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Evidence For Learning: Supporting The Development Of India's National Achievement Survey
14 Reporting & dissemination Developing effective communications documents in different formats, useful for policymakers, planners, managers, educators and parents.
3.4 Communication and advocacy
Sharing survey findings effectively with interested parties, in a menu of formats, and making rigorously produced survey data available for secondary research and for future comparisons.
A limitation on the effectiveness of the NAS has been its reporting in an easy to understand form and advocacy of the findings of the survey to the potential users of the information generated based on the survey findings. The technical support has helped in development of more accessible reporting formats, for a range of users, including use of info-graphics and briefer state summary reports, information notes and national reports. This is a work in progress, as is current work on making the NAS report data available on the MHRD website in user-friendly formats. The direction of travel is towards all NAS data being available online for users, including researchers.