe in the UK
[The completed Nereda® reactors and sludge buffer tanks at Great Dunmow, along with the main pipe rack, MCC, blower skid and pump skid.]
By combining the innovative Nereda® wastewater treatment technology with digital and off-site construction techniques, the Great Dunmow Water Recycling Centre (WRC) project has demonstrated a step change in the way wastewater treatment plants are delivered. by Shaun Stevens & Michael O’Sullivan EPS Water
The Great Dunmow project comprised of the replacement of an existing end-of-life plant with a new 10,000 population equivalent treatment works for Anglian Water. The project need was driven by ongoing catchment growth taking place, new BOD and nutrient consents being imposed by the Environment Agency, and issues with capacity and reliability at the existing works. Anglian Water appointed the @one Alliance to design and deliver an appropriate solution. Optioneering determined that a conventional activated sludge solution could not meet the treatment requirements within the available footprint. On consideration of alternatives, Nereda® was found to offer the best overall solution, achieving the required outcome on the
limited available footprint, at a similar capital cost and lower carbon footprint than a conventional system.
as removing phosphorus from the wastewater. In addition, the granules settle rapidly in the same tank, eliminating the need for clarifiers.
What is Nereda®?
Delivery strategy
Nereda® is an aerobic granular activated sludge process, originally developed in Holland and now owned and licensed by Royal HaskoningDHV. The technology is well proven with over 65 projects completed or in delivery worldwide, including 12 in the UK. It achieves high standards of nutrient removal on a significantly smaller footprint than conventional processes, whilst also delivering operational cost benefits including energy and chemical savings.
@one Alliance acted as the Principal Designer and Principal Contractor for the project, with overall responsibility for project management, design, procurement, programme management, safety, site set-up and works supervision. An integrated project team was established at an early stage and supply chain partners were brought on board early to ensure that their resources and expertise were captured and collaborative working was established from the outset.
What makes the Nereda® process different is the aerobic granular biomass. The granules have an aerobic outer shell and an anoxic/anaerobic core which provide different treatment conditions within a single granule. This enables Nereda® to nitrify and de-nitrify simultaneously, as well
Royal HaskoningDHV supplied the process and basic design of the Nereda® system via a technology spot licence to EPS Water. Royal HaskoningDHV also supplied the Aquasuite process control system and an operational support package to Anglian Water.
FEATURE: WASTEWATER TREATMENT EPS was able to develop key modularisation initiatives which allowed the inlet works, the Nereda® reactor internals, the main pipe rack, the tertiary treatment plant, blowers and pump sets to be delivered in large scale pre-assembled modules. This accelerated the delivery of the main mechanical works far beyond what would have been possible using traditional on-site build methods. The benefits were demonstrated in the site installation work, not least in terms of the programme – with the plant taking live flows in June 2018 after M&E activities only began on site in mid-November 2017. Stringent carbon targets were also met, and productivity levels on site were far higher than could otherwise be expected.
Start-up and beyond
[The packaged inlet works at Great Dunmow at night.] For the key process equipment, @one partnered with EPS Water – an existing member of its supply chain who is the Nereda® licensee for Ireland where it has delivered three complete Nereda plants. EPS was able to bring its Nereda® knowhow and combine it with its digital design and off-site construction expertise, and to add further value to the delivery by applying its pre-existing collaborative working arrangements with @One. The EPS scope was widened to include the packaged inlet works, storm tank cleaning systems, pump sets, blower skid and the Fuzzy Filter tertiary solids removal system. The civils, mechanical and electrical subcontractors and specialist equipment suppliers were selected from established Anglian Water frameworks.
Challenges and constraints The Great Dunmow project presented several challenges in the design and delivery of the Nereda® solution. Lack of space constrained solution options and limited the availability of laydown areas, materials storage compounds and crane pads. Flood risk required all key equipment to be elevated approximately 1.2m above ground level, and for equipment below this to be selected for immersed duty. The programme was extremely constrained, ground conditions were poor and Anglian Water demanded a low-carbon solution.
Digital design and off-site construction As part of its digital and industrialisation initiatives, @one Alliance chose to manage this project utilising advanced design and build techniques. Design was managed and co-ordinated using a federated digital platform, and was focused on off-site manufacturing and assembly, using the specialist design resources and engineering expertise available both in-house and within selected key subcontractors. Through the use of digital collaborative planning sessions, the project team and supply chain partners were able to benefit from more informed decision-making and to develop an optimised design which minimised the footprint of the plant and drove out waste and superfluous elements of the design as it progressed. The project also benefitted from improved Hazop, operator engagement and change control as the project progressed.
Commissioning, optimised set-up and process proving of the completed Great Dunmow WRC took place during the autumn and winter of 2018. EPS was able to share its commissioning experience and expertise from the prior delivery and operation of Nereda® projects in Ireland, to contribute positively to the planning and implementation of the works start-up. This included assisting with the strategy for seeding the plant with imported Nereda® granular sludge. Great Dunmow is seen as an exemplar of what is possible using digital design, off-site assembly and industrialised construction techniques. @One was awarded the 2018 NCE TechFest low carbon innovation of the year for the project, and Nereda® is now being fully assessed by Anglian Water for its suitability to be used in future programmes of work. And while many of the benefits of the technology and the delivery strategy have been immediately evident, lessons have also been captured on how similar future projects can be planned better, delivered more seamlessly and developed to yield greater capital efficiency.
[The Fuzzy Filter tertiary solids removal plant was pre-assembled in the factory and positioned on site at Great Dunmow using a single crane lift.]
To address these challenges, circular glasscoated steel tanks were used for the reactors and sludge buffers, assets were assembled onto elevated skids and key mechanical assets and pipe racks were assembled off site. This accelerated the programme while allowing other contractors to maximise their time on site. It was also key to improving safety and quality, by minimising interaction between contractors and the headcount on site, and enabling mechanical works to take place in a quality-controlled and weatherproof factory environment.
SPECIFICATION OF PROTECTIVE COATINGS TO DRIVE EFFICIENCIES, EXTEND THE LIFE OF ASSETS AND REDUCE COSTLY SHUT DOWN PERIODS [Installation of a high strength structural repair mortar to a Pumping Station Wet Well for Anglian Water.]
[An Anglian Water Wet Well following refurbishment with a water based cementitious coating system which provides a hard, durable coating with excellent resistance to hydrogen sulphide.]
Wastewater treatment plants and structures suffer from the effects of hydrogen sulphide degradation. by Mark Lemon
Managing Director, CSC Services Hydrogen sulphide results from septic conditions during the collection and treatment of wastewater. This colourless gas, known for its rotten egg smell, is produced by the biological reduction of sulphates and the decomposition of organic material. It forms at virtually all points of a waste water system from interceptors to holding tanks and drying beds and is highly corrosive.
Protective coatings Reinforced concrete forms the basis of many dirty water structures, but concrete alone cannot withstand chemical attack. There are a range of repair mortars and protective coatings available for both concrete and steel structures which form a waterproof, protective layer with chemical resistance to hydrogen sulphide and sulphuric acid. Use of these protective coatings can protect new structures, or newly refurbished structures, against chemical attack, and the abrasion, mechanical damage and freeze/thaw cycling associated with the environments in which these structures operate. This can provide years of protection to assets, extending their life-span
and reducing the need for costly shut down periods to refurbish assets. With a huge range of specialist coatings on the market, specialist advice should always be obtained. Many contractors such as CSC Services will work alongside coatings manufacturers to ensure they are fully up to date with the latest product ranges and application training. A competent contractor can offer independent advice on the best specification to suit your requirements based on industry knowledge and previous experience. They will also ensure correct substrate surface preparation, correct application method, and consider curing times and after-care inspections.
Rapid repair of failing assets Recently CSC Services have used a modified cementitious coating when refurbishing waste water structures. This was the case when refurbishing a wet well for Anglian Water. Traditionally Polyurethanes are used to protect such structures, but they can only be applied to dry structures so work is limited to drier months, or incurs costs relating to installing heating and dehumidification systems. Copolymer and epoxy
resin technologies are water-based systems with excellent resistance to water. Use of this system means work can take place all year round as the presence of moisture is not a problem. The use of this cementitious coating system provides the corrosion and chemical resistance required. It is highly resistant to a range of chemicals including hydrogen sulphide. It hydrates to provide an alkaline environment and cures without the release of hazardous solvents. Its dense matrix offers low permeability to water, even at 10 bar positive and negative pressure, and very high diffusion resistance to carbon dioxide gas and chloride ions. With this coating system there is also far less risk of coating failure. When polyurethanes are applied incorrectly (in cold, damp conditions) they often look okay. Cracking from the outside of the structure can however start to occur within years or months, as the moisture trapped starts to expand. The use of this product provides a much longer guarantee (in this case twenty years) so is a far cheaper long-term solution to either replacing the asset completely, or scheduling in repeat refurbishment work every couple of years which is often the case.
