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Annex 3 - Scoring Criteria
from Mapping and Assessing Learning and Performance Management Approaches for Frontline Health Workers
Through our literature review, web review and key informant interviews, we have identified some prominent examples of innovative solutions to frontline health provider learning and performance. We sought examples which used blended and innovative approaches, including digital, and which had shown signs of adaptation during the COVID pandemic. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list, but rather the beginnings of a database which can grow and evolve over time.
To support decision-making within Gavi, we have conducted a basic assessment of the interventions along three dimensions: effectiveness, scalability and sustainability. The scoring criteria are described below:
Effectiveness – scored out of 5, according to categories
1 = No data – which might be because an intervention is undergoing an evaluation
2 = Programmatic data on enrolment – data on numbers completing, passing post-module quizzes
3 = Programmatic data on outputs – programmatic data on improved aspects of job performance
4 = Scientific Study: process – published scientific study with data on improved aspects of job performance, such as coverage
5 = Scientific Study: outcomes – published scientific study with data on improved quality of care or health outcomes
Scalability – scored out of 5, with points accumulated as follows:
Ease of technology employed (infrastructure & products):
2 = needing only basic mobile phone/ 2G;
1= needing smartphone / 3G/WIFI;
0 = high bandwidth required
Geographic / language coverage:
1 = more than one country or language;
0 = one country/one language;
Sustainability – scored out of 5, with points accumulated as follows
1 = modules or courses across several topics / COVID adaptation;
0 = intervention limited to one topic
Scaling to date:
1 = 20,000 users or more;
0 = less than 20, 000 users or still at pilot stage
Formalised government partnership
1 = Yes 0 = No
Government co-production & co-management / institutionalised learning
2 = Yes 0 = No
Government co-financing
2 = Yes 0 = No