1 minute read
The dream
Sara Bellmunt Fuentes
The dream
ESO Jesuïtes Sarrià Sant Ignasi Barcelona, España

My name is Samia, I’m 13 years old and I live in Somalia. I come from a poor family and I live with hundreds of people in a small shed. In my country there is the war; in the morning I wake up in tears, with the burst of cannons and screaming...
Before I go to sleep, Ioften look at the stars and I imagine myself flying and running away...
Last night I had a beautiful dream, I was out there in space moving from one planet to another, and at one point I was in front of a huge coloured ball: it was the Earth! Suddenly I went to the top of it and I realized that I was in a small lost village, where a deafening silence dominated. There was a pond where a very special water flowed, because instead of being transparent it resembled a palette of colours: violet, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. All of them were united by one word: PEACE.
A note was stuck under a rock and it said: “Peace is a social, relational, political condition, characterized by the presence of shared harmony and the simultaneous absence of tensions and conflicts”. The definition was not very clear to me, but what I could understand was that peace is the exact opposite of what was happening in Somalia and my desire was to spread it and eliminate the war.