FIRST WRAS ‘CERTIFIED’ SUBMERSIBLE LEVEL SENSOR VEGA Controls is proud to announce another innovative first for the water sector. They have achieved the first ever WRAS approval of a submersible pressure sensor as a whole device. This means a full product certificate number registration and listing on the WRAS approved product list. The VEGAWELL submersible pressure sensor is the first and only transmitter of this type to be fully WRAS certified and meets the requirements of Regulation 31 (4)(b). The WRAS certification means it will not contaminate or harbour microbial growth when used in potable or drinking water. This enables it to be deployed anywhere on the water supply chain: from the heart of a water treatment facility, to monitoring in the network or measurement of drinking water on a business premises.
Laboratory tested Uniquely for this type of sensor, it has been fully laboratory tested and assessed as a compete device/assembly. This was on top of the materials of the individual components, which included testing and scrutiny of their composition, design and surface finishes. A newly certified material has also been added, the 99.9% pure CERTEC® Sapphire ceramic that makes up the sensor diaphragm of the sensor. This is what makes the measurement of these devices so highly accurate and repeatable with almost zero-drift, yet extremely robust, pressure-shock and overload resistant. The VEGAWELL WRAS certified transmitter is now capable of cost effective, safe level and pressure measurement of drinking water throughout the supply chain. With ranges from 0.1 Bar to 60 Bar, it is extremely versatile, and suitable applications include clean water reservoirs, pump control, storage or small header tanks and associated pipework, found either in the water company supply or end users on- site storage or ‘towns water’ buffer tanks.
Looking for submersible level sensors for the water supply network? Make sure they are fully WRAS certified. Level and pressure sensors designed, built and tested to protect water quality and assisting with meeting DWI Regulation 31 requirements.
VEGAWELL 52 ▪ Only product in this class to gain a full WRAS certificate ▪ Level and temperature (PT100) outputs
Additionally, it features integrated lightning protection as standard, PE cable lengths up to 1000m, as well as an optional PT100 output for water temperature measurement.
▪ CERTEC® 99.9% pure ceramic measuring cell
Ray Tregale, Managing Director of VEGA Controls said, “This is an important first for us and our customers who want to use submersible pressure sensors in drinking water supply. We want to distinguish the difference of this certification - we put in a lot of time and effort to achieve it - as many manufacturers designate sensors as ‘approved’, but in reality they are not WRAS certified or listed on the WRAS website.” He added, “The certification of the VEGAWELL 52 also gives water supply companies peace of mind as it also conforms to Regulation 31 (4)(b)” from the DWI.“
▪ Robust, high overload resistance and virtually drift-free ▪ Integrated lightning protection Further information: www.vega.com/uk
Call +44 1444 870055
For further information or a demonstration about the product, certification and its capabilities, email info.uk@vega.com or call 01444 870055. www.vega.com/uk
IOW-VEGAWELL-86x264-EN-draftDA.indd 1
27/02/2019 10:30:43
SELWOOD UNVEILS SELWATCH TECHNOLOGY TO INTRODUCE REAL-TIME DATA AND REMOTE MONITORING ACROSS ITS MARKET-LEADING PUMP RANGE Selwood, the UK’s largest pumping solutions provider, has unveiled its new SelWatch technology – a bespoke data panel that introduces real-time performance data and remote monitoring to its market-leading pump range. SelWatch was developed to Selwood’s exacting specifications in close consultation with the product development team at the company’s Hampshire pump manufacturing centre. The technology responds to increased demand for digitisation in the water handling industry, driving efficiency and environmental sustainability through real-time telemetry. SelWatch provides users with real-time information on discharge and suction pressure, engine speed, fuel conditions, operating temperature and oil levels, as well as “wet end” data on pump flows and vacuum. The panel works with an online platform, which means the system can provide remote telemetry to users wherever in the world they are. The data can be used to ensure pumps are running as efficiently as possible, minimising fuel consumption and emissions, and enabling maintenance to be scheduled as required to limit downtime. Chris Garrett, CEO of Selwood, said: “From our knowledge of the market and from our regular conversations with customers in the field, we know that access to accurate, easily-accessible, real time data is often a factor in the decision to rent or buy a pump. “That feedback was crucial in developing SelWatch to our precise requirements, giving our customers increased reassurance and choice. The launch of SelWatch underlines Selwood’s continuing commitment to exceptional standards in everything we do – from the excellence of our
R&D and manufacturing teams, to the quality of our products, to the outstanding service provided by our specialist pumping solutions teams.” SelWatch technology will initially be offered as an option on the newest addition to Selwood’s flagship S pump solids handling range, the S160Eco, before being introduced across the range. In line with Selwood’s commitment to minimising the environmental impact of all its products, the unit was developed to reduce emissions without sacrificing performance. Using Selprime technology for fast, environmentally-friendly priming and housed within Selwood’s marketleading Super Silent canopies, the six-inch pump is driven by an Isuzu diesel engine and is the quietest on the market. The S160Eco is suitable for a full range of sewage, sewer bypass, overpumping, water and wastewater applications and is designed to handle large solids including raw sewage and fibrous solids without blocking. Selwood remains one of the few British pump companies to design and manufacture, rent and sell its own range of surface diesel and hydraulic pumps meaning that the design of every
Selwood pump is proven to meet the rigorous demands of the market. Renowned for expertise, Selwood’s clients include Anglian Water, the Canal & River Trust, Wessex Water, Welsh Water and United Utilities. With the largest dedicated network of pump rental branches across the UK, Selwood is proud to deliver bespoke installation and site surveys. In 2018 Selwood acquired water treatment specialists Siltbuster, creating a single point of contact solution for pumping and water treatment requirements. For more information about Selwood’s range of products and pumping solutions, visit www.selwood.co.uk
FEATURE: SEWERAGE SOLUTIONS INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROCESSES Tailored design and manufacturing of fine-bubble aeration systems, Integrated Fixed-film Activated Sludge (IFAS) systems and Mecana Tertiary Filtration (PCMF) systems for wastewater treatment plants throughout the UK and Ireland.
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Stantec Strategic Technical Consultant, Chris Mooij looks ahead to meeting the challenges of the Water Industry National Environment Programme and explores how we can embrace a new approach to delivering the desired outcomes. environment more, which has changed our priorities. Once we had a mature regulatory framework, our progress has been measured through compliance with standards and in 2018 there are positives to take from the Environment Agency’s report, The State of Environment: water quality.
by Chris Mooij
Strategic Technical Consultant, Stantec Our understanding of how discharges to our water environment effect the chemistry and biology of our water and ultimately our communities and society has developed over the last 100 years. We have come to value our
Bathing water quality has improved over the last 30 years with 98% passing minimum standards and 65% at excellent status in 2017.
Pollutant loads to rivers from water industry discharges have declined in recent years, with reductions of up to 70% since 1995.
Water quality in rivers has improved markedly in recent decades but has since levelled off.
Phosphorus levels in rivers started to reduce in the mid-1990s and have been decreasing significantly since then, with this decrease is closely associated with improvements at sewage treatment works.
However, it is not all good news and there is still a long way to go. The report states: ■■
In 2016, 86% of river water bodies had not reached good ecological status. The main reasons for this are agriculture and rural land management, the water industry, and urban and transport pressures.
Water quality issues were the cause of 38% of all fish test failures, and 61% of invertebrate test failures in rivers in 2015.
Over the last decade the number of serious water pollution incidents from water companies has remained broadly the same, with about 60 incidents each year.
For assessed river water bodies in England, 55% were at less than good status for phosphorus in 2016.
Nearly half of groundwater bodies will not reach good chemical status by 2021. For groundwaters protected for drinking water, nitrate levels were responsible for 65% of failures to achieve good chemical status.
FEATURE: ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES It is clear that the water industry has a big part to play in our water quality journey but as a result of improvements in recent decades that part is proportionally less. Today the main pressures preventing water bodies reaching good status are agriculture and rural land management (31%); the water industry (28%) and; urban and transport (13%). This source apportionment introduces the need to consider solutions more flexibly, dynamically and to account for risk. In the past it would have been clear that treating the local big discharge would provide the most effective improvement. Now it is less obvious and there is a need to consider each source in terms of its environmental drivers, size and unit cost when developing solution alternatives, if we are to get the best deal for the environment and our communities in both the short and long term.
Meeting the Challenge of the WINEP and PR19 The Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP) associated with PR19 picks up the themes of the The State of Environment: water quality. In AMP7 WINEP is estimated to be £5.5 Bn with the largest investment associated with the removal of phosphorus. However, there are other areas of substantial investment including increasing flows to full treatment; increasing storm tank storage and; reducing sanitary parameters. There are also some substantial AMP7 investigation programmes that are designed to help water companies understand their contribution and manage their environmental risk by collecting the data needed to ensure that any eventual solution will be the right one. Ofwat’s PR19 methodology has shifted the emphasis for water companies. The regulator wants to see bills reduce whilst strengthening the customer’s role in decision making; improving levels of service; securing resilience for our environment and; increasing innovation. This includes engaging with the community to support solutions that are welcomed, efficient and affordable. An analysis of the PR19 requirements reveals that AMP7 and beyond will need to be delivered across 10 strategic areas. See figure 1. Water quality is clearly a key consideration across most of these strategic areas and if we are to make real progress in delivering WINEP and the PR19 plans and meet societal priorities a different approach is required.
