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Table 5: Use of OHSP versus Paper/ WhatsApp
from Kuunika Evaluation - Kuunika and Covid-19 Digital Surge: Malawi's Pandemic Monitoring and Response
In all health facilities Kuunika distributed one mobile device for OHSP to a designated IDSR focal person or HSA. Since the rest of the healthcare workers did not receive a mobile device, if the person who received the device is away, the work is performed manually and data submitted to district in that manner or entered when the mobile device becomes available. In some main ports of entry such as Mwanza border, Chileka International Airport and Kamuzu International Airport multiple mobile devices were deployed, and at a later stage a deployment of OHSP on static computers was done to facilitate work during busy periods. In the districts, Kuunika distributed multiple mobile devices to DHMT members such as DHSS, DEHO and IDSR Focal Person in each district. However, our study found that only one person at the district level –either DEHO or IDSR focal person – uses it for OHSP. The rest simply received the mobile devices but do not use this system, although some study respondents stated that the mobile devices which they received are also used for COVID-19 related work, including sharing updates and reports within the district and to national level via dedicated WhatsApp groups. There are some health facilities which were excluded completely in the distribution of mobile devices from Kuunika and partners, e.g. 10 facilities in Zomba. This was because there were already other projects in these health facilities which deployed mobile devices and computers. Kuunika therefore simply deploys OHSP on these devices to enable them to report on COVID-19 for their facilities and communities. Beyond receipt of the mobile device, there is the issue of whether these are in use and the OHSP is being used as expected. Table 5 shows the extent of use of the OHSP as well as alternative systems i.e. paper and WhatsApp, when collecting data and reporting to the district and national levels on COVID-19.
Table 5: Use of OHSP versus Paper/ WhatsApp
District Location
No. of Health Centres/ Locations with Mobile Devices
No. of Mobile Devices per Facility/ Location
No. of Staff Reporting Using OHSP
Blantyre DHO 1 9 1 1 Health Facilities 36 1 0 37 Zomba DHO 1 2 1 1 Health Facilities 31* 1 40 41 Machinga DHO 1 5 1 1 Health Facilities 20 1 0 2 Balaka DHO 1 6 1 1 Health Facilities 16 1 12 16 *several officers used existing mobile devices that were OHSP enabled As seen, there is limited usage of mobile devices at district level for the OHSP by the only person with the device. With regard to usage of OHSP in the health facilities in sampled districts, it is encouraging to see how Zomba is performing with 40 health facilities out of 41 reporting using OHSP. Second is Balaka which