EQUIP-T Income Generation Activity (IGA) - Grant Management and Implementation Manual. Tanzania

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Income Generation Activity (IGA)

Grant Management and Implementation Manual







Education Quality Improvement Programme in Tanzania IGA Grant Management and Implementation Manual – page 1


DC DistrictCouncil

DED DistrictExecutiveDirector

DEO DistrictEducationOfficer

DFID DepartmentforInternationalDevelopment

EQUIP-T EducationQualityImprovementProgrammeinTanzania

FO FundOfficer,EQUIP-T

IGA IncomeGenerationActivity

LGA LocalGovernmentAuthority

PTP ParentTeacherPartnership

REO RegionalEducationOfficer

SC SchoolCommittee

SDP SchoolDevelopmentPlan

WEO WardEducationOfficer

Education Quality Improvement Programme in Tanzania

IGA Grant Management and Implementation Manual – page 2

Education Quality Improvement Programme in Tanzania IGA Grant Management and Implementation Manual – page 3 Contents 1 Introduction 4 2 Eligibility and Size of the IGA grant 4 3 Cycle from design to implementation of the IGA grant 4 4 Activities supported and not supported by the IGA Grant 9 5 How to release and use the IGA grant 10 6 Record keeping for the IGA grant 11 7 Reporting for the IGA grant 11 8 Roles and responsibilities on managing the IGA Grant in Schools 12 Appendix 1 - List of schools Approved for IGA Grant funding 15 Appendix 2A - Funds Request Form for transferring the IGA Grant to the school account 16 Appendix 2B - Funds Request Form for IGA Grant implementation by schools 17 Appendix 3 - Cashbook Template 19 Appendix 4 - Quarterly Bank Reconciliation Statement Template 20 Appendix 5 - Quarterly school financial reporting template 22

1 Introduction

ThisManualhasbeenpreparedtoassistSchoolCommittees(SC),Teachers, ParentsandCommunitiestoeffectivelymanageandimplementtheIncome GenerationActivity(IGA)Grant,onintentionofdevelopingaprofit generatingbusinessthatsupportschools.

TheIGAGranthasbeenintroducedtosupportIGAinitiativesattheschool level.ThegrantwillbeprovidedanddisbursedbytheresponsibleLocal GovernmentAuthority(LGA)tospecificqualifiedschools.


 Developpupils’lifeskillsandunderstandingofabusinessenvironment, aswellasgainingsubjectknowledgefortheactivity;

 Generateadditionalschoolrevenuewhichcancontributetoimplement theactivitiesidentifiedintheSchoolDevelopmentPlans(SDP);

 Enhance the effectiveness and the motivation of the voluntary School Committees;

 Improvetherelationsbetweenschoolsandthecommunity,and;

 Learnhowtoeffectivelymanageschoolgrants.

2 Eligibility and Size of the IGA grant

Every government primary school in the 51 target districts within the seven regions of Dodoma, Kigoma, Simiyu, Shinyanga, Tabora, Mara and Lindi can applyfortheIGAgrant.


The maximum grant valueis TZS 1,500,000.Thiswillbepaidtoamaximum of50%ofschoolsthathavereceivedIGAtrainingandsubmitteda successful business proposal totheDEOoffice.

3 Cycle from design to implementation of the IGA grant

Theentirecyclefromdevelopingtoawarding,implementing,andmonitoring theIGAGrantisdepictedinthediagrambelowandelaborateduponinthis chapter.

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I. Training and submitting IGA business proposals by schools:

 Provide IGA training to all EQUIP-Tanzania primary schools (4 school representatives), all WEOs, and eight DEOs in each of the 51 EQUIP-T LGAs.

 Development of business proposals based on EQUIP-T training guidelines,followingtheformatasprescribedintheapplicationmanual distributedtoalleligibleprimaryschools.Thisformatincludesasetof questions in relation to the relevance of the IGA intervention, its marketability,sustainability,andprofitability.