Putting Catchments at the Centre of a Different Approach The AMP7 challenge for the water industry is about delivering more for less. The Environment Agency has identified future water quality pressures from population, climate change, emerging chemicals, plastics, nanoparticles
Figure 1: AMP7 will need to be delivered across 10 strategic areas
and fracking. Water companies will engage with these pressures at some level in addition to dealing with existing pressures such as ageing infrastructure and urban creep. The challenges are significant because there is more to take on board in more complex and dynamic water environment. So, how can the water industry deliver more for less? If you accept that water companies can only get so far with commercial devices such as supply chain management, there needs to be some changes in approach, relative to previous AMP cycles. Moving forward, the industry will need to focus even more on managing environmental risk, recognising that the obligation does not end with delivering a schedule of engineering solutions. That includes proactively considering other contributors in their thinking and understanding what part they play in the overall solution. At a high level, these changes are about catchments, engagement and innovation.
‘In AMP6 the language changed from Outputs to Outcomes. For AMP7 it needs to change from Outcomes to Catchment Outcomes.’ If water quality issues are looked at from one perspective only there is a good chance that the solution will not be the most efficient and will not capitalise on potential synergies. There are clear efficiencies available if water quality challenges are considered holistically throughout the water cycle. That means taking account of all the pressures, other contributors and different elements of the water cycle. Only then will concepts such as catchment management (including catchment permitting) truly come into focus. It is questionable whether the regulatory framework is in step with a more flexible, multistakeholder approach but it is clear that this is the industry’s direction of travel, as evidenced by the Catchment Management Declaration.
This has many benefits and requires a regulatory framework that enables dialogue and multifaceted solution development. It will take time and energy and there will no doubt be challenges in finalising solutions within the AMP7 regulatory schedule. The innovation challenge will take various forms (e.g. data, technology, engagement, catchment management practices). In one sense, a move towards catchment thinking suggests more holistic, less detailed thinking. However, it is equally valid to argue that the drive for efficiency means better understanding of assets and how they impact water quality – suggesting more detail. Both are true and need to be moved forward together. There are some innovation themes emerging and one of those is data. Water companies are looking more and more to data to drive efficiency, monitor operations, understand their contribution and to develop, test and optimise solutions. The volumes of data will be huge, and the industry will need the skills to collect, analyse, manage and use this data in the most effective way. The data will be generated in many different ways but will include stakeholders, system monitoring, one-off collection programmes and modelling that will test and optimise multi-faceted solution alternatives. These are likely to be key tools that will help reduce uncertainty, increase efficiency and manage catchment risk. In conclusion, water companies have a critical role to play in supporting healthy water catchments. Some solutions will be obvious, but others will require a careful assessment of the catchment pressures. The right solution for the environment and community is more likely to be multi-faceted and will require engagement supported by a flexible regulatory approach. These more sophisticated solutions will need the evidential support that data and modelling can provide, and commissioned solutions will need discharge monitoring and environmental health checks of the receiving environment.
It follows that to deliver full catchment solutions there needs to be valuable engagement with the community, regulators and other stakeholders.
The Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) embeds collaborative working at a river catchment scale, bringing a range of partners together to support integrated catchment management, pool knowledge and expertise, and deliver cross-cutting environmental improvements.
by Dr Clare Deasy
WFD Catchment Coordinator, Northumbrian Water Group and Water UK CaBA Rep
Although originally envisioned as a route to support implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) (2000/60/EC) to improve waterbody status, its success over the past five years means that its involvement and influence now extend both wider and deeper into environmental management. CaBA was launched as a Defra policy framework in 2013 to ‘encourage the wider adoption of
an integrated Catchment Based Approach to improve the quality of our water environment’ [https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/ system/uploads/attachment_data/file/204231/ pb13934-water-environment-catchment-basedapproach.pdf]. Catchment Partnerships are now active in all the 100+ management catchments in England and cross-border with Wales.
FEATURE: ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES The Collaborative Approach The CaBA initiative combines the concept of integrated catchment management with an inclusive partnership approach. Previously, management of the water environment was undertaken by government agencies, private water companies and landowners, often operating in isolation. The ‘bottom-up’ collaborative approach taken by CaBA can engage all sectors of society, including businesses, civil society, land managers and local authorities. Catchment Partnerships each have a host organisation, typically an environmental NGO such as a local Rivers Trust or a Wildlife Trust, although other organisations, including water companies, also act as hosts. Around the table are a wide range of partners, including Defra family organisations, environmental NGOs, local authorities, water companies and academic Institutions. Partners may also include the agricultural and business sectors, local community groups and angling clubs, but vary by partnership, depending on their own and the partnerships’ interests, objectives and particular pressures. Catchment Partnerships are supported at local level by a designated Environment Agency Catchment Coordinator, through the CaBA National Support Group (NSG) and CaBA Support Team, and by the activities of a series of national working groups addressing particular issues, including data, urban water management, abstraction, biodiversity, fisheries and agriculture. Hosting is currently supported financially by Defra, but partnerships also use their influence to leverage further funding into catchments – in 2017/18, for every £1 invested in CaBA by Defra, £6.50 was spent on catchment improvements. Catchment Partnerships are at different stages of development. Most meet regularly to plan and engage and have a formal steering group, a catchment action plan and/or business plan. Some partnerships have very active sub-partnerships or local delivery groups, focused on specific areas which may be urban or rural, which can draw in other interested stakeholder organisations including parish councils and community groups. The collaborative nature of the approach means that each Catchment Partnership is unique, and the challenges faced by each vary, as are their ways of approaching them. Sharing knowledge and expertise between partners helps partnerships to build strong relationships, reach consensus, and identify innovative long-term and sustainable solutions which meet multiple objectives. Together, funding challenges can be addressed and resources pooled to tackle
priorities. As a result, partners achieve ‘more for less’ while benefitting both people and the environment.
Delivery The CaBA Monitoring and Evaluation reports summarise CaBA’s main impacts and achievements at national level [https:// catchmentbasedapproach.org/about/caba-benefitsassessment-full-report_final-2/]. Catchment Partnerships now deliver a wide range of multiple benefit projects. In addition to the habitat restoration, biodiversity and rural diffuse pollution focus of many partnerships, areas of focus include urban water quality, natural flood management, natural capital and ecosystem services and low flows. Over 60 partnerships are engaged with their local water company, and some work closely with water companies on innovative catchment solutions to water and wastewater management issues. Partnerships also work with local authorities and developers to address integrated flood risk, promote the use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) and other green-blue infrastructure and manage the urban water environment [https:// catchmentbasedapproach.org/learn/urbanwater-management-and-guidance]. Community engagement underpins CaBA nationwide, with over 14,000 volunteers and citizen scientists now actively involved.
Influence Partners’ work under CaBA has transformed the level of ambition to engage with communities and all interested parties to deliver improvements to the water environment that maximise benefits for people and wildlife. These benefits increasingly provide social and economic as well as environmental benefits, with CaBA activity contributing to resilience to climate change, more resource efficient and sustainable businesses, and improving the health and wellbeing of local communities. As a trail-blazing country-scale project to empower local engagement, CaBA has attracted significant interest from deliverers and researchers in other European member states interested in approaches to better implement the WFD. Projects such as WaterCoG [https:// northsearegion.eu/watercog/] have helped to promote CaBA internationally, and directly influenced water management in countries such as Denmark, Sweden and Finland.
The government’s 25 Year Environment Plan [https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/25year-environment-plan] puts natural capital at the heart of environmental protection, sees catchment approaches as a key delivery mechanism to achieve a range of goals, and recognises the role of Catchment Partnerships in supporting strong local leadership and delivery. The Catchment Management Declaration [https://www.cisl.cam.ac.uk/resources/naturalresource-security-publications/catchmentmanagement-the-declaration] and Blueprint for PR19 - Shared Principles for Collaboration [https://www.wcl.org.uk/blueprint-for-pr19.asp] also demonstrate strong national cross-sector support for CaBA. Water and sewerage companies have emerging challenges in relation to removal of chemicals and nutrients from raw water and from discharges, and in developing Drainage and Wastewater Management Plans which will consider a broad range of catchment interventions. These areas should benefit from Catchment Partnership expertise, and through significant catchment investment in planning and delivery, these areas represent real opportunities for CaBA. The big challenges for CaBA are to ensure it has capacity to address active catchment issues, to link in with new and existing catchment programmes, and to continue to draw in a broad range of partners to support the approach – including business and industry. This will keep it energised and sustainable. The partnership approach is not always easy. Partnership working takes a lot of ‘will’ from individuals, requires commitment and support from partner organisations, and needs strong but flexible leadership from a key partner or partners to be successful. Limited funding adds to the challenge, particularly as applying for funding can take a lot of resource, and with the money available limited, often there may be little reward. The direction of travel for CaBA, however, is positive and exciting, engaging an ever growing range of stakeholders, and undertaking an increasingly important role in integrated catchment management. For more information see www.catchmentbasedapproach.org
The Future The water environment (streams and rivers, lakes, wetlands, beaches and coastline) and its contributing catchments provide many of the natural capital and ecosystem services on which we rely.
