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Annex C Further information on EQUIP-T
C.1 EQUIP-T implementation progress between baseline and April 2019
EQUIP-T’s annual reports and quarterly reports set out implementation progress. Using these reports, together with information from interviews carried out with the EQUIP-T MA in January 2018 February 2019, the tables below describe, for the components covered in this report, the main activities implemented up to the time of the qualitative endline. The tables are organised with activities from baseline to midline, and midline to quantitative endline, and in the year between quantitative and qualitative endlines, in the seven regions.51 Each table also contains a column called ‘ref’ which gives the original activity numbering set out in the EQUIP-T annual report 2015. This is useful because this it gives a picture of which activities have continued, are new, have been discontinued or were never implemented.
EG literacy modules 9-13 (finish); EG numeracy modules 1-4; gender-responsive pedagogy (GRP); EG numeracy modules 5-9
Ward cluster reflection for
EG numeracy modules 10-13; Literacy refresher training; General effective pedagogy manual being developed2
Ward cluster reflection meetings continued.
8 EG literacy videos, 6 EG numeracy videos, and 1 safe and positive learning environment video distributed (via SD cards) with video handouts to guide discussion. Other material put on to the USBs: soft copies of all modules; 28 videos produced by TIE on how to teach letters names/sounds.
Support on Communications strategy for TSC provided; Training needs assessment for district TSC assistant secretaries
See above in ‘teacher training videos’ for video information.
51 However the table for Component 3 groups everything from midline to endline into one column as the quantitative endline did not explore this component.
Produced TCF and concept note on teacher professional development strategy (TPDS). Intention to integrate simplified TCF into TPDS and operationalize in 2016
Contributions to National teacher CPD framework (at draft stage)2 See above.
Sources: OPM 2016a, pp11-12; EQUIP-T MA (2016, 2017, 2018a, 2018b, 2018d, 2019a 2019b, 2019c); Interviews with EQUIP-T MA (Jan 2018 and Feb 2019). Notes: (1) Two of the original activities under this component, namely 1.4 Improving teacher morale, and 1.6 TTC scholarships for rural candidates, were not implemented. Instead, the intention (as noted in EQUIP-T MA, 2015b) was to achieve the objective of 1.4 implicitly via support to the national teacher CPD framework; and for 1.6 to explore developing SRP Community Teaching Assistants into rural teachers under the SRP activities. (2) The general effective pedagogy module was due to be rolled out between July-September 2019, after this fieldwork was conducted. (3) Two EQUIP-T annual reports (2016, p36 and 2017, p35), both emphasise the importance of a national framework for teacher CPD, to support the investments that have been made in INSET.
Table 10: Implementation
Of Component 3 District Planning And Management
Decentralised funding
Training for LGA officers: Strategic Planning 1, Strategic Planning 2 and Annual Planning trained in all regions. Budget and Budget Management started in some regions.
Decentralised funding mechanism introduced, LGAs start receiving grants in 2015
Training on WEOs roles supporting schools, administrative responsibilities, and the WEO grant. (August 2017) of WEO CPD, rolled out to LGAs/WEOs (May 2018); 1
Budget and Budget Management training completed
LGAs continue receiving grants
Support for decentralised funding 3.2
Training for district (and regional) officers relating to the decentralised funding: budget planning, fund requests, implementation reporting, and management of WEC and PTP grants for monitoring visits to schools piloted in 2016, rolled out to all regions from October 2017.
Support (remote, and visits) from EQUIP-T fund officers and regional teams for implementing LGA grants.
Sources: OPM (2016a) pp 13-14; EQUIP-T MA (2016); EQUIP-T MA (2017); EQUIP-T MA (2018a); EQUIP-T MA (2018b); Interviews with EQUIP-T MA (Jan 2018). Notes: (1) WEOs also received training on their roles within the whole school visit SQA process from SQAs under the EPforR programme, in July 2018.
Table 11: Implementation of sub-component 4A community participation and accountability
School notice boards & support materials delivered (near complete roll out)
Development of community score card & piloting; District communications training (stories of change); District communication fund 3
Capacity for effective operations of School Committee
Community score cards rolled out by training WEOs and head teachers. Community engagement in education planning1
CSO facilitators trained Community Facilitators (CFs) to support community education needs assessments (CENA) & action plans
Finishing CENA & action plans in some communities
Finishing CENA in Lindi, Mara and Municipals.
PTP formation & operations
SC training on roles, resp., school improvement, PTP set up; Separate SC training on PTP grants; TZS 450k grant (part of PTP grant#1)
SCs & PTPs training on roles of SC & PTP, policy, laws, resource management, school mission & vision
Second phase of SC training delivered to district level with second SC training manual
School income generating activities (IGAs)
PTPs formed, overseen by SCs. No direct training. TZS 100k from PTP grant#1 for PTP activities
4.8 X
PTP refresher training; PTP grant#2 TZS 550k for girls' education activities2
Training on business plan development for teachers and community business leaders; IGA grants of TZS 1.5m disbursed to 50% of schools per district, and implementation of IGA started
Inclusive education pack finalised and distributed, but no training attached or further PTP grant.
