Integral build 14Forty case study

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Client: Client:Eurest 14Forty / GE / GE Capital Capital Project: Project:Aztec Oil &West Gas Offices, Bristol GE’s GE’sAztec AztecWest Westoffice officeisisone onethe thefastest fastestgrowing growingininThe TheUK. UK. As Asaa result resultofofthis thisthe theOil Oil&&Gas Gasdivision divisionrequired requiredaalarge largenumber numberofofnew new offices officesand anddesk deskspace spacefor forthe thenew newstarters startersand andother otherstaff staffre‐ re‐ locating. locating. The Theworks workswere werecarried carriedout outwith withthe theclient clientininoccupation occupationand andasas such, such, much much ofof the the works works were were carried carried out out atat night night and and atat weekends. weekends.Strict Strictprocesses processeswere wereininplace placetotoensure ensurethat thatthe theoffices offices were wereclean cleanand anddust dustfree freefor forthe thenext nextshift. shift. Works Worksinvolved involvedhigh high specification specification double double glazedglazed partitions partitions, with associated acoustic solid mechanical stud partition and electrical systems with alterations associated as well mechanical as a substantial and electrical amount alterations of manifestation as well as anda graphics substantial to ensure amounttheof new manifestation offices wereand on brand graphics withtoGE. ensure the new offices were on brand with GE Capital globally. These new offices ‘all’ have wall talker paint on one wall so the individuals can plan or mind map.

Client: 14Forty / GE Capital Project: Smartcenter, Bristol GE Capital have a number of Smartcenter spaces for staff to partake in teleconference with global partners.

Client: Client:Eurest 14Forty / GE / GE Capital Capital Project: Project:Aztec QuietWest Pods , Bristol Office GE’s OurAztec clientWest required office quiet is one rooms the for fastest staffgrowing to utilise. in The individuals UK. As a result are communicating of this the Oil &via Gasa division numberrequired of media a large and number needed of suitable new offices space. and desk space for the new starters and other staff re� locating. The works were carried out with the client in occupation and as such, much of the works were carried out at night and at weekends. Strict processes were in place to ensure that the offices were clean and dust free for the next shift. Works involved high specification double glazed partitions with associated mechanical and electrical alterations as well as a substantial amount of manifestation and graphics to ensure the new offices were on brand with GE.

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