If we continue to pollute the world’s natural water supplies at the current rate, it will have a catastrophic effect on the future of our wildlife. Arvia Technology’s innovative wastewater treatment solutions have the answer. Recent samples taken across Europe show a deteriorating quality in river water, with only around 10 percent of samples from over 100 European rivers in 27 countries deemed clean. One major cause of this deterioration is the exposure to dangerous chemical and pharmaceutical waste. All of which is having a direct effect on the health and wellbeing of wildlife across the globe. Entering the Environment More than 80 percent of the world’s wastewater flows back into the environment without being treated or reused, according to the United Nations. The cause of the issue is multi-faceted with some pharmaceutical residues that have not been fully metabolised, eventually entering the environment through normal consumer and animal use and excretion.
Ingredients (APIs) and pharmaceutical residues, even at trace levels in treated effluent, are having detrimental effects on aquatic species and potentially human health. This is because traditional municipal wastewater treatment plants are not designed to tackle such varied and persistent industrial compounds. A few examples of wildlife harmed by contamination have recently been researched, including male fish being feminised by the synthetic hormones used in birth-control pills and inter-sex frogs found in urban ponds contaminated with wastewater. The Solution Traditional wastewater treatment methods can partly eliminate or remove industrial chemicals, but some traces are still detectable in effluents. The final stage of water treatment, when only trace levels of pollutants reside in wastewater, has always been challenging. In alternative tertiary treatment processes, large doses of chemicals are often used to eradicate trace level pollutants. Not only does this come at a high price, it can also create a hazardous sludge which must then be transported and incinerated.
Wastewater discharged from pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturing sites has been the subject of increasing attention. Due to the various ways these contaminants are reaching our environment, natural water systems around the world are now coursing with pharmaceutical and chemical waste which is having numerous adverse effects.
The Alternative There are now state of the art solutions for the reduction of hard-to-treat organics from water and wastewater streams.
The Catastrophic Effects on our Environment Studies show that Active Pharmaceutical
Arvia’s Nyex™ solution utilises adsorption and electrochemical oxidation, providing an
environmentally considerate process that treats water without the need to use chemicals. This also means that treated water is also safe for reuse for other purposes around the manufacturing facility, such as for cleaning or irrigation; uses which chemically dosed water is often unsuitable. It is now possible to tackle part per million to part per billion ranges of APIs, pharmaceutical residues, endocrine disruptors, personal care products, manufacturing chemicals and pesticides. The potential effects of pharmaceutical and chemical waste cannot be underestimated. Fortunately, the technology exists to make a tangible difference at the source of wastewater contamination. The magnitude of the issue means there is no catch all solution, however chemical and manufacturing companies must take responsibility for their wastewater treatment process. By removing these hard-to-treat pollutants from industrial wastewater, we can begin to tackle the global issue concerning the preservation of our natural wildlife. There is no question, the time to act is now.
A GLOBAL WILDLIFE CRISIS Each year, wildlife is seriously harmed by chemical and pharmaceutical residue in our waterways. With 100,000 commercially registered compounds across Europe and no adequate treatment in place to prevent the residue from entering our waterways, where will it stop? Arvia’s Nyex™ wastewater treatment system can remove these harmful pollutants before it’s too late. See how Arvia can help solve your wastewater treatment challenges.
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A scientist at the University of Bath has for the first time developed a way of monitoring alterations in the aquatic system by listening in to microalgae communicating. Led by the University of Bath, the research which has been published in Nature Scientific Reports demonstrates that contrary to popular belief, microalgae do communicate with each other when under stress. The researchers have revealed that under darkness a population of Diatoms - a type of microalgae – produce electrical oscillations. This cell-to-cell communication is believed to
be a feedback or survival mechanism as a result of stress due to changes in the microalgae’s physiochemical environment - such as light deprivation and temperature rises. This cell-tocell signalling is designed to counteract these changes and could result in the formation of algal blooms.
most increases with time (growth phase), the researchers believe this will provide vital clues to understanding world challenges such as climate change. Algae blooms are an element of climate change where cells multiply at a face pace, which the researchers hope they will be able to better mitigate from this new understanding.
By decoding this form of communication, at the phase where the concentration of cells
For the first time, the research team were able to listen to the microalgae communicating
FEATURE: ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES by recording their electrical interactions extracellularly using sensitive and low resistance multi electrode arrays (MEAs). The recordings, taken over a period of hours, showed Diatom communication is cooperative and synchronized through the whole measured population. Algae occur naturally in the majority of fresh and salt water. However, climate change is causing an increase in the formation of harmful algae blooms across the world. Warmer waters, high levels of nutrients from increased rain washing agricultural fertilisers into the water, and sufficient sunlight all contribute to the rise in algal blooms. Algae blooms can be damaging to both aquatic ecosystems and humans. Thick blooms can block sunlight and deplete oxygen levels in the water needed by fish and other organisms to survive, and certain algae can produce toxins that can damage to the human nervous system by contaminating fish which are then eaten as well as causing eye and lung irritation as well as asthma. Lead researcher and Lecturer in the University of Bath’s Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Dr Paulo Rocha, said: “Algae are the world’s most important ‘plants’. They play a crucial role in the air we breathe, food we eat
and pharmacological drugs we take including for cancer. Yet there is only so much we know about these amazing plants.
technology able to predict and impair harmful and toxic algae blooms by early detecting the onset of algae signals.
“One such reason is because there are no methods to actually decode algae behaviours. This project has opened a new page in the understanding of algae signalling and will enable novel sensing technologies to predict the development of algae blooms and of an extensive range of stress-induced alterations in the aquatic ecosystem.”
In the longer term, this new knowledge could mean cleaner, more natural water and cheaper bills for water consumers as there will be a reduced need for water utility companies to use water treatment chemicals.
Director of the Water Innovation & Research Centre at the University of Bath (WIRC @ Bath), Professor Jan Hofman commented: “This is an exciting and important discovery. Understanding how algae behave is extremely important for water security in many areas in the world. Algal blooms have significant impact on water quality and availability, but also can be used in engineered solutions to improve water quality. This project is an excellent example of how important multi-disciplinary water research is.” This interdisciplinary work has strong scientific and technological implications for probing ecological and physiological stress conditions in algae. It is anticipated that water companies will in the near future benefit from a control
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The research was a result of an international collaboration between the University of Bath, Delft University of Technology (DUT) in The Netherlands, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência in Portugal and the Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere, I. P. The article ‘Collective electrical oscillations of a diatom population induced by dark stress’ has been published in Nature Scientific Reports and can be viewed at https://www.nature.com/ articles/s41598-018-23928-9.pdf For more information please contact Dr Paulo Rocha Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering University of Bath P.Rocha@bath.ac.uk 01225 386051
Water Innovation & Research Centre
Through the Water Innovation and Research Centre at the University of Bath our experts work with industry, academia, and other stakeholders to tackle the fundamental issues surrounding sustainable water. Through WISE, our Centre for Doctoral Training in Water Informatics: Science and Engineering, we work with collaborative partners to train the next generation of skilled water scientists and engineers. To explore a partnership with water research experts and students at the University of Bath for your organisation, contact water-research@bath.ac.uk.
