ABC - Syllabus 2021

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Course Description Welcome to the Advanced Business Course! As the health coaching industry continues to grow at a staggering rate, we seek to provide our community with a path toward greater entrepreneurial success and distinction as an established wellness authority. Research has continued to demonstrate the exacerbating need for health coaches worldwide. In the United States alone, annual health expenditures total $2.7 trillion dollars, 86% of which comprises of preventable chronic and mental health conditions. Moreover, survey data shows that 60% of Americans are interested in working with a Health Coach, but 80% have not been offered health coaching as a service. That’s why, we’ve put together a robust program catered specifically for Health Coaches and wellness professionals you, to help with everything from honing your target market and building your online presence to crafting a powerful elevator speech and forming strategic partnerships to leveraging sales funnels and lead generation, so you can attain your financial goals and invite next-level success! Through a mix of instructional weeks where you’ll receive video lectures, handouts, and skill-building activities; and application weeks where you’ll attend interactive group calls and actively apply what you’re learning to your business, you’ll have access to the accountability, personalized mentoring, and instruction needed to reach your professional goals, whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner.

Program Objectives As leaders in the holistic wellness and health coaching space, we’re here to provide you with continued learning opportunities that enable you to stand out and thrive in a continuously evolving industry. By the end of this course, you will be able to: • Create a support team that provides you the accountability and feedback you need to stay on track with your unique business goals • Expand your potential by adopting an entrepreneurial mindset and habits that will help you overcome fears, distractions, and limiting beliefs • Leverage your strengths, talents, knowledge, and authenticity to create a custom brand and offering that will help you stand out from the crowd while sharing your gifts with the world • Develop the confidence and strategy to partner with healthcare practitioners, build a referral network, engage with leads and existing opportunities in your social sphere, network like a pro, and ask for glowing testimonials • Design a marketing plan, sales strategy, and enrollment process that attracts exactly the clients your coaching program is designed for • Design a website that is visually appealing, contains effective copy, and is easy to navigate • Build your email list and develop a client funnel that takes prospects from your free opt-in gift to your paid programs and high-level offerings, and nurture new leads with a follow-up email series • Select social media platforms that work best for your business and create a streamlined strategy that supports your brand and offerings • Stay organized and on top of your financials while reverse engineering your success to figure out exactly what you’ll need to do each month to reach your financial goals • Create your very own customized business blueprint that will map out exactly what you need to do to build your unique business at your own pace, providing you with a clear action plan to keep you going once the course ends

Content There are a total of 54 video lectures, over 40 handouts and templates, a corresponding e-workbook, and a business toolkit, all which span the various areas of study, including how to: • Get clear on who you serve, how you serve them, and your unique value • Confidently speak about your services to potential business partners and clients • Build a professional network to expand your reach and get more clients • Release negative beliefs around money and sales as an opportunity to be of service • Embrace feedback and failure as helpful information for improving your strategies and services • Speak to your audience in a way that will grab their attention and resonate with them • Use social media as a tool to connect with your audience • Structure your schedule in ways that manage your time and focus on your priorities • Coach prospective clients to overcome objections and say YES to your program • Use your coach training in different ways to create multiple streams of income • Set up your business yourself - or set up contracts to outsource tasks to freelancers • Create a professional business plan • Secure speaking gigs to gain publicity • And much more!

Your video lectures are delivered by successful in-house Health Coaches as well as world-class business experts like Jonathan Fields, Michael Port, Chris Guillebeau, and Rob Scott. You’ll also gain access to a private Facebook group, which you can access 24/7 to connect with fellow students and receive individualized support and mentorship from your course moderators – IIN grads who have run their own successful businesses. This will be your go-to resource to ask questions, seek support and accountability, share your work for feedback, and solidify your understanding of course concepts. Because this course is all about taking action, this opportunity for support and accountability will be valuable assets in your business-building journey. You’ll also have the opportunity to participate in 8 interactive, live group calls which are hosted by your moderators and feature special guest Q&A sessions with our IIN-house business experts. These 90 minute calls will be a place to ask questions, apply what you’re learning in your modules to your coaching business, receive constructive feedback and guidance , and take part in an interactive learning environment to keep you motivated and boost your growth as an entrepreneur. During the course, you’ll also gain access to a business toolkit that contains done-for-you handouts and client resources, which you can share directly with your clients. Instead of having to invest in designers to create business materials or spend time developing content from scratch, these resources will allow you to maximize your time on your craft – health coaching! We’re committed to helping you succeed!

Module Overviews On the pages that follow, you will find a module-by-module overview of the content in the Advanced Business Course.

Pre-Course Module 1: Get Ready to Grow Your Business You’ll have access to two pre-course modules that you’ll be able to get started with as soon as you enroll! The first one will start you off with an introduction to the course, the guiding principles of the curriculum, and how to customize and maximize your sources of support to help you excel both in the course and beyond!

