3 minute read
Qualitative Coding Framework
Explanation- What does the code entail?
* Other interesting content/ Unintended consequences
Something that strikes the coder as particularly unexpected or worth noting, including unintended consequences of the programme intervention.
Research questions
** Identifying marginalised girls
How schools or projects have identified which girls will be more marginalised and less likely to re-enrol post Covid-19.
What the schools and projects are doing to target these girls in re-enrolment activities.
Any mention of who the respondent has identified as most marginalised. This could include: girls with disabilities, teen mothers, married girls, orphans, older girls, pastoralists (and potentially others).
*** Difference between boys and girls
Any difference mentioned in boys' and girls' education. Mostly with regards to education outcomes, but also if there is a marginalisation factor specific to boys or girls. Should also include differences in how time was spent during school closures. Also, code for no difference.
**** Difference between age groups (girls)
Any mention of differences between age groups among girls. This will mostly be regarding issues such as access to learning during Covid-19, how girls spend their time, re-enrolment activities or learning loss. However, please also note when it is mentioned for other reasons.
***** Girls in transition grade
Any mention of factors particularly affecting girls transitioning from lower to higher secondary school. In some instances, girls could transition into vocational training or another institution.
NOTE there tends to be dropout at this stage, both for reasons specific to the transition (such as exams and fees) and as a result of Covid-19.
****** Spill over effect
Any mention of spill over effect of an intervention on other members of the households (e g siblings, parents...)
******* Recommendations for project
Explanation- What does the code entail? Research questions
Recommendation from respondent on additional project intervention/ requested changes.
******** Coping mechanism Mention of coping mechanism introduced by girl/ families/ communities to improve education outcomes (e.g. borrowing learning materials, organising tutorial lessons).
Changes in girls' own attitudes towards school
Changes in girls' attitudes due to Covid-19 to return to or enrol in school. How they feel about going to school now, as opposed to before school closure. How they feel about their own school attendance in comparison to boys.
Changes in parents' attitudes towards girls' education
Changes in community attitudes towards girls' education
Changes in violence due to Covid-19
Changes in future aspirations (after school)
Changes in how parents perceive the importance of girls' attendance at school and girls' education in general as a result of Covid-19.
How communities perceived the importance of girls' attendance at school and girls' education as a result of Covid-19.
Examples of violence related to Covid-19 could include increased cases of rape, FGM, pregnancy and marriage.
Changes in girls' future aspirations as a result of Covid-19, such as continuing at school, getting a job, getting married or having children.
Changes in how girls spend their time
How do girls spend their time at home, how do they spend their free time, time spent studying, working outside the home.
Changes in family structure
Explanation- What does the code entail? Research questions
Including cases of early marriage and pregnancy, migration, number of family members in the household.
Changes in project intervention due to Covid19
Including new interventions, pausing some interventions, or changing the intervention. Project interventions are highlighted in the codes below in terms of access, lear ning and other. If there has been any change to these that have been mentioned please double code to highlight the intervention and the change. Only double code for change when it is explicitly mentioned the intervention changed as a direct result of Covid-19.
Changes in marginalisation level
Changes in who the most marginalised are considered to be by the girls, schools and others in the community.
Changes in boys' learning Including subjects that boys were able to do well in or struggled in more, overall exam results and need to repeat the year.
Changes in boys' reenrolment
Including boys deciding not to re-enrol, girls re-enrolling in a lower grade or higher grade, girls in transition groups into TVET or higher school.
Changes in boys' own attitudes towards school
Changes in boys' attitudes to return to or enrol in school. How they feel about going to school now, as opposed to before school closure. How they feel about their own school attendance in comparison to girls.
Changes in how boys spend their time
How do boys spend their time at home, how do they spend their free time, time spent studying, working outside the home.
No change due to Covid-19 If respondents explicitly say education outcomes have not changed due to Covid-19.
2. Project interventions: Access
Level 1
Cash transfers to girls or families