The Water UK - led 21st Century Drainage Programme (21st CPB) has now closed after running successfully for almost four years and delivered some ground breaking changes. by Tony Harrington Director of Environment Dwr Cymru Welsh Water
Over the last 4 years we successfully won the trust and support of many stakeholders associated with the drainage challenges we face, by working openly to co-create and co-deliver urgently needed changes to how we strategically plan and improve drainage services for our customers. We also progressed a host of difficult issues, again through securing the respect and trust (and resources) of multiple stakeholders. Notably - developing and securing crosssector support for – the new framework we have developed for Drainage and Wastewater Management Plans (DWMPs), moving many stakeholders from being a critic of the industry’s approach to long term planning on waste water, to a supporter. Of the nine original work streams, most are now successfully completed, with just two strategic areas, still ongoing all be it under their own steam: ■■ long term planning, with the focus being
the implementation of DWMPs to draft publication in December 2022 building on our Water Industry Specification for flushability to reduce sewer misuse
This work is being supported through progressing our research agenda hand in glove with UK Water Industry Research (UKWIR) and ensuring EurEau remain well briefed on our progress to help ensure that any new legislation on single use plastics is appropriately worded, and the reviews of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) and or the Water Framework Directive (WFD) are undertaken in a manner where ‘control at source, sustainability and outcomes’ rather than ‘one size fits all’ is the focus. As we move forward into 2019, I look forward to seeing the water sector focusing on new challenges including, engagement on the Environment Bill - developing proactive waterspecific proposals, including for drainage, and working to secure changes in Parliament; Facilitating the implementation of Drainage and Wastewater Management Plans through the recently established cross-sector DWMP steering group; delivery of the changes included in the Single Use Plastics Directive which we hope will resolve the impasse on wet wipe standards;
working with partners to promote the water industry’s new position on flushability (‘fine to flush’) and finally - engagement with EurEau colleagues and European institutions on the UWWTD and WFD reviews. Throughout 2019 UKWIR will continue its Big Q research on both waste water and sewerage/ drainage matters, and report these to Companies and stakeholders. So there is certainly much for us all to deliver for our customers and to build on the successes we have had over the last four years. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the 40+ stakeholders we have been working with at the 21st Century Programme Board for all their support, ideas, resources, and frankly cash – which have enabled the great progress we have made to date possible – and represent the foundations we have now laid for future partnerships and working. We all very much look forward to continuing to work as partners to drive drainage and waste water service improvements for our customers, ultimately so as to provide a safe and sustainable environment one we are proud to hand to future generations.
Clean Water
Waste Water
Water Courses
AN ANSWER TO POLLUTION MAY JUST HAVE BEEN FOUND AT THE BOTTOM OF OUR OCEANS With us now understanding the true impact that society is having on the environment, it is more important than ever before that we take steps to alleviate any long term damage to our delicately balanced ecosystem. by Veolia UK and Ireland One solution, which aims to tackle the problem of excessive nitrogen ending up in our waterways, has been found at the bottom of our oceans and developed into an innovative new product by Veolia, the UK leader in environmental solutions. The Veolia Research and Innovation team identified a bacteria called Anammox. Anammox bacteria were discovered at the bottom of the oceans twenty years ago, but their use in a water treatment process is a real technological innovation. This type of innovation is essential, because as the world’s population continues to grow, so does the consumption of materials. Keeping pace by developing strategies to deal with increases in the waste we produce is more important than ever. This is true in wastewater and sewage treatment. Whilst there has been significant and positive environmental improvements to the way we treat and return waste to the environment, we must always continue to innovate and continually improve what we do and how we do it. In most modern sewage treatment plants, the sludge generated during treatment is digested in an anaerobic reactor and then dewatered in a centrifuge unit. These treatments produce a liquid effluent with very high nitrogen levels, which can require further treatment before the effluent can be returned to the liquid stage treatment and discharged to the environment in compliance with regulations. Although nitrogen is an essential nutrient for biological activity, too much nitrogen in the environment can lead to pollution problems, in particular, ‘eutrophication’, which is a process where a body of water becomes overly enriched with minerals and nutrients and can lead to excessive growth of plants and algae and oxygen depletion. Marine and animal species can be adversely affected, whilst surface water may become unfit for drinking.
This is where the bacteria called Anammox can help. Unlike the bacteria used in conventional processes, Anammox bacteria can oxidise ammonia nitrogen into nitrogen gas without passing through the nitrate phase. This process requires very little oxygen and no addition of a carbon source, as compared to conventional nitrification and denitrification methods. This led the Veolia innovation team on to developing ANITA Mox, a patented everyday solution that harnesses the power of Anammox bacteria for wastewater treatment plants. Veolia is now able to grow the bacteria in biofarms where they bloom on plastic carriers. These carriers can then be introduced into the wastewater treatment process, where they are kept in motion in a biological reactor. This significantly increases their capacity to treat nitrogen and ensure that they are maintained within the process which guarantees the treatment efficiency. In comparison to the conventional biological treatment process, ANITA Mox presents a number of advantages: ■■
The process can remove 80% of the nitrogen contained in digestion centrate before it is returned back to the head of the wastewater treatment plant.
It can reduce operating costs by 30-60%. Indeed, thanks to Anammox bacteria, no additional carbon source is required and oxygen needs can be reduced by 60%.
The process also increases wastewater treatment plant capacity by reducing the nitrogen overload from digestion centrate.
It also improves the plant’s environmental impact. The carbon footprint can be reduced by up to 85% thanks to reduced energy and reagent consumption.
It is a compact and robust process. Biofilm technologies are effectively much more compact than activated sludge technologies and allow to keep the bacteria in the system.
Today, the anaerobic treatment of sludge has become essential to produce more biogas to allow wastewater treatment plants to achieve energy self-sufficiency. And now, the additional nitrogen that this can produce can be treated through Veolia’s ANITA Mox innovation. This new technology is already in operations around the world including the United States, Sweden, Denmark, Poland and Switzerland. Closer to home, the ANITA Mox process is being implemented at the Osberstown Sludge Treatment Facility in Ireland and the Five Fords WWTP in Wales for the removal of nitrogen in digestion centrate, which will be commissioned in 2019. So whilst the impact that society makes on our planet will always create challenges, natural solutions like ANITA Mox developed by Veolia, will help to meet these challenges head on.
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[Spring Source Collection Chambers and housing of pump electrics]
Working as a Chartered Environmental Health Practitioner, I can trace my profession’s roots back to the 19th century where pioneers like John Snow (Broad Street Pump 1854) and Dr Thomas Shapter (Exeter Cholera outbreak 1832) started to link disease with the environment and particularly water quality. by David Sexton
MCIEH CEnvH Senior Environmental Health Specialist, West Devon Borough Council & South Hams District Council As part of my duties, I manage the private water supply regulation function at West Devon Borough and South Hams Councils. We have 1677 supplies registered which equates to around 10% of the population. The two Councils are rural authorities with a reliance on the agriculture and holiday industries.
The supplies we regulate range from river sources to high moorland sources and from boreholes to springs. Water treatment is also variable, from state of the art filtration to a basic ultra violet light system and no treatment is common. The level of maintenance is variable as there are no minimum standards for private water engineers and we regularly see individuals maintaining their own supplies. Ultra violet light tends to be disinfection treatment of choice. The Councils are the regulator for private supplies under the Water Industry Act 1990 and in England Private Water Supply Regulations 2016, there are variations of the regulations in Wales
and Scotland. The objective of the regulations is to ensure compliance with the EU Drinking Water Directive so that consumers are drinking safe water. The Council has a responsibility to monitor the quality of water in its area but there is no legal requirement for a supply owner to register with the Council. So we continually look for new supplies but realise we are regulating an incomplete picture. There are different classes of supply depending on risk. The first is a Regulation 9 supply, where there is a commercial element (for example a holiday let) that is receiving the water, or a wholly domestic supply consuming more than
FEATURE: REGULATION AND TRAINING 10m3/day. The legislative requirement is that the water sampled by the Council at least once a year and a risk assessment undertaken by the Council every five years. The next classification is a regulation 10 shared supply, this is where it is wholly domestic and consuming less than 10m3/ day. The requirement is again for the water to be sampled but in this case every five years and a risk assessment every five years. The last classification is a single domestic supply, where there are no mandatory interventions, and the owner has to request that a sample is taken or the supply is risk assessed.
[Typical Storage Tank]
Sampling only gives a snapshot of the water quality on a given day so the risk assessment is a critical intervention. This brings an understanding of each supply so that sampling should be confirming the outcome of the risk assessment. In South Hams and West Devon Borough, most of the Regulation 9 supplies are low to medium risk and well managed. The Council has two main powers for dealing with failing supplies. The first power is that an enforcement notice under Water Industry Act when the water is unwholesome or insufficient. The second power is different notice served under the 2016 regulations when the water is going to pose a health risk. This notice can restrict or even prohibit the use the water. Council samplers take an average of 12 samples a week and there are Environmental Health Specialists who undertake the risk assessments and deal with failing supplies. It is well publicised that local Council resources are limited. I have ensured adequate resourcing by making sure that the sampling and risk assessment interventions are efficient. Making sure that each stage of an intervention is done at the right level. So for example the sampling is not undertaken by traditional technical staff but trained locality officers. As the enforcing authority, the council has a clear legal responsibility; however, what level of enforcement is decision for each individual Council, so there will be variations throughout the country. Here we have balanced the resources so that there is adequate and efficient enforcement. There is a clear way of dealing with failing supplies, the notices process is straightforward, common failures we see are for bacteria, some common heavy metals (iron, manganese and arsenic) and nitrates. The main source of contamination is geological and agriculture/ wildlife. We have little in the way of heavy industry so rarely see a hydrocarbon/chemical failure. Businesses using a private supply tend be more straightforward, as a business owner does not want the consumers to become ill. We emphasise to them that they should have a mind-set of a mini water company, as they abstract, store, treat water to be consumed by a 3rd party. We expect and enforce the highest
of standards. The public on the overhand can react very differently. On most occasion they will undertake the necessary works. However, it is also common that we get a reaction that, they are ok with the failure, we hear “I have drunk this water for years and I am still here� and they will continue drinking it. It will be down to the skill and pragmatism of the Environmental Health Practitioner to convey the problem in a manner that will ensure they understand the risk and undertake the required work. On a small shared domestic supplies we regularly find no one is in overall control, the water source could be on 3rd party land and they have individual responsibility for treatment. I have realised that you cannot force an individual to install the required treatment if they do not want it, that is to say we can require it but realistically we cannot enforce it. You need the person to want the treatment, saying it failed the regulation is not enough. I find residents making a conscious decision to be on a private water supply, with or without treatment and they simply do not want to be on mains water. For these reasons, it can be a challenge to intervene on a domestic private supply. The regulations in my opinion have helped to improve the quality of private water supplies, with a significant percentage being well maintained. Enforcing the regulation has it challenges, just because there is a legal responsibility to enforce it does not necessarily mean that the Council has the level of resource available to do so. The challenge is to target the resource that is available to provide an efficient regulatory function that can convey the risk to businesses and individuals so that they understand the health and regulatory repercussions of unsafe water.
