7 minute read

Annex 1: Literature Review References

1. Definitions + debates: decentralisation, devolution, deconcentration Conyers D (2017). 'Foreword'. IDS Bulletin Vol. 48 (2); pp. vii-x. (Issue entitled 'Interrogating Decentralisation in Africa')

Hussein M (2012). 'Decentralisation and Management Reforms on the Death Bed? Obstacles Facing Malawi's District Councils.' Africa Review 4:1; pp. 33-47. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09744053.2013.764119 (NB: maybe originally 2005?)

Mohmand SK & M Loureiro (2017). 'Introduction: Interrogating Decentralisation in Africa'. IDS Bulletin Vol. 48 (2); pp. 1 - 14. (Issue entitled 'Interrogating Decentralisation in Africa')

Slack E, Spicer Z & M Montacer (2014). Decentralization and Gender Equity. Forum of Federations: Global Network on Federalism and Devolved Government. Occasional Paper Series # 14.

Yuliani E (2004). Decentralization, deconcentration and devolution: what do they mean?

2. Government of Malawi Documents, e.g. Strategies, NDPs

Government of Malawi (GoM). The Health Sector Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022

GoM (2015). National HIS Policy (NHISP).

GoM (2017). Malawi Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS) III

GoM (2018). Monitoring, Evaluation and Health Information Systems Strategy 2017 - 2022 (MEHIS)

GoM (2020b). National Digital Health Strategy 2020 - 20205 (NDHS)

GoM (2020b). Voluntary National Review Report for the SDGs: Main Report.

UNDP + GoM( 2014). Review of the 2nd National Decentralisation Strategy (NDS II)

3. District Development Plans, etc.

Balaka DDP 2017 - 2022.

Blantyre DDP 2017 - 2022.

Machinga DDP 2017 - 2022

Machinga Socio-economic Profile (SEP) 2017 - 2022

Zomba DDP 2017 - 2022.

District (health) Implementation Plans

Ministry of Health (2019a). Balaka District Planning and Budgeting Tool (Financial Year 2019-2020).

Lilongwe: MoH Department of Planning and Policy Development.

MoH (2019b) Blantyre District Planning and Budgeting Tool (FY 2019-2020). Lilongwe: MoH

Department of Planning and Policy Development.

MoH (2019c) Machinga District Planning and Budgeting Tool (FY 2019-2020). Lilongwe: MoH

Department of Planning and Policy Development.

MoH (2019d). Zomba District Planning and Budgeting Tool (FY 2019-2020). Lilongwe: MoH

Department of Planning and Policy Development.

MoH (2020a). Balaka District Planning and Budgeting Tool (FY 2020-2021). Lilongwe: MoH

Department of Planning and Policy Development.

MoH (2020b). Blantyre District Planning and Budgeting Tool (FY 2020-2021). Lilongwe: MoH

Department of Planning and Policy Development.

MoH (2020c). Machinga District Planning and Budgeting Tool (FY 2020-2021). Lilongwe: MoH

Department of Planning and Policy Development.

MoH (2020d). Zomba District Planning and Budgeting Tool (FY 2020-2021). Lilongwe: MoH

Department of Planning and Policy Development.

MoH (2021a). Balaka District Planning and Budgeting Tool (FY 2021-2022). Lilongwe: MoH

Department of Planning and Policy Development.

MoH (2021b). Blantyre District Planning and Budgeting Tool (FY 2021-2022). Lilongwe: MoH

Department of Planning and Policy Development.

MoH (2021c). Machinga District Planning and Budgeting Tool (FY 2021-2022). Lilongwe: MoH

Department of Planning and Policy Development.

MoH (2021d). Zomba District Planning and Budgeting Tool (FY 2021-2022). Lilongwe: MoH Department of Planning and Policy Development.

4a. Decentralisation/overall governance dox: reviews and critiques - Malawi (specific both to health + wider)

Hara M (2008). 'Dilemmas of Democratic Decentralisation in Mangochi District, Malawi: Interest and Mistrust in Fisheries Management.' Conservation and Society 6 (1); pp. 74 - 86. Hussein M (2012). 'Decentralisation and Management Reforms on the Death Bed? Obstacles Facing Malawi's District Councils.' Africa Review 4:1; pp. 33-47 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09744053.2013.764119 [NB: maybe originally 2005?]