Videos: • Welcome to the Advanced Business Course • Foundational Principles of the Business Course • Setting the Stage for Success

Handouts: Running a Business is Like Running a Marathon; Create Your Support System

Pre-Course Module 2: Think Like an Entrepreneur Your second pre-course module will help you build key time management and productivity skills and start to determine what your priorities are as they relate to your business. This will help you pin-point what aspects of your work you want to focus on, and which tasks can be taken off your plate in order to optimize your time and energy. Additionally, you’ll be given tips on limiting distractions so you can achieve your business goals as efficiently as possible.

Videos: • Create Boundaries • Set Priorities • Limit Distractions • Embrace Feedback

Handouts: Manage Your Priorities; Initiate the Feedback Loop; Questions for Feedback

Module 1: Master Mental Roadblocks As simple as it may sound, getting clear on your why will set the stage for all actions you take in building and growing your business. What lights a fire in you and inspires you to take action despite fear? What does success look like for you? What does a thriving practice look like for you? In this module, you’ll focus on the importance of identity shifting, mindset, and environment in a way that supports your business vision and overall life you’re trying to create. You will learn how to examine your limits, challenge them, and change them. You’ll also be guided through the process of choosing new, empowering beliefs to replace your old limiting ones, so you can continue taking positive steps forward.

Videos: • • • • • •

Define Your Vision of Success Why We Get Stuck Break Free From Self-Sabotage How Change Happens featuring Rob Scott Find Your Limits featuring Rob Scott Pattern Your New Identity featuring Rob Scott

Handouts: What’s Your Why?; Release Your Limiting Beliefs

Module 2: Define Your Health Coach Brand One of the most common questions we get about the Health Coach Training Program is, “with so many Health Coaches out there, how will I distinguish myself and find my own clientele?” There are so many factors that make you a unique individual, and similarly, so many distinct value-adds that you can incorporate in your business! This module will help you assess your strengths and weaknesses and tap into your authenticity so you can stand out in a field that is growing and evolving each day. In addition to getting clear on what you have to offer as a coach, you’ll be prompted to get super clear on who you serve. You’ll be guided to clarify who exactly your target market is, create an avatar that represents your typical client, and then put yourself in their shoes so that you can build an offering and a brand that speaks directly to helping them.

Videos: • Bio-Individuality in Business

• Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses

• Define Your Target Market

• Authenticity in Business featuring Jonathan Fields

• How to Do Market Research • Think Like Your Ideal Client

Handout: Target Market Worksheet; Sample Survey Questions; Get to Know Your Ideal Client; Feedback Assessment Form; Clarify Your Super Skills, Sparks, and Sacred Values

Module 3: Develop Your Unique Program Following all the mindset-building and niche validation you did in the previous modules, this one will help you start taking concrete actions towards setting up and growing your business! It’s time to put together your signature coaching program or offering. You’ll consider the pros and cons of the various coaching modalities and decide which one aligns best with your goals and preferences. You’ll learn all the basics for structuring your individual or group program as well as how to plan virtual and in-person workshops, so that you can get started working with more clients right away. Videos: • Legal Basics for Health Coaching

• Expand Your Reach with Group Coaching

• Create Your Business Model

• Gain Clients and Visibility with Workshops

• Structure Your Signature Coaching Program

Handout: Sample Program Agreement, Sample Disclaimer Language, Health Coach Scope of Practice, Program Package Template; Program Application Template; Workshop Pitch Template

Module 4: Connect and Collaborate From networking and follow-up conversations to building a referral network and partnering with healthcare practitioners, this module will empower you with tips to become a master communicator and grow your business by collaborating with other professionals, even if you’re not an extrovert! Just as you build meaningful rapport with clients, networking will be an effective way to attract new clients, find opportunities to grow your business, and seek out profitable partnerships. You’ll also be supplied with techniques and guidance to develop a follow-up system that feels authentic to you and is mindful to your audience. Videos: • How to Network Like a Pro

• Grow Your Business with Referrals

• The Art of the Follow-Up

• Take Action: Low-Hanging Fruit

Handout: Dos and Don’ts of Networking, Where to Network, Warm Touch Follow-Up Examples, Referral Partner Pitch Template

Module 5: Build Your Online Presence Running and growing a business requires constant and consistent action – which also includes marketing. And while it can be an overwhelming aspect of being a business owner, the good news is, with how much information we consume online, establishing your online presence is a great place to start! Between search engine optimization (SEO), social media, and blogging, this module will provide you with essential channels to explore when it comes to marketing your business! Through these platforms, you’ll understand how you can generate and grow your lead base and spread the word about your work to as many people as possible.

Videos: • Website Essentials

• Social Media Management

• Basic SEO

• Build your Side Hustle featuring Chris Guillebeau

• Blogging and Guest Posting

Handouts: Guide to Using Photographs; Article and Podcast Pitch Template; Places to Guest Post; Social Media Management Resources; Guide to Posting on Social Media; Design Your Side Hustle

Module 6: Expand Your Reach In this module, you’ll learn how to develop your own customized marketing strategy and adopt a big picture look at your sales process. You’ll identify where your leads come from and how you will nurture those relationships to convert followers and contacts into paying clients and customers. From learning how to create and set up your own optin offer (or free gift) to generate leads and build your email list to becoming your own publicist and securing media opportunities to build your brand, you’ll walk away with a solid foundation for how to market yourself and promote your business.

