1 minute read
1 Introduction
This research study seeks to throw light on existing patterns of access and participation in secondary schools nationally and, using three case study states, highlights key issues and offers analytic insight highly relevant for sector planning. The research explores patterns of growth in access to secondary schools and identifies a range of key issues that require consideration in managing the transition towards universal participation up to grade 10. These issues are concerned with the implications for sustainable growth of small secondary schools with enrolments below 150 pupils, and the impact on equity, effectiveness and efficiency of policy and practice on resource allocation. The evidence suggests that new capacity has been concentrated in small schools many of which do not have a full complement of qualified teachers or the ability to teach the full curriculum; that costs per student in such schools are unsustainably high; and that academic performance in the smallest schools is problematic. Standalone schools serving only grades 9 and 10 consistently score lower on Board examinations than do composite schools. If India is to catch up with China and the other BRIC countries which already enrol most children up to grade 10 it will need to revisit how best to locate new capacity and allocate resources efficiently and effectively. There is an opportunity to take advantage of the demographic dividend created by a falling population of school aged children, but also a risk that without a new strategy the number of small schools will continue to proliferate, dropout rates at the secondary level will increase, and access will remain unequally distributed.
The paper is structured as follows: section two discusses the context within which secondary education is expanding in India. Section three explores recent patterns of development of participation in different states and at different types of schools. The fourth section discusses equity, efficiency and effectiveness in relation to small schools. Section five draws attention to the consequences of demographic transition. Section six uses school mapping data from one state to illustrate problems of school location. The paper concludes with policy relevant findings.
Universalising secondary education in India: Seeking efficiency, effectiveness and equity in planning enhanced access and improved quality