Integra Consulting Poland

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01 Our offer:


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We are the company you are looking for

We are the company you are looking for [p. 3] Values that move us forward [p. 6] Mission and vision in our operations [p. 8]

INTEGRA Consulting is one of the leaders in Polish training and consulting market. Our

Our offer [p. 12]

development programs that foster accountability and engagement of individuals and teams

work is inspired by our motto: PEOPLE MOVING FORWARD. We carry out customer-specific

INTEGRA Business Trainers School [p. 26]

within your company. Our projects and implementations inspire managers and their subordi-

Integra is its people [p. 28]

even the hardest tasks.

Four steps to the goal [p. 30] Certificates and Awards [p. 32] Praise [p. 33] They trusted us [p. 34]

nates to grow, overcome difficulties, take bold action and take responsibility for performing

Since the beginning of our journey 15 years ago, we have maintained the highest standards of customer service. Only within last 3 years, we have successfully completed over

2 tho-

usand training days. Our training and consulting support enabled our clients to fight off the recession of 2009. We also used this opportunity to gain additional skills and knowledge on helping companies in mitigating the negative effects of recession, as well as in crafting new human resources policy for the future. We consistently develop our training and consulting team, i.e. consultants, trainers, coaches and managers, as well as our back office. Over 250 companies from many different industries have already trusted us, and that number is still growing.


INTEGRA gives strength to make changes and desired direction to individuals and organizations.




Values that move us forward

Responsibility Mastery 6

e focus on self improvement and W knowledge seeking We value hihly openness for feedback We are not afraid to set ambitious goals

e encourage people to face even the hardest W issues We boldly implement all the previous arrangements Our projects combine HR initiatives with business reality

Cooperation We share knowledge adn experience We empathize We agree on common expectations and needs




Our mission and vision ultidirectional personal m advice

Our mission: In organizations, we build

a ssessment and recruitment for key managerial and specialist positions

teams of key employees who boldly move for-

ward and guarantee sustainable growth in the long term.

Our vision: We operate in the consulting and training industry and work with business and public organizations. We help them find, retain and develop proper people on all the organizational levels and in all departments. Our projects


generate measurable 9

results that exceed clients’ expectations.

We advise, train and coach: We diagnose organizational barriers to employees’ accountability.



We assess employees’ potencial on key positions. We prepare people to make real changes in their environment. We advise on building teams being the source of organizational success. e advise companies and run training sessions in such a way, that the employees are open to receive W feedback. We help how to develop employee by reflexive informations. e help each employee answer questions such as: What do I do best? What gives me the greatest satisW faction? In what area do I want to develop?

e ffective support for employees in evaluation and develompent of personal and professional skills

improving business processes i ncreasing effectiveness of work organization

hen working with us, you can be sure that your employees will acquire new knowledge and overcoW me their internal limitations.


Marek Małkowicz Managing Director INTEGRA Consulting

s upport in organizing and creating effective strategies and organizational structures


We help companies find and develop people eager to take even difficult matters in their own hands.





Our offer


How do we help people move forward and solve organizational problems in a responsible way? INTEGRA Consulting offers training, advise and coaching. We analyze your company’s needs and agree on

the most appropriate actions. The names of our services are derived from our motto: People moving forward. They relate to different areas of employees’ development.


Leaders of companies that go from good to great focus on getting the right people “on the bus” and then they decide where to drive the bus. Jim Collins 13


We see to it that you have right people on every key position in the company. ssessment center for the candidates (by reliably evaluating skills and potential we make sure that A people recruited internally/externally are in fact the right choice for a given position); ecruitment and selection of job applicants, procedures that describe and arrange these actions, along R with adaptation stage for newly hired employees;


Diagnosis of deficit areas and implementation of effective job descriptions; otivational compensation schemes and bonus systems facilitating achievement of strategic goals of M the company; otivational systems that reinforce desired attitudes as a part of the company’s short and long term M strategy; Valuation of positions based on their reliable descriptions;


dvice on finding right people for key positions in the company supported by licensed e-tools Star A Tracks and Talent Hunter; Tools and procedures of evaluation and recruitment.


Monika Borowicz Sales manager

Elwira Kosnarewicz HR Consultant, trainer

Recruitment and selection

We fish for the right people.

