8 minute read
Consent form (for Kenya and Nepal)
Caregiver consent form (example)
To be read by interviewers to the selected respondent before starting the research activities
Hello, my name is ______________ and I work for _________. Thank you for agreeing to hear more about this research. You are being invited to participate in the research because your daughter is attending a ____ school. _____ is supported by a project that wants to improve girls’ education in _____. Before agreeing to take part in this research, you should know all about what is involved so you can decide if you would like to participate or not. If you agree to participate, you will spend about one to one a half hours talking about girls’ education in your community.
There are a few things you should know about this survey:
• You get to decide if you want to be in the research, and whatever you decide is OK.
• It is also OK to say ‘Yes’ and change your mind later. You can stop being in the research at any time. If you want to stop, please tell me and I will not be upset.
• You can agree to participate in the research and, as I ask you questions, you can say ‘No’ to any question that you do not want to answer.
• Your answers will be kept strictly confidential. That means that your answers will never be connected to your name or any other personal information.
• Sometimes you might not know the answer to a question. In these cases, please say you don’t know. Sometimes you might not want to answer a question and you are free to refuse to answer any question I ask.
• There are no right or wrong answers and everything you tell us will be kept secret.
I wanted to give you some additional information on the type of questions I will ask you in this research.
We want to learn more about the education and life experiences of girls and boys in ___. I will ask you about your children’s experiences in school and your situation at home. I will also ask some questions about your family, your community and how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected girls’ education in particular.
Some of these questions may be difficult to talk about, but your answers will help us learn more about girls’ education in Nepal, especially during Covid-19. Remember that you can refuse to answer a question if you don’t feel comfortable.
You might be wondering who else in your community has been chosen to be in this research.
We will be carrying out interviews with girls, teachers and parents in the community.
All responses will be kept secret and nobody’s names will appear on what we will write about our research. The research findings will be reported with all of the caregivers’ answers together, so you will not be identified from the answers you give. I would like to ask that you not to talk to people in the community about the sensitive topics in this research to protect yo ur privacy, and the privacy of the other caregivers who have been selected.
You might be wondering if bad things could happen to you or your family if you participate in this research.
There is little to no possibility that bad things will happen as a result of answering these questions. As I told you, some of the questions are sensitive and answering questions like this can be difficult, but you can choose not to answer questions that are difficult at any time.
You might also be wondering if good things could happen to you if you participate in the research.
There are no direct benefits for being in the research. This means that you will not get any money or gifts for being in this research.
Do I have to participate?
No. It is completely your choice. No one will be upset or disappointed with you if you do not take part in this research. You may decide you do not want to answer more questions and if so, no one will be upset with you. However, if you do answer the questions you can help us better understand more about girls’ education in this community, as well as more about other areas of girls’ lives.
You might be wondering what I will do with the answers that you give me:
• I will record the answers that you give me, but I have not recorded your name or the location of where you live. Your answers will not be connected to your personal information.
• The only people in the community who know about the content of the research are the caregivers selected to participate and the interviewers asking the questions.
Do you have any questions? Y/N
Respondent’s Statement:
(Ask the respondent to read the following statement before giving assent, or read out the statement for those people who are illiterate)
The interviewer has told me about the research. I had a chance to ask questions. I know that being in this research is my choice. No one will be upset if I don’t want to take part in the research or if I change my mind later. I know I can ask questions any time. I know that my answers will be kept confidential. I want to take part in the research.
Name of Participant giving consent:
Signature of Participant giving consent:
Girl Consent Form (example)
To be read by interviewers to the selected respondent before starting the research activities
Hello, my name is ______________ and I work for ____. Thank you for agreeing to hear more about this research. You are being invited to participate in the research because you are attending a _____ school. ____ is supported by a project that wants to improve girls’ education in ______. Before agreeing to take part in this research, you should know all about what is involved so you can decide if you would like to participate or not.
