2 minute read
Plain Language Statement (for Kenya and Nepal)
To be read by interviewers to the selected respondent before starting the survey or qualitative discussion and handed over to the respondent once signed.
Hello, my name is ______________ and I work for ____________. Thank you for agreeing to hear more about this study. You are being invited to participate in our study because you attended a __________ school. __________ is supported by a project that wants to improve girls’ education in ______. Our study is doing research to find out how the school has supported you and other girls with their education and learning. Before agreeing to take part in this (SURVEY / DISCUSSION), you should know all about what is involved so you can decide if you would like to participate or not. We want to learn more about the educational experiences of girls during Covid-19 in ______. I will ask you about your views on girls’ education during Covid-19 and will also ask about some of your experiences in life and at school. Some of these questions may be sensitive and difficult to talk about, but your answers will help us learn more about the education of girls in Nepal. The survey / qualitative discussion will each take around one hour to complete.
You can decide to stop participating in the survey / qualitative discussion at any time, now or in the future. You can also refuse to answer a question if you don’t feel comfortable. It is OK to say ‘Yes’ and change your mind later. You can stop answering questions at any time. If you want to stop, please tell me and I will not be upset. We will discard all of the answers you’ve already given if you want to stop.
There are no direct benefits for taking part in our study. This means that you will not get any money or gifts for taking part in this study.
There are no right or wrong answers and everything you tell us will be kept confidential. That means that your answers will never be connected to your name or any other personal information. We would like to interview you in a private place so no one else can hear what you say. We will not tell anyone what you said in response to our questions. I will record the answers that you give me, but I have not recorded your name or the location of where you live on the survey questionnaire. The survey data or qualitative data will be kept separate from the form where your personal information, school and household location are recorded. So, your answers could never be connected to your personal information. Although we will be very careful with your personal information, you can choose to have this information deleted at any time.
If you have any questions or concerns about our study, or about your rights and the procedures I am following, please feel free to contact (NAME OF SUPERVISOR AT RESEARCH PARTNER) on (PHONE NUMBER). This person can address your concerns or refer you to somebody who can.
Do you have any questions?
Respondent’s Statement: (Ask the respondent to read the following statement before giving consent, or read out the statement for those people who are illiterate)
The interviewer has told me about the (SURVEY / DISCUSSION). I had a chance to ask questions. I know that participating in the (SURVEY / DISCUSSION) is my choice. No one will be upset if I don’t want to participate in the survey or if I change my mind later. I know I can ask questions any time. I know that my answers will be kept confidential. I want to participate in the survey.