Competences, experience and motivation of employees is crucial for the company’s market success and business growth. Based on our many years of practice, we can assist out Clients in recruitment of highly qualified managers and specialists.

We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it, but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor. Oliver Wendell Holmes


Our recruitment and selection processes include: environmental diagnosis of the organization and needs analysis in the area of acquiring personnel; developing a way of communication on progress in the recruitment process; efinition of the job description including both formal requirements (knowledge, skills) and personal d requirements (e.g. traits of character, communication skills); i nformational campaign to reach as many interesting Candidates as possible (upon Client’s request, we may also conduct direct search; initial selection of applications; arrangements for interviews with selected Candidates; reports on qualifications and competences of Candidates; arrangements for Client’s interviews with Candidates; assistance and advice while negotiating employment conditions with selected Candidate; providing feedback to all participants of recruitment and selection process.

Looking for an employee?

Looking for a job? Maria Kopczyk Recruitment Consultant






Action and passion is our whole life. Avoiding action and passion of our times, we risk never having lived at all. Herodotus




– Strategic management and planning

– Engaging with customer

– Organizational structure as a tool for strategy execution

– Customer service standards

– Process management

– Telemarketing and on-the-phone customer service

– Project management

– Customer relationships management

– Lean Six Sigma

– Managing customer complaints

– Strategic game — company management

– The art of sales presentation – Negotiation in sales


– Debt recovery

– Cooperation in management team

– Self-motivation for sales professionals

– Situational leadership – Effective team management

We know how important balance is - in professional, as well as personal life. Professionally managed company takes interest in its employees’ development in both areas.


CHANGE AREAS: P rofessional skills: skills used in professional life. They are the crucial factor on employee’s effectiveness;



– Freeing organization from petty politics – Negotiation in company/team management


– Building the company culture

– Trainer’s self-presentation and savoir-vivre – Preparing presentations and training materials


– Prevention in voice projection

– Effective communication with subordinates

– Trainer’s skills — facts and myths; learning in adults

– Management through goals

– Group process — methods of group work

– Delegating and enforcing

– Training needs identification and analysis

– Non-financial motivating

– Preparing training scenarios

– Management through coaching

– Training evaluation

– Decision making – Evaluation interview


– Holding meetings and presentations – Change management/conflict or crisis management

ORGANIZATION AND COMMUNICATION – Communication and cooperation in teams


P ersonal skills: rdeveloped during whole lifetime and used in personal, as well as in professional life. They help us adapt to different environments and situations, build healthy relationships and live a satisfying life.


– Self-management in time

– Personnel recruitment and selection

– Crosscultural communication

– Compensation schemes – Evaluation systems


– Creating job descriptions – Competence management – Transactional Analysis in management

Alicja Matecka Educator, trainer, coach

– Good manners in written communication


INTEGRA PERSONAL MOVING DIAGNOSIS Employees’ opinion analysis Employee accountability level analysis BPO® Training needs analysis

ATTITUDE CHANGE PROJECTS Influencing employees attitudes: creativity, responsibility and proactivity. ANAGERIAL TRAININGS RELATED TO EMPLOYEES’ ATTITUDE M MANAGEMENT

– Development Center

– Influencing people

– 360-Degree Feedback

– Fostering employee accountability

– Extended Disc®

– Methods of creative problem solving

– Ethics in business

– E-tools: Competence Navigator®, Delight Index®

Coaching is a method of personal development that allows for merging managers’ unique characteristics, talents and skills with company’s vision and goals for growth.


Examples of areas analyzed and developed with use of business coaching:

Emotional intelligence Conflict resolution within and between teams — workshop Creativity workshop

Employees’ potential analysis, performed in order to define right development paths and company’s training needs, supported by such methods as:



Entrepreneurship workshop Furthering one’s own accountability Manager’s image within the company and on the outside Savoir-vivre in business Woman in business Managing one’s own career Discovering one’s own work mission

DEDICATED PROJECTS S PARK Project – how to foster employee accountability for internal and external customer service (ABB) “ Lighthouse Keeper” Project – how to strengthen employee accountability and engagement in problem solving (Paroc) “IMPULSE” Project – how to keep in touch with client’s affairs (Impel Security Provider)