Videos: • Email Marketing 101 • Build Your List with a Free Gift • Follow-Up Email Sequences • Be Your Own Publicist

Handouts: Create Your Own Opt-In Offer; Set Up Your Email List; Set Up Your Opt-In Offer On Your Website; Build Your List; Follow-Up Email Template; How to Set Up Your Follow-Up Email Series; Press Kit Template

Module 7: Make Money Doing What You Love To a certain extent, most people have limiting beliefs when it comes to money, sales, and selling. How do you sign on clients in a way that feels effortless? Since this is a topic that always offers value, whether you’re a rookie coach or have been in the business for numerous years, this module will cover different strategies to close the deal, convert more clients, and ultimately make more money! We will teach you how to sell your business in a way that is not aggressive or pushy, but rather underscores the value you bring in an authentic way! By the end of this module, you’ll learn how to develop a sales mindset and message that you feel good about and lets your clients naturally choose to invest in their health and wellbeing by way of your product or service!

Videos: • Sales Mindset • Enrollment Conversations • The Money Talk • Navigate Common Objections • Book Yourself Solid featuring Michael Port • Red Velvet Rope Policy featuring Michael Port • Why People Buy featuring Michael Port

Handouts: Questions for the Enrollment Process; Create a System for Enrollment; Common Objections

Module 8: Manage a Thriving Practice Congratulations! You’ve built the business of your dreams or enhanced an existing product or service and taken it to a whole new level. How do you continue your growth post-program? This module will help you master your finances, outsource tasks, and determine your next steps and set of goals to build on your momentum as you move forward. Don’t forget that you have access to your private Facebook group for six months after graduation, so make the most of this resource by asking questions to your course moderators and classmates, and receive support and direction as you continue on your business journey!

Videos: • Raise Your Rates with Confidence

• Know Your Numbers

• Your Money Relationship & Mindset

• Outsource & Scale Your Business

• Plan for Business Success

Handout: Money Personalities; Improve Your Money Mind-Set; Guide to Hiring a Contractor; Guide to Outsourcing

Curriculum Structure The Advanced Business Course is a 16-week course that consists of 8 application weeks that alternate in between 8 instructional weeks. The application weeks are when the live group calls take place and are a time to work on applying the concepts you learned in the previous module in your e-workbook and in your business. The instructional weeks are when your modules are released. There are 2 pre-course modules and 8 modules of course content. New modules are released every other Monday at 9am Eastern Time, with the exception of holidays and test weeks. The Course Schedule, which can be found on the Documents page of the Learning Center, contains the specific dates for all module openings and group calls. Rather than overloading you with information, each module is carefully designed to clearly and simply guide you through concepts that promote business growth and success and inspire you to take consistent action. Within each module, you’ll find: • Learning objectives • Video lectures • Handouts • A 5 question self-assessment quiz • Additional learning links

• Another feature of this course is the Business Blueprint e-workbook, which is a resource that you’ll use throughout the course to develop your business, create goals and action steps, and track your progress. Each chapter of the workbook corresponds to a module in the course. After completing a module, you’ll be prompted to complete the corresponding workbook chapter to apply what you just learned to your business. By the end of the course, you’ll create your very own business plan that spells out exactly who you serve, what you offer, and what you will do to build, promote, and run your unique business model so that you feel clear and supported – even after the course ends. Students are not required to submit your Business Blueprint for review or grading.

The Business Blueprint e-workbook can be found in the Business Toolkit – a collection of practical resources that also contains a bonus content library, two done-for-you programs, and client resources!

While the lectures, skill-building activities, and participation in your Facebook group and live calls are designed to take only several hours a week, this course is all about building and growing the business of your dreams. Since each business will be unique for each student, it will be up to you as to how many hours you put into the action steps needed to establish and expand your business to your desired level! You will have access to all course materials in the Learning Center for six months following graduation. Your Facebook group will remain open but moderators will only remain present for one month after graduation.

Graduation Requirements To successfully complete the Advanced Business Course and receive your certificate of completion, digital Credly badge, college credits through the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS), and continuing education credits for the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) provided you are a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach, you will be required to pass one test with a score of 70% or higher. You can earn up to 11 college credits by successfully completing the Advanced Business Course. However, it is at the discretion of the college or university to determine how many (if any) credits they will accept. As an NBHWC approved continuing education provider, you can earn 24 continuing education credits by successfully completing this course if you are a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) to review your board certification.

Dates for your test period can be found in the Documents section of your Learning Center. There will be no new modules or calls during the test period to allow time to prepare. The test must be completed during the allotted time frame, which is noted on the Course Schedule. Two attempts are allowed, and you have up to two hours to complete each attempt.

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