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Using Tech to Recruit High Performing Producers by David Carothers, Florida Risk Partners

I want to talk to you about the three ways we use technology at my agency to recruit high performing producers. First, you should know that I don’t hire producers from within the insurance industry. Everybody I hire has sales success on their resume, and here are the 3 things I think you need to give them:

1) CRM. Every salesperson needs a CRM. I’m not saying that your agency needs to run out and buy a CRM right now if you don’t have one, but you need to know that for salespeople to be successful ultimately, they need tools. A CRM is essential because it helps them organize all of the data that they need. It reminds them to do their follow-ups. Automations can go out. It’s an overall good investment, and if you have an excellent, high-performing CRM and that CRM is programmed, salespeople are going to come to your organization and love it.

2) VOIP. One of the things that I love about using VOIP in our agency is it integrates directly with our CRM. We get the call records, and I can monitor follow up. It’s right there every single day. I can log into any contact record for any of my producers and see that they have done their telephone follow-ups, and their telemarketing. It’s awesome. As a bonus, when the client calls in, if we’re in the office, we get a call pop that automatically pulls their contact record up inside of HubSpot and allows us to review everything that’s happened on that account. This allows us to take notes for the call that we’re on. It’s so much better when you answer the phone in an educated fashion.

3) Resources. Give your producers tools to learn. We can ship them off to the carrier producer schools, or we can send them to the National Alliance to get their CIC and CRM designations – but at the end of the day – that’s the stuff that stays in their head, and it doesn’t help them at the point of sale. Tools like Zywave’s Broker Briefcase, ModMaster and the Client Portal, give salespeople a leg up when they’re out in the field. Good salespeople can open, and they can close, but they have to know the product, and they have to be able to have collateral to give to the prospect to get the deal closed. If you don’t have that, you’re setting them up to fail, and it will be a miserable experience for them and for you. You’ll have wasted money on salary, and they will have spent years or months of their life.

So do it right up front, make sure you have a program in place to get them up to speed not only with the foundational knowledge they need of insurance but the resources they need to go out and close the deals. If you can do those three things, you are going to have a field day recruiting top talent producers. u

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