1 minute read
Learning Study: Qualitative Coding Framework
In-kind resources to girls or families
Explanation- What does the code entail? Research questions
Any mention of cash transfers (mostly conditional).
Savings or loans scheme
Any mention of in-kind resources: these include items such as food packs, sanitary or dignity kits for menstruation, or provision of a device to work from. There could be others, please highlight.
Activities to do with saving and loans schemes, for in-school or out of school girls as income generating activities.
Improved school facilities Including WASH facilities, desks, chairs, EdTech etc.
Awareness raising with parents and communities
On the importance of girls' attendance at school, on girls' enrolment, on the importance of home learning, on how to support home learning, on the importance of girls' and boys' education, on safeguarding and child protection. There could be others, please highlight.
Re-enrolment activities (school level)
Re-enrolment activities (community level)
Re-enrolment activities (household level)
Other interventions (project)
Other interventions (nonproject)
Activities that the project are implementing at school-level to support re-enrolment.
Activities that the project are implementing at community-level to support reenrolment.
Activities that the project are implementing at household-level to support reenrolment.
Any access related interventions not listed above.
Any interventions related to girls' access to education which are explicitly reported to not have been implemented by the project or a project activity, such as national campaigns for re-enrolment.
Tetra Tech, November 2021| 4