Jagero N, Kwandayi HH & A Longwe (2014). 'Challenges of Decentralization in Malawi.' International Journal of Management Sciences 2 (7); pp. 315-322 https://www.academia.edu/6891568/Challenges_of_Decentralization_in_Malawi

Masefield S, Msosa A & J Grugel (2020). 'Challenges to effective governance in a low income healthcare system: a qualitative study of stakeholder perceptions in Malawi.' BMC Health Services Research (20): 1142. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-020-06002-x

O'Neill T, Cammack D et al (2014). Fragmented governance and local service delivery in Malawi

London: Overseas Development Institute https://cdn.odi.org/media/documents/8943.pdf

4b. Decentralisation/overall governance dox: reviews and critiques - NOT Malawi (specific both to health + wider)

Bossert T (1998). Analysing the decentralisation of health systems in developing countries: decision space, innovation and performance. Soc Sci Med: 47: 1; pp. 47 – 60. DOI: 10.1016/s0277-9536(98)00234-2

Dehnavieh R, Haghdoost A, Khosravi A et al. (2019). 'The District Health Information System (DHIS2): A literature review and metasynthesis of its strengths and operational challenges based on the experiences of 11 countries'. Health Information Management Journal 48 (2): pp. 62 - 75. DOI: 10.1177/1833358318777713

Malakoane B, Heunis J, Chikobvu P et al (2020). 'Public health system challenges in the Free State, South Africa: a situation appraisal to inform health system strengthening'. BMC Health Services Research (2020) 20: 58 doi.org/10.1186/s12913-019-4862-y

McCollum R, Limato R, Otiso L et al. (2018). 'Health system governance following devolution: comparing experiences of decentralisation in Kenya and Indonesia.' BMJ Glob Health 3:e000939. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2018- 000939

Tsofa B, Molyneux S et al. (2017). 'How does decentralisation affect health sector planning and financial management? a case study of early effects of devolution in Kilifi County, Kenya.'

International Journal for Equity in Health

16:151 DOI


Zon H, Pavlova M, Drabo KM & W Groot (2017). 'Municipal health services provision by local governments: a systematic review of experiences in decentralized Sub-Saharan African countries.' Health Policy Plan; 32 (9):pp. 1327 -1336. DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czx082

5a. Digital Health (+ other) management/governance: Malawi (incl. GoM dox)

Chikumba A (2017). 'Management of Health Information in Malawi: Role of Technology.' Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal: Vol. 2 (1); pp. 157-166.

GoM and Ministry of Health (NB: dated 2014). Malawi National E-Health Strategy 2011 - 2016

GoM and MoHP (NB: dated 2018). Monitoring, Evaluation + Health Information Systems Strategy [MEHIS] 2017 - 2022

Malik T (2020). Malawi's Journey Towards Transformation - lessons from its national ID project Center for Global Development paper.

Ministry of Health (undated, but 2016 or later). Data and Digital Priorities: Digital Health for Universal Health Coverage

MoHP (2017a). Standard Operating Procedure 01: Revision of indicators and data collection tools: (SOP 01)

MoHP (2017b). SOP: Guidelines to privacy, security and service continuity of HIS in Malawi. (no SOP number)

MoHP (2017c). SOP: User Account Management. (no SOP number)

MoHP (2018a). SOP: Interoperability of HIS. (no SOP number)

MoHP (2018b). SOP: DQA. (no SOP number)

MoHP (2018c). SOP: Data Access and Release (no SOP number)

MoHP (2018d). SOP: Guidelines for the Management of the Master HF Registry. (no SOP number)

MoHP (2018e). SOP: Guidelines for the Development and Revision of HIS Standard Operating Procedures. (no SOP number)

MoHP (2018f). SOP: User Support. (no SOP number)

MoHP (2019) SOP 11: Introduction of new e-Health in the HIS landscape of MoHP Malawi

Smith T (2015). Achieving a Unified System for M&E of the Health Sector in Malawi. Principle [sic] Barriers and Opportunities for Investment.