LIFE COACHING The aim of life coaching is to become more aware of one’s own values, beliefs, reactions and emotions, and to make better use of them. Life coaching is very beneficial for the organization as its employees start to boldly move forward. The employee is more eager to take responsibility for problems and tasks occurring in their professional and personal life. He or she becomes also more aware of the tasks in front of them and performs them more effectively. Examples of areas analyzed and developed through life coaching: ersonal resources in such areas as emotionality, values, reacp tions, attitude (creativity, responsibility, entrepreneurship etc.), free-time management, image and self-presentation etc. skills of adequate self-evaluation and self-control

Proprietary training program which develops managerial skills by combining carefully chosen physical exercises with mental training.

19 Personal and professional life balance

uman resources management methods (e.g. task delegation h and enforcement analysis, intervention analysis),

Fulfilled parent — effective manager

ethods used for building relationships in work environment m and motivating employees,

Personal values and beliefs

a bility to perform self-evaluation and self-control adequate to work situations

Training in openness towards life changes

Flow/fulfillment in personal life Drawing strength from your body with sport training T raining in achieving long term goals (high-mountain expeditions)

Want to know more? Call us!

+48 61 662 08 98

By sharing knowledge and experience we unleash the power to act.







Matching organizational structure to the strategy

Business processes optimization

ssessment and improvement of major processes, matching A those processes to the requirements of organizational strategy and strategic goals

– Lowering manufacturing costs by reducing manufacturing scrap rate

iagnosis and matching individuals’ skills to organizational D structure

– Identifying bottle necks in manufacturing process – Process mapping, workshop for managers

Establishing a goal achievement measurement system E stablishing change implementation plan that guarantees achievement of strategic goals and sustainable success

One of greatest challenges for modern organization — a challenge that eats up the energy of people and companies — is the overflow and chaos of tools, procedures, roles and standards. Robert Kaplan

E stablishing and implementing the evaluation system tailored to fit the strategic goals of the company

– Diagnosing organizational needs, preparing proper job descriptions for customer service area, organizing procedures and processes, cooperation with steering committee and implementation of customer service standards description


– Project carried out through training sessions, internal communication tools, evaluation and motivation systems, as well as defining and improving processes

Sales process Internal supply chain


If you want to make sure that the company will move forward and achieve desired results, on top of having right and responsible people, you have to simplify and integrate structures, processes and tools.

Documentation flow

Improvement of supply chain and warehouse management

Information flow in the company

– Reduction in supply chain and warehouse management costs

Construction and technology

Organizing and creating effective strategies and organizational structures

– I mprovement of customer service quality, shortening the response time to complaints, shortening order fulfillment time, lowering the number of mistakes, decreasing the personnel turnover on key positions

Internal/external customer service process

Project management culture


Preparing and implementation of internal/external customer service standards

Manufacturing process

Improving business processes

Manufacturing planning and management

Increasing effectiveness of work organization for a specific job

Quality control

– Supply chain assessment, workshop for managers and key professionals, implementation of suggested solutions, measuring effectiveness

Materials management Tool management and maintenance Purchasing process


Tomasz Jankowski Business trainer, coach, manager

Our trainers, coaches and consultants are certified in: Lean Six Sigma, ICC, PTP, ITAA, NLP


We focus on cooperation and integrate people, strategies and processes.




INTEGRA Business Trainers School We have been organizing and running trainings for 15 years. Our trainers are not only experts in their respective fields and have highly developed educational skills, but are also eager to teach, share knowledge and skills with individuals who have just started their trainer’s work or want to develop further in this area. This is the reason why we founded INTEGRA Business Trainers School (STBI). We offer them a practical knowledge on designing and providing training sessions, we also encourage them to reflect on their personal trainers skills. We offer them a practical knowledge on designing and providing training sessions, we also encourage them to reflect on their personal trainers skills.

THE STBI OFFER COMPRISES OF: c omprehensive background on teaching adults in organizations (sharing knowledge and skills, influencing attitudes, strengthening values while performing day-to-day activities and in professional situations),


opportunity to learn from team of experts — business trainers with great experience, pportunity to design one’s own training under supervision of an experienced trainer; an opportunity o to prove oneself in trainer’s role, pportunity to receive interesting training materials and to gain knowledge that will be necessary on o the later stage of independent work, c oherent concept of trainer’s work in the following areas: personal development, knowledge on trainer’s skill set and rules governing the operation of an organization.






