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Figure 5. Breakdown of respondents by major market

Domestic sales. Of the 50 respondents, 96% sold their products and/or services mainly in the domestic market. Of these, 50% catered to the national market while the remaining 46% sold their products/services within the province. Nepal has relatively a small market size which is further aggravated by the limited connectivity between and among provinces. This implies that growth in domestic demand will most likely be modest and through import substitution.

Export. Respondents intermittently exported their products to India. Only 4% of enterprises consisting of agribusinesses derived their sales primarily through export trade. Main export markets were India, European countries, and the United States. Key products exported were dried/ sliced ginger, cardamom, turmeric powder, and other spices.

Figure 5. Breakdown of respondents by major market

One of the exporters was a woman-owned enterprise. The other woman-owned enterprise also exported to India intermittently. It is said that due to migration, many women have been left behind as the head of the household and they have certain capital. An increasing number of these women have set up their own businesses and can be further developed and leveraged to strengthen Nepal’s integration in regional and global markets. Women are also the primary producers of about half of the 19 products prioritized in the National Trade Integration Strategy.

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