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Independent Evaluation of the Girls ’ Education Challenge Phase II - Evaluation Study 1: Effects of Covid-19 on Access and Learning in GEC II – Final Report
responded to Covid-19. In Kenya, EDT is implementing the project in a combination of urban areas and Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) Turkana, Samburu, Marsabit, Tana River, Kwale and Kilifi, and in urban slums in Nairobi and Mombasa. We selected six schools in Turkana, Samburu, Marsabit, Kwale and Tana River (ASAL) and Nairobi and Mombasa (urban) to ensure we achieved a sample split across urban and ASAL areas. In Nepal, the project is being implemented in the Kailali District, which includes rural, urban, and semi-urban areas, with both in-school (IS) and outof-school (OOS) girls. We selected four schools Sn Tikapur (semi urban), Kailari (rural), Dhangadi (urban) and Ghodoghodi (rural) to capture this geographic diversity.
Synthesis and triangulation
As the report was being developed, we held a series of internal workshops between the relevant research leads to synthesise the quantitative and qualitative findings. This built on what we knew about the differences in the schools in which the qualitative data was collected from the wider quantitative sample, to ensure that the findings were presented in context. Alongside this, we engaged with the African Population and Health Research Centre ( APHRC) for Kenya and Institute of Integrated Development Studies (IIDS) for Nepal, to discuss findings, which helped contextualise and shape the narrative, and triangulate the findings with discussions in each country.
Further details on the workshops, when these were held and with whom are presented below in Table 2
Table 2: Dates and stakeholders involved for synthesis workshops Objective and discuss findings and emerging conclusions from A&L study with wider IE team
Review draft study report and provide feedback
The final set of synthesised findings and conclusions were discussed within the study team and wider IE team to reassess, validate, and discuss the strength of the evidence supporting the emerging narrative.
Tetra Tech, February 2022 |