Integra is its people Mariola Bardziejewska Business Trainer • Psychologist

Great experience in working with people in a group, as well as in individual context. As a trainer she specializes in building and maintaining relationships with clients and coworkers, team building, motivating employees, building managerial skills and “Train the Trainers” courses. Certified in Extended DISC Personal Analysis and Extended Disc Team Analysis, serves as a coach in Szkoła Coachingu Moderator (Coaching School Moderator).

Kinga Czachowska Business Trainer • Certified ICC Coach • Assessor • Psychologist • Journalist

Great experience in training. She specializes in organizational culture changes, trainings and coaching for personal development, management, interpersonal skills building, as well as self-presentation, presentation and savoir-vivre.

Magdalena Czwojda Business Trainer • Work Psychologist

Specialist in work, advertisement and management psychology with 12-year trainer expertise. She specializes in trainings in management, sales and customer service. She has gained expertise in leading “Train the Trainers” workshops for managers, members of the training teams, from the international financial corporation.


Rafał Drohojowski NLP Practitioner • Trainer • Manager • Engineer

Trainer, Manager. Graduated from Politechnika Poznańska (Poznań University of Technology) and completed post-gradual course on Public Relations on Akademia Ekonomiczna (Poznań University of Economics). He was awarded the status of International Practitioner of NLP. Specializes in trainings that aim at improving communication, negotiation, sales and time management skills. He also handles HR projects.

Łukasz Gabryś Trainer • Manager • Coach

He specializes in professional sales skills and customer service standards. His additional area of expertise is personal and managerial skills development, as well as coaching.

Tomasz Jankowski Business Trainer • Coach • Negotiator • Manager • Psychologist

Combines teaching with business practice. He has worked as a trainer for 14 years, focusing on management, sales and preparing for the trainer’s role. He is a member of PTAT (Polish Association of Transactional Analysis), takes part in a program to be certified as a Transactional Analyst for working with organizations (2007–2014).

Katarzyna Małkowicz Certified ICC Coach • Assessor • Psychologist

22 years of professional experience, also as an academic teacher. She specializes in trainings in interpersonal skills development and dealing with stress. She provides managers with individual coaching on personal skills development. She is an NLP practitioner and a certified ICC coach.

Marek Małkowicz Manager • PTP-recommended Trainer • Executive Coach • Psychologist • NLP Practitioner

Has 21 years of experience (15 years as a trainer). He is the owner and managing director of INTEGRA Consulting. Has great experience in management and in programs related to cultural change in organization, as well as in individual and group coaching for managers.

Alicja Matecka Educator • Trainer • Coach

She has over 16 years of professional experience in the training business. She focuses on projects related to building company’s strategy, managing the organization, effective sales, managerial skills development, commercial negotiations and mediations. She has gained experience while at the Trainer’s School of the Polskie Towarzystwo Psychologiczne (Polish Psychological Association) and at the Trainer’s School of Centrum Edukacji Obywatelskiej (Center for Citizenship Education).

Piotr Sajewicz Trainer • Psychologist

For 13 years has been conducting training workshops based on proprietary programs and materials. He focuses on the following types of training: on management (leadership, motivational management, delegating authority, building task force, work organization) and on sales (sales techniques, psychology of customer service, building business relations, presentations, telemarketing).

Renata Świrydczuk Counselor HR • Trainer • Coach • Psychologist

12 years of practical professional experience, 11 years expertise as Consultant and Trainer. Specializes in practical trainings in improving managerial skills for managers and on improving skills related to customer service for sales reps. Runs trainings in personal development. Provides the companies with advice on implementing HR tools (periodic evaluation systems, satisfaction assessment etc.). Also, provides managers with coaching in work organization and building effective task force.

Dorota Tomaszewska Educator • Trainer • Coach • Counselor

For 18 years, she has gained expertise in training and consulting in leadership, coaching, negotiations, presentation, sales and customer service. She derives her practical experience from projects carried out for representatives of many different professions. She provides managerial coaching to medium and high level managers. She supports HR departments in performing analysis of current state of affairs in the company and planning for developmental activities.

