Rapid7 - September 2020

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NICER – starting a conversation on internet security




Rapid7 NICER – starting a conversation on internet security

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Tod Beardsley, Director of Research at Rapid7, outlines the company’s recently released NICER report and why everyone can do better on online security


here has never been a more opportune moment than now to discuss internet security: the COVID-19 pandemic has

forced many companies and individuals to reconsider their basic operations, reimagine manual processes and also vindicated the effectiveness 04

of remote working. A consequence of the modern world’s reliance on digital technology is the nearconstant vigilance required to ensure its integrity; far from being a static issue which can be addressed satisfactorily with yesterday’s tech, a spirit of innovation and honest critical evaluation is required to understand and remedy the underlying problems which threaten to disrupt us. To spur on a debate and engage developers, regulatory authorities and the wider community, security specialist Rapid7 has released NICER 2020 (National / Industry / Cloud Exposure Report), the most comprehensive census of the modern internet risk landscape ever completed. Speaking to us on Zoom with a background representing a visualised ‘map’ of the internet,


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Confessions of a Former CISO: Shaming People for Bad Security CLICK TO WATCH



06 Tod Beardsley, Director of Research

the effect of the global pandemic on

at Rapid7, emphasises that NICER is an

internet security, which, Beardsley

attempt to spur the world into affirmative

states, was surprising. “We were plan-

action, “We’re hoping that this report

ning things out in January and February

helps people make informed decisions

and then the world came crashing

about what they should be putting on

down. I thought, ‘Hang on, let’s redo

the internet, what they shouldn’t and

all our scans; surely has fundamentally

what their local ‘neighbourhoods’ might

changed’. However, we found no effect

look like. NICER is being released for

at all.” In fact, the results showed a

free; Rapid7 wants everybody to pick

reduction in dangerous services, most

this up and peruse it.” A comprehensive

notably Windows SMB (service mes-

document split into 16 sections and three

sage block) network protocols.

appendices, NICER is the result of four

However, this unexpected good

years’ worth of research, although it

news shouldn’t lull people into a false

starts with a relatively modern focus:

sense of security – the “myth of

the silver city”, to quote the report –

In terms of cyberattacks themselves,

Beardsley is adamant that vigilance

Beardsley states that they continue to

and proactivity are the keys to success.

include conventional ‘phishing’ scams

“The problem [with the perception that

as well as more advanced methods,

progress is being made] is that we’re

such as “exploiting known vulner-

not going in that direction fast enough,”

abilities and old software that’s on

which is re-emphasised in NICER: “...

the edge.” The report includes a sum-

the security of the internet still trails

mary of the ‘most exposed’ countries

the desire to just get things working,

by total attack surface, exposure to

and working quickly.” This sentiment

selected services, vulnerability rate

roughly encapsulates the challenge

and other metrics. While countries

faced by those endeavouring to bolster

such as the US and China might bring

internet security: to construct an effi-

no surprises for their high-risk factor,

cient operating model which doesn’t

NICER also includes some surprises

sacrifice integrity, with necessary

such as Canada (9) ranking higher than

updates and patches implemented in a timely and consistent manner. The report can help facilitate the achievement of this goal by providing hard data that developers can reference as they seek out solutions.

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Iran (10), despite the former having

own ‘neighbourhood’ and measure

a population density almost 50% lower

its progress relative to others, but

than the latter. This is a perfect exam-

what about specific industries? The

ple of the report’s ability to correct

report also includes a graph measur-

potentially damaging preconceptions.

ing each sector’s vulnerable assets,

“Iran is very technically savvy but it is

revealing that highly essential services

more reliant on client-oriented internet

– telecoms, financial services, retail

(mobile phone networks, etc), whereas

and pharma – are amongst the most

Canada has a lot more in the way of

exposed, including some of the larg-

wired infrastructure and servers.”

est organisations on the FTSE 100,

NICER’s information about entire countries enables each to identify its

Fortune 500 and Nikkei Index. “These companies have the resources to be

great at security, but, ultimately, it’snot

NICER will be developed further into

their job,” says Beardsley. “And a

a forthcoming report at the end

lot of these companies are over 10

of 2020.