II. Reviewing and scoring IGA business proposals by LGAs and validation by Regional Secretariats:

 SchoolssubmittheirbusinessproposalstotheLGAoffice.

 The DEO office team assess the proposals. The assessment is made by trained LGA officers who score IGA proposals submitted by schools. The scoring is based on established criteria following the IGA applicationmanual.

 The LGAs recommend 50% of the schools to qualify for the IGA Grant. The LGAs will forward the recommended business proposals to the Regional Secretariat to validate and endorse the recommended proposals.

 In case of any observations, the Regional Secretariats will provide written comments against LGA recommended individual business proposals.Thesecommentswillneedtobeaddressedbeforethegrant canbereleasedtotheseschools.

III. Compliance Assessment by Fund Officers:

 ToensuretheabovestepswerefollowedineachLGA,andtohighlight the importance of the activity, all EQUIP-T Fund Officers conduct a complianceassessmentontheIGAreviewandselectionprocess.

 This compliance assessment is based on a sample review of business proposals (25% of recommended and 12.5% of rejected proposals) with the aim to assess whether the LGAs and Regions have correctly

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applied the selection criteria and recommended viable commercial activitiesforonwardgranting.

IV. Feedback Loop:

 EQUIP-T Fund Officers will report on their findings to the Regional Secretariats. This will not include specific references to individual business plans, as the compliance assessment is sample-based. However, the reports may contain general guidance to be addressed before the grant can be released (e.g. on type of projects/review processetc.).

 Regional Secretariats will inform LGAs on the outcome of their own assessment and on any critical issues reported by the EQUIP-T Fund Officers.

 LGAs will get back to those schools that require strengthening of their business proposals as advised by the Regional Secretariat and/or throughtheFOscomplianceassessments.

 SchoolswithsupportfromtheLGAs(WECs,DEOs,TradeAdvisers,etc.) will be given an additional 10-days’ time to strengthen their business proposalsandresubmitthesetotheirLGA.

 LGAswillforwardtherevisedbusinessproposalstotheRegional Secretariats,whowilleitherrecommendorrejectthese.

 EQUIP-TRegionalOfficewillprovidesupporttotheLGAandRegional Secretariatduringallstagesofthisfeedbackprocess.

V. Announcing and registering the Grant:

 RegionalSecretariatsformallyannouncetheschoolsthatwillbe providedwiththeIGAGrant.TherespectiveDEOswillcommunicate theresultstotheschoolsandreturnthesuccessfulproposalsand associatedscoringtothem.TheDEOandREOwillretainonecopyof theIGAproposaltobeusedtomonitorIGAactivitiesandspending.

 RegionalSecretariatswillalsoissuealettertoallschoolsthathavenot beenqualified.Theproposalwillbereturnedtotheschoolwith

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associatedscoring.Schoolsmaydecidetocontinueimplementationof theIGAproposals,thoughthe(start-up)fundingwillnotbeprovided byEQUIP-T Fundingfromothersourcescouldbesoughtfor implementationoftherejectedIGAproposals.

 RegionalSecretariatswillprovideacopyofthefinalresultstoEQUIP-T highlighting all schools that have qualified and will receive the IGA grants.

 Thelistofallqualifiedschoolswillalsobeannouncedinthelocal newspaper(listofqualifiedschoolonappendix1)

VI. Training on Grant implementation:

 BeforereleasingtheGrant,WEO/WECwillorganisetrainingforthe SchoolCommitteesoftheselectedschoolsonhowtomanageand implementtheGrant.

 ThistrainingwillbebasedontheGrantManagementand ImplementationManualandrelatedmonitoringguidelinesandtools issuedbytheProgramme.