Sławomir Kłos Ph.D. in Economics • Engineer • Certified Trainer

Beata Wołoszyn Trainer • Psychologist • Assessor • Counselor

Elwira Kosnarewicz HR Counselor • Trainer • Psychologist

Waldemar Woźniak Ph.D. in Economics • Engineer • Consultant • Trainer

Manufacturing organization expert and consultant focusing on implementation of integrated manufacturing systems management, with 15 years of experience in the field. He specializes in manufacturing management, logistics management and implementation of integrated management systems in manufacturing enterprises. His focus is on implementing methods and technologies that increase effectiveness of manufacturing and logistics processes.

Psychologist, Trainer and Counselor with 15 years of experience, has also 20-year expertise as an instructor. She specializes in consulting and training in employee recruitment and selection, evaluation interviews, implementation of management systems (e.g. periodic performance evaluation, competence system) and interpersonal skills development. Runs courses that prepare for the role of a trainer.

Hanna Malinowska Trainer • Coach • Psychologist

Psychologist and Trainer with 12-year experience. She specializes in trainings in building and managing a team, interpersonal communication, professional sales and customer service, personal creative potential development. She has gained practical experience while working for big international corporations for several years. She has graduated from Szkoła Trenerów Biznesu TROP (Business Trainer’s School TROP), recommended by Polskie Towarzystwo Psychologiczne (Polish Psychological Association), and she competed post-graduate program on Coaching at the Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa in Poznań (Poznan School of Banking).

Ph.D. in Humanities, with 18 years of professional experience and 15 years of expertise as a trainer. She focuses on trainings in management, customer service, and development of personal and interpersonal skills. She runs courses preparing for the role of a trainer. She participates in advisory projects related to setting up competence systems, assessment and development center. For 2 years she has been working as an expert-coordinator for Szkoła Trenerów Biznesu INTEGRA (STBI, INTEGRA Business Trainers School).

Consultant with 20 years of expertise. He specializes in project management, streamlining work processes, economic projections and strategic analysis for enterprises. He therefore refers to his knowledge on controlling, cost accounting, investment accounting and regulation of working time. Has 16 years of experience with projects on streamlining work processes.

Paulina Węgrzyn Trainer • Consultant • Work and Organization Psychologist • Polish Philologist

Graduated from UAM (Poznań University), Cracovian Psychodynamic Center and Szkoła Trenerów Biznesu INTEGRA (INTEGRA Business Trainers School). For 6 years, she has been working in a project team that focuses on advisory and training activities co-financed from EFS (European Social Fund), and for 3 years she has been an active trainer of INTEGRA CONSULTING. She runs workshops in effective communication in teams, assertive cooperation and building professional image, good manners in verbal communication, customer service and building lasting relations with external clients, as well as managing teams of employees.



Four steps to the goal




Activity through training and workshops Each training is preceded by the assessment of needs of the organization and/or training participants

P ost-training reports on groups potential and recommendations for the participants and their superiors.

Work in groups of 8 to 12 people supervised by one or two trainers;

Follow up – a way to verify and provide support for implementation of newly acquired skills;

1, 2 or 3-day competence training;

We combine our trainings in cycles, so that they help develop complex sets of practical skills.

Several hours of interactive lectures;

Proprietary training materials;





Attractive work methods that engage body, mind and emotions: – case studies with solutions for a specific team or company – strategic games and simulations – outdoor activities – creative techniques for problem solving


– tasks in subgroups



– moderated discussions – minilectures – work with a questionnaire – role-plays – working with a video camera


– analysis of educational and fiction films



– self-evaluation of groups and/or individuals – deepened analysis of insights after completion of the exercise – on-the-job training – post-training implementation workshop.



Certificates and Awards 2011 Top rank in ranking of training companies published by „Home&Market 2010” magazine 2007 - 2010 „Business Fair Play” awarded in plebiscite held by Institute for Private Enter-

prise and Democracy

Our Clients talk about our projects WIKA Polska S. A.

IMPEL Security Provider Sp. z o. o.

„Working with Integra Consulting brings out of the box solutions, resulting from ability to listen and understand current requirements of an international organization.”