IGA activities continued
Sources: OPM 2016a, pp11-12; EQUIP-T MA (2016, 2017, 2018a, 2018b, 2018d, 2019a 2019b, 2019c); Interviews with EQUIP-T MA (Jan 2018 and Feb 2019). Notes: (1) There is an additional Activity 4.6 listed in the MA EQUIP-T report 2015, about linking CENA to SDPs in SDP training materials; it is given a status of 'achieved but ongoing'. (2) The EQUIP-T MA clarified that children with disabilities and other marginalised children could also benefit from the grant. (3) The procurement and delivery of noticeboards for schools which have not yet received them was delayed. The community score cards are called Community Based Performance and Monitoring (CBPM). These are distinct from the School Summary Report Cards that are being prepared by SQA teams following a Whole School Visit, and displayed on school notice boards.
C.2 EQUIP-T in-service training implementation details
Description of the EQUIP-T teacher in-service training delivered since baseline (in 7 regions)
To improve the performance of teachers, with a focus since baseline on strengthening early grade teaching of Kiswahili literacy (reading and writing) and numeracy and developing effective and gender-responsive pedagogy.
Delivery model
A continuous professional development cycle that starts with residential training at the district level targeted at in-service training coordinators (INCOs) (each school appoints a senior teacher for this role), and sometimes includes head teachers, WEOs and teachers, delivered by a district in-service training team of teacher training college tutors. Following this, INCOs and sometimes teachers who attended the district-level training facilitate bi-monthly school-based in-service training sessions using group self-study and peer learning methods linked to classroom practice. Schools decide on the participants in school-based training but all teachers of Standards 1 and 2 are included at a minimum. Each study session takes about three hours and covers one module. Following this, the INCO and another teacher attend a ward cluster meeting each quarter with teachers from other schools in the ward. Teachers are also expected to attend school performance management meetings (SPMMs) each week with other teachers in the school to reflect on their classroom practice, and to get peer support and mentoring. There have been continued refinements to the model over time as the programme was learning what works best for improving the skills and knowledge of teachers and for ensuring the sustainability of the model.
Four sets of in-service training were provided for early grade teachers in 2015
• Set 1: Early grade Kiswahili literacy modules 1–4: These cover general pedagogy, an introduction to gender-responsive pedagogy, and classroom management techniques. One day of ward-level training was delivered to INCOs and teachers of Standards 1 to 3, followed by school-based training.
• Set 2: Early grade Kiswahili literacy modules 5–8: These technical modules cover parts of the Kiswahili syllabus (reading and writing). They were delivered to early grade teachers as part of school-based training, followed by one day of district-level training for teachers of Standards 1 and 2, as a refresher.
• Set 3: Early grade Kiswahili literacy modules 9–13: These continue the series of technical modules covering parts of the Kiswahili syllabus (reading and writing). Three days of district-level training were delivered to INCOs and teachers of Standards 1 and 2, followed by school-based training. This was partially delivered in 2015 and completed in 2016.
• Set 4: 3Rs curriculum training: This covers the new Standards 1 and 2 national curriculum, including how to prepare schemes of work and lesson plans. Three days of district-level training was delivered to some teachers of Standards 1 and 2, followed by school-based training for the other teachers of Standards 1 and 2. In the rest of the country, 3Rs curriculum orientation training has been delivered by the LANES programme using a different model of one-off residential training.
Two sets of in-service training were provided for early grade teachers in 2016
• Set 5: Early grade Kiswahili literacy modules 9–13: These were partially delivered in 2015 and completed in 2016.
• Set 6: Early grade numeracy modules 1–4: These technical modules cover parts of the maths syllabus. Five days of district-level training were delivered to INCOs and specialist maths teachers (any maths teacher from Standards 1-6 selected by the school), followed by school-based training for Standards 1 and 2.
Two sets of in-service training were provided for early grade teachers in 2017
• Set 7: Gender responsive pedagogy: This covered gender-responsive pedagogy. Three days of district-level training were delivered to INCOs and gender-focal teachers (if schools had teachers appointed to that post), followed by school-based training for teachers of all Standards.
• Set 8: Early grade numeracy modules 5–9: These continue the series of technical modules covering parts of the maths syllabus. Five days of district-level training were delivered to INCOs and specialist maths teachers, followed by school-based training for Standards 1 and 2.
In-service training provided for early grade teachers in 2018
• Set 9: Early Grade numeracy modules 10-13: These continue the series of technical modules covering the maths syllabus, and completed the numeracy modules.
• Set 10: Literacy refresher training. At the same time EG literacy and EG numeracy videos and handouts were distributed to enhance refresher training.
Sources: EQUIP-T MA (2015b, 2016, 2017d, 2018a, 2018b, 2018d, 2019a 2019b, 2019c); Interviews with EQUIP-T MA (Jan 2018 and Feb 2019).