If you agree to participate, you will spend about one hour answering some questions about your life and your family, some maths questions and some reading questions.
You will spend around half an hour answering some maths questions and some reading questions.
You will also spend about one and a half hours talking about girls’ education in your community, together with some other girls or just with an interviewer.
There are a few things you should know about this survey:
• You get to decide if you want to be in the research, and whatever you decide is OK.
• It is also OK to say ‘Yes’ and change your mind later. You can stop being in the research at any time. If you want to stop, please tell me and I will not be upset.
• You can agree to participate in the research and, as I ask you questions, you can say ‘No’ to any question that you do not want to answer.
• Your answers will be kept strictly confidential. That means that your answers will never be connected to your name or any other personal information.
• Sometimes you might not know the answer to a question. In these cases, please say you don’t know. Sometimes you might not want to answer a question and you are free to refuse to answer any question I ask.
• There are no right or wrong answers and everything you tell us will be kept secret.
I’d like to give you some additional information on the type of questions I will ask you in this survey.
We want to learn more about the education and life experiences of girls in _____. I will ask you about your experiences in school and your situation at home. I will also ask about some questions about your family, your community and how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected your education. I will also ask you to complete some math and reading exercises. Your performance in these tests will not affect your grades in school. Results will not be shared with your school.
Tetra Tech 2021 | 62
Some of these questions may be difficult to talk about, but your answers will help us learn more about girls’ education in Nepal, especially during Covid-19. Remember that you can refuse to answer a question if you don’t feel comfortable.
You might be wondering who else in your community has been chosen to be in this research.
We will be carrying out interviews with girls, teachers and parents in the community. All responses will be kept secret and nobody’s names will appear on what we will write about our research. The research findings will be reported with all of the girls and young women’s answers together, so you will not be identified from the answers you give. I would like to ask that you not to talk to people in the community about the sensitive topics in this research to protect your privacy, and the privacy of the other girls and young women who have been selected.
You might be wondering if bad things could happen to you or your family if you participate in this research.
There is little to no possibility that bad things will happen as a result of answering these questions. As I told you, some of the questions are sensitive and answering questions like this can be difficult, but you can choose not to answer questions that are difficult at any time.
You might also be wondering if good things could happen to you if you participate in the research.
There are no direct benefits for being in the research. This means that you will not get any money or gifts for being in this research.
Do I have to participate?
No. It is completely your choice. No one will be upset or disappointed with you if you do not take part in this research. You may decide you do not want to answer more questions and if so, no one will be upset with you. However, if you do answer the questions you can help us better understand more about girls’ education in this community, as well as more about other areas of girls’ lives.
You might be wondering what I will do with the answers that you give me:
• The questionnaire will be kept separate from the form where your name and other personal information is recorded. So, your answers could never be connected to your personal information. Although we will be very careful with your personal information, you can choose to have this information deleted at any time.
• The only people in the community who know about the content of the research are those girls and young women selected to participate and the interviewers asking the questions.
Do you have any questions? Y/N
Respondent’s Statement:
(Ask the respondent to read the following statement before giving assent, or read out the statement for those people who are illiterate)
The interviewer has told me about the different aspects of the research. I had a chance to ask questions. I know that being in this research is my choice. No one will be upset if I don’t want to take part in the research or if I change my mind later. I know I can ask questions any time. I know that my answers will be kept confidential. I want to take part in the research.
Yes, agrees to take part in the survey
No, does not agree to take part in the survey
Name of Participant giving consent:
Signature of Participant giving consent:
Quantitative Research Instruments
These are provided as attachments and can be accessed by double-clicking on the object.
Mercy Corps (Nepal)
Girls’ Survey

Learning Assessments (conducted by IE team in Nepali. English translation attached) and Mark Keys
SEGMA (English translation)

SeGRA (Nepali and English translation)

Kenya, EDT
Girls’ Survey
Schools Survey


Learning Assessments (Conducted by IE Team and Translated into English) SeGMA