1 minute read
The importance of ECCE in Uganda
Representatives from MoES and Education Development Partners presented the evidence on the imperative for investing in ECCE in Uganda.
1 Early investment provides the greatest return
• Uganda’s access to pre-primary is ½ of what it is in the rest of SubSaharan Africa (UNESCO)
• The earlier in a child’s life that an ECCE-related intervention is initiated, the greater the return on investment, with links to reduced inequality, higher wages, and ultimately, increased economic growth
• Current cost per primary completer is US $274 higher than it needs to be, representing a waste of 43% of the education budget
Comparative Enrolment
• Children are 74% less likely to repeat Primary 1 if they have attended some form of pre-primary
Source: Heckman, J. (2012) https://heckmanequation.org/resource/the-heckman-curve/
Source: http://datatopics.worldbank.org/education/