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Annex B Supplementary information on EQUIP-T

B.1 Constraints acting on children’s ability to learn

Figure 23 Constraints on children’s capability to learn to their full potential

Source: Cambridge Education 2014, p6

B.2 Updated EQUIP-T theory of change

The updated EQUIP-T TOC set out below is taken directly from the EQUIP-T MA’s proposed programme extension document (EQUIP-T MA, 2017). This updated TOC was the starting point for the workshop with the EQUIP-T MA staff in January 2018, which aimed to elucidate more details on the underlying results-chains implicit in the summary TOC below. The result of this consultative process are the detailed results chains embedded in the endline evaluation matrix part I (Annex C)

B.2.1 Evolution of EQUIP-T’s theory of change

The failure of the Tanzania education system to deliver quality education was evident in the low levels of learning outcomes when the programme began the inception phase in 2013. EQUIPTanzania identified a number of barriers which prevented boys and girls from learning to their full potential. These focused on the provision of quality education as enrolment in Tanzania was already seen as a success story. The barriers were at community, school and governmental level (ward, district, regional and national). From these barriers EQUIP-Tanzania originally identified five critical medium-term, transformative changes that were required if the long term impact of better learning outcomes for all children is to be achieved. These are represented in the diagram above as components 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A and 5.

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