[Milk tanker being used for water storage]
[Basic UV system]
ENGAGING WITH CUSTOMERS ABOUT THE BENEFITS OF SMART METERS Spring is often a time to look ahead to new beginnings, but the Thames Water Metering Team is reflecting on a successful 2018 to help shape the way it tackles 2019. by Chris Butterfield
Metering Stakeholder Lead, Thames Water Last year, the team engaged with more than 1,000 customers at several events in London, talking to them about smart metering, water efficiency and the company’s award winning smarter home visits. The Thames Water compulsory smart metering programme has seen more than 297,000 smart meters installed in the last three years. A key part of the programme is customer education, with research showing that meters boost water efficiency and help reduce leakage. As an industry it has been found that metered customers can save around 10-15 per cent more water on average, compared to those that are unmetered. With part of the company’s leakage coming from customer side pipes, the meters can help flag them up to be fixed – which Thames Water will often fix for free. When asked directly, a significant amount of customers didn’t realise how much water they actually use in a day, and explaining how a meter enables them to see and reduce their usage was key when discussing the compulsory nature of the programme. The team had previously engaged at train stations and shopping centres, but it meant the interest from the majority of the public was very high level and fleeting, with people often too busy to engage. A key strategy of the team in 2018 shifted to target longstanding, popular public events in key areas. The team decided to attend established community events to speak to customers, as it would give them more time to speak to people who were already at the event. Throughout the summer they attended several events with the company’s ‘event vehicle’, including Newham’s Ferry Festival, Lewisham People’s Day, Sidcup’s Lark in the Park and Orpington Food Festival. Thames Water’s presence at these events received an overwhelmingly positive response, with customers really valuing the opportunity to engage with Thames Water face-to-face, often for the first time. Customers found the event vehicle a fun and interactive way to discuss water efficiency, with several fun games
and water efficiency activities for both adults and children to take part in. These hands-on activities and devices enabled customers to see a tangible way to reduce their water usage, and the importance of having a meter to realise how much water they may use. The events were also held throughout the prolonged summer heatwave last year, which meant they took on an added importance to help reduce demand on the network, and meant the topic of water efficiency was fresh in customer’s minds. They also allowed for some key stakeholder engagement, with many local councillors attending the events and taking an interest in what the company was doing. Cllr Brian Bishop, Mayor of Bexley, attended one of the events and said: “It was great to see Thames Water out talking to our residents about their smart metering programme and promoting water efficiency.” “Having had a meter installed as part of the progressive metering programme, it was encouraging to see the company taking the opportunity to proactively talk to customers, and it gave me the opportunity to talk to them about the benefits of smart metering.” “It was also good to hear about some of the water-efficient devices they have on offer and the support they have in place to help those customers who may need it.” This having been said, the events and the engagement did pose some challenges, including measuring and recording the impact the events had on customers, their water usage and whether they have had a smart meter installed. As a result, a simple yet effective push button feedback box was created and built by one of the team for customers to anonymously feedback on how the interaction had improved their knowledge and opinion of the smart metering programme. It was also key for the team to be fully informed and knowledgeable about every area of the business as a lot of the time customers wanted to discuss other issues such as leakage, burst pipes or even fatbergs!
In the end, water efficiency shone through, with dozens of customers booking on to the company’s award-winning smarter home visit programme, which is the UK’s largest water efficiency programme, and hundreds taking away water efficient products such as the shower heads, and tap aerators. The company’s social tariff and priority services register were also of significant interest to those customers struggling to pay their bills or in need of extra support. With fatbergs also in the news and therefore on customer minds, the team also promoted the company’s ‘Bin it – don’t block it’ campaign. As part of this the team spoke of the importance of not pouring fats, oils and greases down the sink and to only flush the three p’s – pee, poo and paper – down the toilet. Stephanie Baker, Customer Metering Manager, said she was pleased to see such positive engagement and added: “Engaging our customers on what we’re doing and why we’re doing it is critical to the success of the programme. Without their engagement, we can’t achieve our programme objectives of both fitting meters and saving water.” Learning from these engagements, the team will now focus their efforts on engaging with customers in a more targeted manner. This will involve promoting the wider support on offer to customers, focusing on affordability and reducing water use where it is being used most.
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PLASTICS SEMINAR The Eastern Area hosted a plastics seminar mid-December chaired by Kylie Jones from Anglian Water, bringing together speakers from a variety of sectors and backgrounds to discuss how to address the plastics issue. Geoff Brighty from Plastic Ocean opened the day talking about the history of warnings from Environmentalists, gaps in current regulation and the recognition that there is much to learn about the implications for plastics in our food chains and the mind-set of consumers. David Baxter from Eunomia shared details on the relationship between plastics and the Water Industry, the key types of aquatic plastic pollution, how plastic litter enters the environment and customer understanding. John Sage from Tideway then covered the social side of plastics talking about the scale of litter in the tidal Thames and the work Thames 21 and Tideway are undertaking with communities to protect this historic waterway. Rowan Byrne from Mott MacDonald asked the audience to consider what legacy they want to leave and whether we want to be known as “the plastic generation” as well as sharing
his findings from recent skip autopsies at one of the largest Water Recycling Centres in the Anglian region. Myriam Moeyersons from Biome Technologies introduced the room to the potential for bioplastics, industrial composting and the possibilities of developing products that genuinely degrade in soils, marine and freshwaters along with a range of demonstration examples for people to get hands on with. Jonah Tosney also shared the work of Norfolk Rivers Trust on the potential use of wetlands as a means of natural plastics treatment, using work
INNOVATION AWARDS In a change to the regular format of the eastern area innovation event, this year we teamed up with Water Research centre (WRc) to deliver an innovation marketplace in Peterborough. Exhibitors were invited from around the country to showcase some of the latest solutions to challenges facing the industry. This included a range of catchment-based innovations, emphasising the increasing importance of planning investment beyond the limit of water company asset boundaries. Steve Kaye, Chief Executive UK Water Industry Research, provided a unique perspective of the role of innovation within everything that we do in the industry. UKWIR are currently planning a number of pieces of research to provide the evidence base for AMP7 and beyond, and Steve emphasised the importance of events, such
as this one, for knowledge sharing and creating networks to enable the effective uptake of new technologies. Attendees were asked to vote on their favourite innovations throughout the day, with votes collected and the winner announced in the afternoon. The top three companies this year were Fido (Eco-Tabs), AFECO and EnTrade, with Fido taking the prize as the audience champion. The eastern area will discuss these innovations in due course and submit one for the national innovation awards later in the year.
at Ingoldesthorpe in Norfolk as a case study to show what such approaches might be able to achieve. The day concluded with a workshop session to capture the thoughts of the audience in terms of gaps in the current research, understanding, what the water Industry can do to help and, the changes each of us can make in our day to day lives to make a difference. After all, we really don’t want to be the plastic generation!
MENTAL RESILIENCE: GETTING THE BEST FROM YOUR BRAIN By event attendee, Will Such, Senior Operations Manager, Anglian Water On the 15th January 2019 at the University of Lincoln the Eastern Area hosted a session on mental resilience and toughness led by John Sunderland-Wright and became fully booked within 48 hours. Will said: “The event was excellent. Informative and engaging with plenty of interesting information about how the brain functions, how to maintain it in the long and short-term both in behavioural and lifestyle terms. Some interesting exercises to demonstrate the principals being discussed were relevant and repeatable so could be used with teams back in
the office. The benefits of mindfulness and meditation are applicable to high pressure working environments and the section about sleep cycles, as opposed to the traditional focus on continuous overall sleep time (e.g. “I need 8 hours a night…”) should prove useful to shift workers. Overall an excellent event.” Also a real plus to have an event so close to our Lincoln office, would be great to have more of these to allow greater accessibility – particularly to the office based on-shift teams at Enterprise House who will generally struggle to get time away from work to travel to venues further afield.”