VII. Releasing the Grant:

 All IGA Grants with a maximum amount of TZS. 1.5 million. Will be transferred as a one-time payment from the LGAs to the school CapitationGrantBankAccount

VIII. Monitoring the Grant:

 MonitoringtheIGAGrantwillbedoneatvariouslevels,including:

o SchoolCommitteemonitoring

o WEOmonitoring

o LGAmonitoring

o RegionalSecretariatmonitoring

o EQUIP-Tanzaniamonitoring

Rolesandresponsibilitiesforthesestakeholdersareelaborateduponin chapter8.

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4 Activities supported and not supported by the IGA Grant

The IGA grant will be used to support activities highlighted in the school business proposals and related budgets. If any major changes occur to the approved activities and budget they require approval from the School CommitteeandDEOoffice.


√ PurchaseofmaterialsorequipmentfortheIGA;

√ ProcurementofservicesfortheIGA;

√ DevelopmentofinfrastructurerelatedtotheIGA;

√ Purchase of inputs like seeds, fertiliser or livestock and pesticides;

√ Purchaseofstock,likesuppliesforshops,and;

√ AnyotherexpensesasreflectedintheIGAbusinessproposals.

Profit from the IGA may be re-invested in the IGA or spent on any item approvedbytheSchoolCommittee,inlinewiththeschooldevelopmentplans (SDP).

The IGA grant should not be used for anything that is not supporting the developmentoroperationoftheIGA,suchasthefollowingactivities:

 No payments related to activities that are not part of the recommended IGA business proposals, unless agreed by the SchoolCommitteeandDEOOffice;

 No payments that have not followed the payment process as describedinchapter5B;

 No purchase of school or academic supplies not directly supportingtheIGA,and;

 No paymentsorgiftstoteachers,Districtofficers,schoolstaff, WardEducationOfficer(WEO)andothergovernmentofficials.

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5 How to release and use the IGA grant

Once schools received the information from the LGAs that their business proposals have been recommended for the IGA grant (Appendix 1), the followingarethestepsthatschoolsshouldfollow:


i. TheHeadTeachershallcompleteaFundsRequestForm(Appendix 2A) requesting for the full amount of funding (in most cases the max. amount of TZS. 1.5 mln.). This Fund Request Form will also need to be signed by the SC Chairperson before forwarding to the DEO.

ii. TheDEOwillsigntheFundRequestFormtoapprovethefunds.

iii. The DEO Office will transfer the full IGA amount to the school CapitationGrantBankAccount


i. TheSchoolCommittee(SC)willreportonprogressandspendingof theactivitiesfinancedthroughtheIGAGrantthroughtheQuarterly SCmeetings.ItisadvisedfortheWEOtoparticipateinthese meetingsasanobserver.

ii. Duringthesemeetings,theSCwillalsopresentontheupcomingIGA activitiesandrelatedbudgetforthenextquarter. Theseactivities andbudgetwillfollowtheIGAbusinessproposal.Ifnot,the proposedactivitiesandbudgetrequireapprovalfromtheSCand DEOoffice.

iii. TheSCChairpersonwillendorseproposedactivitiesandapprove theIGAfundingrequest.AllproposedIGAactivitiesandspending shallberecordedinthemeetingminutesoftheSCmeetings.

iv. BasedontheapprovedactivitiesandbudgetfortheIGAactivities forthenextquarter,theHeadTeachershallcompletea Fund Request Form (sampleattachedinAppendix2B).

v. TheSCChairpersonwillsignthe Fund Request Form toapprove thefunds.

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vi. TheHeadTeacher/teacherinchargeofschoolfinanceswillthen prepareapaymentvoucherandachequeandgetthemsignedby theChairpersonoftheSchoolCommittee;

vii. TheHeadTeacher/teacherinchargeofschoolfinanceswillcashthe chequeandprocesspaymentstosuppliersorserviceprovidersand obtainreceipts/taxinvoices;

viii. TheHeadTeacher/teacherinchargeofschoolfinanceswillfileand keepthepaymentsupportingdocuments,includingthepettycash vouchers,fundrequestforms,SCmeetingminutes,andreceipts/tax invoicesinachronologicalorder.

