1 minute read
1 School Development Planning
1.1 What is school development planning?
School development planning is local level planning by the school and with school and community level stakeholders, instead of "for" them for all five parts of the School Development Action Plan.
EQUIP-T has been introduced Results:
Community level
Linking school and community School/classroom level
Community Education Needs identified
School/ Committee members trained
PTPs are formed
School development planning
Income generating activities
School development planning is local level planning, encouraging both school and community level stakeholders to take responsibility for improving the quality of education
1.2 The purpose of school development planning
The result of the school development planning process is a school development plan, grounded in reality "what is happening now"? The process:
Identifies gaps between "what is happening now" and "what should be happening"?
Involves school and community stakeholders in finding solutions, determining what is needed and what stakeholders themselves can do to bridge the gaps
Involves teachers in planning school improvement which is crucial when you want to improve education, teaching and learning
Focuses school development on issues that school/communities can change or improve, not on problems which are out of their reach
Builds good school-community relations which is required to solve some educational problems (i.e., parents attitude towards the school may mean that they do not want to send their child there, or girls dropping out at an early age)
The school development plan is a strategy for school development, describing how the ends (objectives) will be achieved by the means (resources). A school development plan is an essential tool for school-based management.