3 marketing gimmicks general insurance agent will try to sell you. Do you know someone who has just become a general insurance agent and is pushing his/her products onto half the neighborhood, you included? Well, they’ll say a number of things to get your business and claim to have your best interests at heart. However, most of the time, your needs are secondary to their self-interest and gains. However, it must be known that not all agents are bad, but the ones that are will try to sell you the following marketing gimmicks.
1. “This is the best general insurance company in the market”. This is marketing gimmick numero uno. According the some agents, their plans have the power to move mountains but in actuality he’s only trying to make mountains of money by selling a certain company’s insurance policies. Further, the phrase, ‘best insurance plan/company’ is very subjective. What you consider as the best, others might not. So if you ever hear an agent saying a particular insurance plan or company is the best, you know it’s just a gimmick. 2. “One time offer”. This is another all-time favorite marketing gimmick used by some agents. If you hear this, it’s important
to check with the company before you sign, pay and purchase the plan. Also remember that the general insurance market is packed with alternatives. There are so many insurers who want your business and the best part is that you alone have power choose what you want. 3. “Online general insurance plans aren’t good”. The sale of online insurance plans is going through the roof. These plans make the entire purchase process very simple and convenient. In fact, with the internet, you can compare and choose the right plan from your sweet-spot on the couch - no running around, no branch visits, no queuing-up whatsoever. Buying insurance online is also considerably cheaper, in some cases, up to 40% cheaper.
This is a cause for concern for agents that care about their margins more than your needs. Because, the internet is eating away their market share. To counter this, some agents might try to convince you that online insurance is complex and confusing; some might even tell you making a claim is very difficult. On the contrary, buying, renewing and making a claim on your insurance plans is actually much easier online. You can do all of that with just a couple of taps and a little finger exercise. These are three of the most common marketing gimmicks an unreliable insurance agent might use to force you into a plan. Do not fall for them; instead make informed insurance decision by speaking to a financial expert or by doing thorough research online.
You will find that there are numerous general insurance policies available and you can choose one that suits you, not one that’s being forced upon you by an agent. Remember that online plans are also a very
good option and can bring you a convenient experience and significant savings. Good luck and all the best!