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Insurors Officers and Staff Head North to Learn and Lead - Sept. 14-18

The Big "I" held its annual Fall Leadership Conference in Niagara Falls, New York from September 14-18. Insurors of Tennessee traveled several officers and staff to attend another event filled with insightful and beneficial programming from our national counterparts.

Insurance and Education Specialist Teresa Durham attended the ‘Education Convocation’ portion of the Leadership Conference and enjoyed learning more about how The National Alliance can be an asset to our associations education offerings. “This conference has really set the bar for the future of education for our associations. The nuance of hybrid classes in this new era allows for endless possibilities on the education front for our industry,” said Teresa. The Education Convocation attendees were also treated to the famous Made of the Mist boat tour.

Director of Operations, Jake Smith, and Young Agent Director, Matt Felgendreher, joined later in the week to attend the ‘Young Agents Leadership Institute’ where they networked with many of the future leaders of the insurance industry.

The Young Agents Leadership Institute began with an evening social hour to break the ice before a full day of programming on Friday. Attendees heard from keynote speaker Lance Allred, the first deaf NBA player, before an afternoon comprised of topics such as agency automation and agency succession and perpetuation. The session finished by highlighting the 2022 calendar of Young Agents programming across the various states that were represented at the conference.

The Young Agents Leadership Institute concluded with a breakfast on Saturday where Young Agent state representatives shared their stories of program success within the areas of: Membership Development, Meetings/Conferences, InVest initiatives, Community Service, and InsurPAC effort.

“Gathering together with other Young Agents provided valuable insight into what our key focus needs to be for our Young Agents program,” said Matt Felgendreher. “We are always looking into new and creative ways to boost intent and engagement with our Young Agents across Tennessee, and I feel as though we received some valuable takeaways from our fellow Young Agents across the country.” u

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