Tracking the Launch of Motorola Droid / Milestone in Social Media - A Sentiment Analysis Case Study April 13th 2010
Motorola Droid launch tracking November 2009 we did a case study on the Motorola Droid launch - which included our latest sentiment analysis technology
Challenges • Massive data amounts → Automatic Analysis o
~ 200 000 comments collected per day
• Need for domain dependent sentiment vocabulary o
“screen freezes”, “no coverage”, “drops calls”, “full keyboard”
• Textual nuisances – spelling errors, internet slang o
“awfull”, “ugh”, “fugly”
Solution - key features A fundamentally new class of stochastic learning based techniques, previously unseen in the literature • Uses unlabeled training data • Operates in unknown environments o
New application domains and languages
• Robust handling of noisy patterns o
Spelling errors, slang and inconsistent information
• Operates on-line, tracking evolving language usage trends
Results - world class sentiment analysis • Online training using 10 million forum posts, identifying o o
more than 16 000 negative phrases more than 33 000 positive phrases
• Tested on annotated user reviews
Results - world class sentiment analysis • Online training using 10 million forum posts, identifying o o
more than 16 000 negative phrases more than 33 000 positive phrases
• Tested on annotated user reviews
Classification accuracy: "but not good enough for me" "sometimes, various applications crash"
"sometimes, it needs few minutes to open an application"
"it is lightweight, sleek and attractive" "it is crystal clear" "the screen is bright and ring tones are unlimited"
Phrase rating Essential sentiment analysis building blocks - fully automated
Motorola Droid launch tracking We combine quantitative sentiment measurement with qualitative phrase extraction
Conclusion • We consider our scheme to represent present state-of-theart in phrase-based sentiment analysis • No matter how sophisticated - automated sentiment analysis will always benefit from human supervision
• At Integrasco, we combine the best of these two worlds
Thank you