case study
Switchgear modifications and temporary power generation necessary for DRUPS maintenance
Switchgear modifications and temporary power generation necessary for DRUPS maintenance St Phillips is a main trading and data hub for RBS and as such is protected by a HITEC DRUPS power delivery structure. A problem had to be resolved in that the power to the critical areas was delivered by a single system with no redundant generator in support, however it was clear that the system shutdown to remove the HITEC induction coupling which would take several days to complete and that temporary backup generation rated at 1250 KVA and UPS rated at 400v 3 phase minimum 25 KVA and control systems had to be supplied and built before this action could be undertaken. Project outline The object of the temporary works described was to allow the introduction of new switchgear and plant which will allowed the existing site DRUPS and associated switch panel to be maintained and over hauled without affecting the resilience of the supply and without full or partial shut downs.
As the control specialist Integral were responsible for undertaking a liaison between the generator supplier, the panel manufactures, the DRUPS manufacturer, UPS manufacturers, and extract fan manufacturer, which enabled the project to function as one integrated system. The provision of the new change over panel control panel was delivered to provide a foolproof control philosophy which would continue to operate should the other panel fails, which also integrated into the temporary UPS and Generator systems provided. All commissioning of engineering services had to be carried out in accordance with the recommendations contained in BS7671, British Standards, and in accordance with this and other contract Documents. As lead Contractor Integral were responsible for carrying out the testing, commissioning and demonstrations of the engineering installations which incorporated all AP authorisations, switching and planning. This extremely complex project to complete the exchange of the induction coupling was completed without fault or reduction in resilience, on conclusion the following message was received. “This is ‘fantastic’ news and I would personally like to congratulate everyone for their input on this project and achieving the successful results.” Nicholas Ganderton Faithful & Gould
“completed without fault or reduction in resilience.�
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