8 minute read
Figure 5: A Summary of theProject’s main Deliverables No. REPORT/DOCUMENT TITLE
1 Inception Report
The report shall outline the Consultant’s understanding of the assignment, the roadmap and detailed work plan to achieve the specific objectives, strategy, methodology, a quality assurance plan and timetable for the services. It will also provide a draft baseline survey plan detailing the baseline tools, approaches and methodology to conduct the baseline with geographical location / sample size, stakeholders and models to be assessed.
The final inception report shall incorporate comments that have been received by the consultant.
Alignment with Objectives and Tasks from the MoES
Assumptions and Risks
2 Report on the existing ECE models and implementation status of the ECD policy provisions
The report is expected to cover the following: a)ECCE Policy Review: Baseline information with details on the mapped ECCE Models and practices showing type, provisions; geographical locations, services provided, mode of service delivery, costs, service providers, and i) the current status of ECE; ii) processes and practices; iii) skills, abilities and qualification present; iv) capacity building institutions; v) networks and associations available vi) compliance with government requirements and vii) challenges. Emphasis will need to be put on: Materials and Resources that include: Classroom; Outdoor play space; Learning materials; Records. Human Resources that include: Caregiver’s salary; Supervision; Refresher training; Initial training and Community mobilisation. b)Detailed information on National and Regional Consultative meetings with documented reviews/ related literature on ECCE policy implementation, categories of stakeholders consulted and documents reviewed. Information on the implementation status of ECCE policy provisions and the operational guidelines detailing the status and levels of implementation of the policy provisions at national, district and community levels with highlights on the relevance, effectiveness, sustainability and efficiency of the available systems. The information gathered and written should be organized in such a manner that enables the ministry to understand: what has worked and what has not worked in terms of resources, structures and systems, capacities etc. and the role of the civil society and non-government actors on the effectiveness of the support systems for the Government.
Planning for Objective 1
• Inception Report will be approved as per workplan timeframe
• Approval of Inception Report delayed and affects implementation of activities
Objective 1
Task I
Task II
Task III
Section 4, page 5-6 of ToR
• Agreement can be reached on the feasible models
• Survey produces adequate evidence to cost the existing ECCE services provided
• Lack of agreement will make the costing exercise problematic
• Lack of evidence or greatly differentiated evidence
3 Report on the review process of the existing policy, operational standards, and ECCE qualification and accreditation frameworks
The report should provide findings highlighting their overall independent assessment about the implementation of the ECCE policy for the past years i.e. 2007 to 2014. The firm will bring to the attention of the stakeholders and ECCE service providers, whether the purpose and goal of the existing policy is being met; what changes are needed to improve the effectiveness and access; whether policy aligns with the best practices in early childhood care and education and the policy implementation process has been effective and make indicate their independent judgement.
A description of the validation process and information on the validated content with overall ECCE policy implementation finds for past the years (2007 – 2015)
This report will include the following: a) An inception report on the process of the policy development, operational standards, and ECCE qualification and accreditation frameworks highlighting documented findings from the review of the education sector ECCE policy 2007; Review of the ECCE operational standards; Consultative meetings to guide the policy review process and reports from the consultation workshops and meetings at all levels including documentary reviews and components and process of revising the policy and operational standards and development of a costed plan of action. It should also include proposed strategic policy actions and action plan for the revised policy with clear government commitments in line with the NIECCE policy and the roles assigned to the education sector. b) First draft of the revised Education sector ECCE policy and operational standards with complementary costed plan of action with annualised financing plan of the proposed options over a 10 year period. c) Information on situational analysis of ECCE instructor programme. d) Information and evidence of capacity development and system strengthening in ECCE Operational Standards for at least two public universities, NCHE, MoES officials and ECCE teacher training institutions. ECCE teacher training Accreditation System and Qualifications Framework with clear implementation strategy and road map.
Objective 2
Task I – Phases 1, 2 and 3
Objective 3
Tasks a) to f)
Section 4, page 7-10 of ToR
• Providers will understand the importance of the standards documents and be able to use them to improve their services and delivery Risks:
• The completed operational standards and implementation guidelines not being published, and not distributed nationally in sufficient numbers to reach all providers
• Private and public providers pay lipservice to standards
4 Draft ECCE Policy with a 10-year costed action plan, revised operational standards and ECCE qualification and accreditation framework
5 Final Draft ECD Policy with a 10-year costed action plan, revised operational standards and ECD qualification and accreditation framework
This draft policy should include the following: a) The revised ECCE policy, operational guidelines and standards with a complementary timebound 10-year prioritised costed implementation strategy. b) ECCE qualifications and accreditation framework including a mechanism that guides periodical evaluation of ECCE performance indicators for trainees, instructors and training institutions.
