PYIB Perspective Lex Engel
COVID Response: Keep It/Lose It
avigating year two of the pandemic, has left us all, understandably, a little fatigued, bone-tired, worn out, frazzled and a little stir-crazy. It’s hard not to feel like we’re all floating on the same sea of platitudes and dismaying facts without a lifeboat in sight. That bright, florescent life-boat orange can be pretty tough to see when you’re solely focused on keeping your head above water (just ask Jack and Rose … sorry, is 24 years still too soon?). At the risk of drowning in our own salty metaphor, we’ve decided to buoy our spirits by reassessing our situation. Obviously, a positive attitude isn’t going to shift icebergs, but looking at things through a future-focused lens may help us acknowledge and embrace the sustainable business practices we’re currently using to survive. As we plan, hope, pray and yearn for an end to this pandemic, it’s important to remember that we’re
22 The Alberta Broker May 2021
moving forward, not back. Some of the procedures, policies and programs we’ve established within our businesses can and do have broader applications than just survival. Whether that means connecting us to a broader audience, being more accessible, striking a better work/life balance and keeping our coworkers safer during cold and flu season, it might be wise to hold on to some of the tools we’ve adopted along the way. We asked a few of our PYIB board members which “new normals” of the pandemic they’re looking forward to embracing and which they’re looking to part ways with when all of this is said and done.
Question 1:
In a business sense, what are some positive changes that resulted in response to COVID-19 that you’re looking forward to keeping?
Question 2:
Post pandemic, what are some of the things that you’re looking forward to resuming, changing or leaving behind?
Dirk Bruggencate
Blue Circle Insurance, Calgary
Q1: Over the last year, I have realized the importance of strong relationships with our clients. Brokers have the amazing ability to actually know and care about each client as