years old and haven’t gotten around

Policymakers, too, have a crucial

to upgrading, particularly if everything

role to play – as stated in NICER:

still appears to be working fine.” The

“The pen Is mightier than the firewall.”

blight of legacy network protocols

Rapid7’s report aims to supply regula-

is also problematic, with some like

tors and legislators of all kinds with

FTP (file transfer protocol) dating

the necessary information needed

back to the 1970s and possessing no

to focus their attentions. “Legislators

inherent cryptographic assurances.

and even cyber insurers want to look

Maintaining patch and version man-

at this stuff to understand what’s

agement, therefore, is essential. With

acceptable and what’s not. I think

cloud also continuing to be adopted

policymakers have a pretty critical

more widely, Beardsley states that the

role, both in terms of understanding

information on this topic explored in

risk management and understanding


Tod Beardsley Title: Director of Research

Location: Austin, Texas

Industry: IT & Network Security I’m an individual contributor on software engineering projects, a technical security researcher, a no good dirty hacker, an open source maintainer and advocate, a conference organizer, a podcaster, blogger, and all-around new media gadfly, and an often-quoted primary spokesperson — often several to all of these roles at the same time! w w w.ra pid 7. com



like how the internet itself works.” Citing their ability to find effective solutions to problems which are still economically viable, Beardsley also believes that policymakers ability to bring pressing issues to the forefront of people’s attention makes them an invaluable ally. “They can sound the national security alarm and people will listen,” he adds. NICER explores in great detail two protocols still in widespread use: Telnet and SMB. Under analysis, 10

Rapid7 found that both were outdated and neither was particularly suited to modern internet usage; in fact, Telnet was originally specced out as a temporary solution in the 1960s. “It is obvious from this RFC (request for commands) that [Telnet] was intended to be a temporary solution and that ‘more sophisticated subsystems will be developed in time’, but to borrow from Milton Friedman, ‘there

attackers did not exist, thus rendering

is nothing quite so permanent as a

its practical use limited. Alternatives

temporary solution’,” says the report.

such as SSH (Secure Shell) make for

This is not to say that old systems or

a compelling alternative, albeit with its

protocols cannot have value. However,

own drawbacks related to exposing

the antiquated nature of Telnet comes

console access to the internet. “With

from a time when active and passive

SSH, I can tell with certainty that the



computer I’m talking to is the one I

internet worms in history” using SMB

thought I was talking to because they

in some way, NICER advocates for

have cryptographic fingerprints that

HTTPS as an alternative. “SMB is very

are easily verified,” clarifies Beardsley.

opaque,” Beardsley summarises. “It

SMB, on the other hand, was found to

makes cryptographic guarantees that

be too complex, almost to the point of

it can’t keep. I’m not advocating for

obscurant. With “the most destructive

the end of SMB, but having it directly w w w.c o mpawny w w.ra we bsite. pid 7. com


exposed to the internet is a pretty bad

great impact on the stability, safety

idea and it’s almost always accidental.”

and security of the internet as a whole.”

The conclusion of NICER provides


This is a sentiment that Beardsley

a mixed but ultimately encouraging

echoes: “At the moment, I feel like a cli-

takeaway, “Things aren’t great, but not

mate scientist saying global warming

disastrously bad and relatively small

is happening but everyone is respond-

changes in how we design, develop

ing, ‘But it’s fine right now’.” Indeed,

and deploy services will still have a

the problem with underlying issues

relating to internet security is how eve-

art and even society,” he continues. “I

ryday interactions with it (using social

don’t see a world where we’re licens-

media, watching videos, research, etc)

ing people to programme on the

appear unaffected, yet the potential

internet, but I would like us to reach a

for all these things to be disrupted

point where it’s normal for software

exists on a fundamental level. “Internet

developers or electrical engineers to

security is not a goal in and of itself:

learn new aspects of security in their

security enables culture, commerce,

professional development.” Rapid7’s NICER could play a crucial role in expanding global consciousness on the importance of internet security. In fact, Beardsley hopes that it is the start of an ongoing and fruitful debate. “If someone else out there has different stats or conclusions, we’re more than happy to have that conversation. NICER is not a ‘one and done’ report; this is an entry point into what will hopefully be several conversations on what we want the future of the internet to be.” Read Rapid7’s full NICER report here and watch Tod share the key takeaways in this webcast

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