PYIB Perspective Carolyn Williamson
Advocacy and the
Next Gen
oung insurance brokers or those new to the industry will ultimately be responsible for shaping the future of the insurance and brokerage community. But, as they say, with great power comes great responsibility. Brokers aren’t the only factor in determining the future of the industry—obviously government policy makers, insurance partners and various social and economic factors play a large part in shaping the market.
However, with the right amount of support, engagement, planning and advocacy, young brokers can move political and industry mountains. But is the next generation of brokers up for the challenge? Are young brokers disconnected from government advocacy? Does that matter? Should young brokers care about staying connected with their government? Does government advocacy play a role in the goals of the next generation of brokers? PYIB directors Nicky Furman
12 The Alberta Broker October-November 2021
and Joyce Podolski weigh in on the goals of the up-and-coming young broker and whether or not they’re ready to don the mantle of industry advocate.
What are some typical professional goals for next gen brokers? Not to foster a boomer versus millennial mentality here, but are your goals the same as the generation before? If no, how do they differ?