Emotional Body Challenge

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© 2017, 2019 Integrative Nutrition, LLC | integrativenutrition.com


EMOTIONAL BODY INTELLIGENCE Emotions are felt and manifested in the body, not just the mind. Where do you physically tend to feel your emotions the strongest, and where in the body do you tend to manifest and store those feelings? Do you find yourself clenching your jaw when you’re stressed out? Are you someone who gets a stomachache when upset? Spend some time thinking about how you physically experience your feelings, and map them on the body chart on the following page. Put a star on the areas where you tend to manifest your emotions, and then label the emotions, symptoms, and what tends to trigger them.


“When I’m angry, I feel a tightness in my chest. Triggers include traffic, fighting with my partner, and the night manager at work.”




These physical symptoms of emotional pain are signals that we need some self-care and a space to release what we’re feeling. Brainstorm, and write down things you can do to release the emotional stress in your body during and/or after it manifests. For example, when you feel knots in your stomach, can you sip some ginger tea? When you feel a tightness in your chest, is there a breathing exercise that can help? What works for you to help release the pain and tension? Don’t be afraid to get creative!

How can you release your emotional stress?

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