6 Record keeping for the IGA grant

The Head Teacher/ teacher in charge of school finances will maintain the followingrecordsonreceiptsanduseoftheIGAgrant:

i. A Separate Cashbook: for recording of both Income and Expenditure. As pre-printed cashbooks are available, each school is expectedtopurchasethecashbookfromstationaryshops.Asample oftherecommendedCashbookisattachedinappendix3,and;

ii. Quarterly Bank Reconciliations: this will require the Head Teacher to obtain hard copies of bank statements on a quarterly basis to be reconciled with the Cashbook. A template of the Bank ReconciliationStatementisattachedinappendix4.

7 Reporting for the IGA grant


i. At the end of each quarter, the Head Teacher will complete the Quarterly School Financial Report attached as appendix 5. This includes information on budgeted amounts and actual income/expenditure for the IGA Grant The Quarterly Bank Reconciliation Statement forIGAshallbeattachedtotheReport.

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ii. The SC Chairperson will sign the “remarks column” against IGA activities to certify the reported goods and services have been received,qualityisacceptable,andexpenditureiscorrect.

iii. The Head Teacher shall forward the Quarterly School Financial ReporttotheSCChairpersonandlaterontoWEOforreview.

iv. WEOwillforwardtheQuarterlySchoolFinancialReportto theDEO for approval and return a copy to the Head Teacher for record keepingandlearning.

It is important that schools convene quarterly meetings. During these meetings, the income and expenditure of the IGA activities need to be discussed, administered and reported. For transparency reasons, the IGA project activities, expenditure, and income (profit) will also need to be displayedonthenoticeboards.

Anyprofitgenerated,willneedtobeusedtoimprovethequalityofeducation inthespecificschool.Useofthisprofitneedstobereportedon.Theprofitcan be used for either: (i) reinvestment to the IGA interventions, or; (ii) implementationofactivitiesthatarerelatedtotheSchoolDevelopmentPlan, andapprovedbytheSchoolCommittee.

8 Roles and responsibilities on managing the IGA Grant in Schools

WhenimplementingtheIGAGrant,thevariousstakeholdersshouldperform thetasksasidentifiedbelowinordertofacilitatetheeffectiveandefficiency wayofrunningBusinessesatschool:

1. School(HeadTeacher,SchoolCommitteeandPTPmembers)

 HeadTeacher/teacherinchargeofschoolfinance:

o RequestforthemaximumallocatedIGAgrant(mostcases TZS1.5million.)toDEOOffice,usingtheFundRequest Form,Appendix2A.

o Timelycompletionofthequarterlyschoolfinancialreport.

o MaintainanupdatedCashBookandquarterlyBank ReconciliationStatement.

o Preparemeetingminutesofthequarterlyschoolcommittee meetings.

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o DisplayIGAactivities,expenditure,andprofitontheschool noticeboard.AlsoindicatehowtheIGAprofitwillbeused (e.g.reinvestinIGA,orimplementationofactivitiesrelated totheschooldevelopmentplan).

o Responsibletoproperrecordkeeping,documentationand reportingontheprogressoftheschoolproject

 SchoolCommittee:

o EnsuretimelyandqualityimplementationoftheIGAGrant followingthebusinessproposal.

o UseIGAGrantinlinewiththeproceduresmentionedin Chapter5B.

o ConvenequarterlySchoolCommitteemeetings.

o SignoffonIGAactivitiesmentionedinthequarterlyschool financialreport.

o Analyseandapprovingthebudget

o Monitorandevaluatetheprogress

2. WEOrole

 VisitqualifiedschoolstogetherwithLGATradeOfficersoonafter releasingtheIGAgrantstotheschools.

 Duringthisvisit,supportandtraintheSchoolCommitteeson howtousethisGrantManagementandImplementationManual.