This shall present the final costed ECD Policy, operational standards and ECD qualification and accreditation framework incorporating stakeholder’s comments, input and submission of the final documents
Output of All Objectives
Section 4, page 10 of ToR
• Access to research sites and key informants can be arranged
• The revised ECCE Policy will be seen by clients as an improvement on the 2007 MoES ECD Policy
Output of All Objectives
Section 4, page 10 of ToR
• The revised policy will be used by providers to improve their delivery and service
• The completed policy not being published
• There are not enough copies of the policy
Establish a professional network with colleagues and key staff of local universities and associate colleges
2.5 Selection and training of Research Team to conduct survey
2.6 Field visits to gather survey data on best practice models of ECCE provision
2.7 Cleaning and analysis of data
2.8 Draft report on the existing ECCE models and practices and existing policy provisions and their implementation status
2.9 Draft report on situational analysis of ECCE teacher training models
Complete and submit final report on existing ECCE models and ECCE policy implementation provisions
MoES TRC, ECDWG and M&EWG review and initial feedback on the report on existing models and policy implementationfeeding into preparation of presentations for the Consultative Workshops (3.2)
2.12 Submit final final report on existing ECCE models and ECCE policy implementation provisions
3.1 Conduct preparatory administrative work to arrange consultation workshops at regional and national level
3.2 Hold consultative workshops at regional and national level to discuss the findings of the survey and report on ECCE best practice models
3.3 Draft review of the education sector ECD policy
3.4 Draft review of the ECCE operational standards
3.5 Draft review of the ECD qualifications and accreditation status
Completeand submitreport onthe reviewprocessof theexisting policy, operational standards and ECD qualification and accreditation frameworks
MoES TRC, ECDWGandM&EWGreviewandfeedbackonthefinal report
3.8 Submit final report on existing ECCE models and ECCE policy implementation provisions
4.1 Propose to TRC strategic policy actions and action plan based on consultations
4.3 Develop revised operational standards
Develop an ECD qualifications framework in collaboration with relevant institutions. (To include: developing an outline of the framework, stakeholder consultations with MoES working group and key institutions, drafting and finalising the framework, and developing costed implementation, support and evaluation plan)
4.2 Develop an annualised financing plan for the policy actions and QA & AS
4.5 Share first draft ECCE policy, operational standards and QA & AS with costings
4.6 Participate in validation process of the draft policy and action plan
4.7 Submit draft ECCE policy with a 10-year costed action plan, revised operational standards and ECCE qualifications and accreditation framework
4.8 MoES TRC, ECDWG, M&EWG and SPWG review and feedback on the draft documents
5.1 Integrate comments from approval process
5.2 Develop camera ready versions of the policy, costed action plan and operational standards
5.3 Finalise ECD qualification and accreditation framework
5.4 Finalise costed action plan and revised operational standards
Submit Draft final ECD policy with a 10-year costed action plan, revised operational standards and ECD qualifications and accreditation framework
MoES TRC, ECDWG, M&EWG, SPWG and Senior MoES Management review and approval
Quality Assurance and Accountability
Internally, Cambridge Education (Mott MacDonald) has comprehensive policies, procedures and practices in place on all aspects of quality. CE operates a strict, externally-audited Quality Assurance system registered under ISO 9001 covering all aspects of the business. The Mott MacDonald Group maintains an internal Quality Environment and Safety Management System (QES) to achieve the satisfaction of client requirements in the execution of each service provided and the company instils a culture of continual improvement of the business processes throughout the Group. The QES Management System provides processes to help manage and minimise risk on projects; commercial, professional, technical and environmental risks, and also those relating to health and safety.
At the second level, the Mott MacDonald/CE-appointed management for this Project will apply internal controls to improve the QA applied to the project processes and outcomes. This includes all documents generated by the project being signed off by both the project Team Leader and the Deputy Team Leader, as well as final approval of the Project Principal, based in Cambridge, UK. This team will ensure that all project outputs are of the high standard that Mott MacDonald and Cambridge Education are known for. Documents which do not reach these standards will be rewritten to those standards before submission. The QES System is implemented on each project through a unique quality plan (the Project Plan of Work), which is prepared by the Project Manager to define the organisation, responsibilities and procedures to be applied to the project. The Project Plan of Work defines the project scope; the personnel responsible and procedures for project implementation, management, checking and review functions; document and change control; contract and client communications management; budgeting and financial controls; reporting; filing and archiving. Every stage in the project cycle is subjected to quality assurance checks.
Externally, the MoES Basic Education Department will take the lead in monitoring and ensuring the quality of both the process and deliverables of this project. The Basic Education Department has constituted a multi-sectoral Technical Reference Committee, which is a working group that reviews and provides technical inputs in both the process and products of the project. An existing education sector committee, the ECD Working Group, which as with the TRC includes MoES officials and experts from outside the Ministry, plays a similar role. This means that as outputs go through the various committees they are interrogated by both relevant MoES officials and ECD experts from other Ministries, as well as ECD experts from the higher education sector, and from UNICEF, the Aga Khan Foundation, FENU and other NGOs which work in the national and international ECD field. Once the outputs of the project have passed these committees, being modified at each stage, they will be scrutinised by the MoES Top Management. This ensures that the proposed costed and revised ECCE Policy and supporting guidelines, as well as the QF & the individuals concerned. They are then produced to a high standard and submitted to our client for comment. Depending on these comments, revisions might be made before finalisation and official dissemination. All reports will be provided to the client both electronically, as well as in hard copy.
The milestone reports for Deliverables 1, 2, 3 and 4 will include cumulative elements towards meeting our overall objectives, including reporting on existing ECCE models, the baseline study, a situational analysis on ECCE/ECD teacher training models, Operational Standards, Qualifications Framework and Accreditation System, the Monitoring Strategy and the Costed Plans. We will also aim to produce regular progress updates highlighting key messages to the TRC. Such regular progress reporting will enable us to ensure that all main stakeholders are kept abreast of developments within the project.
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An overview of the core engagement by the Government of Uganda in the project and its consultation process