1 minute read
Explanation- What does the code entail?
Respondents' comment and opinion about girls' aspirations, future outlook, general level of confidence; or girls' perception on education; what girls aspire to in life, whether it is to gain good education; determination to study well; get married and have children...
Research questions
Local women of Influence / role models
Mentions of local women or role models who are noted to have an impact on girls' education, or mentions of the role of women in the community on girls' education more broadly.
Ability to make decisions (Marriage & pregnancy & Education)
Whether the girl has the ability and power to make a decision about when and who she wants to marry, get pregnant (how many, etc).
8. Factors affecting education: Safety
Journey to school safety and security
Community related safety and security
Violence experienced in the home
Any issue that children face on the way to school: violence, fear of violence, harassment, traffic issues, wild animal attacks, sexual harassment, bullying
Any issue within the community: clan violence, sexual abuse, theft, domestic violence, adults attacking children, children attacking children.
Any mention on the forms of violence in the home.
Support mechanisms for girls
Reporting mechanisms for girls
Any mention of the support systems for girls if they do experience violence.
Tetra Tech, November 2021| 9
Any mention on the ways in which the girls can report these cases
Any mention on how the schools or projects follow up with these cases.