UPCOMING GOING DUTCH LUNCH & KNOWLEDGE LEARN TRANSFER TRIP On the 21st March, the Institute of Water NI Area are hosting a Lunch and Learn event at Atkins Global in Belfast.
The event, titled ‘Summer V Winter Flows in Sewers’, will be presented by Institute of Water member, Robert Fleck, who is Senior Hydraulic Modeller for Atkins Global. Robert will be sharing the challenges posed by sewer flows by the opposing seasons. When: Thursday 21st March 2019, 12:30- 2pm
The Northern Ireland Area invites its members to register their interest in its upcoming trip to the Netherlands. With the theme of ‘Going Dutch’ it will include technical visits and presentations (currently under development) covering the sea defences of Amsterdam and how they cope with flooding, the digestion and reuse of sewage sludge (energy recovery), the use of bio solids and alternative treatment processes, and the organisation of the water industry in the Netherlands. Of course, there will be some down time and opportunity to enjoy social activities with our counterparts in Holland.
The invitation will be open to non-members (restricted numbers applied subject to uptake by members) at full cost. Institute members will be subsidised by the Northern Ireland Area and full details will be circulated when the numbers are finalised. If you are interested in attending this event please contact NI Area Committee Member, Keith Hunt directly on 07713 887 931 or 02825 662 523.
Where: Atkins Global, 71 Old Channel Road, Belfast, BT3 9DE
Calling all Midlands Area Members. Come to our 80’s themed President’s Party! This year the Institute of Water Midlands Area will be launching its first President’s Party at the glamorous Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel, a stone’s throw away from Birmingham International train station. The night will have an 80’s theme, so we look forward to seeing your finest perms, brightest shell suits and the biggest shoulder pads! Tickets are sold by the table at £600 for a table of 10. You can look forward to a drinks reception and three course meal, followed by some 80’s themed entertainment and a DJ to see you through to the end of the night. When: Friday 29th March 2019, 7pm til late Where: The Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel, NEC, Pendigo Way, Marston Green, Birmingham B40 1PP
WELL DONE STEPHEN! Congratulations to Midlands Area Committee Member, Stephen Woodhams who has completed his BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering and was awarded first class honours. Stephen completed the degree part-time at the University of Wolverhampton over a five-year period. During this time he has progressed from roles within Asset Management Teams as Network Co-ordinator and Asset Engineer into his current role as Project Manager in the Capital Investment Delivery Team. Stephen would like to thanks South Staffs Water for providing him the opportunity, and particular thanks to Martin Vickers and Caroline Cooper for their support along with the Executive Team past and present.
MEET YOUR NEW NORTHERN AREA CHAIR The Northern Area are delighted to be welcoming Victoria Ross to the role of Chair. Victoria, a Developer Services Team Leader at Northumbrian Water, has been involved with the Institute for nearly six years, after applying for the Rising Star Program. Victoria has served on the committee for around five years. She has held the role of Vice Chair for the past 2 years supporting Paul Henderson, and the role will be passed over in May of this year. Paul is delighted to be passing on the role to Victoria: “I would like to thank Victoria for the fantastic support over the past two years, her dedication, drive and energy has been amazing. “During the period, she has also held the role of Area Forum Rep, and Secretary! I have really enjoyed working together and look forward to supporting Victoria in her new role when called upon.”
Victoria plans to stay on as Area Forum Rep but has passed over the role of Secretary to Rachel Powell and Janet Howard during the Autumn of 2018. Victoria is proud to be taking on the role: “The Institute has and continues to play an important part in my professional development. As well as attending a variety of well organised, informative and engaging events; the Institute has given me the opportunity to meet a lot of fantastic people from across our sector. “Being part of the Institute and the Northern Area Committee has allowed me to expand my knowledge of our sector as well as broaden my support network across the UK. I am passionate about what we do in the water sector and get a lot from being able to use my involvement in the
Northern Area Committee to support and give something back to others. “I look forward to continuing to build on the great work by Paul Henderson, and would like to thank him for his continued commitment to the Committee and Institute. I hope that with the support of the rest of the Northern Area Committee, we can continue to put on events that will support the careers of others.” To aid succession planning, the Northern Area would welcome expressions of interest from those who think they can support the team.
MENTAL RESILIENCE: GETTING THE BEST FROM YOUR BRAIN The Northern area are delighted to be hosting this event at Northumbrian Water’s Pity Me office on March 28th. To book a place, go to www.instititeofwater.org.uk/events About the event Mental toughness is having the psychological edge that allows one to perform at peak maximum effort and efficiency during the demands that are placed on them during their work and home life. Specifically, when the demands are greatest or the conditions become adverse. It is this mental toughness that gives some of the world’s athletic superstars the ability to push past exhaustion, opposition, and injury to score and to win. This session not only looks at the psychological side but also uses some of the recent findings from neuroscience to show you how you can maximise your brain not only at a psychological level, but also at emotional and physical levels too.
This session is highly interactive, coupled with high energy and engaging delivery. It will provide delegates with useful, practical tools and techniques that will help them and their staff deal successfully with the pressures of work and home by learning the techniques of powering their mental capacity and getting the most from their brain.
The course will cover: • What is meant by mental resilience and how to recognise when you are not. • How mentally tough are you? Take the test. • Understanding how your brain works and what it needs. • Learn the SENSE model. A brain development tool. • Understand what mental toughness is and how to develop it.
• Learn the 5-minute reset. A mental toughness session. • Learn some mental toughness techniques for better focus and problem-solving • Learn some key Sleep tips - taken from the work of the sleep expert to elite athletes • Learn how to control your brain by using neurofeedback. A practical demonstration. You will have the chance to control things with your mind.
Who should attend? Everyone that is interested in mental toughness and developing their mental capacity to deal more effectively with pressure and get the most from their brain.
EVENTS On the 5th February we were treated to a lecture by Patric Bulmer at an event jointing hosted by the ICE in Bristol.
With around eighty people in attendance from across the two organisations, this fascinating session explored water resources with reference to the supply-demand balance within Patric’s own home. Starting with an entertaining illustration of how a simple water cycle is hiding an enormous complexity of detail, he got into the spirit of lecturing within the excellent venue at Bristol University. He shared with us some eye opening facts and figures about water use and availability across the globe and really set the scene for understanding the importance of using water wisely. He even managed to address his ‘elephant’ in the room – leakage! Simon Ayley, SW Area member from WRc, commented on the event “What a great way to spend a couple of hours - a first class presentation by Patric which combined learning with humour and stimulated many questions. The pre-lecture networking was also really good - I enjoyed establishing new contacts and discussing water sector challenges. Looking forward to the next one!”
Jersey Weekend School
Congratulations Bob Taylor
Our committee have been hard at work organising a packed agenda for our biannual weekend school, and are delighted to be hosting this year’s with Jersey Water in the Channel Islands. The event, taking place from 26th – 28th April, is open to book now and centres around the theme ‘Sharing best practice and collaboration across our region’.
In January the South West Committee presented our Fellow nominee Bob Taylor with his Fellowship certificate.
We will first be looking at the challenges of Delivering service and managing assets over the next 5 years, with a welcome from Helier Smith, CEO of Jersey Water. The next presentation will be looking at managing water on Islands – whether Great Britain, the Isles of Scilly or Jersey and Guernsey. The next session ‘Inspiring and developing our people – managing the succession timebomb’ sees some of the newest members of the water industry speaking alongside experienced staff responsible for developing and retaining talent. Finally, the day will close looking at ‘Gearing up for future challenges’ with a forward look at longer term planning and how the industry is changing. The whole event will also be filled with great food, great company and a visit to La Rosière desalination plant. We look forward to seeing you there, attendees are invited from all areas!
Bob has been a very active member of the South West Area for years, supporting and promoting the work of the Institute of Water, and our nomination of him for Fellowship came just ahead of his move from South West Water over to Portsmouth Water. We were very grateful that the South East Committee allowed us to present the award at their event hosted at Portsmouth Water’s offices. On behalf of the entire committee and our members we wish Bob congratulations on his Fellowship, and all the best for his continuing work in the South East region.
We look forward to seeing you at an event soon, and as always thanks to our sponsors: • Z-Tech • HydroTech • Kingcombe Stonbury • HWM • WLLS
OTHER UPCOMING EVENTS All of our members should have received our full year plan of events early in the New Year. Please don’t hesitate to contact our secretary, Carmen Snowdon, if you have any questions. Our next events are:
26th March
10th May
16th May
Poole Treatment Works – focussed on pollution and flooding and featuring guest speaker Simon Cyhanko, IWater National Chair. We will also be looking at the issues of blockages and flushable wipes, following the recent launch of ‘Fine to Flush’ logo.
The Allen Bolton Golf Tournament, an annual event run by the SW and SE regions. This year the event is being hosted by the SE region and offers a great day out and opportunity to network in a relaxed setting.