 MonitortheIGAactivitiesduringimplementation(includingthe processestobefollowedasoutlinedinthisManual)

 Quarterlyreportandevaluate progressionofIGAinschooltothe districtofficialFollowingthedesignedWEOmonitoringtools

3. LGArole(DEO/LGATradeOfficer)

 Signoffontheone-timeIGApaymentforrecommendedschools

 VisitqualifiedschoolstogetherwithWEOsoonafterreleasingthe IGAgrantstotheschools

 ProvideadviceonhowtobestimplementtheIGAactivitiesfrom atechnical/marketingpointofview

 Providefollow-upsupportoncasetocasebasis(e.g.forthose schoolslaggingbehindinimplementation,funddisbursement, and/ormakinglimitedornoprofit.)

 Reviewandsignoffonquarterlyschoolreportsandfollow-up whennecessary(throughWEOs)

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 CoordinateexchangeofexperiencesonIGAGrantsamongschools (e.g.throughsharingbestpractices)

4. RegionalSecretariat(REO/RegionalTrade/CooperativeOfficer

 Conductmonitoringvisitsaspartofregularactivitiesandreview implementationofIGAstatusduringthesevisits

 Providetechnicalsupporttoselectedschoolsandfollow-upon casebycasebasis.

 IdentifylinkagesbetweenvariousIGAactivitieswiththeaimto addadditionalvaluetotheDistrictandRegionalindustries.

 ProvideoversightroleofmaintenanceoftheIGAgrantsinschool

5. EQUIP-T(RegionalOffice/FundOfficers)

 PreparetheIGAGrantManagementandImplementationManual

 ProvidetrainingtoWEOsonhowtousethismanual,withthe objectiveforWEOstotrainandsupportSchoolCommitteeswith effectiveimplementationoftheIGAGrant.

 ConductregularmonitorandsupportvisitstoRegional Secretariats,LGAs,andschools,toverifyIGAGrant implementationprogress.

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Appendix 1 - List of schools Approved for IGA Grant funding

The following schools have submitted IGA proposals, and have been assessed by LGAs IGA trainers in accordance with IGA guidance criteria. These schools have been assessed as successful in their applications and therefore eligible for IGA Grant from EQUIP Tanzania:

District Name: …………………………………………..

Nameof School Ward ProposedProject Review Score

Matureperiodof theBusiness Headteachers Signature











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Appendix 2A - Funds Request Form for transferring the IGA Grant to the school account

After receiving a letter from the Regional Secretariat indicating that your schoolhasbeenrecommendedfortheIGAGrant,thefollowingFundRequest Form should be filled by the Head Teacher / person in charge of school finance,and sent totheDEO Office to requesttransferringthefull IGA Grant totheschoolcapitationGrantBankAccount

This form should be filled in duplicate

School Details:




Amount Requested:




TelephonenumberHeadTeacher................................................ SignatureHeadTeacher……………..

TelephonenumberSchoolCommitteeChairperson............. SignatureSCChairperson……………..



TelephonenumberDEO.................................................................. SignatureDEO……………………….


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Appendix 2B - Funds Request Form for IGA Grant implementation by schools

The following Funds Request Form should be filled by the Head Teacher / personinchargeofschoolfinance, andsenttotheChairpersonoftheSchool CommitteetocertifythattheplannedIGAinterventionshavebeenapproved The fund request form should be prepared together with payment voucher and the cheque for approval and endorsement by the Chairperson of the SchoolCommittee.

This form should be filled in duplicate

School Details:




Amount Requested:





Telephonenumber........................................................... ....Signature



Telephonenumber............... Signature…


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FundsarerequestedtoimplementthefollowingSchoolIncomeGeneration Activitiesduringthisperiod:(indicatethereportingquarter)

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Description of activities Number of units Cost per unit (TZS) Total cost (TZS)
Income Generation Activities:

Appendix 3 - Cashbook Template

* Balancebroughtforwardrelatestototalbalancefromthelastpageofthecashbook.