„Customer Service Standard implemented in our company with assistance of Integra Consulting allowed for increase in customer loyalty and significant improvement of service levels. Also, internal discipline and interdepartmental cooperation improved.”

Andrzej Ossowski – Financial and Administrative Director

Barbara Tomaszewska - HR Director

2010 Top rank in ranking of training companies in Poland published by Warsaw Business Journal

PartnerTech Sieradz Sp. z o. o.

2009 Prize-winner in Advisio contest for the most future-focused advisory and training companies

„With Integra Consulting, we conducted comprehensive analysis of leadership skills in the company. This was a starting point for development of a program aimed and furthering those skills in our leaders.”

in the newest edition of yearly „Book of Lists 2010”

in Poland



2007 Award in contest for companies that invest in human capital; Title „COMPANY PRIMUS INTER PARES 2007”

2005 Member and Founder of the Polish Chamber of Training Companies 2002 Certified as „Top-quality training organizer” by Data Group

Adam Wacławski – HR Director

Man Star Trucks & Buses Sp. z o. o. „As a result of working with Integra Consulting, interdepartmental cooperation in our company improved, superiors and subordinates talk more openly with each other. This resulted in more effective production goals fulfillment.” Renata Bolanowska – HR Specialist

Paroc Polska Sp. z o. o. „Great insight and understanding of client’s needs, combined with ability to transfer vast knowledge – this is Integra Consulting in a nutshell. I highly recommend them.” Marcin Mordkowicz – Board Director

Centrum Medyczne ENEL-MED S. A. „We appreciate Integra Consulting for their flexible approach to our needs.” Joanna Pietrasińska – HR Specialist

Chata Polska S. A. „What I value in Integra Consulting is full professionalism of people I have worked with.” Agata Waga – Knowledge Academy

PHILIPS Lighting Poland S. A. „Leader’s Academy was one the of the projects undertaken to improve employee satisfaction. It was carried out by Integra Consulting in 2007. As measured in yearly EES survey, satisfaction of line workers increased by 14 percent. Integra Consulting’s project resulted in better relationships between managers and production leaders and an increase of superiors’ commitment to nurturing their subordinates’ potential.” Aneta Filipek – Training Officer HR Department

Netia S. A. „Participants of Integra Consulting’s projects appreciate proactive approach, trainers’ flexibility and ability to solve submitted problems without loosing track of predefined objectives. Participation in such training makes working easier and increases effectiveness.” Urszula Pycek – Human Resources Department

LG Display Poland Sp. z o. o. „With Integra Consulting, we successfully performed a training cycle on leadership for our management.” Klaudia Morawiec – Director of the HR Development Department



PUBLISHING /MEDIA Bertelsmann Media Sp. z o.o. Edica S.A. Harbor Point Sp. z o.o. MEDIA RODZINA LektorKlett Sp. z o.o. OOH Magazine TVP S.A.


Wydawnictwo Forum Sp. z o.o.


Trasko-Stal Sp. z o.o.


ABB Sp. z o.o.

Trio Line Polska Sp. z o.o.

EMC Instytut Medyczny S.A.

Akzo Nobel Sp. z o.o.

Vox Industrie S.A.

Fresenius Medical Care

Albeco Sp. z o.o.

Wavin Metalplast-Buk Sp. z o.o.

GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals S.A.

Alstom Power Sp. z o.o.

Wika Polska S.A.

PGF Urtica Sp. z o.o.

Amitech Poland Sp. z o.o.

Do not hesitate to contact our consultants who will present you with our detailed offer:

Telewizja Kablowa Poznań S.A.

They trusted us

Servier Polska Sp. z o.o.

Akwawit S.A.

We invite to contact us

Torfarm S.A.

Monika Borowicz


Bridgestone Poland Sp. z o.o.

tel. 61 847 10 62

Bemo Motors Sp. z o.o. DSE Draexlmaier Systemy Sp. z o.o.

mob. 607 766 657

Durr Poland S.A.

GoodYear Dunlop Tires Polska Sp. z o.o.

Dominika Gapska

Intier Automotive Seating Sp.z o.o. Keiper Polska Sp. z o.o.

MAN Star Trucks & Buses Sp z o.o.

tel. 61 661 30 80

Solaris Bus&Coach S.A.