PR19 – hosted at SWW Offices, Exeter. This event will include speakers from water companies and regulator perspectives looking at PR19 business plans in the South West Area.
YOUNG PERSON’S FORUM The South East Area Young Persons Forum held their first event in November to help some of the newest members of the water industry to gain confidence in their presentation skills. This allowed younger professionals from different parts of the industry to showcase their experiences, skills and knowledge to a willing and active audience. One of the young people presenting, Georgina Caruana from Portsmouth Water, said: ”The Institute of Water’s Young Person’s Forum was a fantastic opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and present to a room full of people from across the water industry including my own work colleagues and managers at Portsmouth Water. I was extremely nervous but as soon as I settled in to my presentation and started engaging
with everyone it made me feel more at ease and comfortable with talking. I decided on a different approach to my presentation by talking more about my career path and the skills I’ve developed along the way. I wanted others to feel inspired and motivated to do more with their own career as it was something that I always go by and show how I continue to challenge myself to learn more. I feel like this was a great accomplishment for myself and the other presenters as there was a variety of topics and it was really interesting to hear from others in the water industry. Thank you for the opportunity!”
PR19 IN 2019 EVENT
ARE WE RESILIENT TO DROUGHT IN THE SOUTH AND EAST OF ENGLAND? On 16th January, the South East Area held an open event, at Portsmouth Water’s Head Office in Havant, which posed the question: ‘Are we resilient to drought in the South and East of England?’
On the 21st January, around 50 people attended this uniquely timed ‘PR19 in 2019’ event at PA Consulting’s Office, London. Ofwat were scheduled to publically issue their initial assessment (IAP) of water company business plans on 31st January 2019, so this event was timed to remind delegates what has already happened in the lead up to this point of the business planning process and what is yet to occur in the 2019 Price Review year.
It was great to see 70 people taking the opportunity to network and improve knowledge in a welcoming environment. With the high numbers of delegates in attendance it was clear that this was a serious question on many people’s minds.
Jason Ryall, Chair of the South East Area Committee and Management Consultant at PA Consulting, led the welcome address and introductions for the day and firstly introduced Richard Khaldi, Director at PA Consulting, who was able to provide a very good initial overview of the regulatory framework of the water sector over the last 15 years or so. Trevor Bishop, Director of Water Resources South East (until very recently a Director at Ofwat) provided the regulator view of PR19. As a recent Director at Ofwat, Trevor went into more detail about what was originally required under PR19 from Ofwat. Next up was Steve Hobbs, Senior Policy Manager at Consumer Council for Water (CCWater). Steve provided a very good summary of how the voice of the water customer has been brought more than ever into business plans during PR19. Following a networking break Craig Lonie, Director of Strategy & Regulation at Southern Water, took to the stand. Craig, speaking on behalf of Southern Water, was able to provide the company perspective to PR19. On many of the
reforms Ofwat put forward at PR19 Craig made it clear, probably shocking a few of the audience members, that in many areas the decisions made were the right regulatory decisions to make Following the presentations there was a Q&A panel discussion, chaired by Paul Holton, vicechair of the South East Area Committee and Investment Strategy Manager at Southern Water. There were some very pertinent questions posed to the panel, which were brilliantly discussed. The excellent discussion and debate highlighted how good the speakers had been and how interesting the subject matter was. It was clear from the discussion that further events will be required to discuss some of these topic areas in more detail in the next few years.
We had excellent presentations from Bob Taylor, CEO at Portsmouth Water, Robin Price, Managing Director of Water Resources East (WRE) and Meyrick Gough, Technical Director at Water Resources South East (WRSE). All-in-all it was clear from the presentations that we are resilient to certain levels and types of drought in the South and East of England at the moment, but in many areas we are not yet ready and resilient for a future drought. Regional planning, with support from government, all water using sectors, and stakeholder groups will enable us to meet this future significant drought resilience challenge. However, we need to start taking action locally, regionally and nationally now to ensure we are ready in time.
COME ALONG TO THE SCOTTISH AREA PRESIDENT’S DINNER The annual Scottish Area President’s Dinner takes place on Saturday 27th April at the Radisson Blu, Glasgow. This year our event is sponsored by Ross-shire Engineering and promises to be a fantastic evening. On the night, guests will be treated to a three course meal followed by the announcement of the winner of our Innovation Award who will go on to represent the Scottish Area at a national level in June. We’ll then round off the night with music from our favourite band, Callanish. We look forward to seeing many of you there!
MEMBERS’ CONGRATULATIONS DAY On Saturday 6th October, the Scottish Area held their annual Members’ Day welcoming family and friends to join us for a fun filled day out. This year, our Area Vice President Mark Wilson organised a fantastic day visiting Discovery Point in Dundee where we explored the home of the world famous Antarctic research vessel RRS Discovery. This award-winning visitor attraction tells the story of the Discovery, from her beginnings in Dundee to her amazing Antarctic expedition and her voyages thereafter. We followed in the footsteps of Captain Scott and his heroic team before enjoying lunch ahead of spending the afternoon visiting the newly opened V&A Museum. This is Scotland’s first design museum which opened to the public on the 15th September. Thanks to everyone involved in organising another successful event!
The Scottish Area is delighted to have two new Registrants in our Membership. Petros Mylonopoulos, CEng & Hunter Fairley, EngTech. Petros said about his achievement: “I have been recently awarded with the Chartered Engineer status within Institute of Water in the UK. The process was quite straightforward. It was a great way to be able to look back and link the experience I gained from my past projects to the Engineering competencies. “The interview with my assessors was a pleasant experience. Being a non-native English speaker and having a different background, there were culture were barriers that I had to overcome when I moved in Scotland from Greece.
“I would like to thank Rob Bradley - my mentor in RPS Group - for his ongoing support and his encouragement. “Hopefully I can now give something back to the water business community as a mentor too. I would definitely recommend members to apply for registration.” You can read about Hunter’s EngTech achievement in this issue’s New Registrants pages.
WELCOME TO THE WORLD Congratulations to Scottish Area Committee Member, Kerry Relf and her husband Andrew on the birth of their super-cute baby – Scout Everleigh Relf. Scout was born on the 15th November 2018 at 2:01am, weighing 8lbs ½ oz. The Scottish Area Committee have confirmed she is as cute in real life as she is in this photo.
WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND OUR RURAL COMMUNITIES On Thursday 14th February, the Welsh Area hosted a Lunch and Learn session entitled ‘Wastewater Treatment and our Rural Communities’, delivered by Welsh Water’s former Wastewater Graduate, Victoria Collier. Victoria has now moved on from the Wastewater team to work as an Operations CCTV Supervisor within Welsh Water, but is still involved with raising awareness of this topic with the Wastewater management team. Victoria won one of Welsh Water’s ‘Overseas Research Award’ grants for 2018. The focus area for her research trip was wastewater treatment in small rural communities, visiting IRSTEA (National Research Institute for Environment and Agriculture) in Lyon, France, to develop a working relationship with the leaders of this innovative process. Victoria delivered an informative talk explaining the challenges that Welsh Water face in order to meet their 2050 business plan, identifying the need for low operational costs, low maintenance
There was a focus on the three main considerations that the French make when planning a new works or when renovating an existing works; operational requirements, reliability of treatment and investment costs. Operational requirements are particularly important because it is the local communities who are actually responsible for operating the sites. This means that the works need to be as easily maintainable as possible to ensure compliance.
Our Area Innovations Awards 2019 closed on the 22nd January and we’re now looking forward to presenting the awards at our “Out of this World” black tie event to be held at Mercure Holland House Hotel, Cardiff on Wednesday 3rd April 2019.
This February, the Welsh Area hosted a casual social event at The Stable, in Cardiff city centre, providing an opportunity for IWater members to catch up and enjoy a good pizza and some craft cider.
The evening will showcase Innovation in the Welsh Area of IWater and is an opportunity to celebrate success within the industry. We’re delighted to say that our Innovations Awards received a record number of applications this year and our Awards event is now fully booked. We look forward to seeing many of you at the awards ceremony!
costs, low energy costs and resilience within our rural wastewater treatment works.
Although attendance to the event was fairly limited, the numbers allowed for a more intimate gathering and relaxed environment, which resulted in genuine conversations and open discussions; ranging from the direction we want to take the Welsh Area over the coming years, to the best way to install a new kitchen!
Victoria demonstrated in depth knowledge about the Vertical Flow Wetland Treatment, being able to answer all questions directed towards her at the end and explained how the innovative treatment process will help Welsh Water achieve their 2050 vision. Over 50 water industry colleagues from across the UK attended the event or signed in to the webinar, showing there is a lot of interest in this subject. One former senior manager from Severn Trent showed a lot of interest in the research and generated good conversation in the room as well as asking a good range of questions afterwards.
These events always offer a great opportunity for members to get to know each other. Current plans for future events include a visit a gin distillery, and we’d like to encourage all members to keep their eyes on the website and join us at the next social event.
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