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PRIMARY SCHOOL (name) IGA GRANT CASHBOOK DEBITSIDE(Revenue) CREDITSIDE(Expenditure) Date Particulars Amount (Tshs) Total income to date (Tshs) Date Particulars Amount (Tshs) Total expenditure to date (Tshs) Balancebroughtforward XX XX IGA business expenses Repairs and maintenance Procurements Labour costs XX XX XX XX XXX XXXX IGAGrantFundrequest XX XXX Use of IGA income/profit Debate clubs expenses Exchange visits with other schools XX XX XXXXX XXXXXX Otherincomereceived IGAprofit XX XX XXXX XXXXX

Appendix 4 - Quarterly Bank Reconciliation Statement Template









Add: (i)UncreditedReceipts (receipts in the cashbook not indicated in the bank statement)

(ii)Unrecordedpayments (payments indicated in the bank statement not recorded in the cashbook)

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XXX Description Date Particulars Amount
banked XX
community groups not yet
Bank charges XX XX

Less: (i)Unpresentedcheques (payments in the cashbook not indicated in the bank statement)

(ii)Unrecordedreceipts (receipts indicated in the bank statement not recorded in the cashbook

Preparedby:HeadTeacher…………………………………………. Telephonenumber...............................................................................................Signature ……………………………………… Date:………/………../……....


Signature……………………………………… Date:………/………../……....

Approvedby:WardEducationCoordinator……………………….. Telephonenumber...............................................................................................

Signature……………………………………… Date:………/………../……....

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XYZ Supplier XX
e.g. interest) Interest income XX (XX) Expected balance as per cashbook XXX Actual balance as per cashbook XXX Difference -

Appendix 5 - Quarterly school financial reporting template






This form should be filled in duplicate Income Generated Expenditure Items Annual budget

Funds received to date








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(TZS) Total
of quarter (TZS) Expenditu re for this quarter (TZS) Total expenditure to date (TZS) Balance (TZS) Remarks A B C (D=B+C) E=(A–D)
expenditure beginning










Schooldevelopment activities

Example: Repair and maintenance

Purchase of furniture


Example: Exchange visits

Inter-class sports

Education Quality Improvement Programme in Tanzania IGA Grant Management and Implementation Manual – page 23 Income Generated Expenditure Items Annual budget (TZS) Funds received to date (TZS) Total expenditure beginning of quarter (TZS) Expenditu re for this quarter (TZS) Total expenditure to date (TZS) Balance (TZS) Remarks A B C (D=B+C) E=(A–D)

Income Generated Expenditure Items Annual budget

Funds received to date

competitions SUB-TOTAL

Total amount Generated GRAND TOTAL

Preparedby:HeadTeacher……………………………………………… Telephonenumber...............................................................................................

Signature………………………………………. Date:………/………../………


Signature……………………………………… Date:………/………../………

Reviewedby:WardEducationOfficer …………………………………Telephonenumber...............................................................................................

Signature……………………………………… Date:………/………../……

Reviewedby:DistrictEducationOfficer…………………………… Telephonenumber...............................................................................................

Signature……………………………………… Date:………/………../……

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(TZS) Total
quarter (TZS) Expenditu
quarter (TZS) Total expenditure to date (TZS) Balance (TZS) Remarks A B C (D=B+C) E=(A–D)
expenditure beginning of
re for this

Appendix 6 - Annual Summary Performance and Expenditure Report

Description of planned activities

School Development Activities

Sub-total (A)

PTP/ school club Related Activities

Sub-total (B)

Education Quality Improvement Programme in Tanzania IGA Grant Management and Implementation Manual – page 25
Status of Implementation Annual Budget (TZS) Total Expenditure (TZS)

Description of planned activities

IGA Activities

Sub-total (C)

Grand Total (A + B+ C)


Signature……………………………………… Date:………/………../…………..


Signature……………………………………… Date:………/………../…………..

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Status of Implementation Annual Budget (TZS) Total Expenditure (TZS)

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