Brand Guidelines 2013
The Importance Of Our Brand
Pantone 369pc Black
Our Logo Do’s & dont’s
Helvetica Your world is our world.
Documentation/ Templates Whats supplied?
1290 Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol BS32 4SG T: 01454 278 900
F: 01454 201 169
Sales enquiries 03333 212 216 E: enquiries@integral.co.uk
Brand Guidelines 2013
The importance of our brand…and the way it looks The following guidelines have been developed to ensure that the uptimeplus brand conveys a consistent identity across all communications. Corporate identity defines a company to itself as well as to the outside world. It is an investment in the company’s future and helps lend credibility and professionalism to the business. Using our coprorate identity correctly and consistently is important. Every time we use our logo, we send a message about the quality of our services, about the value we place on the organisation and ourselves. In an increasingly competitive market, establishing a strong, trusted brand is crucial. It’s what differentiates us from our rivals and clearly positions who we are, what we do and how we do it. In fact, it’s the essential building block in the relationship we build with each and every client. Most importantly we need to remember…
one world + one brand = one look uptimeplus
Our Logo The uptimeplus identity is a powerful tool which helps give us the profile we deserve. It enables us to stand out from the crowd, enhance our core essence of delivering engineering excellence consistently across our geographies, service lines and key industry sectors. As a strong and consistent platform for promotion, the brand assists in increasing pride and appreciation internally and enhancing perceptions and increasing awareness externally. Bold, confident and distinctive, the u[timeplus brand is an identity which demands attention, heads-up and promotes the company.
Wherever possible, the logo should appear in the top or bottom right hand corner of the page. The bottom right hand corner is the preferred position. A space of 75% of the logos height from the page edge is essential.
Exclusion zone
An exclusion zone around the logo should always be present to ensure that the text and other elements do not interfere with the logos integrity. To maintain clarity and legibility the logo mark should enjoy an MINIMUM area of 5mm clear space surrounding it.
Page text should not fall lower than 5mm of the top of the logo 5mm
Minimum 75% of logo height
Brand Guidelines 2013
Logo Usage The size of the logo is relevant to the other elements within the design. The logo should never appear smaller than 50mm wide in any design.
Key points Logo must ALWAYS be positioned bottom right of page.
Space below logo should no less than 75% of logo height.
Space to right of logo should be no less than space below.
Typefaces Our brand typeface is The Helvetica Family Main Headlines - in black Helvetica Bold is the typeface that should be used on any main headline or document statement.
Sub Headings & Body Copy - in black Helvetica is the typeface that should be used for all forms of communication. Only weights shown below are permitted. Helvetica Regular should be used for body copy and Helvetica Bold for headings and sub headings. Italics should only be used for quotes.
Helvetica Bold 20pt - Main Headings
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Helvetica Bold 14pt - Sub Headings (Black)
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Helvetica Regular 8pt - Body Copy (Black)
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Helvetica oblique 8pt - Quotes(Black)
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 6
Brand Guidelines 2013
Pantone 377c Pantone 212c Pantone 2995c Black
uptimeplus Green - PANTONE 377c cmyk
45 cyan 0 magenta
100 yellow
120 red 162 green 47 blue
24 black
uptimeplus Pink - PANTONE 212c cmyk
0 cyan 72 magenta
11 yellow
241 red 109 green 154 blue
0 black
uptimeplus Blue - PANTONE 2995c cmyk
90 cyan 11 magenta 0 yellow 0 black
0 red 164 green 228 blue
Documentation / Templates Although you can’t beat a personal connection with a sales prospect, you cannot be present 24/7 to push through the sale. Therefore, your tender presentation document must work hard for you to convey your brand as well as your sales proposition.
Brochure & Front Covers
Content is obviously important, but, is not always the differentiator when it comes to pitch documents. If you cannot engage your prospect in an effective way through your tender, you may well be out of the race before you get going. By adding design and creative forethought to your presentation, you can grab attention and engage your audience, promoting your organisation, your approach to business and demonstrating how your business communicates effectively. A decision maker may well have a pile of tender documents to sift through for a project, so, is your presentation engaging enough to stand out?
Uptimeplus, 1290 Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol, BS32 4SG, T: 01454 278 900 uptimeplus@integral.co.uk www.uptimeplus.co.uk Company Registration No. 0000000
Brand Guidelines 2013
page layout spec. >
Helvetica Bold 14pt Helvetica Bold 10pt
> > >
Helvetica Regular 8pt 10pt leading
Helvetica Bold 20pt
title of tender submission date 2013
Main Heading Sub Heading Secondary heading
All general text
All general text
Helvetica Regular 8pt
title of tender submission date 2013
Your world is our world
Registered Office 1290 Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol BS32 4SG T: 01454 278 900 F: 01454 201 169
Sales enquiries 03333 212 216 E: enquiries@integral.co.uk Company Registration No. 5307588
Page with image (2 column)
Page with image
Back page (contact)
For more information regarding styles, advice and obtaining all the document templates / ‘brand assets’ please contact: Charlie Collins or Maurice Convery
01454 278 900
If your uptimeplus document does not look like these . . . then it’s wrong, not within brand and should not be used!
> 11
Registered Office 1290 Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol BS32 4SG T: 01454 278 900 F: 01454 201 169
Company Registration No. 0000000