Why Integrative Systems? Top 14 CIO/CTO FAQs, Answered!

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Integrative Systems has answered all the FAQs that CIOs/CTOs/Business Leaders have in their minds while choosing their technical partner.
1. Why should we choose your company? 22+ years old in the software development industry, Integrative is headquartered in Chicago and is trusted by its clientele Globally. A. Focused on MicrosoftSolutions, and IBM iSeries platforms, B. 250+ Experience & Certified IT Experts C. Have delivered success to about 1150 projects to date D. 85+ clients globally, who believed in us, and we helped them succeed first

• We are very focused on doing “what we are good at” and saying “NO, to what we are not good at”. on understanding problems before we actually start working on solutions.

• And, we believe, this approach gives us an edge to understand our customer and their problems better.

2. What makes you better than your competitors?

• Integrative, both US & India operations are 100% owner funded with no equity diluted. And this implies no pressure from venture capitalists or investors.

• This allows us the liberty to preserve our core values, stay flexible and adaptable, and extend and evolve to help our customers succeed.

3. How Strong is your company? What kind of financial backing do you have?
4. Has the service been tested, verified, or certified by any independent organization? Yes, they are. Integrative has been in business for more than 20+ years now. Working with 85+ clients across the globe has enabled Integrative an opportunity to mature in the processes that we followandthestandardsthatweabideby. A.INC5000 B.MicrosoftPartners C.IBMSilverBusinessPartner D.RatedbyGoodFirms E.GreatPlacestoWork

Havinganin-house softwaredevelopment teamisa privilegehave Buttocompeteintoday’shyper-competitivemarketplace,weneed a team that is agile, ever-responsive to customer needs, and constantlyupgrading.

6. Is there a possibility of a Proof of Concept/Pilot?

To be apt – Yes! Team Integrative breathes technology and is always in the quest for innovation.

5. Why shouldn’t you do it in-house?
I question your figures; can they really be achieved? Can the benefits be substantiated? We have something to break to you that may leave you spellbound.Let’slookatournumberfirst: A.20+Yearsinservice B.85+clientsacrosstheglobe C.Deliveredsuccessto1150+projects D.250+experienced&certifiedITexperts E.70%growth F. Made it to INC 5000, three times ina row withanaverage of 50% year-on-yeargrowth

• Yes,itwill!Becausethesolutionwillbetailor-madetosolveyour uniquebusinessproblem.

• We, at Integrative, understand that not all business challenges can be generalized and resolved through predefined solutions/services.

• Our IT experts always care to dwell on the details of the businesscaseyoushare.

8. Our business is different, how can this solution work in our business?
9. Do you have an Office in our market/territory/region? • Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois United States, Integrative also haveanofficeinIndia. • Integrative is a trusted software innovation partner for SMBs and Fortune500companiesacrossNorthAmericaandCanadaregion. Readthefullblogherehttps://blog.integrativesystems.com/why-choose-integrative-syste ms/
Let’s Connect Please connect with us at –contact@integrativesystems.com Websitewww.integrativesyste ms.com Contact1.8664687974 Address - 900 N Arlington Heights Road Itasca, IL 60143

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