1 minute read
Annex 9: Learning Analysis
Table 27: Learning levels and difference-in-difference, % correct (panel sample)
Table 28: Learning levels and difference-in-difference, % zero (panel sample)
Independent Evaluation of the Girls’ Education Challenge Phase II – Aggregate Impact of GEC-T Projects Between Baseline and Midline Study - Report Annexes
Table 29: Learning levels and difference-in-difference, % correct (cross-sectional sample)
P-value of 0.000 does not mean the P-value is zero but less than 0.001 The actual P-value is reported in the table.
Independent Evaluation of the Girls’ Education Challenge Phase II – Aggregate Impact of GEC-T Projects Between Baseline and Midline Study - Report Annexes
Figure 4: Midline learning levels of GEC-T girls (% correct scores) - minimum and maximum project average scores
Midline learning levels of GEC-T girls (% correct scores) - minimum and maximum project averages
Independent Evaluation of the Girls’ Education Challenge Phase II – Aggregate Impact of GEC-T Projects Between Baseline and Midline Study - Report Annexes
Box 3: Girls who received EGRA/ EGMA and girls who received SeGRA/ SeGMA are different
When comparing the effect of the GEC-T on different subtasks and assessments, we are also comparing its effect on different populations of girls. Indeed, girls who have received the EGRA/EGMA and the SeGRA/SeGMA are different. The EGRA and EGMA were designed to be given to girls in early grades, while the SeGRA and SeGMA were designed for higher grades. Many girls, however, received both tests, as shown below.
The following points are worth keeping in mind:
• The average age category of girls who were given the EGRA test is 12–13 years old. It is the same for EGMA;
• The average age category of girls who were given the SeGRA test 14–15 years old. It is the same for SeGMA;
• The average grade of girls who were given the EGRA test is Grade 6. It is the same for EGMA; and
• The average grade of girls who were given the SeGRA test is Grade 8. It is the same for SeGMA.
Table 30: Learning improvements by project, over and above comparison groups (panel sample)
Difference-in-difference (DID) by project, in percentage points
Tetra Tech, July 2022 | 80