Vital Wave (2019). Assessment of EMR Systems in Malawi. Prepared for the MoH, Republic of Malawi. Initial Landscape Assessment

5b. Digital Health (+ other) management/governance: NOT Malawi de Freitas C, Amorim M, Machado H et al. (2021) 'Public and patient involvement in health data governance (DATAGov): protocol of a people-centred, mixed-methods study on data use and sharing for rare diseases care and research.' BMJ Open 11:e044289. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044289

Germann S, Jasper U (2020). 'Realising the benefits of data driven digitalisation without ignoring the risks: health data governance for health and human rights.' mHealth 2020;6:34. doi: 10.21037/mhealth-2019-di-11

Ibrahim H, Liu X, Zariffa N et al (2021). 'Health data poverty: an assailable barrier to equitable digital health care.' Lancet Digit Health 2021 https://doi.org/10.1016/ S2589-7500(20)30317-4

Kickbusch I, Agrawal A, Jack A, et al. (2019). 'Governing health futures 2030: growing up in a digital world- a joint The Lancet and Financial Times Commission.' The Lancet 394:1309//

Marcelo A, Medeiros D et al (2018). Transforming Health Systems Through Good Digital Health Governance. Asian Development Bank; ADB Sustainable Development Working Paper Series 51. N, George A, LeFevre A (2019). 'How to use relevant data for maximal benefit with minimal risk: digital health data governance to protect vulnerable populations in low-income and middle-income countries.' BMJ Glob Health: 4:e001395. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2019-001395

Tran Ngoc C, Bigirimana N, Muneene D et al (2018). 'Conclusions of the digital health hub of the Transform Africa Summit (2018): strong government leadership and public-private partnerships are key prerequisites for sustainable scale up of digital health in Africa.' From Digital Health Hub of the Transform Africa Summit (TAS) 2018 Kigali, Rwanda. 8-9 May 2018 BMC Proceedings 12 (Suppl. 11): 17. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12919-018-0156-3

World Bank (2021). World Development Report 2021: Data for Better Lives Washington DC: IBRD. WHO (2018). 71st World Health Assembly Agenda Item 12.4: digital health. 26th May 2018. WHO (2019). WHO guideline: recommendations on digital interventions for health system strengthening. Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO/RHR/19.8).

Plus: Principles of Digital Development. Retrieved from: https://digitalprinciples.org/

6. Decentralisation and Gender

Beall J (2005). Decentralizing Government and Centralizing Gender in Southern Africa: Lessons from the South African Experience Geneva: UNRISD. Occasional Paper 8.

Masanyiwa Z, Niehof A & C Termeer (2014). 'Gender perspectives on decentralisation and service users’ participation in rural Tanzania'. The Journal of Modern African Studies: 52 (1); pp. 95 - 122 doi:10.1017/S0022278X13000815

Pendleton J, Irani L, Mellish M, Mbuya-Brown R & N Yinger (2015). Promoting Gender-Responsive Health Governance: Lessons and Next Steps. Washington, DC: Futures Group, Health Policy Project. Slack E, Spicer Z & M Montacer (2014). Decentralization and Gender Equity. Forum of Federations: Global Network on Federalism and Devolved Government. Occasional Paper Series # 14.

7. Documents from other projects/programmes

Chirwa M & A Behrendt (2021). Spotlight Mid-term Assessment Report using ROM review GiZ (2018). Malawi: HSS with a focus on RH. Malawi-German Health Programme.

Mott MacDonald | Independent evaluation of Kuunika: strengthening HIV related health data systems

VENRO (Association of German Development NGOs) (2010). Local Power and Women's Rights –Gender Perspectives on Decentralisation Processes. Workshop of African and European Civil Society Organisations (November 2009).

8. Kuunika and C/S documents

C/S (2020). Investment Overview, Successes, Lessons, and Thoughts for the Future December 2020.

Kuunika (2019). Project Implementation Plan – Operationalizing Kuunika Sustainability 2019-2020; Kuunika Project Implementation Plan for the Financial Year 2019-2020

Kuunika (2020). Sustainability Phase & COVID19 Pivot. Overview June 8, 2020.

Kuunika (2020) Sustainability phase alignment. [NB: 082020]

Plus a number of 2020 and 2021 Kuunika District Activity Plans and Reports across all five supported Districts.

9. Kuunika evaluation documents

2017. Kuunika Evaluation Baseline Report

2019. Kuunika Evaluation Mid Line Report.

10. The C-19 pandemic + its impacts

Heidari S & H Doyle (2020). 'An invitation to a feminist approach to global health data'. Health and Human Rights Journal (22) 2; pp. 75 - 78.

Stover J, Kelly S, Mudimu E, Green D, T Smith et al (2021). 'The Risks and Benefits of Providing HIV Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic'.

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