Biuro Techniczno-Handlowe Import Stal



Deta Polska Sp. z o.o.

Bacha Polska Sp. z o.o.

Vipharm S.A.

Decora S.A.

Biogran Sp. z o.o.


Deceuninck NV S.A.

Cadbury Wedel Sp. z o.o.

Agencja Rezerw Materiałowych

Cereal Partners Poland „Toruń-Pacific” Sp. z o.o.

Magdalena Rybarczyk-Dominas

Den Braven East Sp. z o.o. Efaflex – Polska Sp. z o.o. Fugo S.A. Halfen Produkcja Sp. z o.o. Gemplus Pologne Sp. z o.o. GATX Rail Poland Sp. z o.o. Hörmann Polska Sp. z o.o. Huhtamaki Polska Sp. z o.o. Kennametal Sp. z o.o. Mago S.A. Metalplast System Sp. z o.o. Nordenia Polska Poznań Sp. z o.o. OKI Systems Polska Sp. z o.o. Panasonic Battery Poland S.A. Paroc Polska Sp. z o.o. Perschmann Sp. z o.o.

Duni Poland Sp. z o.o. Farm Frites Poland S.A. HJ Heinz Polska Sp. z o.o. Hochland Polska Sp. z o.o. Imperial Tobacco Polska S.A. Josera Polska Sp. z o.o. Kraft Foods Polska Sp. z o.o. Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa S.A.

Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Humanistycznych i Dziennikarstwa

Urzędy Skarbowe

LOGISTICS / TRANSPORTATION DFDS Transport Sp. z o.o. DPD Polska Sp. z o.o.

mob. 697 333 884


Wrigley Poland Sp. z o.o.

C&C Partners Telecom Sp. z o.o.

Zakłady Tłuszczowe Kruszwica S.A.

Lama Gold Poland Sp. z o.o.

Ericsson Sp. z o.o.

Makro Cash and Carry Poland S.A.

GTS Energis

Media Markt Polska Sp. z o.o.

Netia S.A.

Monnari Trade S.A.

Polkomtel S.A.

Optimum Distribution Sp. z o.o.

Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. z o.o.

Pepco Poland Sp. z o.o.

P4 S.A.

Piotr i Paweł S.A.


SCA Poznań Display Sp. z o.o.


SKF Poznań S.A.


POLOmarket Sp. z o.o. Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowe Arko Sp. z o.o. Selgros Sp. z o.o.

Amplico AIG Life

Solar Company Ltd. Sp. z o.o.

PSA Finance Polska Sp. z o.o.

Troll Market Sp. z o.o.

Volkswagen Bank Polska S.A.

Yes Biżuteria Sp. z o.o. Żabka Polska S.A. tel. 61 661 30 80

Jysk Sp. z o.o.

IFS Poland Sp. z o.o.

Krzysztof Sójka

Poczta Polska

Leroy Merlin Polska Sp. z o.o.

SCA Packaging Poland Sp. z o.o.

mob. 601 370 933

Schenker Sp. z o.o.

Uniq Lisner Sp. z o.o.

IDS Scheer Polska Sp. z o.o.

TPV Displays Polska Sp. z o.o.

Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa

tel. 61 847 10 63

Ministerstwo Pracy i Polityki Społecznej

IKEA Retail Sp. z o.o.

Sanitec Koło Sp. z o.o.

Timac Agro Polska Sp. z o.o.

Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej

Ministerstwo Infrastruktury

Chata Polska S.A.

Comarch S.A.

Ticon Sp. z o.o.

PriceWaterhouseCoopers Polska

Sokołów S.A.

Ruukki Construction Sp. z o.o.

ThyssenKrupp Energostal S.A.

Metropolitan College

Ministerstwo Finansów

Pfeifer&Langen Polska Sp. z o.o.


TG Instalacje Sp. z o.o.

Manpower Polska Sp. z o.o.


Rhodia Polyamide Polska Sp. z o.o.

Swedwood Poland S.A.

JDJ Bachalski Sp. z o.o.

Komenda Główna Policji

Nutricia Zakłady Produkcyjne Sp. z o.o.

Philips Lighting Poland S.A.

Smurfit Kappa Polska Sp. z o.o.


mob. 695 791 814

Contact: 61 662 08 98 61 661 30 80



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