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1. La Bastida was declared a site of Cultural Interest in 2005 (Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia nr. 241, decree 112/2005).

In the delimitation of the protected area, the nearby deposits of


Juan Clímaco (Copper Age) and Las Anchuras (Old Bronze) were also included in the delimitation of the protected area.

2. Archaeological Museum of Murcia, Archaeological Museum of

Almeria, National Archaeological Museum (Madrid), Royal Museums of Art and History (Brussels, Belgium), Museum of the

University of Ghent (Belgium), Municipal Archaeological Museums of Cartagena, Lorca and Mazarrón and Arrese Museum (Corella, Navarra). 3. The current list includes those of El Oficio, Fuente Álamo, Peñón de la Reina (Almería), Castellón Alto (Granada), Peñalosa (Jaén), llleta deis Banyets (Alicante) and one recently discovered in La

Almoloya (Murcia).

4. Medina, J. and Sánchez González, Mª. J. (1999), “Excavación en el poblado argárico del Barranco de la Viuda (El Hinojar, Lorca), X

Jornadas de Arqueología Regional, pp. 17-18.

5. López Padilla, J. A. (ed.) (2014), Cabezo Pardo (San Isidro, Alicante). Excavaciones arqueológicas en el yacimiento de la Edad del Bronce. Museo Arqueológico de Alicante, Alicante.

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